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All Rent Reviews (Place Here)- Page 12

All Rent Reviews (Place Here)

Posted: 11/22/05 at 2:47am

I just got back from seeing it. I'm too tired to write a review tonight, I'll write one tomorrow. One word: AMAZING!!!! I loved Idina , her acting was spot on. Everyone was outstanding. I agree with everything IveGottaBeME said. I can't wait ot see it again tommorow night!

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 3:39am

I have 15 hours left and I'm starting to panic.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

liotte Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 3:45am

I saw it tonight and loved it. Looking forward to seeing it again tomorrow.

zilliow Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 4:52am

I saw the movie tonight and it was beautiful. What I really liked though was that my sister came with me and she hadn't seen the show and had only recently heard the music. She left the theatre totally enchanted. I've been a fan since 1996 and it was just really neat to watch someone fall in love with the story.

iheartcheyenne123 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 6:23am

RENT is on the TOP 5 on Movie Phone! #2!! Right on Harry Potter's heals!
Movie Phone TOP 5

--Alex-- "They're singing, "Happy Birthday" You just wanna lay down and cry Not just another birthday, it's 30/90 Why can't you stay 29 Hell, you still feel like you're 22 Turn 30 in 1990 Bang! You're dead, what can you do?" --TTB

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 6:58am

Michael, you did you read Ebert's review already?

**To the tune of "Tomorrow" from ANNIE**

Tomorrow, tommorrow Rent comes out Tomorrow
It's only a day . . . . . . a . . . . . . waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Posted: 11/22/05 at 7:35am

I saw(another) screening of Rent. Loved it tons much than i did when I first saw it (sans annoying overacting Renheads). The woman the put it together was from the New York Times and she was from Rockland. She said it was the first time the NY Times had a screening out of Manhattan.

Posted: 11/22/05 at 8:04am

Finally got to see a screening last night. Anyone who is criticizing this film is purposely looking for flaws. Anyone can go into the film and look for all the things that are wrong with it. Sure, no film is perfect. And especially with a film like this with so many fans of the stage version, not everything is going to come across exactly how each person individually viewed it. But come on, Columbus did a good job with this, give him (and the actors) the credit they deserve. I am certain that when all the reviews are in, the majority of them will be positive.

PS Anthony, just ignore this art guy. He is clearly only here to get people all worked up. It's sad and pathetic on his part so lets just all point and laugh. Seriously, you and everyone else did a wonderful job on this and there are many of us who thank you for that.

Posted: 11/22/05 at 8:53am

Saw it last night.

I am STILL too overwhelmed and too numb to even speak. I can't articulate clearly how beautiful this experience was, so I'll save it until I've collected my thoughts.

I'm seeing it again tomorrow, because I know I missed stuff.

I agree. With 2 or 3 exceptions, this film is literally flawless.

My grief and emotion was so overwhelming during ICYR and WY, I was just sitting there, numb. I couldn't cry. If it makes any sense, there was too much emotion inside of me to cry. I was beyond crying. I just felt this awful, twisted, cold pain in my heart and stomach, and it's still there.

Beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. How ANYONE could be disappointed in this film is beyond me.

Lovely. Well done, everyone.

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 9:21am

I saw it last night at a screening in Philadelphia. I really, really enjoyed it. There were some iffy parts here and there, but overall, I thought it was a really good movie. I'm seeing it tomorrow again. I feel like last night was a dream, so I'm thinking I'll be able to analyze it better after seeing it again.

katygrace84 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 9:31am

Solitary- I felt the same way. I couldn't cry. I couldn't move. I could hardly breathe and my heart was pounding. It just completely blew me away. It was the most intense thing I've ever felt in a movie theater. I feel like I have to keep going back and keep seeing it just to completely process it. It's like there's still all this emotion pent up inside me and I have to keep watching the movie to work through it and be able to let it all out.

JHartnow Profile Photo
#286The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 9:50am

Hi, my name is John and I am a RENThead. Some of you may know who I am. Some of you may not. I'm the "RENT bear guy" from Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. Last night I had the honor of seeing an advance screening of the RENT movie, and I'm here to pass on the message: SEE THIS FILM. I first saw the show in November of 1996. I've worked with/for Anthony and I kept in touch with Tracie throughout filming. That would make you think I'd have a biased opinion, but I kept an open mind throughout the whole process. For every good there is some evil, right? I couldn't stay away from the internet. I read how Columbus botched the movie. I read how ludicrous and foolish Adam looked on a cliff in Sante Fe. I joined in the sadness when we learned that some of the songs were cut. I am very glad that the faith that I had in these incredible film makers stood strong, because what I witnessed last night was nothing short of breathtaking. This movie worked as well, if not better, than the stage incarnation. It's fast paced and exciting. Rosario hit this one out of the park. Every word, expression and action is completely believable. She got it, guys. She TOTALLY got it. The music is bigger than on the soundtrack. There are horns in TAKE ME OR LEAVE ME. SEASONS B is longer and is more of a nod towards SEASONS A. GOODBYE LOVE 2/3 was inserted as an instrumental during the last (VERY HAUNTING) montage of voice mails. Adam doesn't squeak during CANDLE. The dialogue was brilliant...from the voice mails and bag lady to Idina's completely hilarious take on OVER THE MOON. All I'm gonna say about that is (bee dee bong!). We laughed and we cried. We went on an emotional roller coaster last night, and by the time we stopped there wasn't a dry eye in the theater. It is very obvious that every moment of this movie was born from love and a tender care that only true believers in its messages could create. I have never, in all of my 30 years, felt so emotionally connected to a film and it's characters. When it was over, I couldn't move. There was too much to process, and I still don't know if I'm through yet. Just like Rosario said, take 10 of your closest friends and'll want to talk about it afterwards. With that, I look forward to seeing this movie again. And again...and again...and again. Thank you Jonathan Larson...

