Stand-by Joined: 1/14/17
We were front row mezz way off to the left and couldn’t see one ensemble member when they were in their door, but otherwise the view was fantastic. The sound was extremely problematic though; I think it might be better in the orchestra - during the loud group songs, I could see people in the orchestra laughing at jokes that I couldn’t make out!
Jaquel Spivey posted this morning on Instagram that, for the time being, he'll be out of matinees. Not sure if that includes Sundays:
"Hi folks. After many MANY conversations with my doctors, personal team, and ASL family. We have decided that it's best that I sit out matinees for a cute little second. I am still not at 100% which makes one show difficult but two shows impossible. I can't lie....this is such a rough time but I'm going to trust that it will all work out. Love y'all."
Seems like Jaquel is out quite a bit, no? He was out tonight as well.
He had a solid few weeks and then I think he got a sinus infection to something like that? Something non-COVID but was bad enough to take him out. I think it's been rocky for him since then.
I hope he feels better soon. What a touch time to get sick. And on the shallow side, I hope it doesn't hurt his Tony chances.
I have to imagine quite a lot of Tony voters haven’t seen him, given all his absences.
TaffyDavenport said: "Jaquel Spivey posted this morning on Instagram that, for the time being, he'll be out of matinees. Not sure if that includes Sundays:
"Hi folks. After many MANY conversations with my doctors, personal team, and ASL family. We have decided that it's best that I sit out matinees for a cute little second. I am still not at 100% which makes one show difficult but two shows impossible. I can't lie....this is such a rough time but I'm going to trust that it will all work out. Love y'all."
Crap. I just bought tickets for the Saturday matinee. I know Kyle is great but I wanted to see Jacquel again
I’ve been reading that many have found sound issues with this show. I thought it was only because I was up in the back of the balcony, but I’m reading it’s troublesome in the mezz as well. I’m taking my cousin to see this show for her first time this weekend: can anyone attest to whether the sound is just as troublesome from the orchestra as it is elsewhere? I’d like her (and myself) to be able to hear it better, but if it’s just as much of an issue in the orchestra then I may look for tickets in the balcony again.
It’s a pretty demanding role- barely leaves the stage for the entire runtime and sings 11 out of the 17 numbers, most of which are solos or largely solos. Spivey is so young and this is a Herculean first professional production. And he’s being asked to do a lot on top of the show (press junkets, etc) - I think stamina is a real issue here.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/30/19
THDavis said: "I’ve been reading that many have found sound issues with this show. I thought it was only because I was up in the back of the balcony, but I’m reading it’s troublesome in the mezz as well. I’m taking my cousin to see this show for her first time this weekend: can anyone attest to whether the sound is just as troublesome from the orchestra as it is elsewhere? I’d like her (and myself) to be able to hear it better, but if it’s just as much of an issue in the orchestra then I may look for tickets in the balcony again."
I had “premium” orchestra seats. Sound was still “bad.”
Ive seen it 4 times in the orchestra usually Row D or Row C. The only time I thought the sound was not good was the first preview.
THDavis said: "I’ve been reading that many have found sound issues with this show. I thought it was only because I was up in the back of the balcony, but I’m reading it’s troublesome in the mezz as well. I’m taking my cousin to see this show for her first time this weekend: can anyone attest to whether the sound is just as troublesome from the orchestra as it is elsewhere? I’d like her (and myself) to be able to hear it better, but if it’s just as much of an issue in the orchestra then I may look for tickets in the balcony again."
Poor Jaquel, he was great for about 6 weeks before being knocked out due to illness. Most Tony voters did see him I'm sure or at least I hope so. Unfortunately, no matter where you are in the theater the sound issue is everywhere according to this thread and elsewhere on the internet. I know it's been an issue with me.
I enjoyed seeing Kyle, his voice is powerful and clear, but Jaquel has the vulnerability that is unmatched. I hope he takes the Tony!
FYI - All Wednesday matinees in June are up on TDF
Went for my third time this afternoon since I brought more friends and Kyle was on again. Honestly, Kyle is just so perfect that he’s kind of erased Jaquel from my brain (and that’s hard because Jaquel was FANTASTIC).
Also, apparently they aren’t selling the front row of the balcony anymore because I guess people were putting their Playbills and stuff on the ledge and it was falling off? I don’t know but the entire front balcony row (left to right) was empty at like 1:59pm and when I inquired about moving down (I was in the very last row), the usher got very pissy with me and was like “WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR LATE SEATERS and if the seats are empty, you can’t move down there mid show because people put their stuff on the ledge!”
I was like okay dude, slow your roll, it ain’t that serious. I was allowed to move down last time so I was perplexed.
Also, Michael R. Jackson was outside after the show again today. Very nice and I wished him the very best and many, many Tonys!
