Ditto Katie Adams. I saw her as Glinda on tour. What a sweetie!
MovieGuy - Katie is still the standby.
Everyone I've met has been great.
Updated On: 1/23/07 at 06:41 PM
does the cast of SA come out after matinees?
yes they do. My friend went and saw the 2 p.m. performance and talked to all of them.
MLE - Sorry, I never actually looked. I read on another thread that she was gone and thought it to be true. Goodness, she was possibly the nicest person besides Jenn Gambatese.
JKlock - Yes, they do come out after the matinees, as javertjunky said. But, I saw the first matinee of their entire run (the 3rd official preview), and Stephen Spinella and Christine Estabrook did not come out. I asked the woman who was tending the stage door (P.S.~ Nicest lady ever. We talked for like 10 minutes after everyone was gone. Anyhow...) and she said that they had a rewrite or some kind of meeting with the director prior to the evening performance.
So, when I saw it, all of the young cast indeed came out the stage door. But, due to it being early in the run and the first day of a double-performance, the adults did not... though the case may be different now.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/17/06
Hands down, the Boston cast of Spelling Bee, just for dealing with me non-stop for three months, let alone being so awesome about it.
And also Elizabeth Southard and Susan Owen. But mostly the Boston Bee cast.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/17/06
It's hard to beat the entire cast of Spring Awakening for being open and friendly, although the History Boys kids were wonderful as well. Jon Groff wins in my book because after the first time I saw the show onstage, he told me outside that I was the best audience member of all time because I was laughing and rocking out in my on-stage seat. Since then, whenever my daughter and I run into him (several times at the show or just in the streets of NY) he throws his arms around us and says, "Hey, it's you guys again! How have you been?" In the last few years, others who were particularly fun were Dennis O'Hare, Bill Nighy, Jimmy Smits, Patty Heaton (and I teased her about her politics!), Mary Louise Parker, Nicole Kidman, Amy Spanger, Jeff Goldblum, Billy Crudup (who remembered exactly where we'd been sitting for Pillowman), Brian O'Byrne, Mark Ruffalo, Nellie McKay, Logan Marshall-Green, the cast of the Spelling Bee. It's much harder to remember actors who are rude, because my experiences chatting with them are usually really pleasant...
Stand-by Joined: 2/11/06
...going way back to 1983, James Congdon after "Baby," while in previews.
Stand-by Joined: 7/13/06
Sarah Stiles from the Spelling Bee tour.
I met the kids from the Les Mis tour and they were all sweet. Their parents, on the other hand...
The cast of City of Angels, particularly James Naughton who spent about 10-15 minutes chatting with my friend and I.
I had great fun with Philip Bosco, because my nephew's name is also Philip Bosco (unfortunately no relation although we're both from Jersey City)He signed a poster for me and then we chatted for about 15 minutes while he signed other autographs.
Dame Maggie Smith was also great. I was at a Tues. performance of Lettice and Lovage and after we spoke another man asked to get a picture and she said "Please hurry, I have to do this twice tomorrow." Priceless.
Understudy Joined: 1/16/07
Julia Murney Julia Murney Julia Murney!!!! She's just a darling! She takes time talking to you and for that matter everyone at the stagedoor. She has the funniest stories or just wittiest comments!
Chorus Member Joined: 12/4/06
Understudy Joined: 7/21/05
Kendra Kassebaum
Cliffton Hall
Josh Lamon
Megan Hilty
Stephanie J. Block
Will Chase!!!
And Adam Pascal and Idina Menzel and Matt Caplan
Featured Actor Joined: 11/2/05
The stagedoor at Dreamgirls is VERY nice. they are alwyas most gracious.
Idina Menzel
Helen Dallimore
Martin Ball
I don't always stage door, but here's my list:
John Lloyd Young
Christian Hoff
Daniel Reichard
J. Robert Spencer
Michael Longoria
Richard Blake
Stephen Lynch
Raul Esparza
Norbert Leo Butz
Mark Kudisch
Billy Crudup
Jeff Goldblum
Away from the stage door:
I met Brian Stokes Mitchell, Anthony Rapp, Adam Pascal and Kristin Chenoweth at other events and they were so incredibly nice
The divine Cherry Jones was the most human person I have ever interacted with at the stage door. She was amazing.
The best I've met were Christine Ebersole, Norm Lewis, and Rondi Reed (from Chicago's "Wicked")
I forgot a couple of others who were really nice:
Jeff Goldblum, what a hysterical man. My friends and I met him and he spoke to us for a good twenty minutes, and we saw the show again two weeks letter and he was like "Hey, I remember you guys!" and talked to us for another fifteen minutes or so.
Cherry Jones was also very nice. She stopped and chatted with my cousin and I for a few minutes after "Faith Healer," even though there was a very large crowd waiting for autographs. I felt bad, but it was she who kept the conversation going! She's really intense with eye contact. I don't know why I'm writing that it's just that I remember how hardcore she was about it.
JKlock - Yes, they do come out after the matinees, as javertjunky said. But, I saw the first matinee of their entire run (the 3rd official preview),
Me too!
Megan Hilty
Norbert Leo Butz
David Ayers
Christian Hoff
Christian Hoff was the nicest. I was in NY one day before christmas and me and my friends decided since we couldn't get tix for jersey boys, we would go to the stage door to meet the cast after the show instead. We ended up getting there late and Christian Hoff was the only one still there. I told him I didn't see the show but I was asking for tix for christmas(i got them!! im seeing it in march). He was so nice, he told me he hoped i would get tickets and then told me all about student rush tickets and really took a lot of time to talk. then I got my picture with him and he made sure it turned out. it didn't the first time so we took another. He really just seemed to care.
Adam Pascal was incredible to me !!! I got a hug and a personalized autograph !
John Stamos was fantastic, especially when I told him I was Greek !
Eartha Kitt was a true Lady, very chatty and friendly !
Karmine Alers was really sweet to me. My voice teacher at SFT over the summer had coached Karmine. So...she kind of set me up with a backstage deal. Karmine and I talked for about thirty minutes...and she didn't even seem in a hurry to get away! Same with Tim Howar (another time I saw RENT). He came out and spoke with EVERY SINGLE PERSON outside, no lie. He was so accommodating.
And the entire Hairspray cast was, when I saw it.
And...when I saw Three Days of Rain, Julia Roberts came out for a total of three minutes, signed like five playbills...then retreated back into the building. I was a little bit on the upset side...since I was completely SET on meeting Julia Roberts. Eh, oh well.
Yeah, it's refreshing when people are nice at the stage door.
Linda Eder was a DOLL! We talked for a while and she didn't rush us (even though there was quite a line behind us.)
Carol Channing is fabulous, but you already know that.
Kendra Kassebaum was nice, but definitely wasn't as personable as Julia Murney.
Lorna Luft is hilarious.
Raul Esparza is a GEM!!! He was so kind and gracious. (And gorgeous.)
Chorus Member Joined: 7/30/05
I worship Raul, but I must have gotten him on a bad day...
The best:
Frank Langella
Charles Adler (Took over in Torch Song Trilogy)
Harvey Firestein
Sarah Ramirez
David Hyde Pierce
Hank Azaria
George Hearn
Alan Alda