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Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger- Page 3

Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#50Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/12/19 at 9:19am

I just watched the trailer. This looks awful.

goldenboy Profile Photo
#51Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/12/19 at 11:54pm

A movie about Judy Garland.

Hmm/ Some mmillenials don't even know who Judy is.  They never experiencesd the magic of her singing.

Couldn't the movie have the decency to educate the younger generation using the original vocals? Who wants to hear Zellweger sing when t there are Judy recordings.

Sorry. You don't make a  movie about Sammy Davis Jr. with Sammy Singing.And you definitely DO NOT make a movie about Judy Garland-- a incomparable singer with anyone else's voice.  My opinion.

I also find it suspect that in the trailer, Zellweger never talks.


Also, I saw that Tracy Bennet show...whatever it was called. I chose NOT to remember Judy under those horrendous depressing circumstances.

Ok I'll get off my throne now.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#52Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:20am

TotallyEffed said: "I just watched the trailer. This looks awful."



#53Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:35am

BrodyFosse123 said: "TotallyEffed said: "I just watched the trailer. This looks awful."



I just watched the trailer.  This looks   W O N D E R F U L     ! !

Updated On: 7/13/19 at 09:35 AM

Fetus Profile Photo
#54Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:47am

My biggest concern is that this was adapted from End of the Rainbow.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#55Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/13/19 at 9:53am

Fetus said: "My biggest concernis that this was adapted from End of the Rainbow."

The playwright has stated though it is based on his play END OF THE RAINBOW, it has been expanded and the film is fact-based whereas he states his play was pure fiction and fantasy.   

Fetus Profile Photo
#56Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/13/19 at 10:20am

BrodyFosse123 said: "Fetus said: "My biggest concernis that this was adapted from End of the Rainbow."

The playwright has stated though it is based on his play END OF THE RAINBOW, it has been expanded and the film is fact-based whereas he states his play was pure fiction and fantasy.

That's reassuring. I do wish they were using Judy's singing voice, though. I thought I read a rumor when this was early in production that was going to be the case. This film is probably the only Hollywood depiction of Judy we'll get for years, so I want to keep an open mind.

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#57Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 7/13/19 at 7:53pm

I commented on this film a while back in another posting. I was able to read the script last year...right before they went into production. I liked that, in the version I read, all of the characters were based on real composites, etc. 

I also saw END OF THE RAINBOW, with Tracie Bennett, and while this film covers the same period in Judy's life, it is no END OF THE RAINBOW. It's not as over the top as all that.

In the latest, full trailer (released last week), I thought Zellweger's speaking voice, as Judy, had some of the inflections of the real Garland. Her singing, though, was not indicative of Garland in 1968-1969. I think the reason they let Renee do her own singing is that...had they chose to dub the vocals...the recordings from Garland's "Talk of the Town" engagement were pretty bad; both vocally and more important, technically. They were made on a portable reel-to-reel tape recorder and probably would never have been released were it not for the fact that Garland died within 5 or 6 months of the engagement. 

I'm not sure the recording, which came out on a Canadian record label called Juno, is still commercially available (it was called JUDY. LONDON. 1969.)...but it really was not something you'd want as a remembrance of Garland. I remember one bit in the recording in where you hear a woman of the club's staff, offering a seemingly inebriated Judy some black coffee. Judy still had that great sense of humor when she replied condescendingly to the server, "No, I don't want a chocolate beer!"



ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#58Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 8/31/19 at 10:25pm

Zellweger getting raves, Id be shocked if she wins but I predict an Oscar nom at least. 

mlsheehan Profile Photo
#59Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 8/31/19 at 11:16pm

She might very well be getting raves.  However, she could come up with cure for cancer and this board would tear her apart. 

Personally, I’m looking forward to the movie.  

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#60Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/1/19 at 8:37am

Based on the word-of-mouth coming from Telluride, her Best Actress Oscar nomination is in the bag. Winning it is another story, but the nomination is 100%.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#61Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/1/19 at 9:52am

I think the trailer looks very good. Renee has certainly captured the essence of Judy and her mannerisms later in life and from what I’ve heard the vocals sound lovely. I remember being distracted whenever Judy Davis lip synced to Garland’s vocals in the television movie so I don’t really think either method is satisfactory.

BJR Profile Photo
#62Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/1/19 at 10:13am

I find it fascinating there is this feeling that somehow because she's had work done, that she is no longer a great actress.

She's won an Oscar and was nominated two(? - Chicago, Bridget Jones) times before she won.

She's clearly struggled to get material to get her career going again, but I'm hopeful this is it. Swing big, Renee.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#63Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/1/19 at 12:36pm

BJR said: "I find it fascinating there is this feeling that somehow because she's had work done, that she is no longer a great actress."

I don't think cosmetic surgery takes away a person's ability to act, aside from botox. It's difficult to show emotion when the muscles on your face don't contract so in that respect I think it can detract from one's acting ability. Aside from that as long as the work is subtle it's not too bad but when cosmetic surgery is overdone it can just become very distracting. I think Renee looks great as Judy.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#64Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/1/19 at 2:25pm

Nicole Kidman has a completely new doll face. Totally different than when she started her career and yet she is one of the best actresses we have. Actresses can get work done and still be effective. Kidman even plays dowdy moms and pulls it off due to the strength of her craft.

