hes16 said: "Tonight at the Great Comet, when the actors started giving out and throwing dumplings, one of the actors threw one at my younger (child) relative seated next to me. He ended up not catching the dumpling and it landed on my seat behind my back. The lady behind me was just so keen on getting a dumpling that she reached her hand down onto my chair to grab the dumpling that was touching my behind... She then proceeded to proclaim to the world, "I got a dumpling!" like it was something so spectacular.
It amazes me that she had the nerve to basically touch my rear end just to get that stupid dumpling that would have gone to a child...
the lowest of the low, but then that show is so bad, what can you expect? it sounds like a disaster in every way
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
I was at the opera and I thought I was going crazy because I kept seeing flashes of light. Eventually I figured out that it was a bunch of people checking their phones to see the time. Admittedly, it ran about 4 hours 30 minutes but they email you to tell you that in advance so it shouldn't be a surprise.
Thankfully where I go to the movies you can sit where you want and I ALWAYS sit near the back in the last seat against the wall.
There is never anyone around me and those chomping and chewing through buckets of whatever--I see them struggling to carry that garbage up the stairs to their seat--never bother me, and yes, audiences are generally quieter at the movies.
Maybe because they are SO FVCKING LOUD these days you couldn't hear a tree fall in a forest--anywhere!!!
And I'm always perfectably behaved whenever I'm allowed out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/30/15
Today at Miss Saigon three people came in the middle of act 1 and spoke very loudly throughout the remainder of the show, and of course with their phones out too. If you come in late, at least behave for the rest of the show. I shushed them a few times, which made them stop for a few mins and then went right back to it. So frustrating.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/12/12
I saw a production of The Full Monty last night and experienced some of the worst theatre etiquette I've ever seen. During the first few minutes I kept thinking I could hear a strange noise coming from behind me, but due to the heavy nightclub style music it was hard to tell. Once the first song started though, it became obvious that someone's phone was going off. I turned around a couple of times, hoping they'd get the hint, but tried to just block it out and focus on the show. When the song had ended it became apparent that this wasn't just a phone ringing but actually playing music! I turned around again and the people behind just gave me dirty looks so I made the universal gesture for a phone until the culprit, sitting directly behind me, picked up her bag that was against the back of my seat and held it to her ear. It then took her and the person next to her a good couple of minutes to work out how to stop the music! Needless to say, I missed the entirety of that scene.
Then there was the Asian woman sitting next to me, whose English wasn't good enough to understand the show (absolutely fine, I'd struggle to comprehend a show in another language!), but this resulted in her continually pulling out her phone, sending and receiving messages and the phone ringing, her partner telling her to turn it off, her telling him that she couldn't understand the show anyway and then him explaining what was going on. I tried to tell her to put the phone away, my mum tried to tell her and her partner continually tried to tell her, but she apparently did not care at all.
And the real kicker - I was in the front row, so all of this behaviour was totally clear to the performers literally giving their all on stage!
Featured Actor Joined: 11/12/12
Sorry - double post!
Updated On: 3/19/17 at 08:24 AM
Wow, these stories are crazy! When I went to see the OBC of The Book of Mormon, some VERY fat guy stood up right in front of me for about 12 minutes! I kept tapping him on the shoulder and saying sit down, but he wouldn't budge, saying the seats were too tiny. The woman behind me made an extremely loud groan, and when I turned around she had a camcorder in her hand trying to record the show. Great show, bad audience.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/16
hes16 said: "Tonight at the Great Comet, when the actors started giving out and throwing dumplings, one of the actors threw one at my younger (child) relative seated next to me. He ended up not catching the dumpling and it landed on my seat behind my back. The lady behind me was just so keen on getting a dumpling that she reached her hand down onto my chair to grab the dumpling that was touching my behind... She then proceeded to proclaim to the world, "I got a dumpling!" like it was something so spectacular.
It amazes me that she had the nerve to basically touch my rear end just to get that stupid dumpling that would have gone to a child...
