Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
I have a friend working on the show, and the plan is to transfer to NYC WITH Charlie Stemp. He is incredible in the show and Stroman has choreographed more for him to do. It’s a true star performance and no one could play this role better. Even Tony Yazbeck. Charlie also has an incredible youthful energy which invigorates the show.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
To the surprise of almost no one, the West End transfer of the show opened yesterday to rapturous reviews, especially for Stemp, Anderson and Stroman’s glorious choreography.
Now my only question is, oh theater gods, how quickly can we get a transfer here in 2024? Before the end of the 23-24 season? Or not until fall of ‘24?
I suspect that Charlie & Co will want a break after closing in January.
The London run ends in January. There would be plenty of time for Broadway rehearsals to begin shortly after. Maybe 2-3 weeks or so, just to give Charlie (and hopefully Carly Anderson) enough time to pack and head to New York for Broadway. I could see this as one of the last shows to open in the 23-24 season. The question now is, which theatre could be the lucky one to host this incredible show! The Gillian Lynne Theatre here gave me Lincoln Center vibes, so maybe it goes to the Vivian Beaumont? Who knows!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Maybe it could return the the Shubert.
What a welcome back that would be.
BETTY22 said: "Maybe it could return the the Shubert.
What a welcome back that would be."
Do we know how long SLIH will be running?
SLIH is an open run.
And while plans might be that they’d like to move the show here, they’ll need to survive a London run first. And looking at their sales, they’re going to need a lot of help moving forward. Hopefully the reviews help but sales are pretty dire as of right now.
Stand-by Joined: 3/27/22
Let's hope these reviews generate lots of sales. It's selling very badly at the moment and it surviving until January is a bit of a question mark.
Hopefully it won't follow Aspects of love, and potentially Ain't To Proud (also selling incredibly badly)
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
I wonder if it’s part due to an “embarrassment of riches?” A quick glance at the London listings shows almost double the number of shows up and running - with almost two dozen more due before year’s end. There are just so many more shows from which to choose. Yes, I understand the notion of a “hot ticket,” but still wonder if the sheer volume of productions doesn’t play a role.
P.S. - FWIW, would love to see this reopen the Palace (though I suspect they’ll try for the Shubert).
Stand-by Joined: 3/27/22
I don't think so tbh. It's been discussed on theatreboard but the key likely reasons are
* cost of living crisis
* cost of tickets themselves
* regular strikes in the UK means unreliability of being able to get to London. Plus costs have gone up upto 50% for a less reliable service
* lower tourist numbers
* in crazy for yous case it's a less known show to general public
Dolly80 said: "I have a friend working on the show, and the plan is to transfer to NYC WITH Charlie Stemp. He is incredible in the show and Stroman has choreographed more for him to do. It’s a true star performance and no one could play this role better. Even Tony Yazbeck. Charlie also has an incredible youthful energy which invigorates the show."
Boy, do i agree with you. What a tour de force performance this is by young Charlie. A truly amazing talent.
Stand-by Joined: 1/12/12
George in DC said: "I know this won't be popular but if this transfers, I hope Tony Yazbeck will be the lead. I am tired of British actors getting roles that should go to Americans.
"if this show comes to New York, it’s only because of Charlie.
First of all, I saw 64 shows last year, including seeing this in Chichester three times last summer. Charlie’s performance in this is the best I saw the entire year including Broadway in the West End.
I’m sorry I like Tony, but Charlie is lights years better than anyone they could possibly get. Plus, the producer said it will only transfer to New York if Charlie wants to go with it.
Is Stroman's choreography a recreation of her original choreography from Broadway?
Idk I just think the reason why sales are bad is the same as with any show really: Unknown property, no stars, the marketing is for a specific niche (i.e. 'old timey' 42nd street style audiences - and indeed maybe recent and upcoming runs at 42nd street-type shows create a bit of fatigue of this kind of show). If everyone in the audience is having as good a time as the word of mouth on forums and reviews suggest they are I think word of mouth could turn it around quickly and they shouldn't have to worry.
