Chorus Member Joined: 8/5/10
Double post. Sorry.
Please change your screenname. At a glance, it looks like "Jordan Catalano," so people are going to be constantly disappointed.
I think one of the strongest ALW scores is ASPECTS OF LOVE.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/11
i think elena roger sings don't cry for me argentina with more understanding, and emotion then patti lupone ever could or will.
Not really sure if this counts as an unpopular opinion, but I believe that "The Miller's Son" is better than "Send In The Clowns."
I like Maury Yeston's "Phantom" over ALW's "Phantom Of The Opera"
Frank Wildhorn's music is actually good, in my opinion
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
- I love the current revival of H2$
- I hate mamma mia
- I didn't really like Priscilla (not really an unpopular opinion though)
- I like wicked and phantom, but the are really overrated
- I enjoyed Memphis...
- I loved book of mormon, but i think the scottsboro boys deserved the tony award.
- I don't think Ave Q deserved the 2004 tony award.
I saw Godspell this afternoon and I loved it. I can't wait to see it again.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/25/11
Emma, there's nothing unpopular about hating Mamma Mia. It's garbage.
Here's my list:
1. I can't stand Kristen Chenowith. Her speaking voice is nasally and obnoxious, she looks like a plastic surgery Barbie doll, and I'm convinced she's never grown adult size teeth.
2. I not at all impressed with RENT. It's full of cliche's and I don't feel sorry for a bunch of characters who made such stupid decisions.
3. Next to Normal plays like something written by some undergraduates in a 101 playwriting class. It's amateurish and has all the depth of a Katy Perry ballad.
4. I find it creepy and a little disgusting that people embrace Kathy Rigby playing a young boy. I hate gender bending in every possible situation unless done purposely, and with the intention to draw attention to it, because there's no hiding/ignoring it on stage.
1) I find some of the lyrics in FOLLIES to be extremely pedestrian. (*ducks*)
2) HIGH was possibly the GREATEST play I ever saw.
3) Given the theatre it's set in, this revival of GODSPELL is brilliantly staged.
4) I'm looking forward to Ricky Martin as Che in EVITA.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/25/11
Quizking, Are you aware Sondheim was imitating other writers in every song of Follies? Just curious if you took that into consideration.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/11
^^^^Not every song, Phantom, just the so-called "pastiche" numbers (i.e., the ones that are supposed to have been performed in the imaginary Weisman Follies).
There's also the "book score" ("Don't Look at Me", "Too Many Mornings", et al.) where the characters are singing their own, present-day thoughts and feelings.
I have no idea what quizking finds "pedestrian", unless he means Sally and Buddy singing about their ordinary lives, language which is supposed to be ordinary and everyday.
My new ones.
~I still think WICKED is one of the best musicals ever...yup...I said it
~Follies needs more fans...asap (is that unpopular? Nah)
~9 to 5 was a pretty good show. Some book fix ups and it would have done a lot better
~Sondheim and Schwartz are two of the best Musical Theater composers ever
~As said above..I think if the two ever paired up as a team they would write one hell of a musical
~Next to Normal-one of the best musicals of our time
~Lion King is very....boring
Featured Actor Joined: 8/25/11
finger, that opinion of Sondheim is not unpopular as far as I know. He's practically the only composer of our time.
Mary Poppins deserved the Tony award for best choreography.
Godspell is amazing.
I think Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown was one of the best new musicals last season... It is up there with The Book of Mormon in my book.
I really do not care for the music for Scotsborro Boys and Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.
Stand-by Joined: 2/10/09
-I think Alice Ripley is an incredible performer, and I LOVE her voice.
-I think Wicked is one of the strongest shows ever written (by far the strongest I have ever seen, and yes, I have seen LOTS of shows)
-Victoria Matlock was a stellar Elphaba
-True Theatre people don't hate shows for being too mainstream/successful, and they don't get bored with shows easily.
-Pirate Queen is Amazing
-Billy Elliot, while very enjoyable, is extremely overrated.
-I think stunt casting cheapens the value of a show.
"Quizking, Are you aware Sondheim was imitating other writers in every song of Follies? Just curious if you took that into consideration."
I didn't actually, which actually explains alot now...Thank you.
"Quizking, Are you aware Sondheim was imitating other writers in every song of Follies? Just curious if you took that into consideration."
I didn't actually, which actually explains alot now...Thank you.
If any other composer wrote the lyric:
Which dress from my wardrobe of two
One of them was borrowed and the other was blue
they would get a big eye roll...
Updated On: 11/27/11 at 12:02 AM
I do think that Sondheim does get away with some odd lyrics. But I think his brilliant scores in general make up for it :P
BUT on that note, I do agree that some of his fans tend to come off as...snobby.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/11
"If any other composer wrote the lyric:
Which dress from my wardrobe of two
One of them was borrowed and the other was blue
they would get a big eye roll..."
Why? There is a context to those lines: Phyllis is remembering when she was young and underpaid, owned one outfit and borrowed a second. It's particularly meaningful because she is now extremely wealthy--in fact, "American royalty"--and is musing about the "good old days" when she was poor. What's the problem?
I realize the Sondheim praise gets boring to some people here, but inventing problems where there are none does nothing to tarnish his legacy. It just makes the complaining post seem arbitrary.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/30/09
I'm not sure how popular/unpopular this is, but apart from Sondheim, Maury Yeston is my favorite composer for the theatre.
Titanic is a favorite of mine.
I think Carrie is dreadful and bad material for a musical.
In the past decade, I think the Tony for best musical went to the right show only once.
I think South Pacific has a dull book that isn't helped by the fact that the character's problems come from her own racism.
While I love Bernadette Peters in some shows (Sunday, especially) her voice really annoys me, and it just gets worse as the years go on. I really don't like what people are calling her "soprano" (meaning her head voice) that she uses in Follies. Her long, slow phrases in the show (or, on the album, at least) are really annoying.
I can't stand Carolee Carmello's huge vibrato
Gaveston2, I thing the problem with the lyric is "and the other was blue" sounds like it's fishing for a rhyme. I've imagined a line reading making sense of it by saying it in disgust, conveying that one was borrowed and the other is blue, which is not my color. Unfortunately, I've never heard that line reading, so I wonder "why is it important that the other was blue?" and it doesn't make much sense without justification.
Updated On: 11/27/11 at 12:36 AM
It seems a lot of people don't care for Arianda Fernandez as Mimi in the RENT revival. I think she rocks. She is exactly how I envision Mimi to be. And she sings the hell out of "Without You".
1.) I hate ALW musicals (except Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and #2)
3.) Starmites had some fun songs
4.) Rent is too pretentious not even worth a watch.