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THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'- Page 20

THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'

#475 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/24/17 at 1:50am

JayElle said: "Hi HMPH, I've seen all three...Denee, Shoba, Lauren....  I liked the way Shoba & Lauren gave a hug to the patron who toted the "letter" up to Natasha, especially since some of the patrons were reluctant. I never saw Denee do that.  I though that was kind and encouraging.  

I thought both alternates, Shoba & Lauren, were terrific.  If I had to lean toward a preference, I think I'd lean toward Shoba b/c of her voice, tho Lauren is operatic....correct me if I'm wrong.    However, I wondered if Lauren and Lucas were an item b/c that prolonged kiss had me wondering if we should've yelled, "get a room!"



I'm almost positive Lucas is gay 

#476 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/24/17 at 1:51am

Eliza2 said: "^^^

Lucas used a personal day at the matinee so he could be in the audience and watch the show. After being in the cast since the very first workshop at Ars Nova, today he saw the show for the first time. I'm glad he got to experience that. Some of the cast members said it was a lot of fun to have him in the audience.




I thought only Brittain and Gelsey were the only ones there from the very beginning 

JayElle Profile Photo
#477 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 12:01am

Schubox said, "I'm almost positive Lucas is gay "    Doesn't it figure...the great looking guys that have women fawning over them wind up being gay!

The Thursday 7pm show had Paul McCartney sitting in row E or F, center orchestra with what appeared to be his wife and two young guys...grandkids?  her kids?

The people sitting around him hardly noticed.  Staff said they were told he'd be there on Friday, but he was escorted in on Thrs just as show started and then quickly escorted backstage during intermission.  When the ovations ended for cast of which he was a part, he hustled himself thru the crowds out to huge black SUV limo.  Funny thing, the crowd waiting for Hansen cast didn't notice McCartney walking past them.  (Different generation)   I could see him laughing at many of it, including Balaga.  

I sat wondering if there was any chance he'd sign up for Pierre role. Bad fit, but that doesn't seem to matter to this producing staff.  Anything to keep it open.

I've seen all order of preference....Josh, Scott, Dave, Oak.   Dave physically fits the part, but Scott has a better voice.  

#478 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 12:40am

schubox said: "I'm almost positive Lucas is gay "

Curious as to your reasoning for this. I did an (admittedly rather casual) search that managed to turn up absolutely no info at all - if he has a private life, he's keeping it quiet.


Honestly, if I had to pick I'd say he's more attracted to Art than any gender haha

hmph Profile Photo
#479 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 1:02am

This might help shed some light:

I do have to agree with whomever said Anatole is crucial to how well the show will go. I've seen a couple of Natashas and Pierres (and really preferred the understudies, as I mentioned before). They really provided the heart of the show for me and I still really wish the Stangland/Zakrin performance had been preserved somehow.

However, the Anatole character requires so much and is so pivotal to the story that I can see how the best Natasha/Pierre wouldn't exactly make up for a subpar Anatole. I haven't had anyone else in the role but Lucas Steele, but he's such a standout I can't really imagine anyone else pulling that off. After finally having seen everyone in the category, I would have given him the Tony win.

#480 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 1:12am

I've seen an understudy as Anatole, and he wasn't nearly as good at Lucas. 


That said, I think they made a mistake trying to stunt cast Pierre. While you need a special kind of charisma to succeed as Anatole, you don't need to play an instrument. If, for example, Comet had gotten Brendon Urie to take over as Anatole (instead of him going to Kinky Boots), they might have lasted a few more months at least.

CorkySt.Clair Profile Photo
#481 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 8:31am

^I don't know Brendon Urie's work too well, but I'm sure he would've been a good fit for Anatole. However, with the way his fans acted at KB, a normal, non-immersive show, I can only imagine what they'd do at Comet. All the running around the stage (i distinctly remember Lucas coming into the mezz a few times) plus BB17 (the "Russian custom" seat) and other audience interactions definitely would have had the potential to go wrong. I guess that's why Pierre was one of the safer roles to stunt cast, as he spends like 75% of the show in the pit. 

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#482 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 9:01am

@JustAnotherNewYorker, did you see Blaine Krauss as Anatole?  I know he went on this week.  He has such a beautiful voice.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

haterobics Profile Photo
#483 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 9:13am

JustAnotherNewYorker said: "That said, I think they made a mistake trying to stunt cast Pierre."

