Sutton Ross said: "Lol. Yeah, whatever you say."
Are you really that naive to think that if she left on bad terms, people in the building aren't going to talk about it? Whether you like it or not, quite a few people on this board have access to this kind of information.
I have no stake in this situation because I don't know what happened, and neither does anyone else here which is why, what, half the responses were deleted? Yeah, and reading the Reddit thread of "Well I heard from my sister's boyfriend's uncle's pilate instructor that............".
Yeah, it's all speculation and rumors. She is gone, I wish her well, it's no one's business.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Sutton Ross said: "I have no stake in thissituation because I don't know what happened, and neither does anyone else here..."
I know what happened. Just because you don't know what happened doesn't mean no one else here does.
Why is this being made such a huge deal over?
It's not as if Patti is out of Company.
Caruso was a specific actress who was cast VERY specifically. I found her shrill and boring.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Wow I just pointed out where more info could be found and my post was deleted. Mods are very shady here
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/2/14
all i will say is this was not a amicable split and will leave it at that...
I know what happened. Just because you don't know what happened doesn't mean no one else here does.
That may be true, but you cannot post a thing about it because nothing can be confirmed, making it a moo(t) point.
"you cannot post a thing about it because nothing can be confirmed"
We may as well just copy and paste producers' press releases then. This board is a shadow of its former self. It's not a chat board- chat includes rumours, speculation and unattributed sources. Maybe just call this the "hey-how-do-I-get-cheap-tickets-and-is-this a-good-seat" board?
I agree, I am just going off what the mods have done regarding this thread.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
Dana Steingold played Lydia on Wed. eve, Feb. 12th, and Presley Ryan played the Girl Scout. Both very good, though the show itself is on the empty side.
I made a post laughing about how kids thought she was fired because she smokes cigarettes and my post was deleted.
This place is a joke.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/26/19
My favourite part is when mods delete a post but then don't delete those who quoted them
LOL at the mods deleting posts that aren’t at all inflammatory or go against the rules.
I did mention a former Disney Broadway princess, though, which I’m sure was the cause for the deletion.
This board is getting ridiculous.
The Other One said: "...though the show itself is on the empty side. "
Empty as in the number of seats or Empty as in having lost part of its soul? If I had any qualms about selling my ticket for the final show, they’ve evaporated now. I have no desire to see this without the dynamic duo.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Sutton Ross said: "I know what happened.Just because you don't know what happened doesn't mean no one else here does.
That may be true, but you cannot post a thing about it because nothing can be confirmed, making it a moo(t) point."
Confirmed? By who? Fosse 76 said he/she knows what happened. I have no idea what happened in this situation so I won’t respond to it. But I have on occasion known exactly what happened...a few situations that were actually speculated on in this thread earlier but its not my place to report on private matters. So I don’t.
You have the option to believe me or not but you can’t say it’s not confirmed just because Sutton didn’t post the details.
KathyNYC2 said: "Sutton Ross said: "I know what happened.Just because you don't know what happened doesn't mean no one else here does.
That may be true, but you cannot post a thing about it because nothing can be confirmed, making it a moo(t) point."
Confirmed? By who? Sutton said he/she knows what happened. I have no idea what happenedin this situation so I won’t respond to it. ButI have on occasion known exactly what happened...a few situations that were actually speculated on in this thread earlierbut itsnot my place to report on private matters. So I don’t.
You have the option to believe me or not but you can’t say it’s not confirmed just because Sutton didn’t post the details."
Sutton doesn't know what happened. He/she/they was quoting someone else, and he/she/they said that nothing could be confirmed.
Actors and producers are able to negotiate a mutually agreed-upon termination, provided both sides are open to it. It would allow an actor to leave from their contract without the general termination requirements. They may negotiate a payout or something, as well, to make it easier to accept.
It happens if there isn’t just cause to be fired, but, say, relations between parties have deteriorated and it would behoove both to immediately cut it off.
Hypothetically, of course.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
dmwnc1959 said: "The Other One said: "...though the show itself is on the empty side. "
Empty as in the number of seats or Empty as in having lost part of its soul? If I had any qualms about selling my ticket for the final show, they’ve evaporated now. I have no desire to see this without the dynamic duo."
