GeorgeandDot said: "Just a fact check, the text most certainly does state Eliza's age. In my libretto, Pickering says something about her not being older than 21 (I think that's the number) and her having brown hair in A Hymn to Him. When I saw the show, however, I didn't hear that piece of text and I believe the line has been cut. There were couple of sections of text that seemed to have been cut from that production actually."
Maybe I subconsciously garnered this opinion when I read the libretto in college! But I also recognize that it’s probably mostly because of Julie Andrews being 21 when she originated the role. Part of me was hoping they would find a brand new girl, the same way they found Hailey Kilgore for OOTI (although I guess Eliza would need to be older). I’m always fighting for the newcomers though.
Someone in a Tree2 said: "So,g.d.e.l.g.i., since you've thoroughly dissed the 3 male leads in JCS, who would you consider the night's MVP if not Brandon Victor Dixon? Thank God I don't have the encyclopedic knowledge of the piece back through the decades that you do so I'm not hobbled in my enjoyment of what I saw Sunday night. I found it ravishing, a high high bar for anyone planning to mount the next live TV musical. (And I believe that's NOT an unpopular opinion.)"
I think I would've been hobbled in my enjoyment even if I hadn't had an encyclopedic knowledge of the piece. I'm a producer. I expect better from people who have the resources to do better, and all of the networks are failing at this "live musical" $#!t in terms of casting and overall creativity.
(The one technical aspect they got correct, at long last, was having a live audience present 100% of the time. Live broadcasts are deadly without an audience. Performers feed off of reaction in a live setting. When you get a laugh in the theater, you know you're funny; when you get applause, you know you did good. The immediacy of those faces in the dark is vital, and as loud and obnoxious as people seem to think they were at points, at least the audience was actually there. Pity no one seemed to be feeding off of that.)
With regard to the unenviable position of "MVP," I don't really think the show acquitted anybody well, but those who did the best job with what they were given, in my estimation, were Norm Lewis as Caiaphas and Erik Grönwall as Simon.
Poor Norm was singing lower than his normal range a good 80-90% of the time, but he had a sense of what he was playing and gave it a good stab. Frankly, he was the best actor I saw that night.
As for young Mr. Grönwall, whom I once uncharitably characterized as a "random Swedish rocker" to my sincere regret, to the extent that this special was a success, I hope his involvement does wonders for his American career; he was appropriate in terms of the type of vocal required for the work, he easily had more energy than the rest of the cast (who seemed to have learned acting from Disney's Hall of Presidents), and at the time he came on screen, he blew everyone else I'd seen in the show so far off the damn stage. Had he been playing one of the two leads (my vote personally would be for Judas), I think the reviews would have been even better.
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "Poor Norm was singing lower than his normal range a good 80-90% of the time, but he had a sense of what he was playing and gave it a good stab. Frankly, he was the best actor I saw that night."
Did you not like Ben Daniels? I thought he was easily the best actor of the night.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
This is the perfect thread to express my opinion about Patti Lupone, since I am sure I am in the minority. I like Patti Lupone. I have seen her in many shows. I also was able to carry on a detailed conversation with her years ago while on a WB tour in Hollywood when we visited the Life Goes On set. But I don't think she is a legend or the next best thing since sliced bread. I'm kind of bored of her. That is the main reason I did not see War Paint. Some time down the road I will see a show with her in it. But for now...I'll pass.
Lot666 said: "Did you not like Ben Daniels? I thought he was easily the best actor of the night."
I've seen better character development on The Match Game, but I'll give him points for honesty: he said in interviews before this undertaking that it was his first time singing in a musical, and that was abundantly clear.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "Someone in a Tree2 said: "So,g.d.e.l.g.i., since you've thoroughly dissed the 3 male leads in JCS, whowouldyou consider the night's MVP if not Brandon Victor Dixon? Thank God I don't have the encyclopedic knowledge of the piece back through the decades that you do so I'm not hobbled in my enjoyment of what I saw Sunday night. I found it ravishing, a high high bar for anyone planning to mount the next live TV musical. (And I believe that's NOT an unpopular opinion.)"
I think I would've been hobbled in my enjoyment even if Ihadn'thad an encyclopedic knowledge of the piece. I'm a producer. I expect better from people who have the resources to do better, and all of the networks are failing at this "live musical" $#!t in terms of casting and overall creativity.
