ak72090 said: "So I never got a standby code, and I see the site says tickets have all been sold. Do we have any update when the next round of tickets and codes will be released? I had some bad luck this time around"
It maybe wishful thinking, but some have speculated that not all tickets have been released and another round will have another batch for the same dates.
Hope this to be true, but at this point I am counting on cancellation tickets and lotteries.
I'm curious to see what the stage and inside of the theatre will look like. The Palace Theatre in London is a lot narrower than the Lyric Theatre. I can't wait to see what they do with the inside of the theatre.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
DrewJoseph said: "Alright, weirdest thing just happened. I tried to book for like a 100 times and it kept giving me the 'something went wrong' page. Then suddenly it started saying 'this code has already been used for a purchase' but no email confirmation and nothing in my TM account. But this morning suddenly the tickets showed up in my account! Guess I have them now?!! Wow, should I trynot to be too happy till I get a real confirmation email? Or do you guys think I'm safe? For everyone else with the same situation; check your tm account now! Maybe you've got the same thing."
Thank you DrewJoseph. You are right - I checked my account and my tickets are there after I posted yesterday re my sour grapes/frustration with the whole thing after having an experience as you did above. I was desperately looking for $20 - $40 seats, trying various dates through to October, texting back and forth with a friend, all while at work pretending to be engaged in my business...
I kept releasing the $199 seats offered until I finally thought, in further desperation, my son would be disappointed with nothing so hit purchase for a middle of the summer Wednesday when he's not away at camp. And then the frustration began of being shut out with the access code ensued, yet I received the "something went wrong" message.
I had thought: good riddance. I saved myself $800. A ton of money to spend on ONE show. But now I've spent it. Oh well. I guess...I will have to make up for that somehow. (My friend was sane and had texted no to the greater amount of money...sanity had prevailed with her).
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
It's incredible what this system made some of us do out of sheer panic/not wanting to disappoint our kids/etc. I panicked because I got a last-minute (I think literally) standby code and bought tickets for a date I can't imagine I'm going to be able to even go because I'm out of state and only have one trip budgeted for next year and it's in June. But with one last opportunity (literally one date in October that wasn't red) I was going to be damned if I didn't buy tickets. After a day of waiting and stressing, I ended up spending $800+ for two tickets I probably won't even be able to use because my brain simply couldn't process walking away at that point. So stupid.
I'm going to see how the next release goes, and hopefully get what I need for June and either return my October tickets or offer them here at face value. I certainly didn't buy them in the hope of making a profit. I just want to see the show!
This process brought out the crazy in a lot of us.
There's probably going to be a lot of people in Nycat63's position who don't live in NYC, or anywhere close, and will end up returning plenty of tickets, so I advise not jumping on any re-sale tickets and waiting until the show opens to try and get tickets. I got in to the production in London three different ways since it opened. Once at the box office in advance by just walking up to see what they had, once on-line in advance and once at the box office on the day of the show by getting there at 7am and waiting til 1 pm.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
Exactly! Suddenly, it's like you say, your brain can't process walking away at a certain point.
The tickets are 100% refundable, so just call or chat with Ticketmaster. My purchase was fully refunded, even the fees. I had severe buyer's remorse. Like many people, I jumped at the tickets I was offered and spent too much. Now I'm going to wait for the next release and I won't fall for the hype.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
Someone posting above wrote that the next release will cost even more. Do you agree with that?
Thank you for the reminder re the refund. I have plenty of time to contemplate/read reviews/hear opinions about the show etc as my tickets aren't until the summer!
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Mediamaven2 said: "Someone posting above wrote that the next release will cost even more. Do you agree with that?
Thank you for the reminder re the refund. I have plenty of time to contemplate/read reviews/hear opinions about the show etc as my tickets aren't until the summer!"
I 100% believe they will raise prices with the next release. Nearly every show does that - the initial release is often $10-20 less per seat than if you wait a few weeks to buy (even if they haven't held back tickets, they raise the prices if tickets are selling relatively well). I also don't think we've truly seen the entirety of HP's "premium" seats - I have a hard time believing we won't see prices over $300 in center orchestra.
If they really have held back a lot of seats, it would make perfect sense for them to raise prices because clearly the demand is there. We've shown them we will do everything in our power to buy up all the tickets for a nine-month run at any price point, and we're still begging for more chances to buy. They know we'll spend more because we've already been sucked in - either because we got shut out and refuse to be shut out again, or because we bought tickets we don't really want/can't easily use and want to get different dates, seats, etc. Once we've invested this much, as much as we want to resist, they're betting most of us won't.
So even if I'm lucky enough to get tickets for my preferred date with the next release, I am bracing myself to pay even more. UGH.
