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canadian fan
Posted: 12/12/16 at 7:01pm

theoriginoflove said: "Does anyone have a San Diego or Denver Playbill that I can have?

Willing to trade my LA Playbill.

Origin, if you want I can try to get you one from Seattle show this week. I am going this coming weekend. If I remember I can try to grab one for you and mail it to you. No promises I will remember haha....but I can try if you like?



Posted: 12/12/16 at 7:24pm

YES PLEASE, you're so nice, thanks I appreciate it! 

canadian fan
Posted: 12/12/16 at 7:58pm

No problem. If I remember to grab one I will let you know next week and you can send me the address. :)

Posted: 12/16/16 at 4:29am

I know that I am preaching to the long-ago converted, but I wanted to share my belated reaction to the San Francisco show because I didn't go into it as a big fan. In fact, I really didn't know much about it at all, and I was pretty ambivalent about going. My daughter was curious enough to see Darren Criss because of Glee, I knew Lena Hall had won a Tony for her role (you don't get Tony winners in touring productions too often), but I cannot say I was going in with high expectations. I figured it would be interesting, even though I tend to be skeptical of rock musicals, and last-second rush tickets seemed worth the risk. 

I'm glad I took it. I have seen a lot of musicals this year, more than I ever have, and I enjoyed this show more than any musical in 2016 except for Hamilton on Broadway. As I went in cold, not knowing the plot, it took me a while to realize how the show was going to work. Oh, Criss as Hedwig is just going to stand there and talk. For two hours. It took me about 20 or 30 minutes, until "Sugar Daddy," for me to adjust and realize how much fun the show would be.

The first thing that surprised me was that the score was terrific, better than I ever expected. Stephen Trask put together a terrific set of songs that borrows liberally from various rock genres but never feels like an imitation. It didn't feel like "Broadway rock.". These songs stood on their own. "Wicked Little Town" - both versions - is one of my favorite songs from a musical. My wife didn't see the show, and she was marveling at how much she liked the music - out of context. 

The second surprise was that if felt so unique. Trask and John Cameron Mitchell take theatergoers on a strange journey that feels both ridiculous and, in the end, deeply moving. I wasn't expecting that, not from Darren Criss, not when he - like every Hedwig - has to carry almost the entire show by himself. But for all of its unusual quirks, Trask and Mitchell actually pull a trick. Under all the glitter, it's a surprisingly conventional musical in structure (except for the fact that there aren't any conventional scenes).

The third surprise is that it gets better as it goes along. I know plenty of people like "Tear Me Down" and "The Origin of Love," and I do too, but I was still getting my bearings at the beginning. I am so accustomed to musicals with weaker second acts that it's a genuine thrill to watch one that builds to an emotional crescendo at the conclusion. By the time Hedwig and then Yitzhak tell everyone to "lift up your hands," it feels genuinely inspirational. Once again, I wasn't expecting that. And Lena Hall's voice. Wow.

My biggest regret: Not taking my wife to see it. Now I just have to decide which version of cast recording - or soundtrack from the film - to purchase.     

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
Posted: 12/16/16 at 2:42pm

I caught the show in Seattle last night.  This is the 6th time I've seen it now - small potatoes for some of you I'm sure - but its enough times now that I tend to critique performers against others that I've seen.  I know I shouldn't do that - I should stay in the present and enjoy the show for what it is, but its a hard habit to break.

So first off - Euan Morton is gorgeous and has, imo, the best voice I've heard in this role ( barring Lena Hall, who is now in a category of her own).  But back to Euan - he's an angry Hedwig - there's a lot of WTF's FO' and FU's to the audience.  He struts around pretty good and seemed comfortable on the stage; he's got some GREAT one liners and has kept in the Darren Criss diss which got a lot of laughter and applause. As said before, his voice is truly amazing and boy would I like to hear him and Lena team up for some songs one day.  Physically, he's very muscular and has a lot of tattoos; chest and full sleeve on left arm.  So that was interesting - it gave the character a new twist.  He still needs work on his german accent and keeping it in character.

Hannah Corneau was on as Yitzhak.  She has a lovely voice and really nailed her songs as well.  Yet, there was something lacking in her performance and I can't put my finger on it - I think it was more the rapport or the lack thereof between Hedwig and Yitzhak (or Euan and Hannah?) The chemistry seemed off??? for lack of better description because I really can't pin it down.

It could be that they are new into the roles and will get more comfortable as time goes on - it could be that I'm being much too critical after last seeing Lena and Shannon, who will always be the high water mark.

Last note, Seattle is a tough crowd!!  At least the audience  last night was.  There was not a lot of love for Hannah after The Long Grift and no applause after Wicked Little Town reprise (which was actually nice as it didn't break the pace).  No-one was lifting up their hands that I could see through Midnight Radio.  I started it on my side with my daughter and a few more caught on, but it was pretty abysmal.   Again, too critical.

