Katie Rose Clarke - Merrily We Roll Along, Wicked, was cast as the Clara replacement for Kelly O'Hara, original cast, leaving her Texas musical theater program.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
I'm still processing LIGHT from yesterday - it was magnificent. By far my favorite theatrical experience of the year.
I'm not sure if it's commercial but I'm hoping this production has another life after Encores. It's brilliant.
Just got in from the Sunday Matinee. It was breathtaking.
Simply but beautifully staged and sung incredibly from top to bottom. I really like the tempo changes that were made. The sound design was wonderful. I sat in the Mezz Row E on the aisle and didn't miss a thing.
Should this transfer, it should with this entire cast intact. The only thing I would change is the use of "real" statues. That's it.
I found this production to pack a more powerful emotional punch than the original. And that last 15 minutes or so just had me in tears till the end. And, of course, what Ruthie has been through goes through your mind so it is like a double emotional punch. Kudos to Chay Yew for his direction. Especially with Clara. In this production I feel it is brought out more that Clara has actually grown more than her mother thinks, or wants her to. And you get more of an emotional feeling of Margaret having to let Clara go and deal with her own situation with her husband. Anna Zavelson is a marvel and the chemistry they all have is amazing. A truly wonderful afternoon of Theatre. Anyone going tonight is in for a treat. Just bring tissues!
bwayobsessed said: "After listening to the OBCR several times this week I feel very strongly that Gish sings Morrison out of the water. And honestly I think I prefer Anna to Kelli…"
I was thinking the same as I sat there this afternoon.
Also to touch on a comment about Ruthie's vocals. I thought they were stellar. I noticed the tempo change in songs which caused her to sing them differently than the original vocals were sung. I thought this was an excellent choice. It fit her, and the rest of the cast perfectly. It also stopped all of thos "AHH, AHH's" from feeling drawn out and tightened up. And yes, Ruthie's reprise of The Beauty Is, is just devastating.
Wow, that was an incredible matinee.
18 years ago I sat in the Beaumont as a teenager, and was completely transported by this musical. It is easily the best score so far of this century.
This Encores! production is simply breathtaking. There's not much to say that hasn't been said, but I was completely left with chills and teary eyes.
Zavelson and Gish are going to have long careers in this industry, they are such a wonderful pairing, and are possibly more believable than the pairings in the original production.
Hernandez, Burns, Ahmed, and Cyrus were very convincing as an Italian family. It's always a joy to see Burns on stage.
Enough can't be said about Miles performance. She was heartbreaking throughout, and I really enjoyed her steelier approach to the character. As others mentioned, I love how she approached the score completely different from Clark. She made it her own, and I heard some jazz oriented inflections throughout, which sounded lovely. I know she said in press that she isn't channeling her personal tragedy, but it was impossible not to think about during her "The Beauty Is" reprise which was one of the most cathartic moments I've ever witnessed on stage. I can't even sum it up in words what she did with that number. Also, her "Fable" was perfection. Again, a different approach from Clark's, but equally as emotional and touching. Her gorgeous "Dividing Day" had no flubs, and she only seemed to rely on her script in the act 2 conversation with Roy.
And what a treat to hear the full Overture live, which was unfortunately truncated in the original production. As always, Rob Berman conducted the score with care.
I would love to see a future for this production, but I'm not sure how it would be feasible. A non-profit run would likely be the only option, but who knows? I hope its life doesn't end here.
I agree on Miles' steelier approach. For me it worked perfectly to lead up to Clara's outburst toward Margaret in Act II. And Zavelson's performance brought out that Clara had grown more than her mother thought. Perfect choices.
Swing Joined: 5/1/23
I just got back from the final show today. It was absolutely MAGNIFICENT. The cast was flawless.
I saw this tonight and agree that enough can’t be said about Ruthie Ann Miles. She was magnificent. The original production is seared into my brain, but I love-love-loved Ruthie’s take on this role. While her vocal interpretation wasn’t Victoria Clark’s more operatic approach, it was always supported and motivated beautifully, and I loved that she used the written syncopations in Guettel’s score in a way we’ve never heard them previously (as heard in the pitch-perfect “Dividing Day” and searing “Fable” ). There were sobs during “The Beauty Is (Reprise)” because of the deep emotion that Ruthie tapped into; it was a special moment where the lines between character and actor blurred and we were witnessing something transcendent.
Watching Anna Zavelson in this was a star-is-born event. Ivan Hernandez brought sensuality and chemistry that almost made Margaret and Signor Naccarelli feel like the A couple. Andréa Burns fabulously mined every bit of comedy in her role. I liked Shereen Ahmed a lot but missed the stratospheric vocal lines Sarah Uriarte Berry sang in “Aiutami.” I thought James D. Gish sounded vocally tired and of all the Italian principals, he needed the most help with the Italian diction, including in his big featured moments (I found this to be true with Matthew Morrison too).
