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The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]- Page 28

The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#675The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 10:29am

I've often noticed that many Bway websites aren't "on top of it" while maintaining their websites.  I never understood why, as it's not that difficult.  (On the other hand, I don't update my website as often as I should,'s easy to forget or simply not get to it.)


Perhaps its not in anyone's specific job description.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#676The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 11:03am

dramamama611 said: "justasmalltownboy13 said: "dramamama611 said: "Probably as hurtful as your original post was intended to be.



It wasn't written to be hurtful, just simply stating that the whole hype around the show is getting to be exhausting - especially when every other thread is about it. Why not have a thread/conversation for those of us who won't gouge their eyes out when it closes.



So why even open this thread then?  If you don't want to read about Hamilton, don't click on the Hamilton threads....they are clearly labled 99.9% of the time.   I don't want to talk about Shuffle Along as I really didn't enjoy, you know what, I don't go into those threads.  I have no desire to thwart those that do.

And yes, you meant to be that way that you are so much above those that participate in the Hamilton love.



Yeah...but the "Hamilton love" and actually labeling yourselves as obsessives - to me, it just screams Fatal Attraction. I think that would allow me to see myself as being "so much above" those people, which I'm okay with. I just came here to get a kick out of the comments and judge people, really.
I'm sure there will be another self labeled "revolutionary" musical that comes along that makes this one look like a bunch of mormon ladies having a scrapbooking circle.
Until then, I'll go back to PM'ing with the other people who share the same opinion that the whole thing is overrated and we'll all have a good laugh :)

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#677The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 11:15am

Cool, justasmalltownboy13. Now go away.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#678The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 11:26am

dramamama611 said: "I've often noticed that many Bway websites aren't "on top of it" while maintaining their websites.  I never understood why, as it's not that difficult.  (On the other hand, I don't update my website as often as I should,'s easy to forget or simply not get to it.)

Perhaps its not in anyone's specific job description.


Maybe. It just feels weird that it's so low-priority -- if, say, an executive at a large corporation left their job, you'd take them off the site asap, right? Plus, not all fans (or even those just curious) are on social media and won't be keeping up with cast changes that way.

I can't wait to see what happens when there are multiple companies of Hamilton and inevitably someone who transferred from one to another will be listed in two companies due to negligence. This has happened many times with Mormon.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#679The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 12:16pm

justasmalltownboy13 said: "Yeah...but the "Hamilton love" and actually labeling yourselves as obsessives - to me, it just screams Fatal Attraction. I think that would allow me to see myself as being "so much above" those people, which I'm okay with. I just came here to get a kick out of the comments and judge people, really.
I'm sure there will be another self labeled "revolutionary" musical that comes along that makes this one look like a bunch of mormon ladies having a scrapbooking circle.
Until then, I'll go back to PM'ing with the other people who share the same opinion that the whole thing is overrated and we'll all have a good laugh :)

The 'obsessives' is a lighthearted joke. No one here is stalking the cast or anything weird like that. Just sharing our appreciation for a piece of theatre (which is surely what we're all on these boards to do). You're not above anyone on this thread for not liking a show that others do. What a bizarre way of thinking. The fact that you think you're superior to people that like Hamilton (most people that have seen it) and think it's okay to judge people and laugh at them because they have different taste to you? As I said, it's bizarre. 

And yes one day there will be another revolutionary musical that takes over the hype. You could say that with anything in any art form that is possible. What does that matter now?

Updated On: 4/14/16 at 12:16 PM

mariel9 Profile Photo
#680The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 12:22pm

Yeah...but the "Hamilton love" and actually labeling yourselves as obsessives - to me, it just screams Fatal Attraction. I think that would allow me to see myself as being "so much above" those people, which I'm okay with. I just came here to get a kick out of the comments and judge people, really.

Why are you on a Broadway board if you're above people who love a Broadway show? You're clearly too cool for us, so please feel free to go away and let us enjoy ourselves.

#681The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 12:26pm

The thing that gets me is that this thread was probably made with the intentions that all fans of the show would have one place to discuss it rather than opening a ton of different threads. Now we can't stop new members of the board starting threads to ask about tickets, seating etc. But if anything this thread makes it better for people that don't like the show.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#682The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/14/16 at 1:41pm

I never really shared my thoughts on the show and it's been over a month since I saw it, but I'm still in awe. The show was absolutely amazing and the best thing I've seen. I was scared of the hype because I went into Fun Home expecting the best show ever, but left a little cold (I actually now love the show and it's one of my favorites). Hamilton is way better than the hype. The show is unbelievable and I thought the cast recording was amazing, but there's so many other components to the actual show. I've never left a show having loved the lighting, but I just couldn't believe how efficiently it was used. The performers were amazing, but I was a little sad that Renée and Daveed were out. On for Daveed was Andrew. I absolutely loved him and from the promotional clips I've seen online, I think I liked his Thomas Jefferson more, but Daveed was probably the better Lafayette.  Alysha was on for Renée. Angelica is my favorite character and Renée was probably my favorite performer, so that made me very sad to miss her. Alysha was good, but I felt like she was missing something. I think she was a crazy good singer, but I think her acting was only ok. You hear the emotion in Renée's voice, but I didn't hear it in Alysha's.  There's nothing I can really say about the other performers that hasn't already been said, everyone is amazing. This show was honestly life changing and all I want is to see it again and again and again.

