Merle Dandridge was very nice last night. I don't know if I would say she was the nicest, but very nice nonetheless.
The whole cast of Avenue Q.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
Many, after different shows. He's always very nice, happy to oblige autographs and photos.
Back when he was in As You Like It (two or three years ago in Central Park), one of his fellow cast members asked if he'd mind meeting her family. He couldn't have been happier and spoke to them for the longest time.
I saw Tarzan recently, and the whole cast was pretty nice. Josh Strickland was sweet, and Dylan Snyder (he was Young Tarzan that night) took pictures with my sister, who is around his age. Shuler Hensley was also very nice.
Laura Benanti, Stephen Lynch and Felicia Finley of THE WESDDING SINGER (I missed Kevin and the rest )
The revival cast of LES MIZ
David Hyde Pierce and Bernadeete Peters were very sweet.
I've met
Tim Howar
Joshua Kobak
Andy Pellick
Timothy Jerome
Josh Strickland
Jean Stapleton
Saycon Sengbloh
Donnie Keshawarz
The nicest is a tie between Andy Pellick, who was genuinely humble as I was showering with praise and Donnie Keshawarz who talked to me for about a half hour about 24.
I had my first stage door experiences last weekend, unfortunately, I must have had a bad day. At the Spamalot matinee, the guy who played King Aurthur just walked right out and then no one came out for a while, so we just left.
Then at the evening Producer's show, only Tony signed. He was really nice about it, but I really wanted to get Hunter Foster's autograph. Everyone just flew out the stage door and into the street. I'm not mad or anything, just a little disappointed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Barry Nelson. He took me out for cocktails.
Understudy Joined: 1/10/07
The entire cast of The Wedding Singer
The cast of Spring Awakening
Ashley Parker Angel, and the rest of the cast of Hairspray
Christopher J. Hanke from RENT
the entire cast of Jersey Boys is soo friendly & nice..they will always stop and talk for those extra minutes and make sure pictures come out nice..props to the leads, Christian, Bobby, Daniel, and John...all times I have stage doored..they have been friendly as can be...Bobby last time made sure I got a picture with him and was able to change the film on my camera since it ran out..and Christian & John came in the stage door the first time I saw it and I told them about how I was sitting front row and it ended up all of them waved and gestured to me at the end of the show soo nice.
also---Tim Howar was very nice, David Garrison, Antonique Smith, cast of Hairspray, Matt Caplan
Everyone in Spring Awakening are saints.
They all signed, and took as many pictures.
Bob Martin- Drowsy Chaperone
Kristin Chenoweth- The Apple Tree
Oh, jeez ...
Martin Short - FAME BECOMES ME - 08.29.06
Marc Shaiman - FAME BECOMES ME - 08.29.06
Jill Abramovitz - FAME BECOMES ME - 08.29.06
Annie Golden - MIMI le DUCK - 10.25.06
Eartha Kitt - MIMI le DUCK - 10.25.06
Jim Stanek - JACQUES BREL - 11.12.06
Robert Cuccioli - JACQUES BREL - 11.12.06
Ali Ewoldt - LES MIZ - 11.21.06
Adam Jacobs - LES MIZ - 11.21.06
Aaron Lazar - LES MIZ - 11.21.06
Gary Beach - LES MIZ - 11.21.06
Alexander Gemignani - LES MIZ - 11.21.06
Norm Lewis - LES MIZ - 11.21.06
Full Company - EVIL DEAD - 11.30.06
Full Company - HOW TO SAVE... - 12.20.06
Including a slew of others who I've had distinct pleasure of meeting, laughing, chatting with at various Broadway and Off B'way events over the past year. '06 was a good year for me. All of those who I came in contact with were most excellent, and very warm, aimable, and well-receptive.
- Mike
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Stephanie J. Block (obviously) Kissed her on the cheek five times
Jennifer Butt She was so meek
Joan Almedilla She was perky and just awesome.