I’m going Wednesday. As well discussed in this very thread, I hear the understudy - now alternate - is remarkable as well. This season is all about the power of the cover* so I’m all in.
*I’ll toast Jennifer Blood and Christopher Invar.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
Is sound quality an issue for the entire show? My daughter is planning to see it next week, but is it only an issue due to Spivey's illness or is it a problem no matter who plays the role and no matter where you sit?
This is a Tony nominee for sound. Wow. With all the complaints about the show’s sound design, it will be pretty interesting if it wins..
bear88 said: "Is sound quality an issue for the entire show? My daughter is planning to see it next week, but is it only an issue due to Spivey's illness or is it a problem no matter who plays the role and no matter where you sit?"
It's not an issue, the show wants it this way (reading comments here and seeing it twice in one week in different locations). It is what they intended, and M Jackson stated as such.
"It's not an issue, the show wants it this way"
Just because it's what the show wants doesn't mean it's not an issue. All these folks saying they can't understanding the lyrics aren't lying. Even if the distortion is intended, it's obviously bothering a lot of people.
Anytime more than one person was singing I had trouble understanding the lyrics from row B center and row L center. I have no trouble understanding the lyrics on either album.
It's interesting to consider the distortion intentional, particularly because so much inspiration is taken from Exile in Guyviille which is famously sort of low-fi and distorted. But the distortion really ONLY occurs in group numbers and didn't seem to have any sort of symbolic function... Oh well.
I don't think the distortion negatively effects the overall impact of the show (and it certainly doesn't have a positive effect).
Met an Usher today who said A Strange Loop is for people who have seen a lot of theater as it brings such a new, fresh voice and it’s something that viewers have certainly never seen before.
I thought this was a great take - I’m here thinking I’ve seen a lot of theater but I probably really haven’t if I’m easily dazzled by The Music Man.
I really wanted to like A Strange Loop but it left me feeling sad for the main character who is really struggling with acceptance and feeling comfortable in his own skin. Maybe it hit too close to home for me. I certainly feel like he’s in a bad loop and continues behaviors that continue to make him feel bad (besides writing the musical). I wanted just a sliver of betterment for him and the show (rightfully) didn’t give it to me. It’s a hard piece. I think I felt worse leaving the theater than going in. But I am happy for others that were moved by this piece. It is entirely unique and brings a new voice to the community which is wonderful.
Featured Actor Joined: 1/1/22
EllieRose2 said: "bear88 said: "Is sound quality an issue for the entire show? My daughter is planning to see it next week, but is it only an issue due to Spivey's illness or is it a problem no matter who plays the role and no matter where you sit?"
It's not an issue, the show wants it this way (reading comments here and seeing it twice in one week in different locations). It is what they intended, and M Jackson stated as such."
He stated that he wants people not to hear the lyrics that well?
Playwright Michael R. Jackson on Broadway's "A Strange Loop" CBS Sunday Morning
From this morning’s “CBS Sunday Morning” segment, continuing ASL’s momentum to clean up next weekend at the Tonys <3
“The musical nominated for 11 Tony Awards features an unlikely protagonist: A young, queer Black man working as an usher in a Broadway theater, writing a musical about a young, queer Black man working as an usher in a Broadway theater. The show's writer and composer, Michael R. Jackson, talks with correspondent Rita Braver about mining his own life for a tale of change and self-acceptance.”
KJisgroovy said: ""It's not an issue, the show wants it this way"
Just because it's what the show wants doesn't mean it's not an issue. All these folks saying they can't understanding the lyrics aren't lying. Even if the distortion is intended, it's obviously bothering a lot of people.
Hi KJ, I didn't mean to make light of people's issue with the show, Im sorry if it came off that way. I meant, if it was a problem for the show, it would have been corrected by now. The creator mentioned he wanted the show to resemble a 90s rock/pop concert and mentioned one artist (the name escapes me) but if you have listened to their live performances on late night, it's exactly the same in the levels of music and vocals to their show in the theater. The comments under any performance video reflects this thread when discussing sound issues.
Swing Joined: 2/19/22
I am one of the people who thinks Usher was at its best with LARRY OWENS. Larry Owens is an actor and comedian, not just a musical theater singer. I thought his Usher was very special. I think it's IRONIC that the creative team went out of their way to replace Larry (even rerecord the cast album) because of rumored disagreements and labeling him a diva. Only for them to hire Spivey who can't do 8 shows a week? But then everyone on these boards is so forgiving of him because he's fresh out of school? Maybe Larry knew this role was challenging and because he's older less willing to say yes to every single thing. But the show was better with Larry. IMO
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Maybe people are forgiving of Spivey because it is a health-related issue that he doesn't have a lot of control over.