The general public will be accepting of Renee’s Judy. Gay men are the ones who are going to be the worst critics. They been exposed to the best of the best illusionists since Judy passed. There’s a very high bar.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#65Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/3/19 at 1:08pm

Reviews are's Variety. The film was just screened at Telluride.


Updated On: 9/3/19 at 01:08 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#66Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/3/19 at 1:14pm

It got raves over the weekend from all the big trade papers.   Especially for her.


joevitus Profile Photo
#67Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/3/19 at 2:37pm

LYLS3637 said: "TheQuibbler said: "I’m actually pleased that she’s doing her own singing because I think it frees up the performance a bit. I found it distracting in Bohemian Rhapsody, for example, whenever they’d switch to Mercury’s real vocals because it never looked like the sound was coming out of Malek’s mouth and I think the performance suffered. While I’m sure Zellweger prerecorded her vocals, she can align her vocal performance with her on-screen performance."

That's because Malek didn't do a great job lip syncing. The entire success of the movie musical historicallyhas beenbased on a great performer's ability to lip sync to a track-- Judy being one of the best.

An interesting demonstration of this is the first shoot (not the version that made it into the film) of "The Man That Got Away" from A Star is Born, available as an extra on the Blu Ray (and previously on the DVD, and maybe even following the VHS version, way back when). Completely different staging, different emphasis on performance and big moments by Judy but the exact same voice track--and Garland is such a great actress and her lip synching so perfect it feels like a genuine moment both ways--you'd never guess she likely had neither staging in mind when recording the vocal. There will never be another like her.


#68Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/21/19 at 8:00pm

"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from the film is now on iTunes. 

I personally think she sounds wonderful and is so excited about this.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#69Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/21/19 at 9:48pm

It’s been on Spotify for over a week.

This alone, even without seeing the film, is Oscar worthy.

I’m seeing the film this Thursday in NYC. Day before the general release.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#70Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/27/19 at 9:54am

Saw the film last night at the Angelika in NYC.  Renee is a revelation.  The full circle transformation is simply insane and she brought Judy's humor to life.  Audiences laughed which was magical to watch.  Yes, there are several crash and burn moments but they are treated matter-of-factly and not glorified so this is not a tragic bio pic.  Judy's humor still carries into these, which was not the case with Judy Davis' Judy Garland.  Renee captures the nervous gestures and we see the older Judy twitching. 

JUDY takes place 6 months before Judy died, when her vocals were no longer there and she was a hit-or-miss even showing up so Renee's vocals work perfectly well for the film  It needs her singing live.  Had they done a film about Judy at Carnegie Hall, Renee would NEVER have even considered attempting to sing that Judy Garland.  Ridiculous to even think one could.  

The film soundtrack released includes several songs not in the film and Renee does an incredible job on them.  It blows the mind to listen to her sing these classic Judy standards and in a legitimate voice.  One has to understand music and interpretation to sing those songs.  Who knew this was in her?  

This is Renee's moment.  She will sweep the Best Actress award this entire awards season and the Oscar is hers.  I equate this transformation to Sissy Spacek's Oscar winning COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER.  Both actresses captured the person they portrayed full circle and sang with their own vocals.  

Javi Profile Photo
#71Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/27/19 at 10:00am

In Australia, Renee is coming for a couple of Australian premiere screenings where she will take part in a Q&A. I managed to get a ticket. I’m excited. Oct 8 in Melb and Oct 9 in Sydney.

inception Profile Photo
#72Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/27/19 at 7:27pm

Saw this today. BRILLIANT! If she doesn't get the Oscar it will be a crime.


starcatchers Profile Photo
#73Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/27/19 at 7:42pm

I caught a screening on Wednesday and was VERY impressed. Zelwegger acted it brilliantly and sounded beautiful.

the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association:

Balcony Bill
#74Teaser trailer for Judy w/Renee Zellweger
Posted: 9/28/19 at 12:43pm

The actress who plays the young Judy doesn't look remotely like Garland, in contrast to how eerily Tammy Blanchard captured her and resembled young Judy in Me and My Shadows. The writing of the MGM scenes is embarrassing and laughable, and the scenes have a cheap made-for-tv movie look to them. Zellweger looks more like Garland  and her dramatic performance is good, but her singing to me had a strange, too electronically processed tone to it, with the kind of metallic edge you hear in a lot of recordings of pop singers today. Not sure what the sound engineers did here, but to me it just didn't sound natural. Am I alone in this? Maybe it's just my ears. That said, the film was a sympathetic portrayal of her struggles late in life, with not as many cringe moments as I had feared. Yes, this is the kind of performance Oscar voters love. Hope if she wins, Renee might recognize the irony that the actress who plays Judy gets an Oscar but Judy herself, one of the great popular artists of the century, was robbed of one, apart from a "special" juvenile award when she was young.