The orchestra was absolutely top-notch. Rob Berman did a phenomenal job on this production, not just in his considerate conducting but also in his music direction throughout.
I would love a full production of this. It was just as good people have said. It deserves future life. Congrats to all!
What an incredible season for Encores. I think you know the series has done its job when you look back over the comments from all three productions and see so many wisful for each production to transfer or have future life. It's probably unlikely any will -- but in trade, each production now gets a special place in theatrical lore. I'm sure each will be remembered and spoke about fondly for many years to come. Congrats to the entire team at City Center.
I don't have anything substantial to contribute in praise of this wonderful and moving production, but I thought I'd add two quick notes:
(1) I may have missed it, but I don't think anyone has answered the question earlier in this thread about the overture. The version used in this production was the longer version heard on CD, with the snippets from the title song and "Passeggiata."
(2) My friend and I sat in Row H in the mezzanine, which is the first row of the rear section. For $60 this is the biggest theatrical bargain I've found in a long while: the sound is wonderful, the view is superb (if obviously not super close), and there's lots of leg room. I'll definitely jump on these seats the next time I see something at City Center.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Any word on if Victoria Clark went to the final Sunday evening performance? I know Kelli had posted they planned on going together before Kelli had to go out of town this weekend.
BCfitasafiddle said: "Any word on if Victoria Clark went to the final Sunday evening performance? I know Kelli had posted they planned on going together before Kelli had to go out of town this weekend."
I can't directly answer your question, but I can confirm that after Sunday's Kimberly Akimbo performance (which I attended), Victoria Clark rushed out the stage door without signing any autographs and was dressed up to go to an event.
On Talking Broadway people said Clark was in an aisle seat in the orchestra.
Kelli attended the dress rehearsal on Tuesday.
Victoria Clark was at the final Sunday performance. She was seated a row or two behind us. I saw her when it was over as she made her way quickly to the side door to head backstage.
I can only imagine how emotional it was for her - and know she was wiping away tears at the end.
I was at stage door after the show on Sunday night when Victoria came out and Anna had been signing and she stopped briefly and they shared a super sweet moment privately as Victoria hugged her.
Sunday night was my first time seeing the show live and getting to hear the score performed live and it was simply glorious. Ruthie Ann’s performance was just stunning and I so hope this is not the last we see of this production with this fabulous cast.
I wondered what all of the extra screaming was about when I walked by the stage door…..I assumed someone special had attended the last performance.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
3NU said: "
It's interesting how people have interpreted their voices. I'm glad someone else noticed the "modern" sound, though I think of it less favorably as a lack of personality that seems to be favored by current musical theater programs prioritizing vocal power, clarity, and hitting all the notes. I liked the warmth of Ruthie's voice and the way she picked her moments, allowing her voice to show some strain when she was more emotional. But I agree with Skip23 that Anna bordered on screechy. It was a very bright loud soprano, powerful, but not an instrument I felt she was completely in control of. No sharp notes but definitely on the line and I don't think it was intentional to signal Clara's childish exuberance or anything. Gish just sounds like a Disney prince to me. Clean vocals, a little too perfect, not Italian. It didn't help that the rest of Fabrizio's family was so strong.
I do think there's a lot of potential and with more rehearsal they could find the depth of characterization and smooth over the rough edges. Watching Ruthie play Margaret, it was as if Kim (Miss Saigon) was written with the sensitivity and articulateness of Francesca (Bridges of Madison County). There was a similar subtle edge to Clara being seen as youthful and innocent and needing to be taken care of (beyond her accident) and the moments she chose to act more boldly or be disobedient. But I don't think ethnicity informed the performances very much because there wasn't enough rehearsal to establish that characterization and those choices. I do think there's potential in how the audience interprets those racial/gender dynamics and to build an interesting reading. I definitely saw the seeds of it.
What are the chances that Piazza transfers for a limited run to the Beaumont?
The two non profit theaters have no relationship with one another. The Beaumont should bring in the Streetcar production from the UK if Paul Mescal is available from his film shoots.
I can't recall LCT ever bringing over a commercially produced production from the UK or transferring a work produced by another entity from Off Broadway (like Encores). Am I wrong? They have brought over multiple things from the RNT.
I would imagine the next tenant for the Beaumont will be a show that LCT initiates; probably a production of a play that can be put together rather quickly, as they did with SKIN OF OUR TEETH after the premature closing of FLYING OVER SUNSET.