Understudy Joined: 7/18/04
Hi, Sir:
Since you saw the show on a Wednesday matinee, I was wondering if any of the cast members were absent from the performance? I would guess that if someone was out it would most likely happen on a ladies' day matinee. I am considering buying a ticket for TBITB for a Wednesday matinee and would be extremely disappointed if any of my favorite cast members were out of the show.
Although I was around for the original production of Mart Crowley's play, I didn't see it until the film version was shown on my college campus in the early 1970s. I cried a lot when watching the film; and then ended up overnight in the university clinic having a bad cold. I saw the off-Broadway production in the 1990s and loved it. For anyone who has seen the play in its latest version, what have they cut out to reduce the running time to 90 minutes?
Thanks for answering my questions. I truly could be one of the boys in Mart Crowley's play. He knows how to create the ultimate in drama queens. I love you, Mart!!!
Chorus Member Joined: 1/28/15
I was watching stubhub for a while and noticed that most of the tickets for this show (as well as other shows) disappear on the day of the show. Typically, the tickets with ridiculous pricing over $400 disappears (there’s some theories on another thread saying that these tickets are posted on stubhub from the theater itself). For this show in particular, usually there’s only ~10 tickets on the day of the show that I think are actually from scalpers. During the first week of preview, the tickets went as low as $50 on a weekday. But I think now with word of mouth, the stubhub tickets usually are sold out between $100-200 since there are not that many actual scalper tickets to start with. Haven’t been checking it this week as I ended up getting standing room tickets instead.
I have not seen the original but I was there on Monday night and it was about 115 minutes.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/15
Robbie2 said: "CT2NYC said: "FYI, 3rd row center orchestra has completely opened up for opening night, Thursday, 5/31, at $179 per ticket, as well as a ton of premium seats."
Opening Night is 5/30 Sold Out"
Was opening night recently changed to 5/30? Everything I’ve read says opening night was 5/31.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/6/16
It must have changed very recently. Telecharge now says opening night is 5/30 but other places (Playbill, IBDB) still say 5/31. No mention of opening night on the show's website. By the way, just saw three seats in mezz are now available for 5/30 on Telecharge.
Matt Rogers said: "Setting aside the fact that the originalplay has one of the best Act One enders around (the fight, followed by Harold's entrance), this production is clocking in at two hours. The box office can say an hour forty all they want. It's not an hour forty, it's not an hour fifty. It is two hours. Kudos to all you big bladder people out there who are fine with this, but my dinner drinks started wanting to make an exit around the one hour mark, and by the time they were doing the phone call game, I was having an all out pee-mergency.
It's really stupid. Think of all the bar sales they are losing out on. My gay brothers and sisters can DRINK.
Anyway, I would advise everyone to take it easy on liquids before this production and make sure you give yourself adequate bathroom time before the show, or you're going to be counting the minutes until final curtain instead of enjoying what is on stage."
I agree with you. I saw the play yesterday matinee and am glad I went to the restroom before the show started. To give the ushers credit, they did inform us that there is no intermission and advised us to use the restroom before the show since we wouldn't be let back in if we leave for any reason.
I myself have never seen the film or read the play before (ok I'll admit back in the fall when they announced this play I confused it with "And the Band Played On.." I was entertained and certainly felt the wrath of Jim Parsons near the end of the play. I do plan on reading the script and watching the movie some time this summer and give this play more thought but for the most part I thought it was well-acted and well done. Kudos to the cast!
I sat in the side mezz but one thing I noticed from looking down to the orchestra is the aisle seats of the extreme side orchestra are not real aisle seats (you'll be sitting next to the wall) and thus you might feel claustrophobic. Just an FYI in case you're still looking for tix.
Max Greenfield was in the audience at yesterday's matinee.
Also, Jim Parsons almost tripped near the beginning of the play due to the phone cord (he luckily did not fall but his friends certainly gasped and acted the scene well impromptu.) It certainly was unfortunate what happened during curtain call. It happened early on as people started standing up and the cast marched back to the stage. He was going down the steps and somehow either slipped on the confetti or something and fell. At first he brushed it off and took his bow, albeit limping slightly. After his first bow, he exited towards the door at the back of the set and took the stairs down limping. The rest of the cast finished their bows at curtain call and then immediately went to that back door and took the stairs down probably to check on Jim.
Back to my main point --- I also wish this play had an intermission. I went with some gay friends and it would have been cool to have a break in the middle to go to the restroom and to simply chat with each other on what we think of the play thus far. I'm in my early 30s but will admit most of my gay friends have never seen the movie nor have read the play (I know i know... shame on us.)
