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THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening- Page 5

THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening

Wick3 Profile Photo
#100THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/18/19 at 11:54pm

jaffanout said: "As for him being straight, I fail to see the issue when many of the rest of the people involved are not. It's not like they purposefully avoided hiring gay actors for the London production."

That's the irony. One would think given how many LGBT people are involved with this production, that casting an openly out gay actor (for the lead gay role) would be pivotal. I don't know the hiring process but it is interesting to me how a self-identified straight actor is the best person the casting director can find to perform a lead gay role set in modern New York City. If there is a dearth of openly out gay actors in NYC, then I understand... but come on. 

#101THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 12:28am

Wick3 said: "jaffanout said: "As for him being straight, I fail to see the issue when many of the rest of the people involved are not. It's not like they purposefully avoided hiring gay actors for the London production."

That's the irony. One would think given how many LGBT people are involved with this production, that casting an openly out gay actor (for the lead gay role) would be pivotal. I don't know the hiring process but it is interesting to me how a self-identified straight actor is the bestperson the casting director can find to performa lead gay role set in modern New York City.If there is a dearth of openly out gay actors in NYC, then I understand... but come on.

Again, his casting hasn't even been announced yet. I have no insider information so for all I know he may be replaced with an out gay NYC actor for the Broadway production. But considering he got rave reviews and won the Olivier, I doubt they're concerned about finding someone that would be better for the part. I would imagine the goal with casting is to eventually get to the point where straight people can play gay, gay people can play straight and it genuinely comes down to who is most suitable. In a production that has chosen to cast people of a variety of sexualities, I'd say that's what they're working towards. It's not like this is a piece that revolves around one character. It's a true ensemble piece and the lead role is by any means not the only worthy one.

Markie27 Profile Photo
#102THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 12:55am

I Wick3 said: "jaffanout said: "As for him being straight, I fail to see the issue when many of the rest of the people involved are not. It's not like they purposefully avoided hiring gay actors for the London production."

That's the irony. One would think given how many LGBT people are involved with this production, that casting an openly out gay actor (for the lead gay role) would be pivotal. I don't know the hiring process but it is interesting to me how a self-identified straight actor is the bestperson the casting director can find to performa lead gay role set in modern New York City.If there is a dearth of openly out gay actors in NYC, then I understand... but come on.

Thank you!  I simply cannot believe that there isn’t an openly homosexual man who can play the lead role in an epic play about being gay in New York as effectively, maybe even better, than Soler.   I am sure he is good.   But it is about homosexuality!  It’s like blind casting Leonardo DiCaprio as Solomon in 12 Years A Slave, or on broadway have Troy Maxson be played by Tom Hanks in Fences.  You can’t just cast anyone as lead in a play that is billed as “how much we owe to the people who came before us”.... Wow!  Looks like we owe them $hit since we can’t even cast gay actors to play gay roles in 2019!

I am already disappointed at Andrew Garfield and James McArdle playing the lead gay lovers in Angels in America.... but I guess the AIDS epidemic and the politics of it was the forefront of the play (ok I know that was reaching) so yeah I let that slide.  This I don’t know.   I really can’t take them seriously when they say it’s an epic play of this generation when all that the LGBTQ community have fought for (that was interwoven is this play) - when we fought for representation in every medium, meant nothing since they preferred to hire a straight actor over all talented gay actors in both sides of the Atlantic (heck even around the world - fine don’t make him a New Yorker - just make him gay!)

but then again they may change the broadway cast so who knows.  There is much chatter around the blogs that Soler would be transferring so I still hope for the best.   I have nothing against Soler.  I’m sure he is a great actor.. but there are thousands of straight white roles there.  Can’t they just give this to a gay man? Gay sidekick - fine give it to a straight comedian.  Lead gay role of an “epic” gay play - please no.  IMO I draw the line for this situation.

#103THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 1:12am

No, it's really not the same as Leonardo DiCaprio playing a black slave so let's not go there.

And again, plenty of gay actors were given gay roles in the London production so why are we saying 'we cant' give them that when 'we' already have.

