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All Rent Reviews (Place Here)

Fantabulous428 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 6:34pm

colleen - I hope so

I recognize the addiction to being alive.

Posted: 11/21/05 at 6:38pm

Anthony (aka whiteboy spice),

You are a beneficiary of RENT, and thus not an objective judge. I have information from people who have seen the movie who tell me that the gay male relationship has been sterilized while the lesbian and hetero relationships have been enhanced. Even the trailers and poster made this evident - check them out if you must. I am not here swinging brickbats simply for the sake of swinging brickbats.

#2273 times
Posted: 11/21/05 at 6:43pm

>>>holy bejeezus! you've seen the film 3 times already?<<<

Yep. In the space of two weeks, no less--Grammy screening, Academy screening, press junket screening.

#2283 times
Posted: 11/21/05 at 6:47pm

Twotrey -
You are now officially the subject of my envy.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

Steeler Jim Profile Photo
Steeler Jim
#2293 times
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:10pm

Anthony --

A quick question.

I'm someone who is likely in the minority on this board - I'm a 40-year-old, married, heterosexual man. I don't say that flippantly - I'm just saying it like it (probably) is.

That said - will I be accused of being homophobic if I say that this art2 person is symtomatic of the reasons so many heterosexual people have a problem with homosexuals? His attitude that gay love is "maginalized" onscreen in this day and age reeks of someone determined to force people to accept the gay lifestyle. And while we live in a country run by bigoted, intolerant right-wing asses, most of this country is open to others living their lives however the hell they want. But, as with anything, we don't need opinions shoved down our throats constantly.

I've seen Rent 6 times - four times on Broadway with the original cast, and twice with touring companies. And the idea that the movie "marginalizes" the gay relationships is utterly laughable.

Granted, like art2, I have yet to see the film (got my tickets today - even here in red-state Kentucky they're selling fast, BTW). But, that said, I think I'll put more faith in the opinion of someone who is actually IN THE FILM over someone who hasn't even seen it yet.

Finally - I am personally offended that art2 would think that "RENT is the latest in a line of travesties that sterilize the gay male relationship while at the same time hotting up the lesbian and hetero relationships."

Utter bull****.

Are you saying that heterosexuals like me need a sterilized movie spoon-fed to us?

That offends ME, art2.

"'Ello. Ow are oo?" - Corky St. Clair
Updated On: 11/21/05 at 07:10 PM

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#2303 times
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:21pm

SteelerJim--My hetero brother3 times--I am in complete 100% agreement with you on that. Like I have said MANY times before, even though I am a straight male I have always felt that Collins and Angel is one of the most romantic and "true" couples to ever have graced the broadway stage and now the movies as well. I have always felt more from them then I EVER have by the Maureen/Joanne or Roger/MiMi relationships. Art2 we have heard your opinion (even though there is nothing to support it) so can it please be put to rest? Anthony, please don't take what he says to heart. He is just talking to rattle nerves and we have tried to get him to stop but I think the only thing that will do that is if Craig and crew delete him for good.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

Billboard Girl Profile Photo
Billboard Girl
#2313 times
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:23pm

Grammy screening? Does this mean that they're pushing for the soundtrack or at least some of the songs to get nominations?

"There was this one time an alarm went off - it was in the middle of '24.' That's just wrong. Everyone knows everyone was watching '24' at that time." --NYU student quoted in the Washington Square News about students ignoring the frequent fire alarms in dorms

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#2323 times
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:23pm

I was talking to a friend of mine just now and said that I was going to the screening tomorrow. She said- after admitting she didn't know anything about the show- that she heard people saying it was going to be better than Chicago. I know this is where ljay comes in ranting and raving about his beloved musical, but for someone that's not even really paying attention to the movie to be hearing that kind of buzz is definitely awesome.

"Just curious Art2, what is your view of Brokeback Mountain?"

According to his posts on IMDB, he thinks the MPAA is homophobic for giving Brokeback Mountain an R rating, because if it were a heterosexual couple, it would be PG-13. 3 times

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Jimbo2 Profile Photo
#233From Jimbo in White Plains
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:31pm

Hey Anthony....

Didn't see the film with Fredi....will be going on Wednesday night here in the area...keep positive...ignore such ignorant people-remember this is the internet....

My congrats to you and the OBC (I will include Fredi & Daphne, Gwen, Gilles, Byron, Kirsten too)..I can't wait to see the movie and I hope I can save up enough money to make it to the benefit in April.

Now if only I can find the tape cartridge to my site....

Stay positive and have a great Thanksgiving Anthony!

Mucho Love,


"If we don't wake up and shake the nation, we'll eat the dust of the world, wondering why...why?"

