I've always thought it a missed opportunity that there's not a scene late in the show where Evan shares with Connor's family that the two did have a genuine, albeit brief, moment of connection.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
^ Come to think of it, i never thought about it. Would have made the Murphys closure to the story meaningful. I also see a missed opportunity for Evan to make up with Jared and Alana.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
Honestly, a good ending is repositioning the story to focus on Kaitlyn Dever's character and how she healed. I don't really care about what happens to Evan. He did something gross.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
^ With all due respect, it was for slightly fair reasons. He was too scared to admit his true feelings of pain and lonliness.
the same article is also in the print edition
- side note in the same issue of ew there’s a short review of the 10th anniversary edition of lady gaga’s “born this way” on which Ben covers “You and Me” and they say it’s a track to skip
"Waving Through A Window" and "You Will Be Found" are available for streaming/download and the album itself is available for pre-order. The album comes out the same day as the movie - September 24th.
The track listing confirms that Anybody Have A Map, To Break In A Glove, Disappear, and Good For You have been cut.
What’s up with the mix of waving through a window around 3:10 in the song. It sounds like he is underwater? Ben’s performance is quite similar to the OBC to me (I suppose if it isn’t broken they don’t want to fix it). But interesting to hear the revised/expanded orchestrations.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
All I can say about Anybody Have A Map and Disappear being gone is drats. And i wonder why there's no For Forever reprise at the end
Understudy Joined: 10/21/19
It’s a crime that Amy Adams was cast in this and will barely sing.
It just felt like I was listening to the OBCR, just with different percussion and expanded orchestrations.
Platt sounds gorgeous as per usual, and Stenberg, Dodani, and Dever sound okay.
Very eager to hear “The Anonymous Ones” and “A Little Closer.” And just because songs were cut does not mean little snippets haven’t been snuck into the underscoring… we will find out.
I just don’t understand cutting some of those songs and giving a new song to a character that nobody really cares about.
I found the two released tracks to be a snooze fest. Ben sounds great, but that's no surprise. I echo the sentiment that other posters have shared that it sounds like listening to the OBC. I am looking forward to hearing the other tracks and hoping for some fresh interpretations of those songs.
Updated On: 8/26/21 at 12:12 PMI've heard many recorded versions of "Waving Through a Window" and this one sounds the weirdest. The mix and some of his choices are just really strange.
Scott Stephen said: "It’s a crime that Amy Adams was cast in this and will barely sing. "
I felt the same way when Christiane Noll was cast as Cynthia Murphy. What a waste.
TaffyDavenport said: "
I don’t know what they are doing to the younger actors but Amy Adams looks younger than Liz Kate. And I still can’t get past Platt looking like Frankenstein. He was so stinking cute on stage. Why did they mess with that? I have no idea what they were thinking with the hair. It is really making me think it was his idea and no was allowed to say anything to him because, well, you know, “it wouldn’t be made without him.”
He grew out his own hair. Makes him look younger. Can't help the five o'clock shadow on his face though.
I’m concerned about Julianne Moore’s vocals, and cutting “Good For You” doesn’t help.
Sutton Ross said: "He grew out his own hair. Makes him look younger. Can't help the five o'clock shadow on his face though. "
But does it? I wonder if they did screen tests with various hair. To me he looks boyish with the short cut parted hair.
Bettyboy72 said: "Sutton Ross said: "He grew out his own hair. Makes him look younger. Can't help the five o'clock shadow on his face though. "
But does it? I wonder if they did screen tests with various hair. To me he looks boyish with the short cut parted hair.
It doesn't, he looks his age in all the footage I have seen so far. They really missed the mark on trying to make him look like a high-school student. But I think it has more to do with his face and then his hair. I'm going to view the movie as if his character has been held back a couple years. Which I guess could work character-wise.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
“Good for You” was the only standout song to me. The rest felt like Lite FM radio that all sounded the same. Sad it won’t be in the film.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
Scott Stephen said: "It’s a crime that Amy Adams was cast in this and will barely sing. "
I was afraid of that!
She can't sing well so.... It makes sense.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Is that a joke?
Edited because I just remembered who asked me that question. A person who refused to admit that Marc Platt is not the producer of Book of Mormon and other dumb lies they've told without retraction. Silly me.
There's this magical thing called the internet. There are also magical beings called strong singers. She isn't one of them. But, her voice will pass in a movie because post production is also something quite magical.