This stuff is only going to get more complex as more and more people identify as bisexual or sexually fluid (which for all I know, Soller himself does). It's never going to be acceptable for a director or casting director to demand to know the sexuality of an actor in an audition and plenty of LGBT roles go to unknown actors, on stage and screen. Some of them are young enough to not even have figured out their sexuality.

Yes, there absolutely needs to be more work for out gay actors, of course. But pick your battles. A production that has hired a number of out LGBT actors can afford to hire one or two straight actors in a giant ensemble piece if the LGBT creatives find them the best for the part and the person that serves the story best. These people are not the enemy, looking to keep gay actors out of work. If they truly found a gay actor they thought would be better for the part, then there's no reason that that's not the actor they'd go with.

TheSassySam Profile Photo
#104THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 7:11am

Has anybody received a discount code? I believe there were mailers sent out. 

#105THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 8:53am

You all do realize that it's illegal to ask a prospective employee what their sexuality is before hiring/not hiring them right?

Wick3 Profile Photo
#106THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:09am

OhHiii said: "You all do realize that it's illegal to ask a prospective employee what their sexuality is before hiring/not hiring them right?"

Of course. At the same time, this is a small community. If the role is for someone who is 18 or younger than 24, then I understand your point. The main lead role is an openly out gay man in his 30s. I'm sure there are actors who are in their 30s who are openly out these days and who have the talent and established work experience.

#107THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:13am

Wick3 said: "OhHiii said: "You all do realize that it's illegal to ask a prospective employee what their sexuality is before hiring/not hiring them right?"

Of course. At the same time, this is a small community. If the role is for someone who is 18 or younger than 24, then I understand your point. The main lead role is an openly out gay man in his 30s. I'm sure there are actors who are in their 30s who are openly out these days and who have the talent and established work experience.

That still doesn't make a difference when it comes to labor laws. You cannot hire someone based on sexuality. Assumed/out/otherwise. Emotion aside, that's just how it is. The union would have a fit if that was a determining factor in casting. 

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#108THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:16am

As an out and proud gay man, I couldn’t be more frustrated at these conversations saying that only gay people should play gay people. They’re actors, they’re hired for a job and they are usually good/great. Yes, there needs to be more work for out gay actors but it’s getting better for sure.

This is the same as a white man playing a black character? What planet are you on?

I’m happy that our stories are being openly told, that’s more important than anything.

#109THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:17am

I should note that I do not in any way disagree that gay characters ideally should be played by someone with the experience because it would be more authentic. Andrew Garfield really stepped in it when he made those comments about choosing not to be gay during Angels. Roles, however, are given based on auditions. For this play, I highly doubt the performers were offer-only, so they indeed had to have the best audition to land the parts. Having seen the play, they're phenomenal at what they're doing.

Wick3 Profile Photo
#110THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:19am

OhHiii said: "That still doesn't make a difference when it comes to labor laws. You cannot hire someone based on sexuality. Assumed/out/otherwise. Emotion aside, that's just how it is. The union would have a fit if that was a determining factor in casting."

I'm not a lawyer but I have hired employees and of course I'd never ask what their sexuality is.

Did the union have a fit when they announced the cast of the Boys in the Band revival last year?

Wick3 Profile Photo
#111THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:29am

n2nbaby said: "As an out and proud gay man, I couldn’t be more frustrated at these conversations saying that only gay people should play gay people. They’re actors, they’re hired for a job and they are usually good/great. Yes, there needs to be more work for out gay actors but it’s getting better for sure.

I’m happy that our stories are being openly told, that’s more important than anything.

I agree with you that they're all actors. I don't think only gay people should play gay people but I do think it makes a difference to the average gay guy such as myself if the main *lead* role is indeed performed by an openly out gay actor --- especially in a play that they're marketing as the next big thing to come to Broadway.

For the gay minor roles, sure hire any actor (gay or straight or closeted) who can do the part. 

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#112THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:33am

Casting is all subjective, based on the director/author/producer/casting director. It's very thorny to talk about discrimination when it comes to theatre casting because the hiring process is so different than other industries. As long as they can justify that they felt the person being hired is best for the role, no lawsuit would even remotely stand a chance.

