Broadway Star Joined: 8/1/07
"Sarah Lawrence from The Phantom of The Opera Tour! I wanted autographs but was the only one standing there waiting for actors to come sign... Was kinda awkward and I was hesitant to ask people sign. I was about to leave with my family when she came up to us and started talking to us. She asked Raoul played by Greg Mills to come and show him to me and they both signed my playbill!"
I agree 100%. We were the only ones there too, so we didn't get many autographs. And she came out last, but was the nicest by far. I told her I was seeing the show for my birthday and she sang to me. It was so sweet. She's adorable.
Mattonstage - I'll agree with what you and a few others have said about Stephanie and add on that the story about your great uncle is pretty darn awesome!
It's nice to see a positive thread for a change :)
Updated On: 8/27/07 at 12:01 AM
Christine Ebersole.
Laura Bell Bundy.
Kate Shindle.
Kristin Chenoweth (she was nice to me, lol).
Marc Kudisch.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
Johnny Gallagher, no question about it! One of the most amazing people I've EVER met.
however Jon Groff is RIGHT up there too suuuch a sweetheart <3
and Felicia Finley- she's SO ridiculously outgoing and hysterical and I love her!
Sutton Foster is by far the sweetest actor I've met at the SD, I pre stage doored at Drowsy because I've wanted to meet her since I saw her in Millie, when I told her that she looked guinely touched. I gave her a huge hug (my display picture) and she wrapped her arms around me. She was such a sweetheart.
Also, some really sweet people was:
The entire oringal rivival cast of A Chorus Line, esp Mara Davi, she was very easy to talk too
Hunter Foster
David Hyde Pierce
Karen Ziembra
Laura Bell Bundy
Nikki Snelson
Megan McGinnis
Beth Leavel
Bob Martain
I probably haven't met NEARLY as many people as most of you, and all my experiences are in London, so I guess it's not really Broadway, but here goes:
Martin Ball was a complete sweetheart, and there were two chorus members of The Producers that were quite nice and eager to talk to me, but I can't remember their names and my programme is still packed in a box somewhere. Sally Dexter was also extremely nice after I saw Billy Elliot last year. Oh, and Will Kemp at Equus.
I'm still dying to see Young Frankenstein...because I want to see/meet Megan Mullally!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/3/05
I'm not sure it's entirely fair to judge people when they've just finished a 2 and a half hour show, sometimes for the second time that day. I just like to thank people, get an autograph, and move on. I will say, however, that Stephanie J. Block is far and above everyone else I have ever met. There's a good reason so many people have mentioned her in this thread. After the Billy Stritch at Birdland concert in July, I just wanted to get my Pirate Queen poster signed because she hadn't signed it yet. Lo and behold, she stood there talking to us for probably 10-15 minutes. And my little group certainly was not the only one. She has the unique ability to make every person she's talking to feel like they're the only people she's ever talked to. She makes every person feel special. And I felt like she truly enjoyed standing there talking to us; I didn't feel at all like we were taking up any of her time. I did feel a little bad for Sebastian though, who had to stand around and wait.
But I can't say I've ever met anyone that hasn't been nice at the stage door. Sure, some people are more outgoing than others, but that's just the way life is.
Definitely Beth Leavel.
When I met Mano in NY, he was cordial, but rushed, but when I met him in LA after Sunday in the Park, he talked to me for about ten minutes. It was great.
Um ... the entire Cast of "The Pirate Queen" comes to mind. Seriously from top to toe the nicest cast I've ever met. Stephanie is ridiculously sweet in her own right, but all the way on down to the swings were just the nicest people ever.
John Cudia is a SWEET HEART. I adore that man and if he weren't married ... yea, we'll leave it at that because Kathy's adorable to and SO nice. They're possibly my twn favorite people in the world.
Sebastian Arcelus is amazingly sweet too and easily makes fun of himself which is great for a laugh. Plus he just has the best hair ...
Stand-by Joined: 6/14/07
Julia Murney
Christine Ebersole
Kate Shindle
Nikki Snelson
Laura Bell Bundy
Ashley Brown
Karen Ziembra
Stephanie J. Block
Updated On: 8/27/07 at 11:06 AM
And doesn't it ever occur to anyone that an actor being 'nice' to you might be ACTING?