-John Henson

MUNKY Profile Photo
Posted: 11/22/05 at 10:00am

Yup, saw it twice in one night. Each time was a different cinematic experience. But seeing it with those who are passionate about Rent makes it unique and wonderful too. Laughing and probably singing along with the crowd. The audio format of each theatre does make a difference. See my post in Rent...San Francisco thread. There's too many great things to say about the film, but also have a few minor issues. I just keep it short. I love the opening song and how it was introduced. I like the film in the begining in black and white that expanded into the colorful and firery Rent song opener. Review will be continued in parts. Gotta go get ready for class.

"Now I may not have much, but I have more determination than any man you're likely to meet." - Big Fish
"Misdirection. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes." - Swordfish

cubbiegirl Profile Photo
#288The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 10:00am

Just found out it is not coming to my area. I'll have to drive an hour and a half to see it, but you guys make it seem worth it.

Jim Caruso: You know, you are doing Wicked.
Stephanie J Block: I am!
Jim: Is anyone coming to that old thing?

katygrace84 Profile Photo
#289The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 10:20am

Very nice interview with Chris Columbus as well as a quote from Anthony and some really great quotes from Jonathan's father.

DBillyP Profile Photo
#290The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 10:38am

Spider, funny that you should mention ANNIE. There were times during RENT that I thought they recycled the sets from the film version of that musical!

Okay, that was a little harsh, but I have to say that I really wanted to like this film. I did not, as Oasis asserts, go in looking for flaws. I did have expectations, however, and those were not met.

Again, I am glad everyone else loved it. Believe it or not, I am still telling people to go see it.

I guess I need to post my review on the "Unpopular Opinions that you Hold" thread!

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

#291The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 10:52am

DBilly, I was not saying that everyone who dislikes it is looking for flaws. But it certainly seems as though that was part of the issue in SOME of the reviews I have read.
Updated On: 11/22/05 at 10:52 AM

katygrace84 Profile Photo
#292The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:06am

Fun review that seems to capture the spirit of the movie. He also gets into some of the political/social issues at play, which I rather enjoyed. This was also posted on the OT Board and the posters over there seemed to think that this person was a bit of a joke. I liked the review, though, so I thought I'd post it for your reading enjoyment.

DBillyP Profile Photo
#293The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:20am

"Anyone who is criticizing this film is purposely looking for flaws."

I am sorry Oasis; I misunderstood the sentence above.

The RENT bear guy see's RENT

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

#294The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:22am

Oops! I did say that. My bad. Thinking back, that is not truly what I meant.

#295The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:32am

"There is full frontal nudity in Brokeback Mountain -- it would have been an R with a hetero storyline as well.

PS -- I just read Eberts review off the wire -- he says almost nothing positive about the film, is highly critical of the actors and yet gives the film three stars.

RENT may get lucky by people who don't think its particularly good but that its unique enough to warrent an audience. "

He did that with The Phantom of the Opera as well. In fact, he said it would be perfect if he didn't have to hear it! (And I think he stole that line from a review of the tour that had only just past through the city a few months prior). I never head anything he says, he has aweful taste in movies as it is.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#296The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:34am

I think that statement is true for a lot of Rent fans and non-fans alike, unfortunately. But, I do think that some are just honestly disappointed; that's not invalid.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Steeler Jim Profile Photo
Steeler Jim
#297The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:38am

A new review, and an absolute RAVE:

And this is someone who obviously is new to the material - she makes the very forgivable mistake of saying that April died of AIDS, not suicide.

"'Ello. Ow are oo?" - Corky St. Clair
Updated On: 11/22/05 at 11:38 AM

#298The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:38am

true, my point with this is that is much easier to see flaws in this movie for those of us who have seen the stage version many times. I see flaws in this movie, I won't point them out as they already have been by others. But I realize that overall this is a good adaptation and frankly it could have been a heck of a lot worse.

LeaGirl Profile Photo
#299The RENT bear guy see's RENT
Posted: 11/22/05 at 11:44am

"she makes the very forgivable mistake of saying that April died of AIDS, not suicide."

Actually... in the movie they don't specify.

Now what would you say if today I started over? Without a thing but this taped together four leaf clover And I'll pretend like everything is already alright And I'll run toward the sun till the castle's out of sight
