hey omg i cannot wait for this movie!! I am such a renthead and a huge idina menzel fan...but anyway,
i think its great that ure doing this. I wanted to ask if you think the movie will have as strong of an impact as the broadway show did. Will it still be as powerful as you think? Plus, is it cool catching up with most of the OBC and Idina (heh had 2 add that). Okay well cool if u answer this. Glad to be in touch and updated with the movie. Oh and is Rosario Dawson singing?
La Vie Boheme
Rosario is singing. They've already recorded the soundtrack and from the short clip of Without You that was posted, she sounds very good.
so here it is, Anthony: are you *actually* making a movie--as in Mark's film, ("close on Roger... his girlfriend April left him a note saying, 'we've got AIDS' before slitting her wrists in the bathroom.")? and if you are, will Mark's film (it's called 'Today 4 U: Proof Positive,' right?) be an easter egg or special feature on the dvd (because that would be totally coooooool!)?
hope that question wasn't already asked.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/30/04
Ooo! Easter Egg Mark Film!
Awesome idea.
Swing Joined: 3/25/05
thanks for the update anthony!
Swing Joined: 12/31/69
Hmm, two questions posted, no answers yet, dare I try again? Hey, Anthony, can you talk at all about the differences between Michael Grief's and Chris Columbus' approach to the material? Beyond the obvious difference between the mediums of film and live theater, of course. I saw Kenneth Branagh do Henry V with the RSC, which was directed by Adrian Noble, and when I saw Branagh's film version of Henry V he'd lifted a lot of stage business and character stuff from the live production. Anything similar in the Rent movie?
Mr. rapp, if you could also let us know what cuts they have made (maybe u have, i didnt read all 100 pages) because im guessing they might have made some songs into dialouge ect so if u answer that id apreciate it.
Hey Anthony, quick question...
Is Robert De Niro really one of the producers for the movie?
I noticed him listed on imdb.com but i wasn't sure of it was accurate. To me, it doesn't seem like his niche, but then again he seems very versitile. I am grateful that many of the orginal producers including Jeffrey Seller (who happens to be my cousin) and Kevin McCollum are in on the movie, but i wasn't sure about De Niro...
You're awesome Anthony, can't wait till November!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Robert DeNiro (the very same) and his company, Tribeca Films, optioned the film rights to Rent back in '96.
Hey everyone,
Just out of pure curiousity... I know that people are pretty used to the idea now of a new Mimi, but if you could choose yourself...
Daphne or Rosario?
RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.
Although I am now getting excited about seeing Rosario, I am still partial to Daphne. She IS Mimi! But still syked about seeing Rosario's take on her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/13/05
Before this Mimi discussion potentially begins (again), I politiely offer Lael's off-topic thread for non-Anthony related questions and discussions:
Yes, it is the new home for us wandering threadjackers!
And the idea of an actual "Mark film" would be really interesting. I know its a long ways away but when the DVD does come out, will there be some good special features on the discs? (Sorry, I'm a nut for those behind-the-scenes kind of documentaries)
Hon, that's the kind of thing you post on the other thread.
Hi Anthony!
I hope everyone is having fun in SF. It's finally sunny and nice in New England!
"Thank you very much for that. Being out is very important to me, and I'm glad that my being out has helped you. How did your parents respond? I hope all is well in your family."
:) My parents took it very well. (my mom even said "we had some idea this was coming, we were just waiting for you to say something") Both my parents are really cool about it and told me that whoever i bring home to introduce to them, they will accept as being the person I love and being someone who is very important to me. Unfortunatly, my cousin (who is also my best friend in the whole world) didn't have the luck and support I did. His parents are in compleat denile and are telling him he "doesn't have to be gay" and "wasn't born that way because jesus wouldn't allow it" (I should probably point out at this point that while his parents are born again chrisians, i'm jewish) Luckily, he's away at college and has a very supportive boyfriend who told him he would help pay for school is his parents decide not to keep paying for it (he also has scholarships and i told him i would help too)
Do you have any advice I can give him?
love lauren
Dreamcatcher, I'm with you in wondering about the DVD extras...I absolutely love them!!
Swing Joined: 2/14/05
Anthony; I've heard that LMC is back in as a song? Is that true???
Also, I was curious if you'll be using "Christmas Bells." It seems to me that would make a perfect song for film...
Look forward to your reply...
Anthony, I asked Cary this question, so I wanna ask you the same. Do you ever find yourself in a situation, where someone said something, or did something, and it reminded you of a Rent song? Like, you'll say something, or someone'll say something, or do something, and you find yourself suddenly thinking, humming, or even singing the song? Like, when you were doing it on stage, after that, and of course, since you're doing the movie, I'm sure those songs are in your head quite often. Any examples? If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to get the opinion of the rest of the cast on this question as well, if at all possible.
Keep up the great work on the movie, you, and the rest of the cast. Break a leg, and all that good stuff that goes with it.
Oh, one more thing, have you had a chance to visit Castro yet? Such fun. And there's this really cute guy who works at one of the Starbucks' on Market. The bigger one I think it is. Ah, starbucksman. Thanks, and have a great day.
tbossbone, LMC was never out of the movie. And Christmas Bells is. Anthony posted a song list a while ago, and it was recently bumped.
Here is a list of songs that Anthony posted awhile ago that were in the movie.
One Song Glory
Today 4 U
Life Support(in part)
Out Tonight
Another Day
Will I...?
Seasons of Love
Santa Fe
Over the Moon
La Vie Boheme
Goodbye Love
Without You
Take Me or Leave Me
I'll Cover You and the Reprise
What You Own
Your Eyes
If I missed any feel free to add them anytime.
Light My Candle, I Should Tell You and Halloween are there, too.
It's kinda sad that it is going from 2 cd's worth of songs down to a highlights cd but at least we are getting what we are getting. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Anthony, I don't know if this has been asked before so forgive me if it has, but do you know when the soundtrack is going to be released? Is it going to be before the movie --Ala PHANTOM or after the movie's release--Ala CHICAGO?
This question has been asked before and if I'm not mistaken may have been answered. I think the answer was not sure, but don't take my word for it.
I just wanted to say hi and thank you...I'm sure you are getting loads of that, but still thanks. I hope that all is going well with you and the filming. I just have a quick question for you. How are things on set, any practical jokers pulling stuff between takes? I think that it would be fun to hear about the between takes stuff that goes on with you guys. You all seem to be really fun going people and that it would be a great set to be a part of. Ok thats it...Have a great day Anthony (and everyone else too)
About the songs being cut down so much, the only reason that it filled two CDs originally was because of all the tune ups and voicemails etc and the whole movie obviously can't be in song. I think some of the voicemails and tune ups are still in the movie, only as dialogue so I don't think its actually getting as much edited out as some may think.
And I thought that the finale song (No day but today etc) was still part of the movie. Don't quote me on that though.....