The entire cast of the 2006 tour of Rent.
Jed Resnick (Mark) HE WAS SO CUTE!! He was all shy and walking along. I asked him to sign my playbill, he did. Then I asked for a hug. He was shorter than me, so I think smothered him with my shoulder.
Ano Okera (Angel) Some girls cut me, and I gave them a look and he said, "Don't worry, you were first." And I got a GREAT hug.
And the soloist in Seasons of Love (Can't remember the name) I was praising her and she said, "Boy you crazy!" My mom was talking with her mom, then I talked to her baby. :)
I have yet to meet Ted Neeley.
MotorTink, don't be discouraged. Matinees are hard because a lot of the cast just doesn't come out. In terms of cast members not stopping, it's a little tricky for them because if they stop and approach people waiting and the people don't want their autograph, they feel foolish. This often happens if there's a household name in the cast. I've often been surprised that many of the people at the stage door only want the famous name's autograph and don't care about anyone else. I've been at stage doors where there are 50 people waiting and I'm the only one who wanted Non-Household-Name to sign. So the other cast members at The Producers may just be avoiding the issue by walking by everyone without stopping. I've personally found that if, when you see the actor, you say, "Mr Smith, could you sign my Playbill?", they are more than happy to do so (if they don't want to do the stage door thing, they'll go out a different way), but if you don't, they'll keep walking.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/11/04
definetely daphne rubin vega.. the first time i met her she was RIDICULOUSLY pregnant and signed for everyone while standing.. second time was at rent 10.. she was so sweet to all of us fans that couldn't afford tickets and was showing us pictures of her baby on her phone... and at les miserables she was very sweet once again.. i've had great experiences with a lot of other people, but she gets my vote..
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/30/03
Chita - in about 5 different things I've seen her in
I don't stage door very often, but my vote has to go to Chita. She was incredibly sweet and she stayed and talked with me for quite a while. She gave me a hug and told me that I was adorable! :) :)
Stand-by Joined: 4/3/06
Stephanie J Block
Wayne Brady
Robert Goulet
David Hyde Pierce
Sara Ramirez
Beth Leavel
Sutton Foster
Hunter Foster
Michael Cerveris
Patti LuPone
Everyone @ Jersey Boys (I didnt meet JLY, he wasn't at the performance, but I am sure he's nice since I have met him elsewhere)
Raul Esparza
to name a few. :)
mikem, thanks for the words of advice. I figured that was the case at the Producers (everyone only wanting Tony's autograph and the rest of the cast not sticking around). I would've politely asked Foster when he came out and walked by, but unfortunately I was on the other side of the barricade shoved by the street, and wasn't going to shout it out! It's all good. Tony signed both of our playbills, so I think I'm going to mail one to the theater and ask Hunter to sign it. If he doesn't and I never see it again, we at least have an extra.
Probably the nicest was Hugh Panaro. I saw him perform solo at the local university and he was so great. Mind you, there were only around 300 people for the concert so there wasn't that many people to talk to, but he spent time taking photos and autographing our programs. After telling him how much I enjoyed his performance and talking to him a few minutes he gave me this huge hug and told me to be safe driving back to college and that he was glad I came. He was seriously one of the nicest people I've ever met at a stagedoor.
But amazingly, I've had good experiences everytime I've stagedoored. I think I'm one of the lucky ones. :)
Everyone has been nice to me, but the person who sticks out is Ashley Parker Angel.
I got to meet all five of the Altar Boyz on tour and they were super sweet and funny! Also, most of the Wicked touring cast members were really nice in San Diego.
First and Foremost: Daniel Reichard! I went to his christmas concert and he was just amazing to me afterwards as well as everytime I've seen Jersey Boys!
Basically everyone from JB but I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to or take pictures with any of the women in the show which is disappointing.
Tim Howar and most of the Spamalot cast.
Updated On: 2/20/07 at 09:47 PM