Leading Actor Joined: 6/23/14
I saw it Friday night (the last snafu-free one) and I thought it was excellent, without any of the pace problems I feared based on early reports, so I guess they've picked it up.
I think Parsons is the weak link in the cast -- I didn't completely buy the transformation from on-edge host to vitriolic host. But the decision not to have an intermission is the right one. It takes place in real time, with emotions boiling up quickly. An intermission would kill that.
But if the original had an intermission seems odd to kill it? I think Mantello's other show - 3 Tall Women - could totally use an intermission. I understand staying in a certain mindset, but I don't think an intermission would kill anything.
KnewItWhenIWasInFron said: "I saw it Friday night (the last snafu-free one) and I thought it was excellent, without any of the pace problems I feared based on early reports, so I guess they've picked it up.
I think Parsons is the weak link in the cast -- I didn't completely buy the transformation from on-edge host to vitriolic host. But the decision not to have an intermission is the right one. It takes place in real time, with emotions boiling up quickly. An intermission would kill that."
Not true. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof also takes place in "real time". That play has two intermissions. No boiling emotions killed by the intermissions. Also, the original production of Boys ran just fine with a intermission for over a thousand performances.
Swing Joined: 5/2/18
KnewItWhenIWasInFron said: "I saw it Friday night (the last snafu-free one) and I thought it was excellent, without any of the pace problems I feared based on early reports, so I guess they've picked it up.
I think Parsons is the weak link in the cast -- I didn't completely buy the transformation from on-edge host to vitriolic host. But the decision not to have an intermission is the right one. It takes place in real time, with emotions boiling up quickly. An intermission would kill that."
To each their own, of course. I saw the Saturday matinee and have seen the film innumerable times. I thought the production was solid and the interaction between the men convincing, especially for so early in the run. Agree with the decision to skip the intermission. I thoroughly enjoyed Zachary Quinto and Robin de Jesus in their roles, although I’d attribute the slowing in the second half mainly to Zachary’s protracted line readings. Bomer’s Donald largely disappeared for much of the second act (even more so than in the film), although I appreciated his and Parsons’ relationship and Donald’s having to manhandle Michael to comfort him at the end.
As to Parsons’ Michael, I bought his performance and actually thought the tension between him and Hutchinson’s Alan was greater here than in the film. He was also entirely acidic with Cowboy and well-matched with Harold. The overall difference in this production and the film is to me the difference between great embarrassment and bone-deep shame. The self-hatred and shame so palpable in the film did not come across from any of the current cast - I did not come away from the play with the certainty that Donald’s depression nor Harold’s self-mutilation had anything to do with their being gay, as I felt from the film. If anyone put that across, I got that from Parsons’ Michael wanting so deeply to be vindicated/exonerated by his intended outing of Alan.
Overall, well worth the time and cash to see what a different generation makes of this material and to see these particular men fill these roles.
lostphantom said: "I was watching stubhub for a while and noticed that most of the tickets for this show (as well as other shows) disappear on the day of the show. Typically, the tickets with ridiculous pricing over $400 disappears (there’s some theories on another thread saying that these tickets are posted on stubhub from the theater itself). For this show in particular, usually there’s only ~10 tickets on the day of the show that I think are actually from scalpers. During the first week of preview, the tickets went as low as $50 on a weekday. But I think now with word of mouth, the stubhub tickets usually are sold out between $100-200 since there are not that many actual scalper tickets to start with. Haven’t been checking it this week as I ended up getting standing room tickets instead."
Something fishy is certainly going on between stubhub and the box office. I want to watch Matt McGrath perform and have had issues with the telecharge website all day so I've been checking the stubhub app every 2 hours or so. at 1:15pm today, there were 106 tickets on stubhub. At 3pm today, there were only 2 tickets on stubhub. From what I recall, there were mostly center orch row B, C, D, E, F, G on stubhub priced over $400 each.
Just odd how all those center orchestra seats were sold in the past 2 hours at those prices.
Wick3 said: "Something fishy is certainly going on between stubhub and the box office. Just odd how all those center orchestra seats were sold in the past 2 hours at those prices."
Someone already linked to an article on here from the NYT re: Mormon where they said the show is putting premium seating directly on StubHub as another place to sell tickets, so not sure what the mystery is here. Those are the premium seat sections. Probably list them on Telecharge and StubHub and when it sells in one place, it disappears from both. Not much of a mystery.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
haterobics said: "Wick3 said: "Something fishy is certainly going on between stubhub and the box office.Just odd how all those center orchestra seats were sold in the past 2 hours at those prices."
Someone already linked to an article on here from the NYT re: Mormon where they said the show is putting premium seating directly on StubHub as another place to sell tickets, so not sure what the mystery is here. Those are the premium seat sections. Probably list them on Telecharge and StubHub and when it sells in one place, it disappears from both. Not much of a mystery.
