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Best Show to See Multiple Times??

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#1Best Show to See Multiple Times??
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:02pm

What, in your opinion, is the best show to see multiple times?? IMO, it's Mystery of Edwin Drood...

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#2Best Show to See Multiple Times??
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:04pm

Any show. Even if I don't like the show. I have never regretted seeing a show. I see as much theatre as possible. Even if it is paying money to see something I am not fond of. I am never bored in the theatre, and i love going no matter. So best show to see multiple times? every show. IMO

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#2Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:17pm

Your own personal favorite, I guess. There's no real way to answer this question.

Although your own answer makes a lot of sense, what with its varied endings.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#3Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:21pm

I saw Hair 11 times. I don't really advocate seeing anything that much, but I don't regret it.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

VotePeron Profile Photo
#4Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:28pm

I've seen Matilda 5 times. Ive never seen a show that much before, but I go to the theatre to be immersed into new worlds. Matilda has sparked enjoyment and excitement into me that I never thought a show could. I am so unbelievably happy when I am in that theatre seeing the show. And strangely enough, each time I just can't wait to go back again.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#5Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:28pm

It's really up to you for what you want to see multiple times. For me, I've seen Jersey Boys 7 times now and I don't plan on stopping. The music is always great and the story is so great. I never get tired of it and I don't think I ever will. Same with Memphis, I've only seen it once but i'll be seeing again next week! I can't wait it's such a beautiful show!

AvenueQResident Profile Photo
#6Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 7:57pm

Any Punchdrunk show.

Everything in only for now.

#7Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 8:24pm

I agree with bwayphreak234 - I can see anything over again...even shows I don't like that much. You always get something out of it..that's what live theater is all about. I know I saw Miss Saigon (not just on Broadway but also on tour) probably about 18 times all together. That's one of my top shows to see over again...and I would see it again in a heartbeat. There are a few shows - very few - which I would not see again.

Right now, I have seen Annie, Wicked, Kinky Boots and Matilda more than once..and though I like/dislike the shows in varying degrees, I could easily see any of them again.

I often go to see different performers - though not always. As I have said before, Matilda is not my favorite show but I would love to see the two Matilda's I haven't seen yet. But I saw Kinky Boots a number of times because I wanted to see the current cast again...which I did.

You got me in the mood to see something again...LOL

#8Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 10:08pm

It depends on whatever show interests you/you would actually see again.
Lately, I've seen Pippin multiple times.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#9Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 10:13pm

J/H twice
Boy From Oz twice
Les Miz - Mrs R would see if every day if she could

Poster Emeritus

jnb9872 Profile Photo
#10Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 10:37pm

I rarely see shows a second time, but the one exception I've made was seeing ONE MAN, TWO GUV'NORS three times. The audience interaction and related ad-libs were of course delightful each night, but what I didn't expect was how loose the cast with each other (and the brilliant script) as the run went on. The last time I went, in the show's last week, it was clear that the two years they'd been doing the show had been driving the cast a little stir-crazy (in the best, most delirious possible way) and so while they did the script full justice it was somehow 5-10% funnier because of the extra silliness they were throwing in around the edges. Plus, the greatest single ad-lib I've ever seen (which I'm sure was prepared but when perfectly deployed by Oliver Chris when James Corden went up on a line in Act II was the single hardest laugh I've ever heard or felt in a theatre: "And they gave you the Tony...")

ETA: Oh, right, duh. My profile pic.

Words don't deserve that kind of malarkey. They're innocent, neutral, precise, standing for this, describing that, meaning the other, so if you look after them you can build bridges across incomprehension and chaos. But when they get their corners knocked off, they're no good anymore…I don't think writers are sacred, but words are. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.
Updated On: 10/23/13 at 10:37 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#11Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 10:39pm



PTOPhan Profile Photo
#12Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 10:41pm

Definitely "The Phantom of the Opera." How else would I memorize every word? Best Show to See Multiple Times?

You alone can make my song take flight.