I still am skeptical though because I don't personally think the show is very good (besides Charlie and some of that choreography). So if a lot of the audience walk out like I do and feel a little 'meh' besides Charlie they probably won't be screaming to their friends to see it immediately. This is also why I find the idea of replacing Charlie before Broadway crazy. I don't think you could convince me to sit through this show again with someone like Tony Yazbeck (as talented as he is but he just don't have that x-factor and charm), but I'd go again tomorrow and see Charlie again.
The only other thing I'll say is I've noticed that shows definitely seem to cost less to run in London and run for much longer with sporadic audiences compared to the extreme financial pressure of Broadway. So it's possible even if it struggles as long as it isn't as terrible as something like 'Aspects of Love' they might be able to get by. That may not be good enough for Broadway (it was for &Juliet! - and that show seems to be doing better on Broadway than in London).
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
Speaking of Yazbeck, there WAS talk of him and Laura Osnes starring in a Broadway revival. They headed the 25th anniversary concert of ''Crazy for You'' in NYC, directed by Susan Stroman, in 2017. The next year, they did lab presentations. And Yazbeck and Osnes were doing a benefit performance of it at the Guild Hall in the Hamptons in 2021, and then COVID happened. And the controversy ...
So I imagine that ship has sailed. Which is especially sad for Yazbeck, who oughta be back on Broadway. He was wonderful as Cary Grant in ''Flying Over Sunset,'' even if the show itself wasn't. If ''Crazy for You'' returns to Broadway, I'm guessing they'll go with Charlie Stemp's fresher face.
ACL2006 said: "Is Stroman's choreography a recreation of her original choreography from Broadway?"
Yes. It's nearly identical.
The one thing missing are the three hydraulic platforms for the curtain call, but other than that, it's a spitting image production from 1992.
Am I crazy or were a bunch of posts deleted?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
After these reviews I thought it would SELL OUT!
West End musical audiences are hard to predict. How many Broadway hits have transferred across the pond only to flop?
Kad said: "West End musical audiences are hard to predict. How many Broadway hits have transferred across the pond only to flop?"
And then, sometimes, the opposite happens: a show that gets received with a shrug in NYC gets a much better reception in the UK (LEGALLY BLONDE, GROUNDHOG DAY, AMELIE, YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY) with audiences and/or awards.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Kad said: "West End musical audiences are hard to predict. How many Broadway hits have transferred across the pond only to flop?"
And then, sometimes, the opposite happens: a show that gets received with a shrug in NYC gets a much better reception in the UK (LEGALLY BLONDE, GROUNDHOG DAY, AMELIE,YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY) with audiences and/or awards."
In that case, I think the show was reworked quite a bit in the move to Broadway. I don’t know to what extent, I didn’t see either version, but clearly it didn’t work, because a hit became a flop.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
I know it ran for 3 1/2 years, but I did not think much of this fact, never even saw it a second time. The only thing that could get me to see it is Charlie Stemp, based on everything I have read about him. Unless there is some great performer, I just don't see a very good reason to revive this show, despite the Gershwin music and Stroman choreography. When I first saw it right after it opened, between the story and the uncharismatic leads, it had an uphill battle.
Interestingly, despite a Gershwin score and great choreography, I was bored during An American in Paris as well. I did give it a second chance and still found it boring.
If Charlie Stemp transferred with the show to NY, would his name be above the title and would that attract more people even if they didn't know who is is?
Also interested to know what salary[depends on negotiations I know] he could expect in NY.
No one in the states knew who Tommy Steete was and HALF A SIXPENCE was a big hit on Broadway.
CurtainPullDowner said: "No one in the states knew who Tommy Steete was and HALF A SIXPENCE was a big hit on Broadway."
True. But that was a very different world then. That said, if it transfers I hope Charlie comes with it,
If Stemp doesn't transfer with the show, I would hope that Yazbeck would be the top choice to play the lead.