We've all seen the thread for most overrated musical, so this is the thread for the other end of the discussion! What are your most underrated musicals or underrated songs from musicals?
For me personally it's; Blood Brothers, The Boyfriend and Whistle Down the Wind.
The perfect meringue of a musical.
1776. It has its supporters on this board, but it's still underrated.
That's actually my favorite musical of all-time.
Another underrated show? THE BAKER'S WIFE. I know people have major problems with the book, but I've seen worse books win Tonys.
The Story Of My Life. One of my absolute favorite musicals, but very few people have heard of and it ran only 5 real performances on Broadway.
Caroline, or Change.
For me this would be the LaChiusa WILD PARTY, VIOLET, and THE SECRET GARDEN.
I second 1776. It's one of my absolute favorite shows, and more, one of my top five all time favorite movies - yet even I forget to name it sometimes when naming favorites.
Pacific Overtures
I'm one of those few people who think both the original books and scores to both Anyone Can Whistle and Follies are brilliant.
I, too, love 1776, both the stage show and the movie. I love Martha Jefferson's song about how her husband relaxes by playing the violin. I also love that they didn't shy away from the slavery issue, as some productions about the Revolution do (e.g., Mel Gibson's movie, which I think was called "The Patriots.")
I think Bat Boy gets way less love than it should, wish it would've transferred to Broadway. I agree with 1776 too. Lovely, lovely show, wish I could've seen the production at Asolo Rep this past December.
I agree about 1776. I would also throw Sunset Boulevard out for consideration, and my wife asked me to mention Aspects of Love.
Wonderful Town
P.S. I've never heard of What...who composed it?
GYPSY. Yup, GYPSY. Mmm hmm, yes....GYPSY.
Blood Brothers (though it was well loved in London)
Wild Party (LaChuisa)
PROMESAS, PROMESAS basada en el guion original, "El Apartamento" de Billy Wilder y I.A.L. Diamond.
Millie, The Last Five Years. Loved both.
Saw it in Chicago three times. This show should be produced everywhere all the time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I know that there's going to be a lot of people who will disagree with me, but I think it's 'Shrek the Musical'.
TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. It seems like everyone who never saw the show wonders how it could have won the Tony over FOLLIES.
Finian's Rainbow
I'd say Assassins or Anyone Can Whistle.
Another one that I love and that I feel is underappreciated is Little Women.