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Hamilton Cancellation Line- Page 121

Hamilton Cancellation Line

#3000Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:08pm

MinnieFay said: "You probably should have over emphasized the steps you took to freshen up. People on here seem to refuse to grasp the concept that you can use these new inventions like deodorant and even baby wipes and not smell when you get into the theater.  

Deodorant + baby wipes = a whore's bath.  Plus I don't care how great your deodorant is --- it ain't lasting for 3+ days on the sidewalks of NYC! in 85 degree heat!!






Wow you people are extra special. You must be a riot at parties.


Also you can reapply deodorant... Like however many times you want. They make travel sizes too. 

And the weather in NYC the week she went was not bad. It wasn't even hot if you were in the shade. Which she was. 



#3001Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:08pm

Updated On: 6/29/16 at 04:08 PM

#3002Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:15pm

genabasha said:"I'm sure that's true, considering you take all this time out of your day to read about the line. Stay mad, keep hating :) xoxo"


Are you like 15yrs old?

I do have a phone that has Internet on it that I can catch up on posts.

Like I said before I'm not mad nor am I hating. If I wanted to see the show I would wait until the next block goes on sale. I'll probably wait for the tour to come near me in a few years. 

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

Kad Profile Photo
#3003Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:26pm

"... The same young, cold, waspy Greenwich couple that cared more about the upper-crust bragging rights that came with having seen Hamilton than the appreciation of the work of art itself..."

Projection, much?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Anakela Profile Photo
#3004Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:31pm

genabasha said: "
People on here really just need to mind their damn business and stop trolling, lol. *I don't even see how you can hate from outside of the Richard Rodgers... when you can't even get in!* :) xo


I actually enjoyed most of your cancellation line post. Wait on line one hour, wait on line 100 hours, who cares; it's your time, you do you. 

But not everyone who makes a comment about your writing is a "troll" or a "hater." 

for example, I didn't understand your hate for the couple using the line sitters:

"The same young, cold, waspy Greenwich couple that cared more about the upper-crust bragging rights that came with having seen Hamilton than the appreciation of the work of art itself."

did these people do something to you? How do you know what they do or don't appreciate? Was there a test about levels of appreciating Hamilton that they didn't score high enough on?

They're following the same cancellation line rules to buy their tickets that you are. One person (line sitters are also people) can buy two tickets. 

Making comments about "cold waspy" people, comments about 'others' who are not deserving of tickets, that adds nothing to your recap of what to me sounds like a fun time. 

#3005Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:45pm

She's deleting all her posts now. Interesting. Oh well they are all quoted in other posts. 

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

#3006Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 4:53pm

gatorgirl2 said: "Wow you people are extra special."


I believe that you and the other chick are the special ones. 

Hi, I'm Val. Formerly DefyGravity777(I believe)

Zoot Profile Photo
#3007Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 5:59pm

"She turned around to us. "Wait, what's the name of the guy who wrote this musical again?" she asked. "Lin-Manuel Miranda," I said. And that's when I realized that Hamilton deserved me just as much as I deserved Hamilton"


So you deserve to see a show more than anyone else in the audience because you know the names of the people involved? People who don't know the names of the cast or creators can love a show as much as the next fan. Hamilton and LMM will do fine without you. Congrats on getting tickets I guess

Updated On: 6/29/16 at 05:59 PM

Alexander Lamar
#3008Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 6:56pm

I have seriously considered spending sometime in this line to see the OBC one last time, but J. C. these people sound totally insufferable. 

But I can totally go days sitting next to someone with my earphones in and not say one word, so maybe I'm the weird one. 

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#3009Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 7:10pm

I'm glad you're all gung-ho about camping on the cancellation time and had a good time.  That's one of the goal of the creators and actors: for you to enjoy yourself.

But really?  You lost me when you said you "chose to be homeless" because you waited for 3 days and nights.  That's not choosing to be homeless.  That's camping on the sidewalk and knowing that if you said, "Eh, screw it.  I'm done," you can get in a car, a bus, on a train, you have a home.  Homeless is not the same.

I'm of the entitled millennial brat generation.  Granted, I fall into the group of "older millennials," but I feel like the entire cancellation line has just become some 19 year old's idea of Utopia.  In the real world, most people do not have the ability to camp out for 4 days to possibly get tickets for a musical.  Because in the real world, people work and usually have 2 days a week off.  In the real world, there is no happy list of what's fair and who goes first.  People do what they want on their terms and chances are, you'll get your toes stepped on.  They don't buy breakfast for you.  I'm not going to pull some, "In the old days..." thing because I did grow up in a time where I never stage doored without a cell phone or Starbucks.  Then again, the very idea of waiting more then a few hours for something was (and still is) absurd to me.  But this absolute fit throwing about rules being changed and acting like it's the end of the world if only 6 tickets are available is just ridiculous.