Except that the tickets are not on Telecharge, and they are being listed on StubHub for twice the price of the mid-premium and premium seats (ie the price you'd pay if you purchased directly from Telecharge). At this point, I'd probably call Telecharge and try to upgrade my last row orchestra seats for mid-premium, if they were even available on Telecharge for my date. They are not.
Nycat63 said: "Except that the tickets are noton Telecharge, and they are being listed on StubHub for twice the price of the mid-premium and premium seats (ie the price you'd pay if you purchased directly from Telecharge). At this point, I'd probably call Telecharge and try to upgrade my last row orchestra seats for mid-premium, if they were even available on Telecharge for my date. They are not."
I think someone pointed out that tickets are listed for some shows on both Ticketmaster and StubHub, but it would make sense that Telecharge wouldn't be as tech savvy to allow for that.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
haterobics said: "Nycat63 said: "Except that the tickets are noton Telecharge, and they are being listed on StubHub for twice the price of the mid-premium and premium seats (ie the price you'd pay if you purchased directly from Telecharge). At this point, I'd probably call Telecharge and try to upgrade my last row orchestra seats for mid-premium, if they were even available on Telecharge for my date. They are not."
I think someone pointed out that tickets are listed for some shows on both Ticketmasterand StubHub, but it would make sense that Telecharge wouldn't be as tech savvy to allow for that."
The NYT article about Mormon noted that StubHub was selling "an allotment" of premium tickets at "set prices" that were "face value" (using quotes literally because I'm quoting the article, not being snarky). I'm not sure how many tickets were being listed per show for Mormon, but for Boys StubHub seems to have 200-300 tickets available for each show throughout the run, and definitely not at set prices, nor anywhere near face value - the first few rows of the orchestra are listed for over $1000 - the prices generally go down a bit by row but by Row M are still double Telecharge's stated mid and premium prices.
I'm not quibbling with you, it just seems different than whatever arrangement StubHub made with Mormon. At least the way it's described in the NYT, anyway - I don't know what the reality was. And they are listing 1/3 of the seats - that's not just some "allotment" to bring in non-theater people who use StubHub for sports and concert tickets and might buy theater tickets because they see them on StubHub (which was apparently the marketing strategy behind the arrangement).
It's just a bit frustrating, that's all. It was bad enough when scalpers were buying up tons of tickets.
FYI, the last 3 rows of mezzanine center have opened up on Telecharge for opening night, Wednesday 5/30 at 7:00 p.m., $129-149.
Updated On: 5/18/18 at 10:42 PM
cali8 said: "It must have changed very recently. Telecharge now says opening night is 5/30 but other places (Playbill, IBDB) still say 5/31. No mention ofopening night on the show's website. By the way, just saw three seats in mezz are nowavailable for 5/30 on Telecharge."
They’re having 2 opening nights. One is for the party and the other is the night reviews are coming out.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/16/18
The cast hits it out of the park in this one; some (way) more than others, but some incredible moments. I've never liked this play, and I still don't. But if you're going to revive it, this is a nice and often very funny production.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/31/69
I grabbed a standing room ticket to this production last night ($40) and for me it absolutely delivers as an entertaining night at the theater. Yes, it's still running about an hour forty-five, but its engrossing. I think it works without an intermission better (if you are familiar with the piece) for me because you need to be trapped in this birthday party gone wrong in real time for it to affect you best....you should feel like you will have to get on the phone next (for insiders, lol). They've done that here (The Transport Groups immersive inside an actual apartment revival a few years back is still did it best).
A lot of people have been going back and forth about the set, it doesn't photograph well, but used in the production it makes more sense. The function of it is really quite genius...the scene can be happening in the den down front while people are seen in the kitchen behind a glass wall in action without any sound. Plus the second story bedroom suite provides some nice opportunities to take the scene out of the den give it party going realness where guests are wandering everywhere to chat or in case of this play use the bed. The Matt Bomer shower scene is not gratuitous at all. It's actually in the text that he takes a shower and is tastefully done. You are supposed to feel his sexiness before other characters enter because he has chemistry with them you find out later on. It's not crass as some people have said.
The pacing is a bit slow, but it's in previews. If you want to see this show at its full effectiveness, wait till it opens. Joe Mantello and the cast are still finding it (he and his assistant were sitting in the back behind the standers). Although you may not be able to get a ticket by then. Some have said this dialogue should have come quick and easy because its clear that they are good friends....I disagree. Pulling that kind of naturalness off is very hard. They are doing a great job up there for it only being a few weeks in. The freezing time to highlight that Michael makes the choice to drink tonight is an idea that makes so much more sense on film because of pacing issues, but I get that Joe is trying to give the show a device to carry it through. It would help if the highlighted moment of Michael at the top of the show was a drinking tablou. I also question the music choices at the beginning and end of the production.
