Well, that's discouraging. So people who got a code and bought tickets might be able to get a code and buy more while others are left out in the cold once more? Doesn't make me feel like I have much of a shot
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/15
That was one of the most frustrating things ever. I got a code for 12 and none of the dates that I tried worked for 2 tickets. Then I decided to just buy one, and I put it in my credit card information wrong since I was in the middle of class, so I wasn’t paying as much attention and then it said wrong credit card information. I tried again and it said sorry this code has already been used. Tried to get ahold of Ticketmaster with no luck, and now it’s pribably too late. Very disappointed
Notreallysilent 2 said: "That was one of the most frustrating things ever. I got a code for 12 and none of the dates that I tried worked for 2 tickets. Then I decided to just buy one, and I put it in my credit card information wrong since I was in the middle of class, so I wasn’t paying as much attention and then it said wrong credit card information. I tried again and it said sorry this code has already been used. Tried to get ahold of Ticketmaster with no luck, and now it’s pribably too late. Very disappointed "
Call ticketmaster. I did and they said that a lot of those errors with credit cards went through and then they gave me a confirmation number and sent me an email. The charge hasn't shown up on my credit card yet but I have the confirmation number and the email has the seats and day I was trying to buy.
Also, if you don't want to wait in hold there's any option where they'll call you back when you're at the front of the line
Ugh I feel like an idiot for wasting two days (Monday and today) worrying over this and not even getting a code.
I keep noticing that the show is wording things very carefully so as to suggest that there will be more tickets released for these dates. They replied as much to someone on Twitter who asked about specific dates. Am I being too wishful or is that everyone else’s kmpression?
My card info was already in. I only had to put my card security code in at checkout for the 11:00 sales.
kade.ivy said: "Ugh I feel like an idiot for wasting two days (Monday and today) worrying over this and not even getting a code.
I keep noticing that the show is wording things very carefully so as to suggest that there will be more tickets released for these dates. They replied as much to someone on Twitter who asked about specific dates. Am I being too wishful or is that everyone else’s kmpression?"
Meanwhile, if you look on Stub hub, the Scalpers went wild. How did this prevent the Scalpers from getting tickets. Looks like the Scalpers were the ones that benefited.
Swing Joined: 11/7/16
Penty of seats as you said on Sub Hub. Balcony selling at $1300 to 1850 per ticket. They got a code this is sick.
I looked at Stub Hub too. Of course they got through as Verified Fans. These prices are really discouraging and out of hand. I can't imagine how anyone except a privileged few willing to just spend money would buy tickets at those prices. It'll be interesting to see if they prices drop. But they're never going to be reasonable.
Updated On: 10/18/17 at 06:23 PM
I am 90% sure almost all of those scalper listings on StubHub or otherwise are either false or “speculative listings,” meaning they’re hoping to get tickets for those dates by the time the tickets need to be sent. Many of the postings will disappear.
Updated On: 10/18/17 at 06:24 PM
Just looking at StubHub, the most I see at a performance is 35, a few 20s, lots of 2-8s, and even more 0s. Lets say each performance has has 35 seats up there, thats about 2.5% of seats that were taken by scalpers. Not a perfect system, but an overwhelming majority of these seats, I would say nearly all, went to fans. Of course, those numbers may fluctuate, but I think the system works, flaws and all.
Thanks BroadwayNYC2 I was going to add that cause I did see that the numbers of tickets available per performance is relatively low.
Well I think everyone knew it wasn't a guarantee, but it sure does suck to not even get a code to try. If I never get a code life goes on, but I sure do hope it will work out for us. Especially because with my family member's deteriorating health, I'm not sure he'll be able to travel when the next block of tickets goes on sale. He's not going to cry or anything if I don't get tickets, but I know it would mean the world to him. We'll see how it goes.
Updated On: 10/18/17 at 06:34 PMSwing Joined: 11/7/16
I was registered for over a year not just this registration and what did I get standby. Its cheaper to go to London with airfare and hotel to see the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
I just checked Stubhub. Wow, I bought 6 tickets which I need. But after seeing what people are asking for on Stubhub, how bad do i really want to see it. I could pay for all 6 tickets and still make a nice profit.
Edited my post because it was rude and you’re right, vanbrig, some people have circumstances that carry more weight than others re: the importance of these tickets. I do wish folks would be a little more realistic about the situation though. Would it really have been better as a free-for-all? I don’t think so. The site would likely have crashed and then where would everyone be?
When you go to buy them a box comes up that says you will receive 1 ticket that is good for both perfofmances. Is that how it works in Lomdon? When I checked out this morning I was under the impression I would pick up 2 tickets.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/1/04
brdway411 said: "I just checked Stubhub. Wow, I bought 6 tickets which I need. But after seeing what people are asking for on Stubhub, how bad do i really want to see it. I could pay for all 6 tickets and still make a nice profit."
Honestly, f*ck off to anyone doing this. If you got 6 tickets, use your 6 tickets. Taking tickets away from others who were waiting with baited breath for a code so you (or others) can make a profit goes against the whole reason for doing a Verified FAN sale.
How much do we think their advance sale is? It must have beat Hello, Dolly’s record....
I never use stub hub but went and looked after seeing posts about tickets here. It looks like some sellers have more tickets then were alloted to buy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
Not saying I will do it, just find it interesting that I could do it. And no one took tickets away from anyone, you either got a code or you didn't. I got a code and bought my 6 tickets. What I do with them now is my business.
ColorTheHours048 said: "I am 90% sure almost all of those scalper listings on StubHub or otherwise are either false or “speculative listings,” meaning they’re hoping to get tickets for those dates by the time the tickets need to be sent. Many of the postings will disappear."
That's wrong, there are fees if you don't fulfill an order as a seller, from their website...
" If a seller can't provide the exact tickets sold on StubHub they'll be charged either 40% of the price of the tickets sold or the full amount incurred by StubHub when finding the buyer replacement tickets - whichever is greater."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
uncageg said: "Wow. About 9 months sold in a few hours."
Doubt it. Seems like they’re gonna do more ticket releases.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
brdway411 said: "Not saying I will do it, just find it interesting that I could do it. And no one took tickets away from anyone, you either got a code or you didn't. I got a code and bought my 6 tickets. What I do with them now is my business."
Yeah I’m with you here. If someone is willing to pay 10x the face value I’d be real tempted to sell