I think most adults can tell the difference between sincere interest/gratitude and fake "niceness." This is why Kristin Chenoweth never appealed to me; everyone raves about how "nice" she is but it always seemed put on to me.
A few of the genuinely kind actors I've met are:
Idina Menzel
Patrick Wilson
Audra McDonald
Richard Blake
How quickly people are forgotten once their shows close and new ones open. Greg Jbara immediately comes to mind. He used to dominate these threads. Easily the nicest performer I have ever met. Incredibly generous and kind.
There are so many that are so sweet. Kirsten Wyatt, Orfeh, Andy Karl, Norm Lewis, Tituss Burgess, Gwen Stewart, Justin Keyes, Richard Blake, Daniel Torres, Curtis Holbrook, Mara Davi, Krysta Rodriguez, Andre Ward, Nikki Snelson and Marty Thomas stick out in my mind as being incredibly sweet and genuine in my experience. :)
Stand-by Joined: 11/18/06
Well, I feel like I shouldn't answer this question since I don't *always* go to the stage door to try to meet people. So my list isn't long, but it isn't because so many actors aren't nice, but that I haven't met many! Actually, I feel lucky that most of the actors I've met have been *extremely* sweet and appreciative of compliments and the effort of saying hi after a show.
Marian Seldes - she's in a class all by herself and wins the nice award hands down
Karen Ziemba
Marin Mazzie
Kelli O'Hara
Blair Brown
Jefferson Mays
Julie White
A few years ago, (at the end of the first sesaon of Will and Grace) I was lucky enough to literally stumble upon "Sweethearts, A Musicale!" featuring Megan Mullaly and her band. I was in LA and saw this marquee at a VERY small theatre. We called to get tickets for that Friday -- it just so happened to be opening night. It was a 100 seat house and Billy Porter was there, as was Debra Messing and Sean Hayes.
After the show we were getting up the leave when the stage manager invites the entire audience to stay for a champagne reception. OMG -- I couldn't believe it. Megan was so genuine and lovely. Touch pictures with me and my friends. I actually sent her that picture and she sent it back, autographed, with a note.
CHARMING woman -- And I'm lucky enough to be going to Seattle tomorrow to see Young Frankenstein -- I can't wait to see if she's changed. My gut is that she hasn't! :)
Pretty much everyone I've met at stage doors has been nice, including people I know aren't quite so nice the rest of the time.
The first that come to mind as being genuinely nice are:
Greg Jbara - I met him very, very briefly, but he was a very friendly guy
Lauren Molina - just a sweetheart
Patrick Wilson - he was tired and seemed a bit feverish, but so gracious
Hugh Panaro - he isn't just the nicest actor I've met, but the nicest person I've met in general
Swing Joined: 8/27/07
i met Jerry Orbach on the F train once back in 2000 , he was the sweetest guy ! you would never know he was a star and had done so many great things cause he was so friendly and easy-going . he dressed really really sharp too !!! : P
Gary Beach--
But what do some of you expect of these people? Do you think they'll become BFFs with you? I mean, ahmelie, if you started crying in front of me--some total stranger I might think "Oooh--too needy--stay away." And I would expect the same thing if I started crying in front of someone I didn't know (I mean, unless I had just broken a bone or something).
David Elder! Does anyone know what he has been doing? Great performer. Miss him and 42nd St. Also Sutton Foster, Brian Stokes, and the revival cast of sweeney todd
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/21/07
So far the nicest I have met is Norbert Leo Butz, Roger Bart, and Sutton Foster.
Beth Leavel and Greg Jbara have been the absolute nicest ones I've ever met!
Idina Menzel (yup)
Jonathan Groff
Bernadette Peters
Johnny Gallagher
Laura Benanti
Raul Esparza
Vincent Price
Linda Eder
Bob Cuccioli
Hugh Panaro
Robert Morse
Chita Rivera
Oliver Platt
Brian F O Byrne
Understudy Joined: 4/22/06