#683The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/15/16 at 10:25am

What do we think they're going to perform at the Tonys? I'm hoping for The Room Where it Happens. Thoughts?

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#684The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/15/16 at 10:44am

I'm kind of hoping for Non-Stop.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany
Updated On: 4/15/16 at 10:44 AM

#685The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/15/16 at 10:45am

I think I'd like Non-Stop too, because I want to be able to see the women and the men.


CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#686The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/15/16 at 12:43pm

I third Non-Stop for a possible performance at the Tonys. That number would showcase the cast very nicely.

Tag Profile Photo
#687The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/15/16 at 2:07pm

It was only a matter of time before Hamilton hit the Glee circuit smiley

Updated On: 4/15/16 at 02:07 PM

phan24 Profile Photo
#688The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/16/16 at 11:09am

Super random question: does anyone know if Javier Muñoz is gay or straight? I ask because I never really questioned it but he posted a snapchat today about his crush on a male gym trainer and it got my loins going and it would make him 100x sexier if he is....ok, end of middle school fan-girling.

#690The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/16/16 at 4:14pm

Updated On: 4/16/16 at 04:14 PM

#691The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/16/16 at 4:21pm

Esgred said: "Iona4 said: "NJ_BroadwayGirl said: "I bought three resale tickets from Ticketmaster for Box C next Wednesday evening.  I got them out of sheer luck by only looking for 3 tickets on that date. Rather than viewing the seats, a list appeared and I had the choice between C or G for the same price, so I went with C."

How much were your re-sale box C seats (each) from Ticketmaster?



"I bought the tickets for $400 each, which was expensive for me but I knew that I needed to see the show before cast change. It was undoubtedly the best theatrical experience of my life and I feel so lucky and privileged to have been able to share the room with those people and experience such beautiful art. The location of the seat meant that I felt that I was almost on stage and I also got to share eye contact with the cast. They really involved us in the action which completely made my trip.

I know that I was incredibly lucky to get the tickets for the price that I did, it was a complete fluke that I found them and I had resigned myself to sitting at the Rear Mezz for around the same price. Since the Grammy performance the prices have seemed to skyrocket (upwards of $700 for rear Mezz?!) I nearly didn't buy tickets at all and thought I'd chance my luck in the returns queue, but people are now queueing for 24hours+ so I'm glad I did. I really hope as many people get to experience the show, I was talking to a woman who said that six seats in front of her remained empty due to scalpers not being paid upwards of $2000 per seat. It upset me and I really hope something can be done, either on Ticketmaster's side or Hamiltons..


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#692The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 5:14am

It's a legal action - what do you want to be done about it?  TM gets a fee on every ticket that is re-sold. So they don't WANT to do anything. Hamilton loves the high demand status of this.  So they don't want to so anything, either. 

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#693The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 8:42am

As per the Today Show interview this morning, Leslie is leaving this summer to work on his music career. He was one of the ones I thought would extend, if any would.

#694The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 6:02pm

Having recently seen the show on Broadway can anyone please tell me why Thomas Jefferson drags one leg in some scenes of the show (act 2) 

I am aware of the fact that Madison coughs quite a bit because he had chronic health problems but what's the deal with Jefferson?? Did he have a leg injury at some point in his career...


#695The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 6:36pm

northlandfan said: "Having recently seen the show on Broadway can anyone please tell me why Thomas Jefferson drags one leg in some scenes of the show (act 2) 

I am aware of the fact that Madison coughs quite a bit because he had chronic health problems but what's the deal with Jefferson?? Did he have a leg injury at some point in his career...


He's not dragging his leg. That walk is called a pimp walk, or pimp roll. Swag, if you will.



swanjewel Profile Photo
#696The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 6:43pm

ChildofEarth said: "As per the Today Show interview this morning, Leslie is leaving this summer to work on his music career. He was one of the ones I thought would extend, if any would.


I'm wondering how many of the OBC will actually extend if any.  All of the remaining principles (besides Groff who has already left), have been doing the show for over a year and most likely want to move on to other projects.  No one can't fault them for that.  But I guess if they don't have another project lined up, do they extend?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#697The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 6:50pm

There are as many answers as there are actors.   We'll be finding out shortly.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#698The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/17/16 at 9:38pm

My favorite part of the interview is when Geist cites a lyric from the show incorrectly.

Updated On: 4/17/16 at 09:38 PM

#699The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 4/18/16 at 9:21am

ChildofEarth said: "As per the Today Show interview this morning, Leslie is leaving this summer to work on his music career. He was one of the ones I thought would extend, if any would."

That is what NBC reported but I wouldn't be surprised to see him extend got 6 months depending on Tony outcomes. They could try to keep him for another 6 months, through January.

