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Unpopular opinions you hold

#675Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:05pm

Good to know you can't form a reasonable response to my questions.

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#676Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:07pm

^Sure is good to know.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#677Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:13pm

Oh, George, this isn't an "us" vs "them" thing here.  And if you have such disdain for most of the posters and their opinions, and don't even believe them, why would you want to be here.   I enjoyed all three of the shows you mentioned....doesn't mean they aren't without flaws.  How does that threaten you so?   How does it affect your adoration of a show, or an actor?


I find theaterguy's attack on Ben Platt reprehensible and unfounded -- but what is the point of spurning him on?   I said my piece and now it's time to move on.   Your attacking of him, or his right to have his opinions makes you no better.   

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.
Updated On: 6/27/17 at 09:13 PM

Eliza2 Profile Photo
#678Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:15pm

Unpopular Opinions

#679Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:18pm

GeorgeandDot, since you started actively posting a few weeks ago, you seem to be in the middle of a fight with someone in every thread. Many on here have had a few battles, myself included, but you seem to have a daily need for it. Why so angry? Has your life turned out so poorly?

And if as you said in the other thread, you find this board such a f**king mess, I'm sure if you asked really nicely, they'll refund the cost you paid to register so you can leave.

theaterguy11 Profile Photo
#680Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:38pm

dramamama611 said: "Oh, George, this isn't an "us" vs "them" thing here.  And if you have such disdain for most of the posters and their opinions, and don't even believe them, why would you want to be here.   I enjoyed all three of the shows you mentioned....doesn't mean they aren't without flaws.  How does that threaten you so?   How does it affect your adoration of a show, or an actor?


I find theaterguy's attack on Ben Platt reprehensible and unfounded -- but what is the point of spurning him on?   I said my piece and now it's time to move on.   Your attacking of him, or his right to have his opinions makes you no better.   




I appreciate this. I fully admit/am aware that my opinion on Platt is not in the majority- But I do feel strongly in my opinion and feel it's worthy of discussion. And isn't this exactly the place to discuss our differing opinion? If we can't discuss them on a Bway message board, why is there a bwayworld message board? Thank you for the backup in that respect. I bet there's a ton of theatre related stuff we would agree on. :)

Mr. Nowack Profile Photo
Mr. Nowack
#681Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/27/17 at 9:45pm


I actually enjoyed the HELLO DOLLY 2017 Tony performance.

Keeping BroadwayWorld Illustrated

Lot666 Profile Photo
#682Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 8:25am

GeorgeandDot said: "Btw this thread should not exist"

And yet you've posted in it relentlessly.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Lot666 Profile Photo
#683Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 8:28am

UncleCharlie said: "GeorgeandDot, since you started actively posting a few weeks ago, you seem to be in the middle of a fight with someone in every thread. Many on here have had a few battles, myself included, but you seem to have a daily need for it."

Now that you mention it, I'm struggling to think of a thread in which GeorgeandDot posted that didn't quickly degenerate into a war.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#684Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 8:29am

^ it's their unpopular opinion :)

Mr Nowack - I liked the performance too. From my nosebleed seats, I couldn't see Horace's expressions during the song which made the song into a mere pastiche-like "cute" song. But seeing DHP perform up close, I realized the intention of that character really well. It gave him dimension, and finally explained why Dolly loves the guy. He does have a heart - it was just buried way deep beneath all the struggle he doesn't talk about except in this song.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

B.JAMES Profile Photo
#685Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 8:58am

GeorgeandDot said: "Btw this thread should not exist.  It's horrible, mean-spirited and awful, like most things on this board.  I'm beginning to realize that this board is made up of losers who never went anywhere in life and like to trash other people's work.

Get over yourselves.


I have been lurking here for a little while and haven't really posted, but I must say I feel the same. I joined this board to discuss things about Broadway I love and read up on new shows and such for work purposes. The amount of negativity and self-righteousness on here is mind blowing. It's really not a positive place to be. And yes, I am aware that I can leave at any time. 


Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#686Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 10:05am


I actually enjoyed the HELLO DOLLY 2017 Tony performance.


Me, too!  One actor/character standing in front of a curtain singing a simple song.  Very effective, very entertaining. 


Updated On: 6/28/17 at 10:05 AM

Public User Profile Photo
Public User
#687Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 12:13pm

Hey, geniuses, did you read the title of this post?  

