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The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]- Page 41

The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1000The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/20/16 at 4:05pm

Lexi has not gone on since last Tuesday evening, the 12th. I know it's not my place to pry or ask any further, but I'm concerned.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#1001The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/20/16 at 4:05pm

neonlightsxo said: "Was just wondering what's up too.

vocal problem. she was expecting to be back this past Monday so her continued absence could mean it is ore serious or that it is just being slow to overcome.

#1002The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/20/16 at 4:27pm

I'd heard vocal problems, but thought she would be back by now.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#1003The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/20/16 at 5:00pm

I once lost my voice for about a week or so simply from over-singing (only once in my life though, and I sing a happened a second time for 3 or 4 days). I hope she's fine.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#1004The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/20/16 at 10:18pm

Saw the matinee today.  This is my third time, but first time seeing Javier as Hamilton, and first time seeing Chris Jackson as Washington (Sydney James Harcourt was Washington the first two times I saw the show).  However, I'm not a theater critic by any means, but a Hamilton fan and native NYer who attends at least a dozen shows each year.  Here were my impressions:

Javier -- loved him. He really brings his own personality to the role while still sustaining a wonderful performance to the show.  He did an excellent job, and I like his voice better than Lin's.  I think Lin's Hamilton seemed more

Carleigh Bettiol  as Eliza Hamilton -- She was impressive in this role.  I saw Phillipa twice, and I really felt like there was no drop off seeing Carleigh.  Her voice was beautiful, and she really did a lovely job with the role. Loved her version of "Burn", and I felt like her Eliza developed and grew as the show progressed.

Austin Smith as Burr -- I felt his performance was a little flat overall.  He just didn't have the personality or charisma of LOJ, which is fine, but he also didn't bring his own personality to the role.  His voice was fine, but I felt like he didn't carry the stage or have the presence that is required for Burr.

Chris Jackson -- Finally got to see him.  I was impressed with Sydney's Washington, and still felt like his performance in this role was great, but Chris, at least for me, brought the role to another level.  He had a presence that commanded the stage, which is really appropriate for this role.  That says a lot because I really felt Sydney was great (and still do).  Chris' voice is also phenomenal.

Seth Stewart (Lafayette/Jefferson) -- I was pleasantly surprised with Seth.  Having seen Daveed twice, I couldn't imagine anyone coming close in terms of personality and skill, and Seth really was great.   He wasn't able to fully do part of the super fast rap in Guns and Ships (he was behind the beat towards the end and if I didn't know the lyrics it would have been tough to make out some of it), but his character portrayal and personality in the role was great.  And his rapping otherwise was excellent.  Yes, I missed Daveed's hair and that did feel like part of the character, but Seth really did a wonderful job and brought a lot of personality and character to his role, with great presence.

Rory -- He's the third king I've seen, having seen Groff and Rannells.  They all have been great and bring their own personality to the role.  I think I liked Rannells the best, but Rory was solid and did a great job.  This is a role that will be fun to see lots of different people step in, and could be a fun celebrity cameo type role as well down the road.

As always, really great performances from Renee, Oak, and Anthony.

So happy and fortunate to see it a third time.  Going back in September, so looking forward to BVD and Lexi then! 

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#1005The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 12:00am

@nyskier I feel as if we got the same impressions!  Seth as Jefferson performed well with all the swag for the role and the sound but honestly...he needs the hair to complete the role for me, LOL!  I know, sound crazy.  But being that that the Jefferson role is so extravagant, with the ensemble being handed white gloves to dance in, I prefer the outlandish hair to match the purple outfit.  The outrageousness from head to toe just fits.

I felt the same about Austin Smith as Burr, he left me wanting something that he didn't give.  And yes, once you see Chris Jackson in the role of Washington, you say "Ah yes!" He is proper and well-mannered and brings an order in the role.  He's one of my favorites.  I think I would miss him the most when he leaves.  I saw Austin play Washington the first time I saw the show and I was disappointed because all I thought was "Washington has stature" and he didn't give me that.

i go back in 2017

Updated On: 7/21/16 at 12:00 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#1006The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 5:27am

Saw the show Weds night. Bummed not to see Lexi,  Alysha  (sp?)  was on as Eliza, whom I saw back in February.  she's grown in the role since and easy lovely.

I liked Seth as Lafayette, but really LOVED  his Jefferson. He was delicious here.

Smith as Burr was overall good, with a few absolutely shining get moments.  With Smith in the role, Burr felt like more of a supporting character. Hoping I'll get to see Dixon next...not until February. 

Javier was wonderful. I was so thrilled to be able to finally see him.  I can't say I liked him more than Lin...but certainly no less.  Some real beautiful choices, what a wonderful actor.

