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The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...- Page 3

The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...

bdn223 Profile Photo
#50The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:02pm

In my opinion it is truly a 2 way race between Chita and Kristin. If this was a Kelli's "finally" win, I think we wouldn't still be debating. If Bridges of Madison County actually ran through the June or even made it to the Tony nominations there is no doubt in my mind that Kelli would have walked away with her "finnally" Tony. In my opinion Bridges would have likely had Beautiful's nomination for Best Musical if it made it to Tony nominations, which would have drastically changed many of the outcomes. In all honesty I think if IF/THEN were also nominated for Best Musical Idena would have walked home with her second statuette. This is all speculation, but in my opinion most of last years nominees were great performances in otherwise mediocre productions and the winners were the nominees in the "greatest productions" and not the Best Performances.

Back to this years race though, the problem with Kelli, it is another great performance in an excellent production, where as Chita and Kristin are the productions. Kelli has never really been in a true star vehicle where the show lives and dies by her performance. This is not to say the shows would be fine if she gave a bad performance, but she always plays second banana to her co-star. There Harry Connick Jr in the Pajama Game, Palo Szot in South Pacific, Matthew Broderick in Nice Work if You can Get It (i am not saying he gave a great performance, but you left the theater remembering his crappy performance and not Kelli's), and Steven Pasquale in Bridges, (you left thinking THAT VOICE). And now in The King and I you leave thinking "What was Ken Watananbe saying?". Kelli's co-stars almost always outshine her, whether it be for positive or negative reasons. 

Everyone is also forgetting the amount of work both Kristin and Chita have put into their productions. Chita has been working on The Visit for 13 years and Kristen has been trying to get a revival of On the Twentith Century produced for neary 5 years, compared to Kelli's role of being Barlette Sher's muse and being handed her role on a silver platter. Most of the Broadway community knows this, and it definitely bolters Kristin and Chita. At this point I see Kristin having the slight edge, with her only obstacle being her absences. If she continues to miss performances, even though she has only missed 4 at this point due to illness, I see her falling out of the race faster than Glory Days fell off the Boards.


Updated On: 4/30/15 at 01:02 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#51The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:08pm

That's probably one of the dumbest posts ever posted on BWW.

Most of the things you say are simply not true.

#52The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:12pm

How about another competition between Kristin and Kelli...whose name misspelling bothers you more? "Kristen" or "Kelly"?

Updated On: 4/30/15 at 01:12 PM

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#53The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:15pm

Or when people misspell Chita as Rita?

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad

givesmevoice Profile Photo
#54The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:15pm

Double post.

When I see the phrase "the ____ estate", I imagine a vast mansion in the country full of monocled men and high-collared women receiving letters about productions across the country and doing spit-takes at whatever they contain. -Kad
Updated On: 4/30/15 at 01:15 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#55The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:17pm



I feel like at least this is accurate PJ:

Back to this years race though, the problem with Kelli, it is another great performance in an excellent production, where as Chita and Kristen are the productions. Kelli has never really been in a true star vehicle where the show lives and dies by her performance.



....but the world goes 'round
Updated On: 4/30/15 at 01:17 PM

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#56The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:21pm

"How about another competition between Kristin and Kelli...whose name misspelling bothers you more? "Kristen" or "Kelly"?"

 People misspelling Kristin as Kristen make me so angry, for some reason.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#57The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:28pm

" I feel like at least this is accurate PJ:
Back to this years race though, the problem with Kelli, it is another great performance in an excellent production, where as Chita and Kristen are the productions. Kelli has never really been in a true star vehicle where the show lives and dies by her performance. "

I don't think that's true.  I'd say Bridges last year was definitely her star vehicle.  I don't think another actress would have gotten the reviews that she got and, as a result, I don't think the show would have lasted as long as it did.  Bridges was definitely a vehicle for her, especially since it was written FOR her.

tazber Profile Photo
#58The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:30pm

I was referring to this year's noms.

I should have been more clear.

Bridges was definitely her show.

....but the world goes 'round

#59The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:42pm

Kelli has definitely given us a great body of work over her past shows, but I don't think this is her year. And I would like the Tony voters to truly focus on the performances and not who may be "overdue" or retiring on a high note.

I think Kelli's best shot at a Tony in the future would be to originate a dramatic role. These sweet roles in revivals and things with a classical feel (like "Nice Work") aren't giving her that extra edge to win.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#60The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:44pm

I could agree with that. Kristin and Chita ARE the show. But I will say that I was surprised to see how many critics reviewed Kristin and Gallagher as a cohesive team. Whereas Chita was definitely singled out as the main reason to see the show. 

#61The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:45pm

"I think Kelli's best shot at a Tony in the future would be to originate a dramatic role."



#62The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:45pm

I am going to make my case for why I think Chita Rivera is going to win. Remember: nobody is wrong or dumb until the envelope is opened on June 7th. Some of us will be "right" and others "wrong". I love all of the actresses nominated this year. I think Chita is going to win because I think there are enough older ("Ladies Who Lunch" and their older gentlemen counterparts) who will cast their votes largely for her. I think younger voters will siphon off in three directions, with a majority going to Kelli, then Kristin and then Beth Malone. (I don't believe that Leanne Cope factors at all). It could be that voters skew younger than I think they do, in which case I belive Kelli O'Hara would win. But for now I believe that Chita will win for a dramatic musical performance that was achingly beautiful and haunting.