I know everyone has their own set of values, choices, and goals they live by, but in my eyes, the line has become hot mess that's a nuisance to the neighborhood.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get my nitrogen brewed coffee, retina display MacBook, small-batch locally brewed craft beer, and conflict free recycled diamond earrings and sit on my porch and yell at people who step on my lawn and threaten them with the garden hose.  

(Yes, I'm making fun of millennials.  I am one.  And at times, I just shake my head at life.)

#3010Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 7:17pm

oncemorewithfeeling2 said: "I'm glad you're all gung-ho about camping on the cancellation time and had a good time.  That's one of the goal of the creators and actors: for you to enjoy yourself.

But really?  You lost me when you said you "chose to be homeless" because you waited for 3 days and nights.  That's not choosing to be homeless.  That's camping on the sidewalk and knowing that if you said, "Eh, screw it.  I'm done," you can get in a car, a bus, on a train, you have a home.  Homeless is not the same.

I'm of the entitled millennial brat generation.  Granted, I fall into the group of "older millennials," but I feel like the entire cancellation line has just become some 19 year old's idea of Utopia.  In the real world, most people do not have the ability to camp out for 4 days to possibly get tickets for a musical.  Because in the real world, people work and usually have 2 days a week off.  In the real world, there is no happy list of what's fair and who goes first.  People do what they want on their terms and chances are, you'll get your toes stepped on.  They don't buy breakfast for you.  I'm not going to pull some, "In the old days..." thing because I did grow up in a time where I never stage doored without a cell phone or Starbucks.  Then again, the very idea of waiting more then a few hours for something was (and still is) absurd to me.  But this absolute fit throwing about rules being changed and acting like it's the end of the world if only 6 tickets are available is just ridiculous.

I know everyone has their own set of values, choices, and goals they live by, but in my eyes, the line has become hot mess that's a nuisance to the neighborhood.  

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get my nitrogen brewed coffee, retina display MacBook, small-batch locally brewed craft beer, and conflict free recycled diamond earrings and sit on my porch and yell at people who step on my lawn and threaten them with the garden hose.  

(Yes, I'm making fun of millennials.  I am one.  And at times, I just shake my head at life.)



Who hurt you when you were younger?

#3011Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 9:55pm

So, I read Gena's recap and, man: what a whiny, entitled See You Next Tuesday. Her disdain for "rich white" people is SO IRONIC because her privileged ass was waiting in line for days (!!!!!) to see a show about the RICH WHITE FATHER OF CAPITALISM. 

I'm glad she got to see the show because who wanted to read her post about waiting in line FOR DAYS ON END and NOT GETTING IN? Not me.

And your disdain for New Yorkers questioning your questionable behavior? If you don't like New Yorkers, GTFO of New York. 

Updated On: 6/29/16 at 09:55 PM

#3012Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 10:28pm

Is the line back to the way it was pre-filming?  

#3013Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 11:17pm

Any chance we can get back to the helpful questions and answers about the line? Disagreement isn't a bad thing in and of itself, but this thread has kinda just progressed to insult-slinging.

MyFavoriteBrunette Profile Photo
#3014Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 11:41pm

daijop said: "Is the line back to the way it was pre-filming?  

The line at 6pm that I saw on my way home had one in front of the theater and one across the street.  I don't know how it was operating tho.


#3015Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/29/16 at 11:41pm

I would also love to hear what the line is like now!! My cousin and I are flying into NYC Saturday and *Hoping* to make the line part of our trip.  

#3016Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 8:33am

allthatjazz3 said: "I would also love to hear what the line is like now!! My cousin and I are flying into NYC Saturday and *Hoping* to make the line part of our trip.  



Idk how long you are planning on staying for in NYC But chances are it will be your entire trip 

spikethebunny Profile Photo
#3017Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 9:18am

I saw on Twitter last night they only gave out 3-4 cancellation tickets. No mention of it they went in order or if RRT did the random thing again.

#3018Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 9:23am

allthatjazz3 said: "I would also love to hear what the line is like now!! My cousin and I are flying into NYC Saturday and *Hoping* to make the line part of our trip.  

