Chorus Member Joined: 2/22/05
The benches were nicely padded. In the upper level second row we were leaning forward throughout the play. We had space behind the padded portion for a jacket and umbrella. The first row had more of a seat back to lean back on or against. The wall behind the second upper row was too far behind us for leaning against.
The eight seats center front row banquette looked like a church pew and appeared to have movable seat pads. It looked like those front row patrons were held in the rear of the orchestra and were marched in a line to their seats just before the show started.
I have a seat in row D of the balcony (center section)... I am kind of worried about the view. Can anyone comment on the view from the balcony for this?
Based on past experience, if there is an issue it will be that the downstage area might be obstructed by the front of the balcony. However, if your seats are in the center of the center and not on the aisle, you have the (raised) booth behind you and can stand if necessary to see the apron. You can also sit on the top of the seat (not folded down) and see perfectly. Otherwise, the only issue is the obvious one, that you are watching the show from "on high." Up there it's just you and David Belasco's ghost.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/22/05
I saw no stage mics, but I think there was some sort of sound amplification. I got the listening devices and heard sound through them. However, I was able to hear pretty well without them from my on stage seating upper level second row perch.
I didn’t see much distinction between the first and second row upper level seats. I don’t think front row should be full price. Lower level on stage seating looked terrific but not sure if they could see the musicians who played from an upstage platform level easily visible from the upper level stage seats.
bwayphreak234 said: "I have a seat in row D of the balcony (center section)... I am kind of worried about the view. Can anyone comment on the view from the balcony for this?"
I found this pic of the view from the balcony:
malloythere and seeeveryshow2, thank you for letting me know about the amplification. It sounds like there might not be any, which would be wonderful for me! Sometimes a show will have discreet mic placement for the assisted listening, but that feed doesn't get transmitted into the house as a whole.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/18/15
I was at the final dress rehearsal on Sunday and sat in the stage seats and I thought the show was absolutely wonderful
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
Got a rush ticket about 6:30. Last seat on the right. Didn't miss anything, just couldn't see the band or right corner of the set.
The play was alright, was kind of expecting more from it and more humor. When drama is introduced near the end, nothing comes of it. The play just peters out without a satisfactory conclusion. Rylance is fun though.
They didn't bring the pew people down right before curtain like someone else said they did last night. And they were seating onstage guests all throughout half hour. It runs 2:15, not 2:30 or 2:10 like the official site and telecharge say.
JBroadway said: "But what did people think of the show?"
Thank you! I want to know about the actual show also.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/28/13
BroadwayConcierge said: "Any other thoughts on the show?"
My folks saw this cast in London and gave it 4 thumbs up.
Stand-by Joined: 3/2/06
It would be great if anyone can share more information on far-side banquette seats. How would these seats compare to upper rear onstage seats? Thank you.
I love how this is 2 pages of people talking about seats. Is the show even good?!
I would REALLY like to hear about the show!
GeorgeandDot said: "I would REALLY like to hear about the show!"
Here is a start:
I am rather concerned that the upper level, $32 seats will be a terrible view. Someone there comments that they couldn't see any faces.
The consensus seems to be that the production and Rylance are good, but the play is only ok. Can anyone on here elaborate?
This has to be the DOPIEST, most annoying, thread I've ever read about a show. "Ohhh, but how are the seats from fifth row mezzanine, fourth seat from the outer aisle, on a Tuesday night?"
Is there actually a show, maybe it’s just seats
I saw it twice in London, it's an enjoyable play, if not a bit slim. Mark Rylance is truly exceptional in it tho
How does one purchase these front row "pew" seats? I can't seem to find them available online for $32.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/11/16
they WERE on Telecharge, my guess is that they are all sold out now because there weren't that many to begin with. Last time I looked (about a week ago) there were some still available toward the end of the run
They can be found by using the Telecharge specifications to search the orchestra for the $32 price point on all dates
GreasedLightning said: "How does one purchase these front row "pew" seats? I can't seem to find them available online for $32."
None of the front-row seats are $32. Only the 2 seats on either far side of the second row, B 5-7 and B 6-8, are offered at that price