Agree on Laura. Saw the show on May 30 and was as impressed by her as I was with Patti. Patti's one of those forces of nature who straddles the line between genius and ham, while Laura is so freaking delicate and subtle.
Patti was amazing! Whoopi in Phantom: Just priceless but sooo wrong.
I'm not gonna hate you in the magazines,
(I'm better than that)
I'm not gonna compromise my Christianity,
(I'm better than that)
You know I'm not gonna diss you on the Internet
Cause my momma taught me better than that.
Was someone yelling something when people were going nuts for Patti LuPone? It sounded like someone over a microphone. I have an ear infection so it was muffled even with the volume up.
PATTI LuPONE!!!! She's so extraordinary! Her win later tonight (she better) is what I am waiting for the most! I'm hosting a tony party and all eight of us went WILD with applause after her performance - the single best performance all season IMO!
Attend the tale of Bovine Boy
His party threads we all enjoy
But does he have Mad Cow Disease?
He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!!
With cocoa!?!
And lemonade!?!
The heifer-mad poster of Broadway
Patti was incredible and I am so glad they chose that song. They got to do dialogue, and have Laura and Boyd up there. Also, it was different because usually Gypsy productions do Rose's Turn.