#234From Jimbo in White Plains
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:45pm


I have not sought to degrade RENT per se but to make you aware of the specific omissions in the trailers, the poster, and now the movie. On the issue of banishment, I have already had several topics of mine banished simply because it appears that the moderators didn't like them, not because I was contravening rules. Moreover, I have been attacked personally numerous times in far, far harsher terms but the attackers, to my knowledge, haven't been brought to book on it.

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#235Midnight Screenings on the 22nd
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:53pm

For those interested in midnight screenings on Tuesday, the Rent Site posted info for NY and LA:


ArcLight Cinemas Hollywood
6360 Sunset Blvd, at Vine
Hollywood, CA 90028

Majestic Crest
1262 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90024


Clearview Chelsea Cinemas
260 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10011

Clearview First & 62nd Cinemas
400 East 62nd Street
New York, NY 10021

Link Updated On: 11/21/05 at 07:53 PM

Racetrack Profile Photo
#236From Jimbo in White Plains
Posted: 11/21/05 at 7:55pm

This is getting frustrating with this on here and on imdb. Wait until the movie comes out and then judge. Going off of the words of others is not always the best policy. Just be patient and wait until Wednesday. This conversation is getting a little old and tired.

"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear

xoxRogue Profile Photo
#237*le sigh*
Posted: 11/21/05 at 8:54pm

Head + Keyboard = Mad.

Shari Lewis: Did you ever wish upon a star? Lamb Chop: I once asked Mr. Rogers for his autograph.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#238*le sigh*
Posted: 11/21/05 at 8:57pm

83% fresh...

The VARIETY review is up. And its mixed.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#239*le sigh*
Posted: 11/21/05 at 8:57pm

83% fresh...

The VARIETY review is up. And its mixed.

The8re phan Profile Photo
The8re phan
#240*le sigh*
Posted: 11/21/05 at 9:15pm

Anthony ~~~

I just wanted to take a momment to congratulate you and the rest of the cast on this terrific film, and to THANK YOU ALL for an HONEST realization of Jonathan's vision. As a gay man myself, it's refreshing to find ALL relationships, gay and straight, friends and lovers, potrayed honestly, openly, and EQUALLY in the same musical..... and now film. It's truly refreshing (but all too sadly rare) to find a movie where everyone's differences are accepted and celebrated, regardless of color, creed, or sexual orientation. I hope that you all enjoy the success this brings you........ ALOT of us truly appreciate it!!!!!!

Slotted spoons don't hold much soup
Updated On: 11/21/05 at 09:15 PM

katygrace84 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 9:34pm

Granted, I am a straight female but what I find particularly insulting about your position, art2, is your assumption that all gay men are horny freaks obsessed with sex. The relationship between Collins and Angel begins with an act of kindness that leads to mutual respect and A DEFINITE SEXUAL SPARK that is very evident in the film. You talk about them like they're nothing more than f*ck buddies! Their relationship is treated with such respect and tenderness in the film.... If you've never seen two people in love like that, I truly feel sorry for you. Sex does NOT equal love. Just because these two don't jump each other during the course of the film does NOT mean that they are any less devoted to each other or any less attracted to each other. Unlike you, I've actually seen the movie and can tell you from personal experience that the heat coming from those two is incredible. And the relationship between Collins and Angel isn't presented as any less sexual than that between Joanne and Maureen and perhaps even MORE sexual than that of Roger and Mimi.

"Well what about the feelings of gay men who are sick and tired of having their lives warped and misrepresented by straight culture for the purpose of mass homophobic consumption?"

What about the feelings of gay men who are happily committed and are sick of being seen as sex fiends, deviants and perverts whose truly loving relationships are marginalized and seen as somehow less than those of straight couples? Couldn't your statement include them as well? Yes, my gay friends are just as sexual, and sometimes even more so, than I am. But we're talking about a bond that is so much deeper than sex.

Posted: 11/21/05 at 9:38pm

Not to mention the fact, art, that you don't speak for the whole gay community. I have quite a few gay male friends who find the way Angel and Collins is portrayed to be perfect.

And I second the congratulations to Anthony.

caitiesus1522 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 10:32pm

Ok i just wanted to repost my original review in here

Ok so i just saw the movie in DC and all i have to say is WOW. To those of you who are reading reviews and doubting please stop! I will say the onr bummer first then talk about all the good

Yes it stinks that Goodbye end at "i cant believe this is goodbye" and it is kinda obvious they cut it

BUT it is a very minor thing in the grand scheme of things. The acting in the movie is utterly amazing! The entire cast really had their parts and their skill is evident. The dialogue that was added is also GREAT. There are many hilarious lines that were added that show some things about characters you never saw before. There is more Collins and you get to see more of his personality which is awesome.