The cast is doing a great job. Standouts to me are Michael Benjamin Washington as a wonderfully internal Bernard and Robin de Jesus as just the right amount of flamboyant Emory (He is everything he needs to be rooted in character not stereotype). Andrew Rannells has comic timing but mugs his way through most of this performance as Larry. You don't quite understand why Hank loves him (hard to do regardless, Larry isn't the most enduring person in this play). Tuc Walkins has great moments, however. Bomer's Donald is believable, it's a smaller role that he makes the most of. I love the choice of him literally trying to disappear into the walls during all the drama. Charlie Carver's character as the cowboy is a bit too bland. Not sure he has the chops to pull this off, very hard to play dumb and make it believable and funny. Joe seems to not want to overplay these moments..Cowboy feels so real it almost comes across as lazy. Brian Hutchison as Alan is a great casting addition. He's just right. The major cast problem to me is the two lead roles. Jim Parsons feels miscast as Michael. He doesn't have the magnetic energy it seems like Michael needs to A) be the hub of a friend circle like this and B) He couldn't scare a lost kid in dark dressed as a monster...the vicious drunk just doesn't work on him. Unfortunately, that's the play. And then Zachary Quinto's take as a overly droll Harold just isn't helping the pace. You find yourself wanting to slap him on the back saying, spit it out boy! Also handsome Zachary Quinto as someone who hates how he looks is just too ridiculous to believe. I actually think had they switched roles, this would have worked so much better. Quinto as Michael, Parsons as Harold. I kept thinking how great it would have been to see the understudy FANTASTIC actor Matt McGrath in either of these roles (I hope one day we get back to a place where a fantastic actor in the right role is enough, I wont hold my breath).
The play was written from a true place by Mart Crowley and in my opinion, whenever that is apparent the relevancy of the play is there. Unfortunately, the question and judgement of what the ideal amount of masculinity a gay man should have is still heavily present in the modern gay community. And shame will always be a universal problem, but I feel like Joe should really bring out the shame in these particular men a bit more. In 2018, its hard for gay men to relate with the shame that men in the 1960's, who could still be admitted to insane asylums for being out, carried with them. When Parson's Harold says, if we could only stop hating ourselves in the arms of Bomer's Donald, it felt untrue. This play is around for people to see how that kind of shame is too heavy for people carry, I hope they figure out how to show that more, because those in the gay community who can now marry need to be reminded whose shoulders they stand on.
How was your view from standing room?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
standing room I was in the stage right section which the downstairs scenes are just find(90 percent of the show) upstairs you had to crouch down to see full bodies, waist level with out. The mezz has an arch in it over the middle section of the orch, so if you are standing there you can see full bodies much better. didn't bother me much though for the price
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Standingovation79, I enjoyed reading your review.
I saw this today, and I really loved it. Joe Mantello is such a great director, and really knows how to bring out great performances from great actors while simultaneously making an old show feel new and fresh. He is truly one of the best directors on Broadway right now in my opinion.
This is an all star knockout cast. Everyone on that stage is absolutely killing it. Jim Parsons was in a boot, but was not using a cane. He was able to perform the whole show as normal even though he was in a boot. It's such a privilege and joy to see so a cast like this on a Broadway stage in which all of them are just killing it and appear to be having the times of their lives up there.
The set was very impressive. Between this and Three Tall Women, it is very clear that Mantello knows how to use mirrors in his productions. I loved the wall to wall red carpeting.
The 2018-2019 is off to an extremely solid start with The Boys in the Band. This show is treat, and I hope the rest of this season's offerings will follow in suit!
I had problems with the set (1968? - really?) and also with the near-oratorio style staging. That is not the apartment of a failing New York writer, and it came off as a very stagnant party. That freeze-frame spotting of Michael's first drink- oh, dear. Rather artsy-fartsy, I think (yeah, we get it). Also, too much of the script is missing,
Blockhead24 said: "cali8 said: "It must have changed very recently. Telecharge now says opening night is 5/30 but other places (Playbill, IBDB) still say 5/31. No mention ofopening night on the show's website. By the way, just saw three seats in mezz are nowavailable for 5/30 on Telecharge."
They’re having 2 opening nights. One is for the party and the other is the night reviews are coming out."
Although Telecharge has changed the opening date back to 5/31, this would explain why a significant portion of the orchestra seating is available for 5/31, while the evening of 5/30 is the only date for the entire run that has no orchestra availability. Has something like this happened before?