That is awful. I was seated next to a young boy at The Comet-he looked like 15/16. I was on the aisle and got a dumpling handed to me. I asked the actor if the boy could have one as well because he was begging for a dumpling. The actor was like I gave one to you so he can't get one. I snapped a picture of the box and handed it to him. It's a DUMPLING. The young boy next to me seemed to really want it, and he was so happy when I passed it on to him. That woman should have made sure your child got it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Just in general...I wonder actually who raised these theater goers who believe that the floors are perfectly acceptable garbage disposals. Did they not ever hear of trash cans? I am not even talking about someone who discreetly puts a used glass or package on the floor which is bad enough....I am talking about those that throw candy, old food, messy napkins, used tissues, and whatever on the floors, which promptly gets ground into the carpets as people exit their rows. It's unbelievable...and disgusting.
Add that to the people that practically demand Playbills when they enter the theater before the ushers have a chance to give them out..and look accusingly like they are going to be cheated out of something they deserve...only to leave those left behind and mixed up with the grungy garbage on the floor.
These are Broadway theaters people. Have a little respect for the theater and for the poor workers that have to pick up your mess 8 times a week, often twice a day. It seems to get worse and worse.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
KathyNYC2 said: "Just in general...I wonder actually who raised these theater goers who believe that ..."
That's it in a nutshell! Who RAISED these people? The stories are awful. Some posters stated what action they took (good for you!) but I wonder about others...sometimes I get you have no choice but to be passive in disbelief because to act might be an even bigger disruption, etc. There isn't always the opportunity to 'tap' on the shoulder, or to speak to an usher at intermission, etc.
MANNERS. I blame the british for alot but one of a few things they were so right about is this.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/18/16
KathyNYC2 said: "Just in general...I wonder actually who raised these theater goers who believe that the floors are perfectly acceptable garbage disposals. Did they not ever hear of trash cans? I am not even talking about someone who discreetly puts a used glass or package on the floor which is bad enough....I am talking about those that throw candy, old food, messy napkins, used tissues, and whatever on the floors, which promptly gets ground into the carpets as people exit their rows. It's unbelievable...and disgusting.
Add that to the people that practically demand Playbills when they enter the theater before the ushers have a chance to give them out..and look accusingly like they are going to be cheated out of something they deserve...only to leave those left behind and mixed up with the grungy garbage on the floor.
These are Broadway theaters people. Have a little respect for the theater and for the poor workers that have to pick up your mess 8 times a week, often twice a day. It seems to get worse and worse.
Probably the ones who were never taught that you dress nicely for the theater. Trust me I get no ones going all out unless it's a benefit, fundraiser-but nice slacks, skirt, dress, etc.
And also this is not a concert-don't sing along throughout the show.
Leading Actor Joined: 2/22/05
At AMELIE the other night the guy right in front of me filmed the entire show on his iphone. I kept thinking "I'll report him at intermission" until it became evident there was no intermission. The kicker: afterward, his companion asked him how he liked it and he said "Eh".
(I myself was able to enjoy much of it despite the major, constant distraction).
I saw The Importance of Being Earnest at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia over the weekend. I was given the ticket and it ended up being in the front row. I was shocked at how many other people in the front row walked in and started putting stuff on the stage: playbills, drinks, purses, etc. These people basically treated the stage like it was their end table, and never once did I see an usher come up and say anything.
The people all removed their belongings before the show started, but I was genuinely surprised to see the nonchalance with which people just casually put things on the stage. In my years of going to theater and working in theater, I've always viewed the stage as sacrosanct. As an audience member, I would never dream of putting anything up there, even for just a few seconds.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/6/16
At The Front Page,the people beside me were something. The husband was a dyed-in-the-wool man-spreader. Get off me, dude! Then his wife fell dead asleep during the third act. Hey, if you’re going to man-spread, do it on her side, she’s out like a light, wouldn’t feel a thing.
I think Evan Hansen must sell the last couple of rows to school kids. During the second act, someone was continually crumpling paper until he passed out or fell asleep, inducing a quarter-act of snoring. So sad.
AC126748 said: "I saw The Importance of Being Earnest at the Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia over the weekend. I was given the ticket and it ended up being in the front row. I was shocked at how many other people in the front row walked in and started putting stuff on the stage: playbills, drinks, purses, etc. These people basically treated the stage like it was their end table, and never once did I see an usher come up and say anything.
The people all removed their belongings before the show started, but I was genuinely surprised to see the nonchalance with which people just casually put things on the stage. In my years of going to theater and working in theater, I've always viewed the stage as sacrosanct. As an audience member, I would never dream of putting anything up there, even for just a few seconds.
