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Broadway fans who cross boundaries- Page 3

Broadway fans who cross boundaries

Lot666 Profile Photo
#50Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 10:47am

ermengarde said: "don't get me started on the real life "shippers". The people who think actors who are just friends should be dating"

Ugh. The worst of this, IMO, is the longstanding "Rierra" crowd who think that Ramin Karimloo is going to marry Sierra Boggess. It started back when Ms. Boggess was dating Tam Mutu in London, and it still persists (they use #Rierra on social media), despite the fact that Mr. Karimloo has been happily married the whole time and has two children with his wife. Those people behave like 15-year-olds in high school and they really creep me out.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Anakela Profile Photo
#51Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 10:57am

Lot666 said: "ermengarde said: "don't get me started on the real life "shippers". The people who think actors who are just friends should be dating"

Ugh. The worst of this, IMO, is the longstanding "Rierra" crowd who think that Ramin Karimloo is going to marry Sierra Boggess. It started back when Ms. Boggess was dating Tam Mutu in London, and it still persists (they use #Rierra on social media), despite the fact that Mr. Karimloo has been happily married the whole time and has two children with his wife. Those peoplebehave like 15-year-olds in high school and they reallycreep me out.

Ok, that's creepy and crosses a line. Especially if - they're tagging these actors when they do this on social media? No.

I still don't see how someone seeing a show "too much" is crossing boundaries. Who is even defining too much? Hell, to someone who only sees any show once people who see a show twice are seeing it too much.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#52Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 11:11am

ermengarde said: "Also there's people referring to people as their mom/dad, to the point where I think I remember someone from Hamilton putting out a tweet that asked people to not refer to him as their son or dad."

The mom/dad thing is so embarrassing. And that was Lin.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#53Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 11:16am

So much "ew" going on in this thread.


Do I care how many times anyone sees a show?  Not really, doesn't mean I won't think it's extreme - but I also don't think what I think should effect the situation.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#54Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 11:27am

Often times on twitter I see people ask broadway couples to adopt them. That always gets a hard cringe from me.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Lot666 Profile Photo
#55Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 11:30am

Anakela said: "Lot666 said: "ermengarde said: "don't get me started on the real life "shippers". The people who think actors who are just friends should be dating"

Ugh. The worst of this, IMO, is the longstanding "Rierra" crowd who think that Ramin Karimloo is going to marry Sierra Boggess. It started back when Ms. Boggess was dating Tam Mutu in London, and it still persists (they use #Rierra on social media), despite the fact that Mr. Karimloo has been happily married the whole time and has two children with his wife. Those peoplebehave like 15-year-olds in high school and they reallycreep me out.

Ok, that's creepy and crosses a line. Especially if - they're tagging these actors when they do this on social media? No."

Yep, they regularly respond to these actors' social media posts and tag them #Rierra. 

Anakela said: I still don't see how someone seeing a show "too much" is crossing boundaries. Who is even defining too much? Hell, to someone who only sees any show once people who see a show twice are seeing it too much."

I agree. If you're not hurting anyone and your affinity isn't diminishing the experience for others, then what you see and how often you see it is your business. You do you.

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

haterobics Profile Photo
#56Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 11:40am

I've gone to Canada a few times.

#57Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 2:46pm

What about the fanfiction someone wrote where another real life person- who was performing opposite Sierra in Phantom and getting in the way of their ship- attempted to sexually assault Sierra and she was saved by Ramin? That was disturbing.

CorkySt.Clair Profile Photo
#58Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 2:54pm

One of the worst I’ve seen (from the same sort of crowd that partakes in the Mom/Dad nonsense) is the utterly confusing “I want (insert Broadway star) to punch me in the face”. Is there some sort of backstory to this or is it just as weird as it seems on the surface?

Lot666 Profile Photo
#59Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 2:54pm

ermengarde said: "What about the fanfiction someone wrote where another real life person- who was performing opposite Sierra in Phantom and getting in the way of their ship- attempted to sexually assault Sierra and she was saved by Ramin? That was disturbing."