Well, you are posting this in a thread about the show closing...

sorano916 Profile Photo
#484 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:15am

schubox said: "Eliza2 said: "^^^

Lucas used a personal day at the matinee so he could be in the audience and watch the show. After being in the cast since the very first workshop at Ars Nova, today he saw the show for the first time. I'm glad he got to experience that. Some of the cast members said it was a lot of fun to have him in the audience.

I thought only Brittain and Gelsey were the only ones there from the very beginning "


Actually, Gelsey wasn't in the show when it was in the tent uptown. Shaina Taub played Mary. Others who were there at Ars Nova & now on Broadway but missed one production are Nick Choski (he wasn't there for the tent downtown), Amber Gray (she wasn't there for ART), and Paul Pinto (he wasn't there for the tent uptown). Grace McLean wasn't at Ars Nova but has been in every production since.


If you look at this review from the Ars Nova production, it's amazing to see how far this show has come in the last 5 years.

Funny to see Lucas!Anatole with his normal hair color & style, too. Heh.

Notreallysilent 2
#485 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:38am

I'm seeing the show on the 27th and I just got an email from telecharge telling me tjay the show will start promptly at 3 PM and after 20 minutes in no one will be able to enter. I know this is the general late seating policy for the show, but I've never gotten an email of them telling me what it is. I've seen the show 5 times now, so it's weird they randomnly emailed me this. Is this just random or is there a special reason why they would send me this email now?

#486 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:42am

Notreallysilent 2 said: "I'm seeing the show on the 27th and I just got an email from telecharge telling me tjay the show will start promptly at 3 PM and after 20 minutes in no one will be able to enter. I know this is the general late seating policy for the show, but I've never gotten an email of them telling me what it is. I've seen the show 5 times now, so it's weird they randomnly emailed me this. Is this just random or is there a special reason why they would send me this email now"

I've seen the show 5x as well and have always gotten that warning email. 


Eliza2 Profile Photo
#487 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:54am

last night on Snapchat, Josh Canfield mentioned that they had just found out they were filming the show for the Lincoln Center archives. Anybody else hear anything about this or which upcoming performance they might be filming?

#488 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 3:19pm

sorano916 said: "schubox said: "Eliza2 said: "^^^

Lucas used a personal day at the matinee so he could be in the audience and watch the show. After being in the cast since the very first workshop at Ars Nova, today he saw the show for the first time. I'm glad he got to experience that. Some of the cast members said it was a lot of fun to have him in the audience.

I thought only Brittain and Gelsey were the only ones there from the very beginning "


Actually, Gelsey wasn't in the show when it was in the tent uptown. Shaina Taub played Mary. Others who were there at Ars Nova & now on Broadway but missed one production are Nick Choski (he wasn't there for the tent downtown), Amber Gray (she wasn't there for ART), and Paul Pinto (he wasn't there for the tent uptown). Grace McLean wasn't at Ars Nova but has been in every production since.


If you look at this review from the Ars Nova production, it's amazing to see how far this show has come in the last 5 years.

Funny to see Lucas!Anatole with his normal hair color & style, too. Heh.



I'll have to check the book when I get home but I swore Dave said Britton and Gelsey were the only ones there from the first workshop, I'll update when I get home 

#489 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 3:24pm

Rainah said: "schubox said: "I'm almost positive Lucas is gay "

Curious as to your reasoning for this. I did an (admittedly rather casual) search that managed to turn up absolutely no info at all - if he has a private life, he's keeping it quiet.


Honestly, if I had to pick I'd say he's more attracted to Art than any gender haha



You are correct. I could have swore I read it in an article, but I tracked down the article and it was not in there. I don't know where it got that idea then. Ignore me everyone 

#490 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 4:57pm

First hit on Google is this Playbill interview where he says:


"If you could tell those teens that "It Gets Better," what would you say?

LS: Growing up is a beautiful thing. You owe it to yourself to be around for that awesome moment when you evolve. It's a long process. Just getting out of high school, your world changes. My heart breaks when I see someone take their life so young. I never felt that. I had a great time in high school. I was the prom king. I had a lot of friends. I wasn't bullied. Years later, when I came into my own, I talked to my family about it. It wasn't the easiest moment, but they're good people and they love and support me."

#491 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 7:18pm

JayElle said: "The Thursday 7pm show had Paul McCartney sitting in row E or F, center orchestra with what appeared to be his wife and two young guys...grandkids?  her kids?