It's funny you mention this. I would never put anything on the stage either. I guess to me, it's the barrier you do no cross. But, I have come to notice people see a flat surface and think they can just leave or put stuff there. I work in a store, but people leave merchandise everywhere instead of putting what they don't want back. I've found people leaving stuff on the front shelves by the registers and on empty registers when all they have to do is hand it to me and say they don't want it. If someone leaves a basket in a random place, others will just follow and put theirs there too.
I notice when I'm in the front mezzanine or balcony sections at theaters, the ushers have to remind people not to put stuff on the ledge. I get that's more of a safety issue so things don't fall on people below. But, the fact that people don't get that is amazing.
Not everyone KNOWS appropriate behavior. But acceptable does change. I know even 5 or 6 years ago, I would never dream to plug in my phone anywhere but my classroom or home. (and it took me a while to not feel guilty over using my classroom!) Now, people think NOTHING of utilizing ANY plug they see.
EDIT: I don't mean to imply putting belonging on the stage IS or ever will be acceptable.
dramamama611 said: "..Now, people think NOTHING of utilizing ANY plug they see."
I think it started with that idiot who climbed up on the stage at Hand To God and tried to plug his phone into the set wall socket.
dramamama611 said: "Not everyone KNOWS appropriate behavior.
Walnut Street Theatre is a subscription house. The people doing this were subscribers, so obviously people who attend the theatre regularly. They should know better.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
joeybiltmore1 said: "At AMELIE the other night the guy right in front of me filmed the entire show on his iphone. I kept thinking "I'll report him at intermission" until it became evident there was no intermission. The kicker: afterward, his companion asked him how he liked it and he said "Eh".
(I myself was able to enjoy much of it despite the major, constant distraction).
WHAT? Did he have the phone shielded from view in some way? Someone really should have intervened if it was out for the entire show. It might be temporarily disruptive to tell him to put it away but that cannot be allowed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/15
Amelie must not have any ushers, security, or staff then. No Broadway show would ever just allow some idiot to film the entire show without them noticing, unless it was the last row in the last seat. It makes no sense. But, the show is so awful, so I guess they don't care?
No belongings on stage. Not now. Not ever.
joeybiltmore1 said: "At AMELIE the other night the guy right in front of me filmed the entire show on his iphone. I kept thinking "I'll report him at intermission" until it became evident there was no intermission. The kicker: afterward, his companion asked him how he liked it and he said "Eh".
(I myself was able to enjoy much of it despite the major, constant distraction).
I attended Amelie the other day and the audience was horrible as well. The 10-year-old in front of me was filming during a dance number but was quickly stopped by people around him. He also stopped clapping for all songs subsequently. A party of 3 on my left, 20-something women, were constantly overreacting to the show, hollering and yelling things like "Yeah, go girl," as if this were their living room or they felt the need to tell everyone else in the audience how to feel because obviously no one else but they knew how... The European tourists on my right were fine, but I never understood why they were laughing uncontrollably during Stay... I paid a lot for a premium seat hoping to experience the show the best way possible, but I guess I was wrong about people who're willing to shell out this much for a show.
I'm glad I don't have eyes on the back of my head.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Broadway Star Joined: 10/9/16
I was in a local theater the other night for a one woman show--serious, challenging material. A couple sitting near me came in, took off their shoes, and started making out. They proceeded to feel each other up for the entire 2 hour show. I think they actually had hands under clothes below the belt. Not an usher to be found anywhere while they were rubbing all over each other and maybe more...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Kristolyn Lloyd called someone out on Twitter for filming Dear Evan Hansen in the first row. The first row!!!! She doesn't mention if or how it was resolved.
smidge said: "Kristolyn Lloyd called someone out on Twitter for filming Dear Evan Hansen in the first row. The first row!!!! She doesn't mention if or how it was resolved."
Seems like DEH might have had issues twice this weekend.
Tweets from Will Roland and Michael Park from Saturday afternoon roughly around the time of matinee intermission:
https://twitter.com/park24hrs/status/848255943708213248 (look at the reply to Will Chase also -- someone was checking email on their phone)
And then as smidge mentioned, Kristolyn's tweet from yesterday: https://twitter.com/KristolynLloyd/status/848636793432002564
People are so rude.