I think he strongly lacks any kind of self awareness, honestly.
Great comment, though.
Swing Joined: 8/9/17
So excited for this movie! Saw Ben in the role 4 years ago and I actually think it will be more interesting to see him in film format....he was great on stage but will get to play up the subtleties more on screen... speaking of, I heard some of the songs will be cut, do we know which ones? This is one of my faves but wondering how they would do it.... and here is a cool new version I found of it, acapella!
While I strongly feel that Platt is now too old to play the role, I do understand why he might feel like he deserves to play it in the film version (I’m editorializing here). Is that necessarily the “right” way to feel? Probably not. Is it the “human” way to feel? I’d guess probably so. He has been with this show since its earliest days and was incredible in the role. There is no doubt he poured a lot of himself into the show.
While I’ve always said that Ben is deserving of the praise he gets because he is extremely talented, I do his comment unflattering. I don’t find them totally untrue.
Do I think DEH could have been a successful film adaptation without him? Yes.
Do I think it would have been made this quickly without him? Probably not.
BwayCan said: "So excited for this movie! Saw Ben in the role 4 years ago and I actually think it will be more interesting to see him in film format....he was great on stage but will get to play up the subtleties more on screen... speaking of, I heard some of the songs will be cut, do we know which ones? This is one of my faves but wondering how they would do it.... and here is a cool new version I found of it,acapella!
Super excited too! Glove is confirmed to be out. There is uncertainty over whether Map is in or out. And there is at least one new original song for Alana.
Here is another very cool a capella DEH video that stars Sam Primack as Evan (who played the role on Broadway and tour) - DEH in 10 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IELqpkqArog
Ughh...Ben Platt was just on the Today show for 2 segments from 8:45am - 9am and then another 2 segments from 9:45am-10am and there was not ONE SINGLE WORD about the film?! There was not ONE SINGLE COMMERCIAL run during those times. The entirety of the time was devoted to promoting his new album. I get wanting to promote that but not even a "Oh btw I have this movie coming out in ONE MONTH." Who is running this ad campaign?? What possible explanation is there for this?
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
Saw that too, and I have to say I’m surprised by all of this. Is Ben Platt considered a star? I saw one of his tour dates is at MSG which is difficult for even some of the biggest of stars to fill.
Understudy Joined: 11/20/13
Talented, yes.
Entitled, yes.
A star? NO.
Daddy's big pockets and clout? Priceless.
Swing Joined: 8/13/17
I know people thought his last tour was too big for him but he sold out every show to my knowledge. MSG seems a little much to me (and I’m a huge Platt fan) but you never know I guess.
DEHFanatic said: "Ughh...Ben Platt was just on the Today show for 2 segments from 8:45am - 9am and then another 2 segments from 9:45am-10am and there was not ONE SINGLE WORD about the film?! There was not ONE SINGLE COMMERCIAL run during those times. The entirety of the time was devoted to promoting his new album. I get wanting to promote that but not even a "Oh btw I have this movie coming out in ONE MONTH." Who is running this ad campaign?? What possible explanation is there for this?"
Most likely he’s on a press tour paid for by his record company, and he’s been instructed to stay on message. In September he’ll likely be on a press tour paid for by Universal where he’ll also be instructed to stay on message. (Guessing the hosts are also prompted to talk about the album and not much else.)
New poster released today. Dear Evan Hansen has been rated PG-13 by the MPAA, for some thematic material involving suicide, brief strong language, and suggestive references.
"An honest and original story"...
The story revolves around one giant LIE.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/27/15
Not impressed with this poster.
Wonderful poster, cannot wait.
That's a pretty good poster, it kind of reminds me of the poster to Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master.
Understudy Joined: 4/21/16
The tag line is atrocious. Putting aside the plot, it’s clumsy (like a fifth grader’s book report) and hello : show, don’t tell - if you have to tell us that this is “an honest and original story”…
That is HORRIBLE. This suits the film if it’s a Peacock Original but for a theatrical release? Horrible. The teaser poster was elegant, artistic and showcased the project as a major theatrical release. This just took it straight-to-DVD level.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/11
boy is this feeling more and more like a bust as the days go by
gregnyc2 said: "The tag line is atrocious. Putting aside the plot, it’s clumsy (like a fifth grader’s book report)and hello : show, don’t tell - if you have to tell us that thisis “an honest and original story”…"
I have to agree that the tag line is pretty bad. I think it would have been much better to just leave out the top part and have "For those lost and then found."
The poster gives me a headache
The tagline is stupid, but I don’t find the poster to be necessarily awful. I do, however, find that it lacks the elegance of the first one.
Updated On: 8/18/21 at 02:33 PM
I find that poster way too busy. As someone else noted, it's headache inducing. You don't know where to look. Amateur design job. Mercifully his hair is cropped out.
This poster gives me "ee chose not to do a photo shoot due to covid" vibes. It's all screenshots from the film.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
The new poster is meh!
A lot of people have problems with the way the play ends so it will be interesting to see what changes they made and if that will quell some of that criticism.
Excited to hear the 2 new songs!
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
^ Even i only have minor issues. I mean i was happy Evan decided to go on living. But i wouldn't be happy about not being hated by so many people for hiding how alone i felt when i helped others who felt the same way.