Goldsberry was outstanding as usual, but I'd like to take moment to praise Chris Jackson.DAY-UM. That man was on FIRE. I've only ever seen his Washington, but last night he was beyond spectacular.   His One Last Time......WOWZA. MY soul ached at the end.


Lastly...I'm going to sing the praises of Box B.  Yes, there were a few things I couldn't see far stage right,  but otherwise it was terrific to be there.  I've never said that about any box seat before, they usually suck.  (As most of you know)  I've been mid-year mezzanine, & front mezzanine, and this was the best. (Next we're in front orchestra and to the far side, which will be much like what we just saw, I suspect.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 7/24/16 at 05:27 AM

luvcaroline Profile Photo
#1007The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 7:56am

I had forgotten to mention Jackson in my earlier review. I agree that he is absolutely outstanding in the role  He'll be difficult to replace. 

Seth was wonderful also, and it's obvious he enjoys playing these two great characters. 

#1008The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 9:08am

I will add one thing -- while the audience was clearly excited to be there, the level of audience excitement wasn't even close to the level I experienced in March. Which was too bad as the show is still great.  Maybe it was a Wednesday matinee thing, or perhaps there is just a letdown since this audience was less than 2 weeks away from missing the original cast.

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#1009The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 9:31am

I have yet to see Christopher Jackson as George Washington (he was out the two times I saw Hamilton).  I'm contemplating coming up from DC and taking my chance on the cancellation line to see Sydney as Burr.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#1010The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 9:49am

Sydney just posted himself singing an acoustic version of Dear Theodosia.


DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#1011The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 10:19am

Thanks for posting. That was beautiful!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

ethan231h Profile Photo
#1012The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/21/16 at 10:43pm

Was Lexi back tonight?

#1013The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/22/16 at 12:07am

ethan231h said: "Was Lexi back tonight?




No, she was out again. Alysha D was good. This was my first time seeing the show but I'm familiar with the original cast. Loved Javier, Renee, and Chris Jackson of course. I thought Seth Stewart was excellent, especially as Jefferson. I think he would be a very solid option if he permanently got the part. I agree with what people are saying abou Austin Smith. He was flat at times though really came alive for The Room Where It Happens. He definitely seemed more supporting and Javier seemed like a very clearly strong lead, which seems like it was not always the dynamic with Lin/Leslie. Overall, the show was spectacular. It was absolutely worthy of all the accolades in my eyes.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1014The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 12:14am

Was Lexi back tonight?

#1015The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 12:52am

Nope, Alysha again.

#1016The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 3:41pm

Already posted? New Lafayette/Jefferson

ampi2 Profile Photo
#1017The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 4:04pm

Carleigh was on for today's matinee. So Lexi's still out...

#1018The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 8:20pm

Where does it say that he is the new Lafayette/Jefferson?

#1019The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 8:24pm

Never mind, I found it. Well hopefully this cast will be looking much more stable come August.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#1020The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/23/16 at 10:20pm

aaaaaa15 said: "Never mind, I found it. Well hopefully this cast will be looking much more stable come August."

If anyone wanted a link:

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#1021The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/24/16 at 4:53am

Hope she is okay. Looks like she's only gone on once since taking over for Phillipa.


#1022The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/24/16 at 5:00am

Never heard of this guy Jevon McFerrin but he's the son of Bobby McFerrin. Hope he has some talent.

Skeptical about offspring of celebrities casting. Lol. 


Guess I shouldn't worry and be happy!



Huss417 Profile Photo
#1023The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/24/16 at 9:53am

Was at the matinee yesterday. Saw Carleigh Bettiol on as Eliza. Not sure what others have thought of her performance but we felt she was flat. Also at times voice was all over the place and some odd facial expressions. Opening number when she brings out Hamiltons' coat she almost lost her head when they are moving the two rope cables as she is crossing the stage. Also almost forgot to mention/ask. Did they change Eliza's costume during the funeral. Eliza didn't have the mourning coat on but the same black (bolero style) top that the ensemble members did. Was odd to me.

The little insert fell out of the playbill but I believe it was Austin Smith on as Burr. Shows starts he is front and center and my first thought was that the crotch in his pants looked the the seem was going to go. Kept noticing it getting a little wider as the first act progressed and then with about 10 mins left in the first act it split open. It stayed closed as long as he wasn't moving too much. Also two of the mens cram color pants had round stains on the legs. Not sure what is happening to the costumes. 

Also an observation. The show has settled down. No more entrance applause other than for Javier. You can now hear all the lyrics again in the opening number. Two standouts are still two OBC members Goldsberry and Jackson. 


"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

sorano916 Profile Photo
#1024The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
Posted: 7/24/16 at 10:29am

Miguel has two more performances as Hamilton (the 25th & the 1st) before Michael takes over as Alternate on the 8th.