I am not sure how long the line is now, but 7 tickets went out for yesterday's matinee and only 3 for evening, i hear. So it is moving very slowly. 


Wick3 Profile Photo
#3019Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 10:07am

spikethebunny said: "I saw on Twitter last night they only gave out 3-4 cancellation tickets. No mention of it they went in order or if RRT did the random thing again."

If only 6 or 7 tickets went out for matinee and 3-4 for evening, I'd imagine RRT went in order to at least keep order. Also, if they went random, I bet we would have heard about it by now from this thread or perhaps another thread would have been created stating the OP's traumatic experience at RRT.

#3020Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 10:40am

What is it with all the self-righteous judgment against people doing the line?? If you've seen the show, bully for you.  Why all the vitriol against those who would also like to see it, but for whatever reason were late to the party and didn't purchase tickets 9 months in advance?  I think the line experience is for younger bodies, I wasn't willing to wait 3 nights earlier this month when I was in NYC and had the chance, but I don't begrudge anybody who wants to. I got my tickets for Feb in Chicago, but I don't feel the need to criticize those who want to try to see the OBC while it's still possible.  Hang in there, kids, and don't throw away your shot!  

Geez, I'm a theatre-lover, but I don't think this community is for me.  Good luck to all who haven't seen Hamilton - I hope you find a way!  

Wick3 Profile Photo
#3021Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 10:46am

allthatjazz3 said: "I would also love to hear what the line is like now!! My cousin and I are flying into NYC Saturday and *Hoping* to make the line part of our trip.  "

It depends whether you want to see Lin or not. Lin won't be performing Sunday matinee so I'd imagine the line would be shorter?


Wick3 Profile Photo
#3022Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 10:49am

lizzie222 said: "What is it with all the self-righteous judgment against people doing the line?? If you've seen the show, bully for you.  Why all the vitriol against those who would also like to see it, but for whatever reason were late to the party and didn't purchase tickets 9 months in advance?  I think the line experience is for younger bodies, I wasn't willing to wait 3 nights earlier this month when I was in NYC and had the chance, but I don't begrudge anybody who wants to. I got my tickets for Feb in Chicago, but I don't feel the need to criticize those who want to try to see the OBC while it's still possible.  Hang in there, kids, and don't throw away your shot!  

Geez, I'm a theatre-lover, but I don't think this community is for me.  Good luck to all who haven't seen Hamilton - I hope you find a way!  

I think that's only a handful of posters, lizzie222.  There are a few gems out there who have been truly helpful and hopefully those folks will keep you in this community, despite the few crabapples and trolls. 

I have to give props to the mothers and fathers who accompany their teenage children in the cancellation line just so they can have their shot to see the Big 3 leads.


#3023Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 10:52am

lizzie222 said: "What is it with all the self-righteous judgment against people doing the line?? If you've seen the show, bully for you.  Why all the vitriol against those who would also like to see it, but for whatever reason were late to the party and didn't purchase tickets 9 months in advance?  I think the line experience is for younger bodies, I wasn't willing to wait 3 nights earlier this month when I was in NYC and had the chance, but I don't begrudge anybody who wants to. I got my tickets for Feb in Chicago, but I don't feel the need to criticize those who want to try to see the OBC while it's still possible.  Hang in there, kids, and don't throw away your shot!  

Geez, I'm a theatre-lover, but I don't think this community is for me.  Good luck to all who haven't seen Hamilton - I hope you find a way!  



I couldn't agree more!! Thank you so much somebody had to say it!!

#3024Hamilton Cancellation Line
Posted: 6/30/16 at 11:00am

Went for the cancellation on June 1st,2016. I got up at 4 and arrived to the RRT at 6 am. I had been very hopeful but I was not expecting to get in. I had school that Wednesday, but I missed. I was the youngest person on line, only in 8th grade. My mother was not ready to spend the night sleeping on a city sidewalk, so if we didn't make it, we wouldn't be able to see it. I remained positive. Matinee rolled around and 18 tickets were given away. My mom and I were 9th and 10th after that. Then, the 8 show, only 8/21 came to claim their lottery tickets. I think 10 people behind us got in for the night show, therefore giving away 40-ish givee or take a few) tickets in total that one day. (My mom and I were 9th and 10th in line at 6 am). The two girls in front of us were from Argentina, so id they didn't get in, i would've felt terrible!! It was an amazing experience, everyone is so nice, I would definitely do it again. I'm so grateful I did not have to wait crazy amounts of hours and i'm only had 15. I would recommend doing this after summer is over, because I think the random picking will be done. 