As in, a few performances and early moments aside, it isn’t a very good show to begin with. The mezzanine was probably 3/4 full, which seemed acceptable for this time of year without boding well for the likelihood of a transfer.
Brightman is excellent. Is he leaving before closing?
Oh Beetlejuice..... I hate to say it I hope I don't sound ridiculous, I don't know who this man is...or anything else about this show and its drama. So while reading these threads didn't realize that 'Dana' was referring to THEE Dana Steingold aka Bat'ya Rosen in The Battery's Down!! I loved her in that web series + the Spelling Bee tour videos and am really happy she's onto something big :'
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
Kad said: "Actors and producers are able to negotiate a mutually agreed-upon termination, provided both sides are open to it. It would allow an actor to leave from their contract without the general termination requirements. They may negotiate a payout or something, as well, to make it easier to accept.
It happens if there isn’t just cause to be fired, but, say, relations between parties have deteriorated and it would behoove both to immediately cut it off.
Hypothetically, of course."
Sometimes it is as simple as paying out the remainder of the contract.
So let me get this straight..
We can’t speculate about why/how Sophia left the show, and every post gets deleted with zero explanation,
but we can somehow have a thread up for days speculating about why Karen is missing shows from Rouge, even having posters go as far as saying <<edited by BWW staff>>.
We can’t speculate about Sophia leaving the show, but we can have a thread running for days and days about Barrett Wilbert Weed’s incident with the conductor at mean girls which was pure speculation.
Please make it make sense.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
There were posts that were simple statements of fact - not speculation - that were deleted.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/23/06
We understand the desire to speculate and discuss rumors, especially those that are salacious. However, in most situations, the more explosive of those rumors are just not true, and we do not feel it is appropriate to have that type of conjecture on the site. It is not fair to the individuals and productions involved, because while many of these types of rumors end up being completely false (either in part or whole), they live on the internet forever if they are allowed to, having far-reaching impacts for many years to come.
So, you are obviously welcome to discuss those things on social media and other platforms, but that type of discussion is not permitted here. If there ends up being a credible news report that confirms a certain theory, then that would be open to discussion. Until then, having rampant, ever-escalating rumors continually posted is not permitted. This has been a long standing policy out of fairness to those individuals discussed on the board.
If there are instances of this in other threads that we might have missed, please use the reporting function on those posts, and we will take a look at them right away. This policy applies to all instances of personal, inflammatory rumors, so we appreciate your help in pinpointing things that have slipped through the cracks.
You are always welcome to speculate about shows, casting, reviews, and things of that nature, but when the rumors discussed are about individuals' personal lives, we have to make the call as to where the line is that we are comfortable with.
Moderator said: "We understand the desire to speculate and discuss rumors, especially those that are salacious. However, in most situations, the more explosive of those rumors are just not true, and we do not feel it is appropriate to have that type of conjecture on the site. It is not fair to the individuals and productions involved, because while many of these types of rumors end up being completely false (either in part or whole), they live on the internet forever if they are allowed to, having far-reaching impacts for many years to come.
So, you are obviously welcome to discuss those things on social media and other platforms, but that type of discussion is not permitted here. If there ends up being a credible news report that confirms a certain theory, then that would be open to discussion. Until then, having rampant, ever-escalating rumors continually posted is not permitted. This has been a long standing policy out of fairness to those individuals discussed on the board.
If there are instances of this in other threads that we might have missed, please use the reporting function on those posts, and we will take a look at them right away. This policy applies to all instances of personal, inflammatory rumors, so we appreciate your help in pinpointing things that have slipped through the cracks.
You are always welcome to speculate about shows, casting, reviews, and things of that nature, but when the rumors discussed are about individuals' personal lives, we have to make the call as to where the line is that we are comfortable with."
Fully understandable.
But are we free to admit that this is wildly unusual? On a Wednesday, an OBC member suddenly departing... without any prior announcement? Especially with the show closing in the not too distant future?
Who knows why truly, and we don’t need answers, but the press release is certainly spin as anyone who has contract experience knows.
Free speech comes and goes so quickly here.