Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/08
I did notice that the ushers at this show have particular attitudes...
I didn't have any issues except that this woman checked her phone for a few minutes and it really ruined "the perfect year" for me, because that bright light is so distracting...anyways, I had to hiss at her and she realized and put it away. Then she confronted me at intermission, and told me she had children and had to check on them. I told her to leave to do that, that I paid a lot of money to see it and she is ruining my show. I can't stand people that act like you forced them to have children, as if it was my fault she decided to have kids. Bitch please. Anyways, I guess that's my only complaint regarding the ushers, wish they had caught her instead of me having to take action.
boonanas said: "I did notice that the ushers at this show have particular attitudes...
Sorry you had this experience. My usher in the house right mezz was a lovely lady who couldn't have been sweeter or more welcoming.
In the old days, people went to shows even though they couldn't check on their children even at intermission, making peace with the fact that the house had probably spontaneously gone up in flames and there was nothing to be done about it.
Scarywarhol said: "In the old days, people went to shows even though they couldn't check on their children even at intermission, making peace with the fact that the house had probably spontaneously gone up in flames and there was nothing to be done about it.
"well said! LOL
I think she wanted me to feel guilty...it didn't work. But she did ruin "the perfect year" it was "the imperfect year" thanks to her!
There is one particular bitter usher that has worked the Palace for a while. I do think the management of the theater needs to step in and give them all a attitude adjustment seminar.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
I'm thankful the show is being so well received and thankful for the four week extension...
The show seems to have turned out better than all of us anticipated...
I rushed the matinee yesterday. I got there at 8 am there were maybe 6? or so people in front of me. By 9:30 there were like 15 of us in line but by 9:45 the line was pretty long! I got Center Mezz Row H and it was marvelous! I was able to see everything perfectly.
This was the first time I've ever seen any sort of production of Sunset Boulevard, I only knew some songs and vaguely knew the plot, but I thought it was great! Glenn Close is spectacular. I was afraid how her voice would be after reading some messages, but I thought it was very good. Her acting was breathtaking, everything was well thought out and beautiful. The rest of the main cast, as well as the ensemble, were great; I really thought Fred Johanson as Max was a standout.
All in all I thought it was great production. After I came home and watched some videos of the original production and WOW I wish I had seen that set! But, what we lost of the set in this production, we gained through that BEAUTIFUL 40 piece orchestra. It sounded amazing.
Go see it if you can! :)
wishIwerehere -
It's interesting - I LOVED Napier's original designs with Norma's mansion and the levitating and everything else that was happening, but what I realized with the 2nd National tour (which was a much smaller production) was how much of the story and music was missed as we were drawn into looking at the sets and what production trick was going to happen next. In hindsight, I wonder if it was Nunn and Lloyd Webber worried that the critics would be attacking his music or any changes they would make from the movie and wanted to try to prevent that/overwhelm it to make it "critic proof"
To me this production shows a maturer Lloyd Webber and company who are confident in their work, willing to take some risks and different takes on things. And the result is theatre at it's best. Happy to see in my peeking at Ticketmaster that a lot more seats have been sold - and already plotting my 2nd visit... as this is a legendary performance
Does anybody know if I would be able to use a Ticketmaster gift card at the theater for rush tickets?
Updated On: 2/5/17 at 03:06 PM
GreasedLightning said: "Sorry you had this experience. My usher in the house right mezz was a lovely lady who couldn't have been sweeter or more welcoming. "
I was in the right mezz for the first preview - was her name Roseanne? Lovely lady, really nice and fun.
I was so happy to see this production. There were a few things that felt off to me (the overly frequent presence of Young Norma, the second half of Let's Have Lunch) but it was a thrilling experience. They definitely cranked up the mics for the end of of some Norma solos, as well as the end of the title song. Still, the audience cheering after "I'm home at last" was well, well deserved.
I'm surprised people find the dummy Joe distracting, I didn't even realize it was still up there until a woman behind us pointed it out afterwords.
I liked that they dimly lit the boxes for the mansion scenes. Everyone around us was in love with the projected black & white clips, as well as the "car light" effect. I thought the staging was well executed overall, and wish I had said something to Price when I ran into him on the stairs.
I will be going back at least two more times, I hope I get to see an understudy or two.
For those who have seen it, would you recommend 11th row center orchestra or first row mezz off the right aisle? If I'm not mistaken, I believe in the Nederlander, the first row of the mezz overhangs the 11th row of the orchestra. So upstairs or downstairs? The ticket price is the same. Thanks for weighing in.
I was also there last night and I have to say it is a tremendous night of theatre. It's clear that many of the people at the first few previews have a sentimental attachment to the piece and to Glenn-they are rapturous audiences. I am not sure they will continue this way. I am sure Glenn is feeling deeply appreciative. As she stated in her interview with Paul Wontorek she is terrified to return to Broadway with the piece 20 years later. New York crowds are tough.
I cried at Glenn's entrance for purely emotional reasons. I also cried when Hogeye hits her with spotlight as did many in the audience, as did Glenn. The audience erupted. It was a happening, without question.
I felt differently than a previous poster who felt the audience was a bit too interactive prior to "With One Look"-they settled down fairly quickly right after. Glenn was in total command. Her "now go" at the end of song was met with delight from the audience.