(The one technical aspect they got correct, at long last, was having a live audience present 100% of the time. Live broadcasts aredeadlywithout an audience. Performers feed off of reaction in a live setting.When you get a laugh in the theater, you know you're funny; when you get applause, you know you did good. The immediacy of those faces in the dark is vital, and as loud and obnoxious as people seem to think they were at points, at least the audience was actually there. Pity no one seemed to be feeding off of that.)
With regard to the unenviable position of "MVP," I don't really think the show acquitted anybody well, but those who did the best job with what they were given, in my estimation, were Norm Lewis as Caiaphas and Erik Grönwall as Simon.
Poor Norm was singing lower than his normalrange a good 80-90% of the time, but he had a sense of what he was playing and gave it a good stab. Frankly, he was the best actor I saw that night.
As for young Mr.Grönwall, whom I once uncharitably characterized asa "random Swedish rocker" to my sincere regret, to the extent that this special was a success, I hope his involvement does wonders for his American career; he was appropriate in terms of the type of vocal required for the work,he easily had more energy than the rest ofthe cast (who seemed to have learned acting from Disney's Hall of Presidents), and at the time he came on screen, he blew everyone else I'd seen in the show so far off the damn stage. Had he been playing one of the two leads (my vote personally would be for Judas), I think the reviews would have been
I am also baffled by the resources wasted here. Spilling over from the Patti threads
there is this tendency to sacrifice the work for the star in America. Until the casting
is right these musicals won’t work.
I went back and reread the libretto. There was only one line in the stage directions of the first scene saying "She is perhaps eighteen, perhaps twenty, hardly older." I think by "text," Sher means spoken words and sung lyrics. And since he has already defied the stage directions by changing the ending, it makes sense that he also has chosen to ignore this one as well.
Dancingthrulife2 said: "I went back and reread the libretto. There was only one line in the stage directions of the first scene saying "She is perhaps eighteen, perhaps twenty, hardly older." I think by "text," Sher means spoken words and sung lyrics. And since he has already defied the stage directions by changing the ending, it makes sense that he also has chosen to ignore this one as well."
Overall, it's a choice and I understand why he made it! It's not like the production doesn't work for this reason, it's more like if I were directing, I might have cast someone younger as Eliza, but Lauren Ambrose is great!
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "Lot666 said: "Did you not like Ben Daniels? I thought he was easily the best actor of the night."
I've seen better character development on The Match Game, but I'll give him points for honesty: he said in interviews before this undertaking that it was his first time singing in a musical, and that was abundantly clear."
I feel like we couldn't possibly have been watching the same show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Bwayfan292 said: "
- I think Mandy Gonzalez was horribly miscast as Angelica in Hamilton. First time seeing the show after months of wait and was very dissaponted. "
She was terrible. I saw her in October right after the OBC left and was thoroughly underwhelmed. Her timing was off all night and in satisfied she was behind the whole song and seemed overwhelmed.
schubox said: "Bwayfan292 said: "
- I think Mandy Gonzalez was horribly miscast as Angelica in Hamilton. First time seeing the show after months of wait and was very dissaponted. "
She was terrible. I saw her in October right after the OBC left and was thoroughly underwhelmed. Her timing was off all night and in satisfied she was behind the whole song and seemed overwhelmed."
so I should be glad that Syndee Winters was u/s Angelica the night we saw it last year?
Lot666 said: "I feel like we couldn't possibly have been watching the same show."
To go by the critical reaction, evidently nobody was watching the same show as me.
But then again, it might be because we had a different set of standards for it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're from the UK, right? Well, over there, the concept album was a dud and it first came into prominence as a stage piece. (Elsewhere in Europe, the film was what took off.)
In America, the album was the biggest hit. Many from that era rank it up there with Sgt. Pepper in terms of iconic status; songs from the album like "Heaven On Their Minds," "Everything's Alright," "I Don't Know How To Love Him," and "Superstar" were all over FM radio. For daring to recount the "Greatest Story Ever Told" in rock and roll -- then the earthiest, most democratic, most populist language of all -- it rocked the world, prompting boycotts, picketing, bomb threats, and letter writing campaigns from conservative Christians all over America. Further, the show’s earliest success as a live presentation in America came in the form of a road-ready concert tour, not a sophisticated theater piece.
