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Tony NOMINATION reactions?- Page 8

Tony NOMINATION reactions?

#175re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:00am

I guess there wouldn't be any Gary Beach in the Leading category if Daniel Davis sill played on stage.

Norbert Leo Butz quotes about John Lithgow: "He's really clumsy. One of the joys in life is to watch a great big huge man totally wipe out backstage. It takes John about three minutes to hit the floor. It's like watching a Great Sequoia falling gracelessly."

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#176re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:02am

think so?????? I always thought that Gary Beach's role was the more flashier role out of the two......worked for George Hearn

broadway86 Profile Photo
#177re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:08am

I'm disappointed that neither Natasha Richardson, Carla Gugino, or Frances Sternhagen got nominations for their work. I know that they have their fans, but I wasn't crazy about David Harbour or Mirielle Enos.

#178re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:12am

I am so sad that Christian Borle was not nominated. I would trade his nom for Sieber's. ALTHOUGH, now that Sieber has been nominated, he may just win.
DHP's role is too small. Yes, he gets that great number in Act Two, but he has very little else to do. IMO, if he had been considered eligible for featured actor, he not only would have been nominated, he would have won.

So happy for Keenan-Bolger and Fogler - but ALL the Spelling Bee folks are so good it seems almost unfair to single any out.

Emcee hit the nail on the head with Dilly's nomination. There was that fifth slot tossup between her and Gambatese - with no other eligible actress.

Happy for the Scoundrels team! Sad Jbara isn't in there but he's amazing and he'll have another shot, where he'll be considered "due" and win.

I was also sad about no Sarah U-B in featured but her role is smallish and the supporting categories are always tougher because there are many more actors deemed eligible. Piazza had it's many charms and I am looking forward to hearing the cast recording. Vicki Clark is a shoo-in. Yes, Sutton is wonderful, but this is Clark's year.

Surprised Roberson's ASU choreography wasn't nommed. I'd put it way over Charity's Fosse-Goes-to-Dance-Fever.

Jamie Hat Profile Photo
Jamie Hat
#179re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:13am

I can't believe no DHP. Crazy.

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#180re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:14am

Actually, Kate Reinders was eligible as well for leading actress...and every bit as deserving (if not moreso) than the other two, she was just saddled with a horrible, horrible role.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#181re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:17am

How good do you think Brían F. O'Byrne chance's are??????

#182re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:19am

I got my ass outta bed to watch the noms come out and I was SO SO SO happy to hear Matt's name. I really expected Jenn Gamby to get a nom tho.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#183re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:19am

I forgot about Kate Reinders. But the reason she didn't get it is pretty much a variation on the reason Jenn G. didn't get it, even though ASU was far better recieved.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

QueenMuppet Profile Photo
#184re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:24am

Ok, I know it's been said 100 times but I insist on adding my opinion re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....

A few personal disappointments but no real surprises for me.

I'm sad to see that Maureen and Borle weren't recognized, thrilled that Billy Crudup received a nomination over Goldblum and a bit surprised that David Hyde Pierce was ignored. I would have liked David to get a nomination over Curry (LOVED Hank, so happy about his nomination).

I feel for you Emcee but I say it once again: Raul just didn't deserve a nomination for his performance in this role.

Not that surprised that John Lithgow got a nomination, I knew he would and rightly so.

I'm a bit disappointed that neither Richardson nor Lange (especially) received a nomination. I know lots of posters didn't like their performances but I was very impressed.

When I saw Glengarry Glen Ross I felt it had some very strong performances in there, especially Schreiber's and Alda's performaces had TONY NOMINATION written all over them. I'm thrilled they got recognized. The same goes for The Light In The Piazza and its cast. re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....

Overall, I'm fairly happy with the nominations, now I just need my personal favorites to win! re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....


'He really wasn't good as Fieyro. Is it just me or does he sort of come across as a pimp? Just...the hand motions I've seen him do and the attitude..not that Taye is a pimp.' - SallyBrown on Taye Diggs as Fiyero

kangaroo Profile Photo
#185re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:32am

I am not too surprised about the nominations... but I think it's weird that Maureen wasn't recognized and that Little Women didn't get more nominations, maybe for orchestration? The race seems to be voted on 3 musicals this year, so I don't think it will be that exciting. Of course, I'll still watch... becuase HUGH will be hosting, adn still to see who wins out.

Still rooting for Sutton! and probably Light in the Piazza too
~kangaroo re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....

NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM "No greatness without goodness."

RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.

Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#186re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:37am

Busy morning. Just getting to this now.