#13Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 11:00pm

For me its Matilda (my favorite show). I've seen it thrice and I was equally enthralled and invested each time. The story-telling and stagecraft is so rich: there is always something new to see. Something that you missed before!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#14Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 11:16pm

Different shows for different people. There are a lot out there who couldn't see Les Miz more than twice, but I've lost count (no, it's not 3 digits, but it rounds up to that...) over the past 15+ years. And I didn't expect that seeing a comedy over and over wouldn't get old, but I've now seen each US company of The Book of Mormon at least 3 times (Broadway: much, much more than that).

Any show that allows enough variation but also enough familiarity to make you happy and keep you entertained is the "best show to see multiple times."

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

JuanValjean72 Profile Photo
#15Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 11:35pm

The only show I've seen more than once (mostly because they're productions with limited runs or were closing soon) was Phantom of the Opera, and I liked each time because the principles were different every time, either the Phantom, or Christine and Raoul. I feel Chicago would be a good one too since they're constantly changing the leads as well

#16Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/23/13 at 11:49pm

The Donmar's Julius Caesar.

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#17Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 2:15am

Over the years I have seen Wicked twice as well as The Addams Family. They are two of my favorites and I will see them any chance I get. Some shows I would LOVE to see many more times are:

Kinky Boots
Big Fish
Mamma Mia
Shrek (DVD is out so it should not be a problem)
Anything Goes
Jersey Boys
Beauty and the Beast
Avenue Q
Legally Blonde Updated On: 10/24/13 at 02:15 AM

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#18Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 2:44am

Admittedly, I've never seen a show more than once.

Except one.

THE SHAGGS: Philosophy of the World. Playwrights Horizons.

I'm foaming at the mouth for a cast album! FINALLY! Best Show to See Multiple Times?

cruisemama4 Profile Photo
#19Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 12:12pm

Since theatre is live, even if you are seeing a show again, it's never really the same show twice. I have seen several shows multiple times and it is always fun to hear or see actors do, say or sing something a little differently, or to see an understudy's or replacement's take on a role. If you have the time and interest and if you can afford it, I say you should see whatever you like. You will probably notice things you didn't the first time. A recent example for me was Pippin. The first time I saw it I loved act 1 and felt a bit let down by act 2. The second time I saw it, I appreciated act 2 much more. I think I was distracted by all that was going on onstage the first time. I also think - seeing it from a different part of the house changes your perspective as well.

#20Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 12:46pm

Right now: Rocky Horror! I'll be experiencing it again tomorrow night, time warp seats, at Bucks County Playhouse.

Others (for me at least): Thoroughly Modern Millie, Billy Elliot, Mamma Mia, and (I hope it comes back), Forbidden Broadway, to name a few.

#21Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 12:46pm

Right now: Rocky Horror! I'll be experiencing it again tomorrow night, time warp seats, at Bucks County Playhouse.

Others (for me at least): Thoroughly Modern Millie, Billy Elliot, Mamma Mia, and (I hope it comes back), Forbidden Broadway, to name a few.

The8re phan Profile Photo
The8re phan
#22Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 12:56pm

Admittedly, I've seen quite a few shows multiple times for various reasons, but the best to see multiples of are Sondheim's shows -- especially Follies and Sunday in the Park. I happen to catch subtle little nuances with each repeated visit that I'd never noticed before, and that give me a much deeper appreciation of the piece

Slotted spoons don't hold much soup

N2N Nate. Profile Photo
N2N Nate.
#23Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 1:19pm

The answer is always PIPPIN.

So Lauren Bacall me, anything goes! *wink*

macnyc Profile Photo
#24Best Show to See Multiple Times?
Posted: 10/24/13 at 3:16pm

I'm glad for this thread because my theater buddy thinks I'm crazy when I tell her I'm seeing something again! I only want to see my favorites, though: One Man, Two Guvnors (three times), Kinky Boots (twice), Fun Home (two, will be three), Book of Mormon (twice). I would see Fun Home every day if I could afford it.