Some prices were higher after opening night during this sale. I wanted 70.00 tickets. When I looked after opening night they were up to 80.00. If this was on the pricing chart that was out before the sale, I missed it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
So, I had initially reported I had no luck with my access code and I was giving up, as paying 165+ for balcony seats wasn't in my budget. My frantic experience: I had a code for the 12:00pm time slot. Being that ticketmaster is always crazy during a release, I decided to log in at 12:05pm. I only get a 1/2 hour lunch break at work so figured odds were against me. I searched about 12 times (2 tabs at a time, all different dates). I had written down my preferred dates before I began my search - April/ May were my preference...Saturdays, Sundays...even wrote down a few Wednesday's because I figured it would be easier to get since people have school. What a joke - all dates I wanted were red upon logging in. I then started looking for 4 seats where the dates were "yellow" aka selling fast. First search brought up the pin wheel for about 5 minutes, no tickets available. Second search = rear orchestra all the way on the side for $199..Rear balcony $165...etc. Couldn't justify paying that much for rear seats that might even end up being obstructed. Came here to see if anyone else was having the same issues as I and sure enough, so many problems. Decided to search for just 2 seats into September and October (figured 4 was impossible); saw a bunch of "green dates". Chose a Saturday in October with 3 minutes to clock back into work. Then, the first row dress circle popped up (seats 9 and 11, so not too far over. couldn't believe it!). I was so excited for "Row A" I hit "purchase". Frazzled that I had to clock back in to work, I put my CC info in and hit submit, walked away to clock back in (my job is very old school with the clocking in and out). Ran back to my laptop and saw the total price. YIKES. $199 plus fees per ticket. The most I've ever spent on a show before. Really grateful for the return policy should I not be able to go for some reason, or if I happen to find "better" seats. oy! What a mess.
Updated On: 10/19/17 at 10:03 PM
Just to clarify, theres is no center orchestra. There is Front Left, Front Right, Left and right. There's a single aisle in between right and left orchestra. I really hope this set up means that the far right or left seats are much (or even a little) closer to center. Is anyone who is unhappy with their seats going to try for other seats in the next release? I think I most certainly will. I'm fine with my rear orchestra seat because I'm just happy to have a ticket for my desired date, but if I can get anywhere in the front dress circle, or just closer to center and the front of orchestra, I'll definitely jump on it and just get the refund on my ticket.
uncageg said: "Some prices were jhgher after opening night during this sale. I wanted 70.00 tickets. When I looked after opening night they were up to 80.00. If this was on the pricing chart that was out before the sale, I missed it."
Preview tickets were always slightly cheaper. It was on the website before tickets went on sale.
Current pricing for performances beginning April 25, 2018: $20, $40, $80, $130, $165 and $199 per part.
Current pricing during previews (March 16 to April 21, 2018 ) : $20, $40, $70, $120, $155 and $189 per part.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
Ok, I'm still highly confused by how anyone can sell or transfer their tickets. Someone on this thread had noticed a transfer option, but I don't see it. Many of us have PM'd each other to offer to sell our existing tickets to someone who wants our dates and vice versa if we are successful in getting what we want in the second release - and cooperation like that would be wonderful. However, I just looked at my tickets on the mobile app - there is no transfer option that I see, and instead just a countdown to "ready for entry" that is essentially the date of our show (so in my case, 369 days from now).
So still baffled - how are people selling on Stub Hub (not that I will buy or sell there, but I'm curious), and more importantly, even if kindness prevails on this board and we make deals to trade/sell tickets for face value, how do we get them to each other??? I'm happy for the refund option, but it certainly would be nice to actually be able to trade - TM loses nothing in that transaction, unless they resell our returned tickets at increased prices (which of course is likely).
So confused.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
I had a similar experience as others with confusing credit card processing... after several date attempts that showed available, I still couldn’t find one ticket at any price point. I finally hit on a date with matinee/evening combo and grabbed the tickets. Then my MC couldn’t process over and over, so I went Amex (thinking maybe this is Amex only sale, which it wasn’t). When I hit Purchase, I got “Sorry your time expired” and tried to start again and got “Access code has been used”.
I gave up in frustration, then found I have the tickets on my Ticketmaster account. But, I didn’t get a confirmation email (and still haven't) so I called Amex and they see the charge approval. So, it appears I got my tickets, all for same day, and only one day later than my original planned trip dates. So, I’m staying a day longer to see this show (both parts) as an add on to my normal 10 show spring visit.
A truly bizarre rollercoaster ride, and totally unnecessary. Who set this up? Voldemort?
Nycat63 said: "Ok, I'm still highly confused by how anyone can sell or transfer their tickets. Someone on this thread had noticed a transfer option, but I don't see it. Many of us have PM'd each other to offer to sell our existing tickets to someone who wants our dates and vice versa if we are successful in getting what we want in the second release - and cooperation like that would be wonderful. However, I just looked at my tickets on the mobile app - there is no transfer option that I see, and instead just a countdown to "ready for entry" that is essentially the date of our show (so in my case, 369 days from now).