All and all it was a wonderful night - a great performance - I wish Euan and Hannah much success on the road.  I'm sad now because I think that's probably my last time to this performance... for everyone still waiting to see it - enjoy!!!


Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
Posted: 12/16/16 at 2:43pm

Great review.  And I'd suggest the movie soundtrack.  The OBC album with NPH sounded dreadful to us when it was streaming so we didn't buy it. And we're the biggest HED-heads around.

canadian fan
Posted: 12/16/16 at 2:51pm

Thanks fellow Canadian for the Seattle review!  We are going down to Seattle tomorrow to see the show tomorrow night. It will be the first time I have seen Hedwig, and honestly I only know the bare bones of the story, so I'm a Hedwig Newbie :)   I will give a quick report after I see the show through the eyes of someone who has nothing to compare it to.

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
Posted: 12/16/16 at 2:59pm

canadian fan said: "Thanks fellow Canadian for the Seattle review!  We are going down to Seattle tomorrow to see the show tomorrow night. It will be the first time I have seen Hedwig, and honestly I only know the bare bones of the story, so I'm a Hedwig Newbie :)   I will give a quick report after I see the show through the eyes of someone who has nothing to compare it to.

That's fantastic!  Can't wait to read your thoughts and reaction.  You're in for a treat - the cast is amazing!!  enjoy :)

And on a side note... its warmer down there... no snow or ice to contend with :) 



canadian fan
Posted: 12/16/16 at 3:36pm

Thanks! Its our xmas present to my 2 sons and their wives, 6 of us heading down to see Hedwig. I am so happy we exposed them to theater at a young age. They both very much enjoy theatre. And yes,  I have been watching the weather reports! haha.....

And I was thinking about what you said re Seattle being a tough crowd. I wonder if maybe its more people aren't aware of lifting their hands during Midnight radio? (I would have no idea to do that having never seen the show) Or does the cast encourage it and people ignore it? That would be a different story of course...... 

canadian fan
Posted: 12/19/16 at 11:49am

Saw this in Seattle this past weekend, I had never seen Hedwig before, and only knew the very basics of the story. Bearing in mind I'm not a theater expert, here are my thoughts on the show...

I will say that I absolutely loved it. I was blown away by both Euan Morton and Hannah Corneau. As mentioned I have nothing to compare it to, but I cant imagine better performances. They both clearly embraced their roles, I would have loved to hear more from Hannah, but of course that's part of the storyline. Seemed to me there was so much depth to this story which is not said or maybe only touched on so very briefly, but so much is implied or left unsaid. The play is definitely unique. Not used to seeing a play with no set changes, only 2 characters carrying the entire play. I could see how maybe the play isn't for everyone as it is so unique. A lot of the performance is just Hedwig telling his story, so while it is a bit slower in parts, its essential to the story. The score was amazing. I will be buying the soundtrack for sure. So many great songs, not sure which was my favorite....maybe midnight radio at the end. I will say the energy from the crowd in Seattle was lacking. There were some empty seats and while people in the cheaper seats seemed to be more enthusiastic and knew the story, the audience in the front orchestra area didn't see to get into the show at all, (maybe there just as part of season package?) but at the end Euan & Hannah did get a much deserved standing ovation.

It was a very enjoyable evening out, if you get a chance to see these two wonderful performers, do it! 


VotePeron Profile Photo
Posted: 12/19/16 at 12:03pm

Very high quality audios of Euan and Hannah have surfaced on Youtube in the past 48 hours, and my god, do they sound terrific. Having seen all Bway Hedwigs, I was cautious about how Euan would add up, but damn, his voice is like velvet. Hannah is great, too!

canadian fan
Posted: 12/19/16 at 9:42pm

Thanks for pointing that out VotePeron, I just went and listened and those recordings were from the show we were at. Listening to them again, I feel so lucky to have seen such dynamic performances. 

Posted: 12/21/16 at 3:22pm

Chicago stop people: has anyone gotten front orchestra tickets from any of the various Chicago presales? I have checked 3 presale codes and for all dates the only seats available are side/rear orch and random mezz area.

Are they holding all these seats back yet or do we think they are already sold?

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/16 at 4:33pm

I'm listening to Euan Morton right now and my goodness, I wish I could see him. He sounds absolutely incredible. 

Posted: 12/21/16 at 5:05pm

madela2 said: "Chicago stop people: has anyone gotten front orchestra tickets from any of the various Chicago presales? I have checked 3 presale codes and for all dates the only seats available are side/rear orch and random mezz area.

Are they holding all these seats back yet or do we think they are already sold?


"Good question.  Used the CYBER code on Cyber Monday and got decent Orch seats (Row G) but on the right, not center.  There weren't any center seats  unless you were willing to sit way in the back of the orchestra.  

