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The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread- Page 8

The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread

#175The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:24pm

I haven't seen Gigi - I took it off my list of must-sees after reading the bad reviews / hearing from friends I wouldn't like it but I loved their performance - might just have to see it!

I love Alan Cumming & Kristin Chenoweth as hosts!!!! That ET thing was pretty funny


Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#176The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:24pm

"I can't imagine how this could be construed as confusing."

If someone thinks FUN HOME's set is a series of brick walls from what they saw on the Tonys, won't they be surprised to see the in the round staging when they get to Circle-in-the-Square! Not confusing, but misleading.

HBP Profile Photo
#177The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:28pm

I just bought two tickets to see Fun Home again in July thanks to Sydney Lucas. Spectacular.

Rumpelstiltskin Profile Photo
#178The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:29pm

Still glowing from the Fun Home performance.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#179The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:29pm


Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#180The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:30pm

Yay Ruthie!!! She was my favorite of the pack!

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#181The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:30pm

I guess Judy and Sydney split the votes. I was rooting for Sydney, but Ruthie Ann Miles was fantastic and Tony-worthy.

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#182The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:30pm

...and thaaaat's an upset.

Miles was brilliant, but I thought it was down to someone from Fun Home.

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#183The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:30pm

double post

Updated On: 6/7/15 at 09:30 PM

mc1227 Profile Photo
#184The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:30pm

So happy for Ruthie Ann Miles!!  Exquisite performance...

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#185The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:30pm


n2nbaby Profile Photo
#186The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:31pm

Shocked that Ruthie won but she was fantastic, even though she wouldn't have been my first choice. She seems very humble and down to earth. The fact that her opening of her speech was "I feel like I'm being Punked" made me adore her even more. :P 

mattporter17 Profile Photo
#187The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:31pm

Guess Fun home really did split the vote, huh?

#188The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:32pm

Really was rooting for Sydney Lucas.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#189The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:32pm

That is a Tony speech for the books.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#190The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:32pm

I have a feeling this may not look good for Kelli later... sadly. 

#191The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:33pm

""I can't imagine how this could be construed as confusing."
If someone thinks FUN HOME's set is a series of brick walls from what they saw on the Tonys, won't they be surprised to see the in the round staging when they get to Circle-in-the-Square! Not confusing, but misleading."


I seriously doubt the backdrop for a number that primarily featured close-ups of the cast members is seriously going to be a big deal for anyone.  "Where is the wall of bricks?  I saw a wall of bricks on the Tony Awards?  LOL.

team elphie
#192The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:33pm

Aww was hoping for Sydney. Very happy for Ruthie though

VotePeron Profile Photo
#193The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:36pm

Kelli doesn't have a chance now, sadly.

Mr Smith
#194The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:36pm

Thanks Jordan for creating this thread

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#195The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:37pm

OTTC was another great injection of energy, but everything is so damn hyper!!

Updated On: 6/7/15 at 09:37 PM

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#196The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:37pm

Why doesn't Kelli stand a chance now?

#197The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:38pm

Where does Kristen Chenoweth get all that energy?

somechrysanthemumtea Profile Photo
#198The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:39pm

I know!! She's fantastic!

If a split for FH in Featured Actress was possible, then a split between KCHEN AND KELLI might be possible too, no?

mc1227 Profile Photo
#199The Official 2015 Tony Awards Viewing Party Thread
Posted: 6/7/15 at 9:39pm

I actually think that Miles winning bodes well for Kelli...means the performances have not been overshadowed by the Fun Home and OTTC momentum.  If the audience reaction is any indicator, Kelli won the applause over Kristen..

The only review of a show that matters is your own.