The JCS I know and love has imperfect notes, rough moments, primitive orchestration; it lacks the acrylic slickness and polish that marks Webber's later work, especially revivals of this show. It's raw, it's fun, and it sounds like the best classic rock albums. Furthermore, it's called "the Passion" for a reason -- there has to be passion within the actors and actresses performing the roles in order to do the story justice. And let's face it, especially in the rock tenor roles, we don't want people to play it safe. American audiences want their Jesus and Judas to be willing to cough up a lung for them in the course of the show. To say I didn't get any of that from what I saw on Easter Sunday is an understatement; with those expectations, very specific ideas and very strong opinions about how the story was to be told, is it really a surprise that I was let down?
For all my abrasive remarks, I hold no ill will toward the cast or creative team; it was given every effort by talented people. I just don't think their effort was good enough; on the whole, I didn't care for that production. Not even close. $#!t happens. We don't have to agree.
Understudy Joined: 12/14/15
Cynthia Erivo should NOT have won the Tony for Best Actress in a Muscial in 2016. It should have gone to Carmen Cusack.
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "Lot666 said: "I feel like we couldn't possibly have been watching the same show."
To go by the critical reaction, evidently nobody was watching the same show as me.
But then again, it might be because we had a different set of standards for it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're from the UK, right?"
No, I'm in the States.
To be clear, my comment was specifically a reaction to your perception of Ben Daniels.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "The JCS I know and love hasimperfect notes, rough moments, primitive orchestration; it lacks theacrylic slickness and polish that marks Webber's later work, especially revivals of this show. It's raw, it's fun, and it sounds like the best classic rock albums."
I still haven't watched the broadcast, so I won't comment on your feelings about that, but I 100% agree with you regarding the recordings and productions I have seen. Other than adding in "Could We Start Again Please" from the movie soundtrack, the only version of the show I listen to is the original album. My parents had the original LP release (the brown album), and that's the version I grew up with and grew to love. Almost every other version just sounds too slick and has stripped that rawness from the show to my ears, and I've seen very few productions of it that are able to maintain that true rock element without veering back into Broadway-pop sound.
g.d.e.l.g.i. said: Furthermore, it's called "the Passion"for a reason --there has to be passion within the actors and actresses performing the roles in order to do the story justice.
Actually it's called passion from the Latin "patior", which means "to suffer".
I know the etymology, imeldasturn, thank you very much; I'm talking about popular usage.
Lot666 said: "To be clear, my comment was specifically a reaction to your perception of Ben Daniels."
Well, sorry; I think he sucked. I'm glad you like him, though -- shows how beautiful it is that we're all allowed to have our own opinions. Especially unpopular ones. Hence, you know, the thread I posted it in.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/26/15
TravisOKC said: "Cynthia Erivo should NOT have won the Tony for Best Actress in a Muscial in 2016. It should have gone to Carmen Cusack."
I'm sorry I legit laughed out loud as this. I didn't like Bright Star as much as many others did but I do understand why people liked parts of it, especially Carmen. However out of all of the women in that category that year, she deserved it the least. Any of those 5 performances are miles above any of the leading actress performances in the past 2 years, though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
I loved Once on This Island but I am aware that it's problematic and that I might not have loved it so much if I didn't know the score by heart. Also, Hailey and Alex were great but in no way do I understand championing them for the Tony Awards. They didn't do more than was required by the material and I have seen amateur productions of OoTI and just other ingenue performances (Hailey) and showy performances (Alex) that delivered similar results.
Though I would not be mad if it won Best Revival.
I think that the current revival of Once On This Island is an over directed hot mess of a production, and Alex Newell is beyond obnoxious.
This production of My Fair Lady is a low energy, miscast, humorless, bore.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
bwayphreak234 said: "I think that the current revival of Once On This Island is an over directed hot mess of a production, and Alex Newell is beyond obnoxious."
I loved it overall but I'm pretty sure Alex Newell is on his way to a vocal injury. He growled his whole song and seemed distracted the whole show.
From what I understand, Alex had some sort of illness and lost his voice and powered through for a few performances. I think you may have seen one of them.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I enjoyed A Doll House Part 2 immensely, especially Condola Rashad, and I'm glad I saw it, but at the time I had to decide between that and The Little Foxes, and I wish I saw The Little Foxes instead as I felt like I would have gotten more bang for my buck.
broadwayboy223 said: "bwayphreak234 said: "I think that the current revival of Once On This Island is an over directed hot mess of a production, and Alex Newell is beyond obnoxious."
I loved it overall but I'm pretty sure Alex Newell is on his way to a vocal injury. He growled his whole song and seemed distracted the whole show."
I saw the show back in November of last year, so I don't think that was it.