Since Hedwig was part of the subscription season, I suspect a good number of center orch seats were bought by subscribers because of Hamilton (either for themselves or because they knew they could sell at a premium).  

Updated On: 12/21/16 at 05:05 PM

Posted: 12/21/16 at 5:11pm

I saw it 3x in SF.  Given the way the front row was manhandled, I wouldn't be surprised if those seats are reserved for consenting friends/family/industry people.

Posted: 12/21/16 at 6:31pm

Nycat63 said: " Since Hedwig was part of the subscription season, I suspect a good number of center orch seats were bought by subscribers because of Hamilton (either for themselves or because they knew they could sell at a premium). "

I was thinking this, too. I don't prefer to see it from further back (though I will), especially at these larger theaters where the mezz is way back there. I want second row or so. I'm willing to pay whatever to sit up front but what a bummer if these were all bought up for Hamilton.

I don't understand why all the presales. Just put them on sale already.

haterobics Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/16 at 8:27pm

Was waiting for Philly tickets to go on sale in February... but then I saw that New Brunswick was already on sale, and for whatever odd reason, the second row, side orchestra aisle, where the stairs usually are... WAS just sitting there for a Saturday matinee. So, I bought it, heh. Will still go to Philly, too...

Posted: 12/24/16 at 11:22pm

heartwell, he surely can sing!

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
Posted: 12/25/16 at 9:47am

Got my wife a ticket for Jersey in May, think it's the matinee you're going to Hate, she is very excited she's been a Euan fan for years.


BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/25/17 at 11:13pm

Does anyone know if Euan is doing all performances or is there a day he tends to take off?

Wrangling tix for Dallas and would very much like to see him.

VotePeron Profile Photo
Posted: 1/26/17 at 12:10am

^ Judging by the fact that his standby, Mason, hasn't gone on yet, I'm assuming Euan is doing all 8 performances at this time.

MarkBearSF Profile Photo
Posted: 1/27/17 at 9:16am

BroadwayMomma said: "I saw it 3x in SF.  Given the way the front row was manhandled, I wouldn't be surprised if those seats are reserved for consenting friends/family/industry people."

I was able to score a second row seat. They were sold like all the others. Of course, since they were in the pit area, and not available for all shows, they were not subscription seats.

Broadway Bob* Profile Photo
Broadway Bob*
Posted: 1/27/17 at 9:39am

Just saw this Wednesday night in Pittsburgh, PA. AMAZING! Euan is my fourth live HEDWIG (Michael Cerveris, Neil Patrick Harris, John Cameron Mitchell), and eighth HEDWIG if you include "special" videos (Anthony Rapp, Andrew Rannells, Michael C. Hall, Darren Criss). And I have to say Euan is the best sung and indeed sexiest HEDWIG I've ever seen. In my opinion he was second only to JCM in the role! His chemistry with Hannah must've grown over the course of their run because they were magic together. The Tits of Clay were still wonderful as well. The show has really toured WELL and I really hope to be able to catch it again at some point. Euan and Hannah were also both two of the kindest and most gracious people I've ever met at a stage door. Both amazing there too!!!


Loved new jokes aimed at current political climates and the city specific jokes about Pittsburgh and its surroundings. Also loved changing JCM's jab at James Franco to Darren Criss. Hysterical. Was sad they cut the cell phone Grindr bit, though.


Had just as amazing of a time as I always do at HEDWIG and especially loved getting a lap dance from the diva herself!!! (That means through various Hedwigs I've been motor-boated, spat upon, water flung on, and now lap danced!!!) Now if only I could get that damned sheet music!!!!

I would recommend this tour to anyone just as much as I did the Broadway production!!! If you can, GO!!!!

<-- Tevye, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, March 2018

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
Posted: 1/27/17 at 10:31am

Broadway Bob* said: "Just saw this Wednesday night in Pittsburgh, PA. AMAZING! Euan is my fourth live HEDWIG (Michael Cerveris, Neil Patrick Harris, John Cameron Mitchell), and eighth HEDWIG if you include "special" videos (Anthony Rapp, Andrew Rannells, Michael C. Hall, Darren Criss). And I have to say Euan is the best sung and indeed sexiest HEDWIG I've ever seen. In my opinion he was second only to JCM in the role! His chemistry with Hannah must've grown over the course of their run because they were magic together. The Tits of Clay were still wonderful as well. The show has really toured WELL and I really hope to be able to catch it again at some point. Euan and Hannah were also both two of the kindest and most gracious people I've ever met at a stage door. Both amazing there too!!!

I'm so glad someone posted an update!  I was thinking about it yesterday.  Isn't Euan amazing??  He certainly zoomed up to the top of my list too - underneath Lena Hall!!  i never had the privilege to see JCM unfortunately.

Oh how I would love to see this again somehow...   

Thanks for posting :)