It's not just about talent, and you're lying to yourself if you say otherwise... it's also about relative name value, availability, geographical location (if they've got two good people, one's from NYC, one's from LA and needs housing, guess who's getting hired), willingness to work for Bway $$ for X weeks, stamina/experience in doing 8 shows a week, etc.

#113THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 10:49am

OhHiii said: "I should note that I do not in any way disagree that gay characters ideally should be played by someone with the experience because it would be more authentic. Andrew Garfield really stepped in it when he made those comments about choosing not to be gay during Angels. Roles, however, are given based on auditions. For this play, I highly doubt the performers were offer-only, so they indeed had to have the best audition to land the parts. Having seen the play, they're phenomenal at what they're doing."

I believe Toby was written for Andrew Burnap since he's done plays with Lopez before. He does a remarkable job with a character that most actors would just play as awful and comic. I liked him when I saw it but after reading the play a few more times I realized what a performance he was giving. 

Lot666 Profile Photo
#114THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 1:01pm

Does anyone know which orchestra row the mezzanine overhangs at the Barrymore?

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#115THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 1:07pm

Lot666 said: "Does anyone know which orchestra row the mezzanine overhangs at the Barrymore?"

Row K

Lot666 Profile Photo
#116THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 2:22pm

ElphabaGoodman said: "Lot666 said: "Does anyone know which orchestra row the mezzanine overhangs at the Barrymore?"

Row K

Thank you!

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

jpbran Profile Photo
#117THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 3:45pm

TheSassySam said: "Has anybody received a discount code? I believe there were mailers sent out."

Am curious about this too.. My November trip is already ridiculously expensive. THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening 

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#118THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 8:02pm

Wick3 said: "Did the union have a fit when they announced the cast of the Boys in the Band revival last year?"

I would LOVE an answer to this question. 

Btw, I’m sure they can cast based on anything, they just can’t announce it or put it in print.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#119THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/19/19 at 9:08pm

Wick3 said: "Did the union have a fit when they announced the cast of the Boys in the Band revival last year?"

As long as shows hold EPAs (even if just for understudies), Equity cannot claim that anyone is being "discriminated" against. And the union has never had a fit over the thousands of all-white casts, all-male plays, etc. Theatre is art, not science, and there will never be a scientific reason for casting certain people over others.

There was a minor hiccup when a Hamilton casting notice said that they were specifically seeing "nonwhite men and women." But simply changing the language to "performers of all ethnic and racial background" hasn't changed the fact that they're still casting non-white actors in the principal roles. And I hope to never see a mostly-white production of Hamilton!!!!


Aaaand just after I posted that, I see this. As far as we think the theatre world has come in terms of diversity and inclusion, it's important to remember it still has a long long long way to go. 

Updated On: 7/19/19 at 09:08 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#120THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/21/19 at 2:58am

<i>Did the union have a fit when they announced the cast of the Boys in the Band revival last year?</i>

The majority of Boys in the Band cast were offers, not auditions.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#121THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/29/19 at 2:06pm

The marquee is up now, but still no news on the cast. And no news on discounts. This is a two-part drama. Do they think the buzz from London will be enough for this one?

quizking101 Profile Photo
#122THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/29/19 at 2:33pm

Yeah. I’m a twee irritated also that there has been no cast announcement. This better mean they are working on something big, because a show opening in six weeks with no cast announced sounds like a bit of a problem to me

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Valentina3 Profile Photo
#123THE INHERITANCE to play the Barrymore this fall; Sept previews/Nov. opening
Posted: 7/29/19 at 2:56pm

DramaTeach said: "The marquee is up now, but still no news on the cast. And no news on discounts. This is a two-part drama. Do they think the buzz from London will be enough for this one?"

I'm holding out on either amazing casting or discount codes for my upcoming October trip. Irrespective of the buzz, sitting in a theater for over 7 hours is not super palatable at these prices unless I'm at least going to get bragging rights for having seen one of the best pieces of art or certain performers.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

DramaTeach Profile Photo