The people sitting around him hardly noticed.  Staff said they were told he'd be there on Friday, but he was escorted in on Thrs just as show started and then quickly escorted backstage during intermission.  When the ovations ended for cast of which he was a part, he hustled himself thru the crowds out to huge black SUV limo.  Funny thing, the crowd waiting for Hansen cast didn't notice McCartney walking past them.  (Different generation)   I could see him laughing at many of it, including Balaga.  

Aw wow, I was there last night on the onstage banquettes and wish I'd noticed him as am a big fan! Glad to hear he was enjoying the show. I will just tell myself that at least he got to see me "act" on a Broadway stage haha

JayElle Profile Photo
#492 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 9:00pm

Hi Valitz, I was at the table on 8/23 matinee where Sonya,Natasha put their stools to sing they dislike each other.  Prior to the show, I warned the family at my table they would have to move their chairs towards the orchestra to let Natasha/Sonya to sit. I didn't know McCartney was there until halftime (intermission, sorry it's football season).  I was at the back of the theater hanging by the awesome sound engineer equipment that those two sound guys run.  Ten minutes into intermission,  Paul walked from the 46th st area and down the aisle towards the stage.  The staff told me they scooted him backstage during intermission. 

When he walked past me by the sound engineers, I looked at him like, "did I just see what I thought?" I couldn't get my phone out soon enough.   Staff confirmed what I saw. I then walked towards the stage, and yes, there he was with family in row E or F.  The house had a staff member stand next to his row to prevent patron contact with him.

I then took my seat at table TQ4 and spent the 2nd half looking at him. I could see him speaking to his, who I thought was,  wife and a younger guy (grandson?, wife's relative?).  During the show, he kept leaning over to speak to the teenage person on the flip side of his wife. I wondered if anyone cared that they were "talking during the show" and why they weren't dispensed to Siberia!  It seemed to me that no one around them knew or cared.

 I figured he'd leave b4 final ovations. He didn't.  I could see him as soon as the cast ran up stairs to exit after ovations, I could see him leaving his family behind while he scooted up the aisle, along with others, to make hay.  I laughed when I saw his gigantic SUV limo outside the front. He waited in the limo until his family joined him.  He had guards around the limo.  I laughed b/c the teens were drooling for Ben to emerge from the stage door even tho he wasn't there this week.  

And I thought of how I was as a teen when we screamed at the Beatles on tv.   Years may go by, but the passion does not.

And to think of it....Paul is old enough to be the great-grandfather of Natasha at 23!!!!   

Also,  I saw the young lady in the banquets (for me bleachers) who has been there >50 times. When I first met her, she had 52 shows under her belt. By the time it closes, she would've been there closer to 60.


JayElle Profile Photo
#493 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 9:06pm

Yes, I agree that it's hard to imagine how long this show has gone one. Lucas 5 years????  He grew up there.  Don't know if he's gay or not.  

But if he is,  for those young ladies in the balcony who scream for him when he enters the stage, all I can say is, "Betrayed, betrayed, betrayed."   

My program book shows Gelsey in off-Bway show, but not clear to me if that was tent or downtown.

I only hope they put it back off-Bway, but it won't be the same w/o the OC......just like Ham.

#494 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 9:19pm

JayElle said: "Hi Valitz, I was at the table on 8/23 matinee where Sonya,Natasha put their stools to sing they dislike each other.  Prior to the show, I warned the family at my table they would have to move their chairs towards the orchestra to let Natasha/Sonya to sit.



Was the family at your table seeing the show for the first time? If yes, it's kinda spoiler-ish to let them know that Natasha and Mary (not Sonya) would be sitting down next to them... Kinda takes away the surprise when the moment actually happens.

I saw the show recently and was seating at the pizza slice, I was by myself and the other two people at the table haven't seen the show yet, I knew about the interaction that would happen with one of them and it was so much fun seeing her reaction when she wasn't expecting it.

JayElle Profile Photo
#495 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 9:59pm

Re: LxGstv, I've been at these tables several times and watched how some patrons became  distraught. One day, the young 12ish preteen complained that no one told him what to do and he freaked out.  I whispered to move his chair forward as Sonya stood there. He became flustered.  He was very upset during the intermission.

I personally went thru the same thing,  but I made a joke of it. I backed toward the rail only to have Denee look at me which intimated that she wanted to sit between me and the person in seat 4. I got up; pulled my chair towards the orchestra, and waved towards her to sit. The audience laughed.  Not all take it that well.

Wednesday, we had a 8 yr old young girl whose parents said the show covered "things" we never discussed with her. They freaked at the sex references.   Having watched the aforementioned young man freak the night before, I simply warned them that two cast members would sit at our table and be prepared to move their chairs towards the orchestra.  Not everyone wants to be involved in that.