What I didn't like was the lone "YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS...you goooo girl" at full volume during a quiet portion of the show. This also happened to Sutter Foster during Sweet Charity as a "yassssssss queeen" and several times during American Psycho. My fellow gays need to dial it down a few notches. It's not Rocky Horror.
To comment on Glenn, she is delivering a new take on her Norma. It's completely familiar but kinder. It's a master class. Everything has aged and she has lived the part. She's actually now significantly older than Norma was in the film and is dealing with similar issues-aging out of mainstream film and television roles, newly single (recently divorced), and reflecting on the third act of her life and career.
It seems the voice starts shaky and warms up nicely through the night. It's always been a precarious instrument but it has power when it needs power (not always in tune) and it delivers the emotion. She is a song stylist and is a prime example of a singing actress. She fully commits. Her vulnerability is unmatched in the field. No one will ever give a performance like this ever again. As someone who has the cast recording burned in his brain, I feel she sounds quite different.
As for Michael Xavier I feel people have been harsh. I feel he is very very good. He is much better than doughy Alan Campbell. I though Lewis Cleale on tour was best Joe and Xavier was up there with him. I think Siobhan is a very nice Betty, which in my mind is quite a thankless part. She sings the role nicely and she has nice chemistry with Michael. Also, its very clear through press that Close loves them and feels safe with them. She wanted them along with her Max in order to take the show to NYC. She states in interviews that she combats her terror of this piece by looking into the eyes of her co-stars and ensemble. Clearly these people are connecting well and it shows. During "As If We Never Said Goodbye" seeing Glenn hold Nancy Anderson's hands and arms and look into her eyes and sing made me cry. It was clear it was a moment for both of them. She then moved on to Hogeye and held onto him. It was deeply moving.
Overall, I liked all the choices and I agree with others have said. Young Norma is used effectively at times and at other times she unforgivingly pulls focus. The times she is used effectively she creates heartbreak, like in Perfect Year. She kills Glenn's moment in "New Ways To Dream."
I give Glenn mad props for the quick changes and the heels. She tripped several times on the stairs, God bless her. Also during the The Ladys Paying the velcro on the back of her red top split and she did her best to recover. She's incredible for 70. She looks amazing. The costumes are delicious.
I do hope this production is preserved via audio and maybe even a theatrical presentation. The orchestra is sumptuous and Glenn does sound different. I'd love it preserved.
I would definitely recommend it. Opportunities like this are rare. Yes, many a casual theatre goer will brush it off as a boring, she can't sing musical but people who understand performance and history need to witness this.
ljay - its not been on TKTS- better off trying the box office for rush or discount code on Ticketmaster as I think the producers don't want it ending up on TKTS
Also, in general The Palace is probably my least favorite theatre on Broadway. You're paying obscene prices to sit in seats that I don't think have been replaced since it was a movie house in the 20s-cramped, even for the average person with no padding. Horrible sight lines and shabby. Desperate for an update.
Bettyboy72 said: "Also, in general The Palace is probably my least favorite theatre on Broadway. You're paying obscene prices to sit in seats that I don't think have been replaced since it was a movie house in the 20s-cramped, even for the average person with no padding. Horrible sight lines and shabby. Desperate for an update. "
I'm not expecting any significant changes to the seating plan, but hopefully the seats themselves will be reupholstered when they raise the theatre.
And, by the way, I agree with you about Glenn's performance. I caught the production in London. Blew me away!
Your comments reminded me that during intermission last week I was thinking about the raise of the space and thought about how terrifying it is that they're literally going to raise that massive space. My mind was blown. Ha.
I was at the show this afternoon, and I absolutely LOVED it. Any misgivings I had going in (mainly about Glenn Close reprising her role and the production feeling like a concert) were immediately dispelled once the the production was underway.
Glenn Close is simply sensational. I was admittedly somewhat disappointed to hear she would be taking on the role in this new production instead of someone new, but after this afternoon I completely understand why they brought her back. She is incredible and hits every moment and just really understands the character of Norma.
The rest of cast was great. I can see what people are saying Michael Xavier overacting, but I still thought he was fine. The physical production is simple, but stunning. The staircase laden stage that also houses the glorious 40 piece orchestra is a wonder to behold when the curtain goes up. The use of projections was quite effective. This is definitely a full fledged production. No on should be concerned this is a concert.
This revival ranks up there with the most recent revivals of On the Town and The King and I for me. A stunning new approach that still stays true to the original material. I highly recommend this.
bwayphreak, I find that we frequently have similar tastes in shows, so I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts! These reviews are incredibly affirming to read (and wonderfully written, at that!). Getting more and more excited for my ticket in a few weeks.
Does anyone know if Row AA Mezz (first row) extreme side house left on the aisle (Glenn's staircase side) is obstructed view?
Bettyboy72 said: "Does anyone know if Row AA Mezz (first row) extreme side house left on the aisle (Glenn's staircase side) is obstructed view?
How extreme? I would say any seat around or after 11-15 would be slightly obstructed.
Greased Lightning it's seats 17 and 19. I wondered if they'd be obstructed because the rows behind it actually have 4-5 more seats
Bettyboy72 said: "Greased Lightning it's seats 17 and 19. I wondered if they'd be obstructed because the rows behind it actually have 4-5 more seats
You might miss the very bottom portion of the staircase but I don't think it's anything to worry about. The platform those 8 or so stairs lead too and the ones higher up, at least from my view point, were the most important.