#175FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 12:56am

I have wanted to see a production of Falsettos ever since discovering the cast albums years ago and I enjoyed the show tonight.  Tally Sessions was on for Mendel and I thought he did a great job, wouldn't know he wasn't the regular in the role.  Courtney Balan was on for Trina and was good.  Personally I enjoyed the second act much more, although that may be because I listen to the Falsettoland album much more frequently than March.  Andrew Rannells was the standout for me of the show.

starcatchers Profile Photo
#176FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 12:57am

I'm going to go out on a limb here (not really) -'d say that illness could have something to do with two unscheduled absences this early in a run? 

the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/dreamanddrift And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association: http://act.alz.org/site/TR?fr_id=8200&pg=personal&px=6681234

#177FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 3:37am

Tonight I did something that I'd never done before.  I went to the box office and said "I was here to see Stephanie. Is there anyway I can exchange the tickets?" And without missing a beat, they said "Of course."  

I had bought my tickets through Ticketmaster. They contacted Ticketmaster for me - my tickets were refunded - then I got new tickets from the (incredibly kind and generous and helpful) box office staff (and what Broadway BO staff is nice like that?) for 3 weeks from tonight in the same row I had tickets for tonight.  (And even more center seats than I had for tonight.) 

I can't say enough kind things about the box office staff at the theater.  And I sure hope that Stephanie will be in when I see the show in a few weeks!  I have read every review of the show on this thread - I don't comment much but I read a lot - and hope to enjoy when I finally get to see it.

#178FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 7:53am

Or Stephanie didn't feel like being on with the understudy again. Those two characters are almost always together onstage. 

AC126748 Profile Photo
#179FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 8:13am

FiddleMeThis said: "Or Stephanie didn't feel like being on with the understudy again. Those two characters are almost always together onstage. 



She's a professional. That kind of insinuation is ridiculous. 

It's cold and flu season. There's always a danger opening a show in the fall/winter that someone might catch a bug. 

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Jimbo2 Profile Photo
#180FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 12:40pm

I'm at the theatre and confirmed with the box office both Stephanie and Brandon are out for the matinee and tonight's show.

"If we don't wake up and shake the nation, we'll eat the dust of the world, wondering why...why?"

#181FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 2:38pm

This is not ridiculous at all. These kinds of differences happen all the time in professional theater. Lots of egos involved, at all levels.

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#182FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 3:51pm

Something is really going around over there! According to this tweet from Betsy Wolfe, Stephanie was out for the matinee today but Courtney Balan is also sick! Looks like Stephanie Umoh went on (script in hand)!


"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Broadway.com Audience Awards

starcatchers Profile Photo
#183FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 4:24pm

Was just coming here to post that! Crazy. 

the artist formerly known as dancingthrulife04 Check out my Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/dreamanddrift And please consider donating to my Ride to Remember, benefitting the Alzheimer's Association: http://act.alz.org/site/TR?fr_id=8200&pg=personal&px=6681234

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
Robert16 Profile Photo
#185FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 6:01pm

If no other reason, Go just to see Andrew - the scenic design got boring after awhile - the "March" they could do without - very nostalgic and a reminder of those times - still feels like off-broadway

A Director
#186FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 6:39pm

Fiddle Me -  You hate the production, so you skip around throwing rose petals of negativity.  In other words, your goal in life is to stir the sh*t!

#187FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 6:56pm

I loved the production-Andrew was fantastic and Anthony was perfect and absolutely adorable. Christian was meh for me, he sounded good, but his acting was iffy. I think he serves the production well enough, but I never saw the original productions, so I don't have anyone else to go off of. Tally Sessions was great as Mendel, I personally loved his performance. Stephanie's understudy wasn't as good, I enjoyed her kitchen breakdown scene, but her Holding to the Ground was rather forgettable. but she still did a great job especially considering it was her first time in the role. Betsy and Tracie do well in thankless roles, and I personally cried for the entire second half of act 2. I'd like to return to the production to see Brendan and Stephanie later on. I'm also confused by what the March of the Falsettos and opening costumes and blocking are attempting to accomplish, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the production and hope to return.