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#688Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 12:40pm

Public User said: "Hey, geniuses, did you read the title of this post?  




#689Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 12:56pm

Some Great Comet themed ones;

I don't know why everyone calls Comet "spectacle without substance" I personally found it to be very moving. The plot is simple, but allows for a neat exploration of character and a really great portrayal of struggling with depression. Dust and Ashes is... really something. The only real number that's just there for spectacle is Balaga. Do people not understand that the overblown partying of Russia Society at the time is exactly what the show is trying to satirize? It's empty, that's the point. And there's not a single bit of it (Aside from Balaga) that is not moving the plot forward or revealing essential character motivation. 

Brittian Ashford - while I really like diverse musical theatre voices, I don't like hers at all. Happy to be seeing the new Sonya next month

Grace's Marya steals the show, far more then Amber's Helene. 

#690Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 1:06pm

I like Brittain's voice but agree with your other points.

The first time I saw TGC, Amber's understudy was on so I thought that was why I didn't find Charming to be the showstopper that others had reported it to be. Then the next time I saw Amber and still felt the same. She does a great job but agree that Grace (and for me, Brittain) are giving the superior female featured performances in the show.

And absolutely regarding your first point. The superficiality of the spectacle is the whole point of it and it surprises me how some people don't understand that.

#691Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 2:09pm

I've been lurking for a long, long time and only started regularly commenting recently. In my opinion, the board is no more confrontational now than it has ever been. The difficulty comes (as it always does) when people state their opinions as facts and/or cannot bear to hear any criticism of their favourite shows.

Addipia94 Profile Photo
#692Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 2:19pm

BroadwayRox3588 said: "Y'all are gonna hate me for this one.

I prefer Bright Star, Anastasia, and Bandstand to Hamilton.

(Don't get me wrong, though, I do love Hamilton)"


*Sheepishly raises hand in agreement* I have to admit Bandstand's score is my favorite of the 2016/17 season.

I would love to say Hamilton is overrated...much like DEH...but perhaps that's just because I find the lead characters bland.


#693Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 2:25pm

Brittian Ashford - while I really like diverse musical theatre voices, I don't like hers at all. Happy to be seeing the new Sonya next month

I can't stand her voice either! It sounds like she is yawn-singing.

#694Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 5:16pm

  • I can't stand Hamilton. I find (most of) it's score dull and boring compared to some other shows on Broadway right now.
  • War Paint was actually a good show, and it could survive without Ebersole and Lupone if they are replaced by strong (not necessarily big name) actresses.
  • The male songs in War Paint were actually entertaining (although perhaps not adding to the plot), especially Dinosaurs, which, although very strange, I and the apparently the rest of the theater appreciated as a moment of comic release in a more serious second act.
  • While I love her, and think she is hilarious, I much preferred Heidi Blickenstaff over Leslie Kritzer in Something Rotten!
  • Ben Platt is not the only thing holding DEH together. I believe that alongside Platt, RBJ, JLT, Will Roland and Kristolyn Lloyd are all working together in a special way that will fall apart when one of them leaves.
  • I can't stand the CFA cast album. I think I would enjoy the show and intend to see it, but god, the amount of dialogue in the album makes it feel almost like a book on tape.
Updated On: 6/28/17 at 05:16 PM

#695Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/28/17 at 11:05pm

"...Jitney" being probably the most boring and meaningless show I've seen.

I just don't understand all the raves and enthusiasm behind it. 

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#696Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/29/17 at 12:12am

I'm going to get completely trashed for this one- Lin's performance in Hamilton was unbearable. He can't sing or rap or whatever he was trying to do, it was painful to listen to and watch. HOWEVER, he is EXTREMELY talented in other aspects, but him as Hamilton- yikes.

leighmiserables  Profile Photo
#697Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 6/29/17 at 1:01am

I've always thought that In the Heights is by far Lin's better musical. I enjoy Hamilton well enough, but there's not an ounce of heart to the show. 

#698Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 7/5/17 at 2:45pm

I don't understand how Brittan Ashford's speaking voice sounds so much different from her affected singing voice.

Chicken_Flavor Profile Photo
#699Unpopular Opinions
Posted: 7/5/17 at 3:45pm

I pray that Ben Platt doesn't get cast as Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors as some people have mentioned.