Some locations are slightly different from the stage version but that is because they can be. Everything in the movie still fits with the story and makes sense.

When you see it you will laugh extremly hard,

You will also cry my crying moments
-beginning SoL I was overwelmed that I was seeing it
-Will I? It is done so well they did a great job of adapting it to the screen.
-Without You-for many reasons one of which I wont say
-I'll Cover You (reprise)- obviously into Goodbye Love that they had
-What You Own- the end of the song with their reunion though that made me sob.
-entire ending

So if you are really connected to this musical for whatever reason expect to cry at least from Without You on. I thought I was the only one, but there was silence and you hear EVERYONE sniffling. On screen they were able to make the characters even more real and to me it is as if these characters are friends of mine and in the movie the personalities are brought out so well that you feel a real connection to them.

So all in all it was well there really isn't a word to describe it. Most importantly it sticks to the message of love and friendship and please go see it once with all your friends because it will make you feel so much closer to them!

It was soooo hard to sit still during La Vie Boheme (probably my favorite scene)
And we mooed

And more to add because Ijust got back from seeing it the second time.

Go see it more than once! It is even better the second time! Just so moving! Some otehr things I noticed. Tango Maureen is probably my favorite scene it was really really well done and funny! The coat throw the "Pookie" plus the new direction it took were amazing!

This time we voted and didn't moo...I think that is the best way take a vote before the movie.

And to Anthony- please relay this to everyone else too...THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am sure you are someone who actually understands why this musical means so much to so many people. Seeing it as movie has been the best experience of my life, it is still so true to the message and I just want to thank you so much because what you all did and continue to do to spread Jonathon's message is just awesome and I jus twanted to thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
Posted: 11/21/05 at 10:48pm

There is full frontal nudity in Brokeback Mountain -- it would have been an R with a hetero storyline as well.

PS -- I just read Eberts review off the wire -- he says almost nothing positive about the film, is highly critical of the actors and yet gives the film three stars.

RENT may get lucky by people who don't think its particularly good but that its unique enough to warrent an audience. Updated On: 11/21/05 at 10:48 PM

Trisky Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 10:49pm

I didn't know where to post this and didn't want to start a new post so I thought this was as good as any a spot to mention the goings on at the Regal (64th and 2nd) preview tonight. I didn't get in to see the movie, but that's okay because when I looked around and saw how many people were eager to see this movie, it more than made up for it.

I arrived at about 6:00 (work prevented me from getting there earlier) and the line was already snaking around a corner and down the length of a city (avenue) block, it didn't take very long for it to snake around yet another corner and the people just kept coming. I wouldn't hesitate to say there must have been at least 1200 people there for a theater with a capacity of less than 300. In the freezing rain.

What made it hit home were the number of people who asked me what the line was for and when I would say "Rent" they would either smile widely or nod their head in respectful shock. I overheard numerous residents of the block and people just passing by say they'd never seen anything quite like that turnout. The lady from Sony who ultimately had to tell us all we weren't getting in looked frazzled and thrown for a loop.

I walked away not having seen the movie but somehow proud of the impact it's already having and how no one wanted to budge off that line even when it became clear we weren't getting in. I didn't sleep on the street in 1996 to get front row lotto seats but I imagine the intent was much the same as it felt tonight on that wet, cold street. A bunch of stonefaced New Yorkers, a lot of them sans umbrellas just wanting to experience it for themselves, anxious and proud. I hope it bodes well for the future box office.

"Too young to hold on and too old to just break free and run" - Jeff Buckley

BroadwayBest Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 11:10pm

I just got home from the screening in Westchester at
the Palisades Mall and all I can say is FABULOUS! NOt
only did everyone in the theatre applaud at the end but
people were saying it's better than the play!!

I think Chris Columbus did an excellent job and really
kept to Jonathan Larson's vision. I think he would be

I especially enjoyed how they expanded on certain scenes
from the play. I won't give it away, but will say that
some of the things that were merely referenced in the Play
were actually acted out in the film.

Go see it as soon as you can!

"The most celebrated are the rehabilitated"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 11:19pm

"There is full frontal nudity in Brokeback Mountain -- it would have been an R with a hetero storyline as well."

Nah, that's just what the libido liberals want you to think Unbelievable

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

Posted: 11/21/05 at 11:26pm

I guess I will post this here for those not venturing into the predicitions post. The visitors over at boxoffice mojo have it averaging at 13.4 for this weekend, not counting Weds and Thurs and coming in 4th behind potter, yours mine, and walk the line. Interesting.
Updated On: 11/21/05 at 11:26 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
Posted: 11/21/05 at 11:27pm

I'm surprised they had an early screening at the Palisades Mall (in Rockland, not Westchester, btw), but that's cool.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