I see both the transfer and change delivery method option in light gray (on the PC, not the mobile app). It says tickets will be available 3 days before the show.
A few months ago I had mobile Yankee tickets I'd won in a contest and couldn't use them. There was a way to transfer them, and I was able to give them to a relative phone-to-phone.
But if there is no option to transfer until 3 days before, it certainly makes selling them more difficult. Who would pay 4 figures for a ticket that they will get on their phone many months from now? You'd have to be very trusting.
And another issue. I bought tickets for myself and 4 friends. I would much prefer to be able to give each person their own ticket. What if something happens to me on the way to the theater, car breaks down, etc.? What if one or all of us arrives late? I'm hoping that these issues will be explained at some point.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
MISH2 said: "Nycat63 said: "Ok, I'm still highly confused by how anyone can sell or transfer their tickets. Someone on this thread had noticed a transfer option, but I don't see it. Many of us have PM'd each other to offer to sell our existing tickets to someone who wants our dates and vice versa if we are successful in getting what we want in the second release - and cooperation like that would be wonderful. However, I just looked at my tickets on the mobile app - there is no transfer option that I see, and instead just a countdown to "ready for entry" that is essentially the date of our show (so in my case, 369 days from now).
I see both the transfer and change delivery method option in light gray (on the PC, not the mobile app). It says tickets will be available 3 days before the show.
A few months ago I had mobile Yankee tickets I'd won in a contest and couldn't use them. There was a way to transfer them, and I was able to give them to a relative phone-to-phone.
But if there is no option to transfer until 3 days before, it certainly makes selling them more difficult. Who would pay 4 figures for a ticket that they will get on their phone manymonths from now? You'd have to be very trusting.
And another issue. I bought tickets for myself and 4 friends. I would much prefer to be able to give each person their own ticket. What if something happens to me on the way to the theater, car breaks down, etc.? What if one or all of us arrives late? I'm hoping that these issues will be explained at some point."
Ah, I see that on my laptop. It's different on mobile. But yes, that would require us to be very trusting and only buy from friends/family probably. I'd have a hard time plunking down $800+ in the hope that I'm dealing with an honest stranger who will indeed transfer his/her tickets to me 3 days before the show (especially not being a local). Defeats the purpose of letting fans see the show at regular prices by trading tickets amongst ourselves, selling to each other for face value, etc. - instead it pushes us to Stub Hub so that we at least have a guaranteed refund in the event something goes wrong. I will be shocked if TM doesn't also enter the resale game.
I'm over it until the next release. Hopefully I'll get lucky; if not, first world problems.
I'm assuming that the Transfer and Sell buttons will be activated at some point with plenty of time to transfer to friends/family or buyers. I would imagine that they might be inactive now since there will be more ticket releases and I am sure that they held back a large number of seats for future releases. So maybe once the seats are actually all out there, the grayed-out options will be available. If they were going to deny us the chance to sell or transfer our tickets, that would have been spelled out in the ticketing rules, you'd think, in big, bold letters. They did say very clearly that the tickets were refundable. I think they want to sell all of theirs before we start transferring/selling ours.
Stand-by Joined: 12/12/15
Didn't get a code, but I'm somewhat happy because I'd be settling for a so-so seat, since they apparently didn't release the best ones.
Here's to the next batch.
Anyone else’s charge to their bank accounts showing up as TM Cirque Du Soleil? Not that big of a deal but just kind of funny.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/31/16
LesWickedly said: "Anyone else’s charge to their bank accounts showing up as TM Cirque Du Soleil? Not that big of a deal but just kind of funny."
Yes - someone brought this up on the other HP thread as well so I think we all (or many of us) did. Hopefully we aren't in for 7 hours of Paramour
Can Ticketmaster get anything right? What a mess...
I honestly wonder if this new ticketing system helped anything. It still seams like a ton of scalpers got tickets. Im thankful i have tickets but feel bad for the tons of other fans and friends that couldn't even get close to having seats.
Question: did anyone buy tickets for first preview (March 16 & 17)? I was in the 11am group so I had the glitch for previews so I ended up getting post-previews but I noticed that first preview was red even when I first logged on while the rest of the previews were green.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/26/12
I remember during the ticket buying process, there was a FAQ specific to Cursed Child. It said you could transfer tickets to family or friends using a Chat option with TM and having a representative do it. So I do believe it’s possible if you do it that way.
I’ve had a few folks reach out to me about my duplicate tickets – I’m happy to unload my second pair at face value if I can do that transfer I described above, but I need to figure out which the keep first.
I don’t think I’ve ever been in this theater before – what seats do you guys think are the better view? Dress Circle Right, Row A, 10-12 or Dress Circle Right, Row G, 2-4??? I like aisle seats for the room, but the potential of Row A with nothing blocking my view is tempting if the sightlines are good…