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Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?- Page 5

Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?

#100re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 6:31pm

I didn't fall asleep during a Broadway production, but i did nod off during a Los Angeles production of "A Man for All Seasons" starring that noted thespian, Charlton Heston. I dreamt through most of the last act and woke up with a start with the noise of the guillatine chopping off Heston's head. I guess it was me and not the play, but it wasn't all that great a production in the first place.

gilliane Profile Photo
#101re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 7:52pm

I've never fallen asleep during a Broadway show, but as a teen I fell asleep during a high school trip to a West End production of (I think) Henry V.

An actor friend of mine did a play several years ago where he was killed in a fight on stage, and one night fell asleep while lying dead on the floor.

Posted: 2/25/08 at 7:59pm

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 07:59 PM

nyc_etoile2 Profile Photo
#103re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 8:01pm

I fell asleep during Sweeny Todd. That's right. I was not a fan.

gilliane Profile Photo
#104re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 8:07pm

He woke up fairly quickly, but he opened his eyes and moved slightly when he did, but luckily nobody really seemed to notice.

Posted: 2/25/08 at 8:08pm

Updated On: 5/7/09 at 08:08 PM

pemberlee Profile Photo
#106re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 9:51pm

Music Man.

In my defense I was 14 and in NYC with my theater group to see 6 shows in 5 days, so I went to sleep late the night before AND we got up super early to sing on Good Morning America. I was DEAD.

LittleEDIEfan595 Profile Photo
#107re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 9:59pm

I did doze off a little at "Drowsy"
but it was the 26th the day after Christmas and besides Christmas i had worked for 24 hours straight. (I helped my dad at the sea food store, we get so many platter oders, well over 400)

bestinshow2 Profile Photo
#108re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 10:00pm

Henry IV and The Coast of Utopia: Shipwrecked. And I love Ethan Hawke! re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?

And one or twice in London. Mostly because I had just flown in and was knackered.

"My name's Lenny. What's yours?"

Updated On: 2/26/08 at 10:00 PM

The White Half-Mask Profile Photo
The White Half-Mask
#109re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 11:19pm

I dozed off for about 5 minutes in "Movin' Out" in Toronto during a school trip. No one noticed (or if they did, they didn't mention it), but I was so embarassed at myself. Hopefully that's the only time that happens.

#110re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 11:29pm

I almost fell asleep for a few minutes during Avenue Q back in December

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#111re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/25/08 at 11:31pm

I fell asleep during JUMPERS.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

Rentaholic Profile Photo
#112re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:43am

Two words: Hot Feet

EmieMarie Profile Photo
#113re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:48am

My college did "Stuff Happens", a political play by David Hare.
THe show is three hours long, and 20 + actors never leave the stage
needless to say, many started doozing (sp) off during many of the long reenacted political speeches, funny to see their head bob up and down

Fear no more the heat o' the sun, Nor the furious winter's rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta'en thy wages: Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. ~Cymbeline

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#114re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:48am

I dozed off during the first act of "Pygmalion" back in November.

It was like Claire Danes walked offstage and I just couldn't keep myself interested anymore.

But, of course, the second she came back on, I was reinvigorated.

I blame the fact that that was the first straight play I had ever seen, and I was expecting SOMEONE to start dancing or singing...

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

sondheimboy2 Profile Photo
#115re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:57am

During an actual Broadway show, no.

But I did nod off a couple of times during a professional stock production of August Wilson's "Two Trains Running". And I don't think that I missed ANYTHING!

(A major sin for a person from Pittsburgh, but I find his shows to be dreadfully boring.)

"A coherent existance after so many years of muddle" - Desiree' Armfelt, A Little Night Music "Life keeps happening everyday, Say Yes" - 70, Girls, 70 "Life is what you do while you're waiting to die" - Zorba

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#116re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:57am

Phantom of the Opera (Duh.)

Also, I'm sorry to say it, but... I dozed off a few times during Grey Gardens. I was totally worn out when I saw it. re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

#117re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 2:17am

I dozed off a few moments while I saw The Homecoming; however, it was my own fault, and not because the show was bad or boring. I was tried because I had just flown into the city that day, and I had been walking all around the Times Square area (with having to tote all my luggage around, too). I didn't realize I was so tired when I went to see the show, I wish I hadn't been.

#118re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 3:54am

I dozed for a few minutes after the beginning of Act II of LoveMusik. Not sure if I was asleep. Maybe for a minute.

Honestly, it's a testament to my awe for the theatre that I didn't fully fall asleep. I'd flown in at 8am, walked all over the city (including a long stint in The Met), and was alone at a show for the first time. By the time the show started I believe I'd been awake for 26 hours, and moving almost nonstop for the last 8. To top it all off, I was seeing LoveMusik. In retrospect, I think the hazy daze I viewed through did favorable things for my recollections of the show.

choitoy Profile Photo
#119re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 4:43am

When I was in High School (and waking up at about 5 AM), my friend and I went to see Miss Saigon at night (student rush tickets were $10!!! And we sat 4 rows back, slightly stage right). Needless to say, I was a little more than tired near the end of the show. That last gun shot quickly woke me up though. I nearly jumped into my friend's lap.

That was the only time though (but I used to do follow-spot a lot, and we were doing a production of "Eleanor" the Eleanor Roosevelt musical, and let me tell you, the second act goes on forever, and is a tad bit boring, compaired to the first act, so I almost missed my cue a couple of times)

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#120re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 7:34am

I nodded off in the second act of Mamma Mia last sime i saw it in Toronto. I love the show, but i just got off a 6 hour flight that had me up at 3am. (but the show does slow down in the second act)

My mom fell asleep in Beauty and the Beast and Cats, lol. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

#121re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 8:39am

I fell asleep during Mamma Mia too. I saw it in Toronto the first time and loved it, but then I went to NY to see it. We had been sightseeing all day and I just had no energy anymore. It was right at the end of voulez-vous, so it was like 2 minutes.

Patronus Profile Photo
#122re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 9:01am

Phantom is the only show I've fallen asleep at.

fosca3 Profile Photo
#123re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:00pm

I took a friend to see 'Faith Healer', she fell asleep for the whole 2nd half -- I was completely mesmerized

Maybe not everyone can stand loooong monologues

The only thing I've ever fallen asleep at was 'Symphonie Fantastique'

I WISHED I could sleep at 'The Homecoming'....

The only shows I've actually left at intermission were 'Blood Brothers' (in London) and 'Woman in White'

Life just seemed to short to stay

You don't go to the dragon without a present - Mark Rylance
Updated On: 2/26/08 at 01:00 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#124re: Have you ever fallen asleep in a Broadway show?
Posted: 2/26/08 at 1:10pm

A few years ago when i was in NY me and my ex went to watch Rent, i loved it and to be fair my ex did to but he was so tired he fell asleep about 20 mins before the end (Jet Lag), i was so annoyed at him for doing that and told him it was rude lol

Then the next day we went to watch Dracula the musical and i was asleep within 20 mins, i woke up at the interval with my fella stood over me with his arms crossed not looking impressed hahaha

But the show was so lousy i didn't even feel bad

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
