I don’t think this would conflicts with Hadestown. But with the Public involved I wonder if we will get something less cookie cutter. But the story isn’t that dark to begin with.
Swing Joined: 3/4/18
Casting has been announced. Jelani Alladin as Hercules
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
So how does ticketing for this work?
disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I'M HAVING A STROKE OVER THIS CAST"
Why? Pretty boring cast.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
Regardless of casting, I’m having nightmares over how difficult it will be to get a ticket to this. Intense will be an understatement
I wasn't remotely interested in this, but I miss seeing Roger Bart on stage, so I'm prepared pull some strings.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
cjmclaughlin10 said: "Regardless of casting, I’m having nightmares over how difficult it will be to get a ticket to this. Intense will be an understatement "
It’s been said that it’s such a short run because it more meant for industry to gauge interest, not really for the public at large...which is ironic for obvious reasons.
Im not shocked at Jelani, that’s been a rumor for a while, but I’m not thrilled, I found him boring and lacking specificity in Frozen but I’m WAY down for everyone else. For some odd reason, I wouldn’t have thought of Krysta for Meg, but now I can’t unsee her in it. I’m just glad they didn’t go “ingenue”, I would have been pissed otherwise.
I thought he was the worst part of Frozen and that’s saying something. His vocals felt lackluster too. And damn this is one of my favorite scores.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
I stand corrected...this is also a free event but GOOD LAWD tickets will not stick around for long once they’re available...this is gonna be a “people will camp out as long as possible for it”, I can see it now...
Chorus Member Joined: 5/6/19
JennH said: "I stand corrected...this is also a free event but GOOD LAWD tickets will not stick around for long once they’re available...this is gonna be a “people will camp out as long as possible for it”, I can see it now..."
Exactly, this is my nightmare. It's an extremely short run, and I'm terrified this is going to turn into people camping out outside of Central Park overnight to see it. And it's not like midtown. I definitely don't think I'll do earlier than 4 or 5am, ie what I'd do for any Shakespeare in the Park. It boggles my mind that they wouldn't think this would have commercial interest, even this early on in the production's life. If they gave it a month, it would easily sell out every night. I'm certainly going to try and be there.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/13
Interesting seeing Roger Bart in the cast.
He was the singing voice of Hercules, in the original movie. (He sung Go The Distance!)
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Yay, Roger Bart!
Yay, Krista Rodriguez! (Yeah, I wouldn't have predicted that, but it totally works.)
The rest...eh, they're fine. Damn, I hope I get to see this.
This isn't a super exciting cast at all.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/15/18
GeorgeandDot said: "This isn't a super exciting cast at all."
I’m actually quite excited about Iglehart - he was excellent as the Genie, and great fun in the criminally underrated Tangled series. Phil is a very different kind of comic sidekick from the Genie and Lance Strongbow though, so I wonder if Iglehart will audjust his comedic persona accordingly. Alladin is a safe choice, but upgrading him from love Interest to lead will really test him...
(P.S If the broad comedic tone of the original is being retained, I hope we get some Hadestown jokes....)
JennH said: "cjmclaughlin10 said: "Regardless of casting, I’m having nightmares over how difficult it will be to get a ticket to this. Intense will be an understatement "
It’s been said that it’s such a short run because it more meant for industry to gauge interest, not really for the public at large...which is ironic for obvious reasons."
This is not true.
This is part of the Public Works initiative. The point is community engagement- large groups of volunteer performance troupes ranging from dance to singing to martial arts from every borough participate in these productions every year, with a core group of professional actors in the main roles. These productions end up featuring hundreds of people.
This is not commercial. This is not intended to run for weeks. It's not intended for hardcore theatre fans at large.
PUBLIC WORKS is a major initiative of The Public Theater that seeks to engage the people of New York by making them creators and not just spectators. Working with community partner organizations in all five boroughs, Public Works invites community members across New York City to take classes, attend productions, and join in the creation of ambitious works of participatory theater.
Also, because it’s a Public Works production, The Public arranges for the number of performances with the community groups months and months out.
These aren’t professional actors and the limited number of performances is for that reason.
I can tell the line for this will be awful, so I'm curious how bad as a Public production like this has gotten (for either SPitP or Public Works)?
'Exactly, this is my nightmare. It's an extremely short run, and I'm terrified this is going to turn into people camping out outside of Central Park overnight to see it'
I...wait...I don't understand this. You mean...camp out as if it were...a SITP production at the Delacorte?
Try camping out for that dog of a production of On The Town back in the 90s.
I would LOVE to see this, but I'm not camping out overnight for this. Smells like they might be prepping it for regional licenses. Or just maybe a Broadway run in 2020-21?
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
Does anyone think this has a chance of extending, especially due to popular demand?
How does one even get tickets? Is it just day of?
"Beginning Monday, July 8 information on how to access free tickets will become available. Please check back at that time."
It's so interesting that even the very wealthy can't secure tickets for this. Even if you give the Public 15k, right now, it does not include this show. This will be wild.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
Technically no one should be allowed to camp overnight for tickets because the park is only suppose to be open from 6am until 1am...