Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
i will be sharing my thoughts on the film after the early screening. for anyone else who is watching an early screening, i would like for you guys to share your thoughts too
Lin has confirmed the Donald Trump reference in "96,000" has been changed to Tiger Woods: "Tiger Woods and I on the links, and he's my caddie!"
Stand-by Joined: 2/17/15
Jordan Levinson said: "Lin has confirmed the Donald Trump reference in "96,000" has been changed to Tiger Woods: "Tiger Woods and I on the links, and he's my caddie!""
I'm pretty sure that lyric change has been the norm in stage productions for some time. That's what the line was in the latest Kennedy Center production as well.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/19/18
Is this screening supposed to be for professionals in the industry only, or for can just anyone really sign up?
Janaenae said: "Is this screening supposed to be for professionals in the industry only, or for can just anyone really sign up?"
It’s open to everyone. It’s not in person. You are sent a link an hour before it starts so you can watch it on any device and also to stream it on your TV.
It was open to anyone, but its waiting list only at this time.
Can't wait to hear reports and reviews, I'm hoping that this is going to be a really good movie,
Gah! I am so excited to watch tonight....6:30 viewing!
dramamama611 said: "Gah! I am so excited to watch tonight....6:30 viewing! "
I’m also at the 6:30pm viewing. Super excited to see how it was adapted. Saw the Broadway production a handful of times. Looking forward to “No Me Digas.”
I'm pretty confident that if done right, the opening number, "96,000", and/or "Carnaval del Barrio" will join the collection of the greatest movie musical moments.
Very excited! I will be watching at 6:30. Woo Hoo!
6:30 viewing here. Online - verified - and waiting (half) patiently. 23 minutes to go....
Good luck and fingers crossed for those watching! We all deserve something good to happen right now.
To quote an internet reviewer: "Please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck".
they killed the ending harmony of When You're Home with just Nina saying softly “I’m home” and my disappointment is immeasurable
other than that i’m enjoying it immensely so far
Seeing lots of good word of mouth from the Twitterati!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
Anyone know the run time??? SOOOOO excited for the late screening
cjmclaughlin10 said: "Anyone know the run time??? SOOOOO excited for the late screening"
2 hours and 27 minutes
sadly no Hundreds of Stories (due to a change in the timeline), Sunrise or Everything I Know. Inútil and Enough are also missing but i think those are expected (especially enough because Camila is not in the film).
not a perfect film, there are some odd things like the inclusion of that stuff with the “dreamers” sticks out oddly tbh. but all in all it was so well done and a pretty faithful adaptation with a few tweaks and i loved what they did with the finale. can’t wait for the soundtrack!
I loved every moment. Please don’t spoil the plot changes. They are very well executed, appropriate for the story, and deserve to be experienced organically.
To discuss the good and the not as good would involve a lot of spoilers or at least mentions of variances from the stage show.
I will say that I cried only 3 or 4 times.... So much was so beautiful, touching and emotional. Lots of magical realism that are touching. The choreography is vibrant. There are plot points and timelines that make less sense than before - but that's mostly picky (except the ages of the characters is a little ... confusing). It's not perfect - there are parts that drag a bit - but overall ,it's a success - artistically - to me. And it is unashamably about Hispanic people and communities.
Anthony Ramos and Corey Hawkins are charming. Jimmy Smits are Leslie Grace are excellent. I think the weakest performance was Melissa Barrera as Vanessa.
I can't wait to see it on the big screen in June.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/17
It's a rather good adaptation of a rather good musical. When I saw it on Broadway in 2009 I appreciated the score but had lots of issues with the book. The screenplay makes a lot of changes, which fix a lot of the problems that I had, but also create a whole lot of new problems and occasional contrivances. Visually, the film is very busy and stylized, which is sometimes very exciting and sometimes is just too much and distracts from the story. But, much like the musical, it wears its heart on its sleeve--as does every member of the excellent cast--which makes it hard to stay cynical for too long. There are a lot of things to nitpick (and I'm sure those nits will be thoroughly picked on this board in the months to come), but it's an enjoyable film, and I expect it will be a really big hit.
I was able to get into the screening and really wasn't expecting much from this. As a fan of the original broadway cast and production I wasn't psyched about this cast. They were all fantastic! I missed some of the story lines from the musical (I.e. Priscilla Lopez's character) but the overall film was awesome. I'm glad it turned out the way it did.
Olga Merediz was absolutely wonderful along with Anthony Ramos and Daphne Rubin Vega. The second half moved faster than the first. Some slow spots in the beginning. My top two favorite numbers were Patienza y Fe and Carnival. I am so happy that so many great dancers got to work on this film.
I thought that there was good chemistry amongst the actors and it was great to see the cameos of Doreen, Christopher Jackson and Marc Anthony. Overall an enjoyable two- tissue-feel-good movie.
Someone keep this director away from Wicked, please!