I saw that one day when Lucas tried to push a guy away so he could sit during "goodbye" scene. That man was obviously pissed. Lucas  looked uncomfortable.  

Moreover, the young girl on Wednesday was horribly bored.  Her father told her to sit still.   During Pierre's final statement when he says if he was a better man he'd ask Natasha to marry him, she started banging on the chair causing her father to stop her. If an adult behaved like that, they would've been forcibly removed.

 At intermission, she asked if  Andre would save Natasha. I said, "you'll see." She freaked at the Duel, having watched Ham weeks before and expected Pierre to die. She was TOO young for this show at 8 yrs old.  Disney, this is not.

If I had not seen the show before, I would've been pissed at their constant interruption to explain the scenes to her especially since Dad and daughter were 12inches in front of me. That's why I don't go to Disney shows. I didn't pay nearly $200 to put up with this.

Several weeks ago, a staff member told us at the tables not to "fidget."  I asked what that meant tho I knew the definition. She said they had kids who were flailing arms, bored, couldn't sit still. That was Wednesday night.

The tables aren't  for young children, nor is this show.  Get a babysitter.





#496 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:10pm

I can understand how some people might not enjoy being taken by surprise, but they do ask if you are comfortable with someone invading your personal space before the show starts... I guess the better option would have been notifying people when they are buying the tickets that on stage features possible interaction and if that's a problem it should be avoided...

There was a young kid sitting in the sunken tarven seats when I saw it, and Marya has some rather adult dance moves with a ridding crop... I think that when she saw the kid she laughed a little uncomfortably, but hey, it's just the nature of the show... it was actually funny to see her reaction...

JayElle Profile Photo
#497 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:35pm

Sorry LsGxtv who said, "I can understand how some people might not enjoy being taken by surprise, but they do ask if you are comfortable with someone invading your personal space before the show starts."

Not so. They used to do a lot of warning at the outset, but that has not occurred in the last two weeks. They used to warn about not leaving stage seat unless it's an emergency, not to leave until all staff left the stage at the end, about the strobes, etc. I've been in every stage seat there is and a lot of those warnings are no more.

It's as if the game is over so they don't need to do that.  I've been to this show >20 times, mostly on the stage.   I didn't post all the problems I saw with Lucas trying to move folks over like Wednesday night or the person who didn't want to get up on stage to deliver the "letter."

One young lady had total shock and discomfort on her face until she realized it was a part of the show.  Not everyone wants to be part of the show. During intermission, one young boy was in near tears that he "didn't do it right." I tried to console him that everyone screws up and it's part of the act and that he should be proud that he acted on Bway.

Yes, I've had some cast say "we might hit into you so don't worry."   I've had many a costume hit me in the face or cast members lean on me, but it doesn't happen at all locations in every show. 

However, bottom line, if you have to explain every scene to your child, that's disturbing to those around you so leave them at home. While you're making those explanations, others around you can't hear the singers.

I love the show and I know the erotic stance to which you refer.  But, this is not a show for preteens. If it was, the staff would not have been warning us about being "fidgety."  I don't mind paying $15 for a show while a parent tries to placate their child, but not when I'm paying nearly $200.

As the opening song says, "you gotta study up a bit...."

#498 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:48pm

I saw it on the pizza slice this past Tuesday (22nd) and they did warn me, even after I said it was my second time. But yeah, I could understand how they might miss it sometimes. Like I said previously, there should definitely be a warning when buying on stage seating...

I fully agree that it's not really appropriate for kids, on stage at least. Someone had mentioned in a different thread that at one point some cast members did "coke" lines at their table, and I actually saw that happening this Tuesday, must be super awkward if there are kids at the table...

I'm a bit jealous of how many times you've seen the show!!  THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'


Edit: also, thanks for sharing your experiences with the show, it's really interesting to hear some of the reactions... first time I saw it all of the interactive parts went smoothly, so I really had no idea someone would react badly!

Updated On: 8/25/17 at 10:48 PM

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#499 THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
Posted: 8/25/17 at 11:36pm

Agree it's not really a kids show, although the three times I've gone I've seen teenagers enjoying the show. The electro-pop club-like score is very "in" among teens, and the story is really diluted into a rather accessible love triangle. I do remember at the performance where Josh was Pierre I heard a girl ask the mom "Where's Josh?" Which I think said a lot about the way Groban dissolved into the role of Pierre.