Broadway fans who cross boundaries

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

#60Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 5:09pm

We don't have many shows at the same time in my country so I always end up going to the same ones. One of those years I saw the same show 24 times. But never stage doored. It was one of these shows who seemed to attract needy people and whenever I glanced at the stage door I saw people more in need to tell actors their life stories and the huge necessity to take a picture to post on instagram/facebook, so I never minded. The only time I can recall stage dooring was when I attended an opening night of a show produced and composed by an actress I really like (and I didn't even asked for a photo, just congratulated her and moved on). Lately I've seen people tattooing the name of whole casts and getting banned of theaters, so perhaps the performers will start to draw a line here and there.

CorkySt.Clair said: "One of the worst I’ve seen (from the same sort of crowd that partakes in the Mom/Dad nonsense) is the utterly confusing “I want (insert Broadway star) to punch me in the face”. Is there some sort of backstory to this or is it just as weird as it seems on the surface?"

Maybe it's a reference to Mean Girls? Still weird, but maybe that's where it came from.


BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#61Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 7:10pm

This one has been coming up lately. When people go to see shows, and expect to go backstage.

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#62Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/19/18 at 7:13pm

dramamama611 said: "You've never heard the phrase Stage Door Johnny? That term comes from the 40s, I believe. And it was used in All About Eve. Is it different now? Yes, as I said. Are there extremists? Yes, and I'm not saying there isn't real issues. I wasn't trying to down play any of that. In fact I blamed social media for it

But not every person that stage doors is a psycho. Most are not, not even close.

mama, the phrase "Stage
Door Johnnies" appears in
the lyric for "Life Upon the
Wicked Stage" in Show 
, 1927. From the con-
text it was already a
common expression by
that point.

ETA the reference says
SDJs "aren't raging over
you with gems and roses",
so the idea that such
suitors were men of means
was already attached to
the archetype.

Updated On: 1/19/18 at 07:13 PM

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#63Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/20/18 at 8:23am

I don’t mind people are obsessed with the show itself, it’s the people who are obsessed with just ONE person in the show and get insane over every single little thing they do and just completely disrespects everyone else and the show they’re in.

I love Kristin Chenoweth, but holy cow her obsessed fans TERRIFY me. I saw her at Carnegie Hall, figured we might as well stage door because at first no one was around. Until her obsessed fans came. That was my last stage door experience. I went away shaking and almost crying because of how violent they were and how much they were literally just screaming in her face. It was terrifying for me, so I can’t begin to imagine how it is for them.

The only time I will ever tweet someone who performs in theatre is if I hear something they said on a podcast that I loved (I’ve just gotten into Little Known Facts, such a cool podcast!).

thebookofwhizzer Profile Photo
#64Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/20/18 at 10:35pm

I really enjoy stage-dooring, it's a way to thank the actors after a great performance. But I agree that when you go you must be kind and mindful to the actors and the other people there. 

“6 AM. The sky glows. Somewhere a bird chirps. I want to shoot it.” ~ Jonathan Larson, Tick...Tick..BOOM

#65Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/20/18 at 11:13pm

My husband met Emily Koch after Wicked in ATL and he sang her riff from The Wizard and I (Which happens to be his favorite riff) and her mouth opened and said you better sing! She was so kind and it put him on cloud nine. And yes he does have a very big powerful voice. He also met Ashley Parker Angel. The young girls that waited for him basically attacked him and after they left he came over to my husband and was so kind. Offered to take the picture before my husband could ask. It was quick and over.

#66Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/20/18 at 11:35pm

I think some actors invite the attention by talking about their mental health struggles or supporting various charities that connect with certain people. Others do some kind of life-coaching or informal advice-giving. And like it or not things have changed with all the vlogs and actors initiating contact with fans via social media. I think it crosses the line when fans initiate contact or try to ask for more than that or get demanding about stage dooring. I mean, obviously don't bring up random things about your personal life if there's no reason why you'd talk to that actor about it.

I think some of the pearl clutching about stage dooring is excessive. Of course it's never a given but it's not like actors are blindsided by the phenomenon after they've signed up for a job. They know it's a thing. They can choose whether or not to participate like Laura Benanti did with Meteor Shower. Normal people won't freak out about it.

As for your friend, OP, it's really easy to block someone on social media.

I've made my peace with teenagers saying weird things as long as they're not hurting anyone or actively harassing actors.

#67Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 1:38pm

I feel like some stagedoors are also a little more well run then others? I can remember at the Hamilton stagedoor the security guard walking down the line before the actors came out and telling everyone some ground rules, what to expect, ect. 