Add me to the shocked and for the lack of recognition for Christian Borle, Maureen McGovern, NATASHA RICHARDSON, Jeff Goldblum, DHP (I would've given it to him over Azaria), and I guess Jessica Lange.

Shocked at the Gary Beach nom and Heather Goldenhersh (would've given it to Sarah Paulson, or LisaGay Hamilton).

Pleasantly surprised at the Mary-Louise Parker, Adriane Lenox, Mireille Enos, and David Harbour.

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 11:37 AM

rclocalz Profile Photo
#187re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:51am

Um, was Nathan Lane not good in "The Frogs" or something? I was shocked he wasn't nominated. - Glamsmash Productions, a video production company in the heart of New York City

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#188re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:55am

I just would like to say that I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that Gem wasn't ignored here like it was at some of the other awards. GO Phylicia!!!

junglered Profile Photo
#189re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:58am

My thoughts:

I'm thrilled that Kelli O'Hara was nominated for her role in "The Light in The Piazza". Victora Clark will win "Best Actress" in a musical for her outstanding performance in "Piazza". I'm disappointed that Frances Sternhagen wasn't nominated for her role in "Steel Magnolias". I am in agreement that Denis O'Hare should not have received a nomination for his performance in "Sweet Charity". Sorry, but we've seen him do this same performance before in "Take Me Out".

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#190re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 11:58am

I agree......GO Phylicia!!! It will be hard to beat Cherry Jones and since she won last year and the play closed a while back and doubt it still here, I think she'll have that against her......

But that doesn't matter, She was recognized and we'll get to see her at the Tonys and hopefully she'll get to present being a nominee and last year's winner......

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#191re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:00pm

Cherry Jones is absolutely revelatory in Doubt. She is really establishing herself as the finest stage actress in the US. I'd put her up against a bevy of women and find her better, even with some of those miraculous Brit ladies who often cross the pond to wow us onstage.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#192re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:23pm

I'm most disappointed about no Jesse Tyler Ferguson and Frances Sternhagen noms. But overall, I'm really grateful we had such a great, intense theater season this year!!!

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

baddadnpa Profile Photo
#193re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:28pm

I am not surprised that Jeff Goldblum wasn't nominated. I assume he would've been in the Lead Actor category (I don't recall if the committee discussed this) and it would have been a travesty for Crudup who is on stage 95% of the time to have to complete with Jeff who is clearly in a supporting role, regardless of his billing. Crudup was amazing and I am rooting for him, although he will not win.

The truly beautiful should be lawfully restricted from wearing clothing; and the truly butt-ugly should be lawfully mandated from going naked.

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#194re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:28pm

I was shocked no Lange or Richardson. Saddened, but not suprised by no nod for Sarah Paulson.
The Tony's are like the equivalent of the Golden Globes (comedy/musical is separate from the drama) I'd love to see them go the Oscar route and make it competitive.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

JaiRoAngel Profile Photo
#195re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:31pm

As much as I love Hank Azaria, I am very suprised at his nomination over DHP. Really I thought if 2 of the leads were nominated DHP and Tim would be the best bets. Guess I was wrong re: And the NOMINATIONS are..... Well DHP wins a Tony in my book.

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#196re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:36pm

The Tony's are like the equivalent of the Golden Globes (comedy/musical is separate from the drama)


Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

MTVMANN Profile Photo
#197re: And the NOMINATIONS are.....
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:39pm

Yes, I don't understand......The Tony's have mixed genre competitive categories......the only thing is is that most of the plays are dramas and the musicals are comedies......but not all

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#198re: Brian F. O'Byrne and Christina Applegate
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:45pm

I think Brian F. O'Byrne might be a shoo-in. The Tony voters adore him, and that could be owing to the consistently solid performances he delivers. Either way, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he wins. He's brilliant.

And I think that there's a little more to Christina Applegate's nomination for Best Actress than the "it was obvious she was going to get it because she's a Hollywood name" thing: she is the most committed and hard working Hollywood name to come into a show since Hugh Jackman and the Nine folks, she performs the role to the best of her abilities (and it's winning a lot of people over!), and she fought really hard for her Broadway debut. If that's not deserving of a nod, I don't know what is...

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth
Updated On: 5/10/05 at 12:45 PM

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#199re: Brian F. O'Byrne and Christina Applegate
Posted: 5/10/05 at 12:47pm

They're just saying the Golden Globes separates Best Comedy/Musical and Best Drama, much like the Tonys separate Best PLay and Musical...and that it would be better to combine them into one category, to which I vehemently disagree.
Film is one medium and comedies and musicals are inherently more similar on film to their dramatic counterparts. Onstage, they're VASTLY different animals.
