Seinfeld, “The Rye” The West Wing, “Two Cathedrals” Batman: TAS, “Feat of Clay” The Wonder Years, “The Accident” The Golden Girls, “The Case of the Libertine Belle” Frasier, “Room Service”
"When you start looking at your watch--as I do at other people's shows--you know you're in trouble."
-Hal Prince
"The Snow Must Go On" &"Chuckles Bites the Dust" from The Mary Tyler Moore Show
"The Case of the Libertine Belle" from The Golden Girls
"Behind the Laughter" from The Simpsons
"Bully Woolley" from Will & Grace
Shout out to The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel for the courtroom scene where Joel and Midge have their divorce hearing, and Susie will have none of it! Also, many scenes with Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec
"Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Have you guys heard about fidget spinners!?" ~Patti LuPone
Huss417 said: "Final episode of Six Feet Under. Perfect!"
Came on to say this as well. Not just a perfect ending to an already excellent series, but perhaps the greatest representation in a single episode of what made the series sing: family drama, comedy, tragedy, gorgeous production design, and the PERFORMANCES. The whole last season is really exceptional television.
Also, “The Fight” and “Pawnee Rangers” from Parks and Rec share an equal piece of my heart.
Felina episode of breaking bad. Not because this is genius in acting or something, bud because I was affected with the feeling like something special gonna be end. Recently I have created a website where you can look for official spy tools. You can use free sms tracker without installing on target phone of a man you are spying for.
CHEERS: "Let Sleeping Drakes Lie" Season 6, episode 18. "You just left her in the closet?"
THE SIMPSONS: "A Streetcar Named Marge" Season 4, episode 2. "You're a dame, and I'm a fella!" "Stanley, stop, or I'll tell Stella!"
MOONLIGHTING: "Atomic Shakespeare" Season 3, episode 7. A spoof on "Taming of the Shrew" done entirely in iambic pentameter!
FREAKS AND GEEKS: "Tricks and Treats" Episode 3. Bill: "Why is everybody staring at me? You'd think they never saw The Bionic Woman before."
LAVERNE & SHIRLEY: "Guinea Pigs" Season 2, episode 14. In which the girls earn money as weekend test subjects (Laverne hasn't slept, Shirley hasn't eaten) to earn money to go to a fancy party. The physical schtick here is classic.
"What- and quit show business?" - the guy shoveling elephant shit at the circus.