Also, something else I have thought about: both Kristin and Kelli are hampered (imo) by their co-stars. Peter Gallagher can't hold his own against the powerhouse that is Kristin Chenoweth; and Ken Watanabe (imo) isn't the best King I've ever seen and I didn't care for his diction, singing or acting style. These may factor in or perhaps they may not.

I'm certain Kelli O'Hara will eventually win a Tony award, and it may even be this year. I believe she should already have one for The Light In The Piazza (as great as Sara Ramirez was, I preferred what Kelli did).

I loved Beth Malone's performance. It will haunt me and I will remember it always. I would love for her to win, but I just think Fun Home will win in 6 other categories and Sydney Lucas is the Fun Home actress who will win a Tony on June 7th.

It's fun that it's this close and we can discuss civilly why we think each of these actresses could win - can't wait until June 7th when we all find out what the voters will do!

tazber Profile Photo
#63The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:52pm

Last year was just as fuzzy at this point.

People didn't start really calling it for Mueller until a week and a half before the broadcast.



....but the world goes 'round

#64The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 1:53pm

""I think Kelli's best shot at a Tony in the future would be to originate a dramatic role."

True. But I think she got held down by the lack of enthusiasm for the show, and the very strong competition year. I guess a lot is up to chance.

Freeman, interesting point about the age of voters and the younger ones splitting. May be onto something...

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#65The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 2:00pm

This thread is making me seasick.  Personally, I think the winner will be one of the nominees.  And if the voters all vote, it may be the nominee who gets the most votes.  But that's just my opinion.  It could totally go another way if any of the voters have sushi for lunch.  Or perhaps tacos.  That's what I think.  But if the majority of the voters are gay, Leanne Cope doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell.  That's just a fact.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

tazber Profile Photo
#66The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 2:45pm

I don't mind this thread and I don't mind the other thread.

But having them both be active simultaneously is confusing.


....but the world goes 'round

NYadgal Profile Photo
#66The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 2:59pm

I've never liked the criteria of 'it's her time' or 'he's due' or 'finally this person has won'.

When Kelli wins (in this or any other year), I hope that everyone celebrates it as a win to reward a masterful performance. And not just because it's finally her turn.

My personal opinion is that her performance this year is award worthy. What an incredible year for women in leading roles.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#67The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 3:03pm

I haven't seen any of them yet, but based upon what I've read we have three worthy performances from three honest-to-God Broadway stars.  So flip a coin.  While I would love for Kelli to win, this is not one of those years (or categories) in which any of the losers will have been robbed.

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#68The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 3:08pm

While Kristin has been working to get OTTC revived for five years, Kelli worked with JRB for the same amount of time to get Bridges off the ground. 

Meet shouldn't factor in the amount of time people have been with a project, just their performance in the show.

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#69The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 3:16pm

In my opinion it is truly a 2 way race between Chita and Kristin. If this was a Kelli's "finally" win, I think we wouldn't still be debating. If Bridges of Madison County actually ran through the June or even made it to the Tony nominations there is no doubt in my mind that Kelli would have walked away with her "finally" Tony. In my opinion Bridges would have likely had Beautiful's nomination for Best Musical if it made it to Tony nominations, which would have drastically changed many of the outcomes. In all honesty I think if IF/THEN were also nominated for Best Musical Idina would have walked home with her second statuette. This is all speculation, but in my opinion most of last years nominees were great performances in otherwise mediocre productions and the winners were the nominees in the "greatest productions" and not the Best Performances.

Bridges actually did make it to nomination day last year, it just failed to receive a Best Musical nod, and then the producers posted their closing notice.

RockyRoad Profile Photo
#70The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 4:12pm

It's really cute to see people defending their favorite because she gave an exciting performance...earned critical outstanding.

If the Tonys were about artistry, there would be whole bag of different winners.

With this in mind, the winner will be Kelli.  Simple math:  Chenoweth has a Tony....Chita has two of them. Kelli has been nominated 6 times with no win.  Kelli has earned raves for her performance while Kristin and Chita have earned acclaim as well. The feeling is that Kelli is due, is doing great work and giving it to her for an iconic role just makes the math much easier.

And for those who think this is Chita's goodbye to Broadway, I wouldn't count on it. If there is another opportunity, she'll be the first to jump on it.  Let's hope Chita doesn't turn into a Cher who said goodbye...and goodbye....and goodbye.

WSS2 Profile Photo
#71The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 4:20pm

Yep. It's team Kelli all the way this year.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#72The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 4:31pm

It is?  Huh.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

JamesBroadwayWiner Profile Photo
#73The Kristin/Kelli/Chita competition...
Posted: 4/30/15 at 4:44pm

I hardly think it's a case of simple math. Just because Kristin and Chita have Tonys and Kelli does not in no way proves that Kelli will get it.

"Brevity is the soul of wit"--Hamlet