#68Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 2:01pm

Do tell!! What did the security guard say?

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#69Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 2:08pm

poisonivy2 said: "I'd also turn it around and say that there are also certain well-regarded Broadway stars whose social media interactions with their fans makes me uncomfortable. Javier Munoz is one -- I have nothing but the utmost respect for him as an artist, but I've seen him needlessly be rude to or egg on fans on social media which causes a hot mess of deleted tweets and bad feelings. Cynthia Erivo is another. I also remember one time Laura Benanti took to social media to complain that she didn't get enough applause from an audience member in the front row.


Have you seen Javier’s latest IG posts? I have defended him before but man, this latest is over the top. One of the risks you take as a celeb with a public account on social media is to have annoying followers. He doesn’t seem to get that and takes things personally. 

Anakela Profile Photo
#70Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 2:39pm

Babe_Williams said: 
Have you seen Javier’s latest IG posts? I have defended him before but man, this latest is over the top. One of the risks you take as a celeb with a public account on social media is to have annoying followers. He doesn’t seem to get that and takes things personally.


I just scrolled through Javier’s last four Instagram posts, and I didn’t see anything problematic in any of them? The most recent concerns Trump’s words to Obama during Obama’s government shutdown, second most recent is a Tweet from Bernice King, before that is a long text post asking what are you going to do today to put your words into actions, and before that is another text post about start posting what you believe, and stop posting just to get the attention of celebrities. And then I didn’t care to scroll any more, so I stopped. 

It would be helpful to post a link when talking about something being “over the top.” 

Yes, maybe being a celeb means having annoying followers, I’m not interested in that debate. But even if I agree yes, I don’t agree that being a celeb means you have to engage with or give any attention at all to your annoying followers, so if Javi chooses not to well then more power to him. 

Babe_Williams Profile Photo
#71Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 5:04pm

Anakela said: "Babe_Williams said:
Have you seen Javier’s latest IG posts? I have defended him before but man, this latest is over the top. One of the risks you take as a celeb with a public account on social media is to have annoying followers. He doesn’t seem to get that and takes things personally.

I just scrolled through Javier’s last four Instagram posts, and I didn’t see anything problematic in any of them?The most recent concerns Trump’s words to Obama during Obama’s government shutdown, second most recent is a Tweet from Bernice King, before that is a long text post asking what are you going to do today to put your words into actions, and before that is another text post about start posting what you believe, and stop posting just to get the attention of celebrities. And then I didn’t care to scroll any more, so I stopped.

It would be helpful to post a link when talking about something being “over the top.”

Yes, maybebeing a celeb means having annoying followers, I’m not interested in that debate. But even if I agree yes, I don’t agree that being a celeb means you have to engage with or give any attention at all to your annoying followers, so if Javi chooses not to well then more power to him.

I’ll be clear, I don’t think any celeb owes any fan anything, but turning off comments and basically telling your followers to quit trying to get your attention seems a bit much. I support the marchers, I get what he was going for, but it’s all a bit extra. The fans who are already politically active will remain so, the ones who annoy him won’t stop regardless. 

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#72Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 5:28pm

Babe_Williams said: "I’ll be clear, I don’t think any celeb owes any fan anything, but turning off comments and basically telling your followers to quit trying to get your attention seems a bit much. I support the marchers, I get what he was going for, but it’s all a bit extra. The fans who are already politically active will remain so, the ones who annoy him won’t stop regardless."

It's his account, therefore he has every right to turn off commenting if he so chooses. There is nothing wrong with that.


"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#73Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 6:17pm

What I don't like about Javier Munoz on his social media is how he seems to think that having cancer and being HIV+ puts him in this unique position and that no one else can understand all that he's been through. I don't agree with this. I don't think that his medical ailments give him a carte blanche to lecture fans about what's important and what's not and to be rude to them. His responses to fans often make me uncomfortable for that reason. 

#74Broadway fans who cross boundaries
Posted: 1/21/18 at 6:58pm

Moriah3 said: "Do tell!! What did the security guard say?"

A pretty basic "People usually start coming out around now, there will likely be 3-4 people. XYZ does not come out. this person, this person, and this person often does. They will sign for everyone, you don't need to push/shove/scream"

From what I remember, at least. It was a while ago. But it seemed to help keep things calm, manage expectations, ect. I will note as well that this was the new admin, not the obc