#188FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 7:30pm

Wow, I can't believe she went on with no rehearsals - brava! I hope the others get well soon.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#189FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 7:44pm

What's the shows running time?

gstrus2 Profile Photo
#190FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 7:49pm

I'm at the 8pm performance- and everyone is in! Looking forward to seeing Stephanie and Brandon. 

BarnabyTucker Profile Photo
#191FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 8:37pm

I was at today's matinee - here's the FB post I put up in regards to the understudy situation:

So here's an overview of one of my single greatest theatre going experiences: At today's matinee of Falsettos on Broadway, Stephanie J. Block was out with a chest cold (according to a booth op., it's been going around the entire company). On top of that, the show started almost half an hour late. As the lights went down, Andre Bishop (artistic director of Lincoln Center) came out on stage with a microphone in hand and told everyone that not only was Stephanie sick, BUT her understudy was as well. At this point, I'm thinking that he's going to tell us the show is canceled. Instead, he tells us that her second cover (who had never rehearsed, barely knew the part, etc.) would be going on instead. She would be performing with book in hand...having only been placed/blocked into the show less than two hours before the house opened. So naturally, Stephanie Umoh goes on with book in hand...and ROCKS IT! She was absolutely brilliant as Trina, and she meshed perfectly with an altogether connected ensemble (AND they're still in previews!).
Easily, the best part was during curtain call, when the company pushed her forward and allowed her the final bowl. The crowd went nuts!
A STELLAR production (God Bless James Lapine) of a STELLAR work of theatre (only wish someone had warned me about the ending...). Go see it! This is the kind of theatre you wait years to see!

suzycat Profile Photo
#192FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 9:23pm

Live theatre! I love this story so much. 

#193FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 9:55pm

I was there for today's matinee as well. I agree with BarnabyTucker on how nice a moment the curtain call was when Christian pushed her forward (and Stephanie seemed quite thrilled by it). The audience was also incredibly supportive and responsive, which just elevated it for me. I've never seen the show before, so I didn't know what to expect, but I thought Stephanie did a great job, and I got a kick out of witnessing her "debut."

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#194FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/15/16 at 11:55pm

BarnabyTucker said: "I was at today's matinee - here's the FB post I put up in regards to the understudy situation:

So here's an overview of one of my single greatest theatre going experiences: At today's matinee of Falsettos on Broadway, Stephanie J. Block was out with a chest cold (according to a booth op., it's been going around the entire company). On top of that, the show started almost half an hour late."

I was at this afternoon's performance and concur that it was quite a cool thing to witness. Stephanie Umoh was wonderful. However, I don't remember it starting more than 15 minutes late. They certainly opened the doors late, but they got everyone seated much faster than I expected. 

As for the show itself, I really enjoyed this production and the direction. The concept with the set was interesting, and I like where it ultimately ended up. I think the metaphor of fitting the pieces of their lives together served the production well. The cast is doing some great work. I think Christian just has a little more digging to do to hit all of the right notes in the more emotional scenes of the second act, but I expect he'll get there. 

Updated On: 10/15/16 at 11:55 PM

#195FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/18/16 at 12:22pm

Do you think Stephanie Umoh will go on again? I heard she was wonderful and would love to see her 

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#196FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/19/16 at 4:50pm

Stephanie Umoh was on for today's matinee apparently. Stephanie J. Block is supposed to be back in tonight.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#197FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/19/16 at 4:56pm


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Patash Profile Photo
#198FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 10/19/16 at 5:36pm

Just saw Stephanie Umoh at today's matinee.   Despite pages in hand, she was absolutely wonderful.   James Lapine gave a curtain speech telling us that was going to happen.  A lot of sickness in the cast.   

 I loved the production!   

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
