I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve been so eagerly anticipating first reports of an out of town tryout.
All I want from this show is an ascot gavotte number for all the "dead" celebrities.
Is this Arden’s first original musical?
Use code SECRET to score $75 seats. Good for many performances during the run. Code also works at the box office.
RippedMan said: "Is this Arden’s first original musical?"
Arden’s not doing this. Are you thinking of Maybe Happy Ending?
BalconyClub said: "Use code SECRET to score $75 seats. Good for many performances during the run. Code also works at the box office."
Ticket prices are ranging $29 - $71.50. How is this a deal?
To quote BARNUM, there is a sucker born every minute.
RippedMan said: "Is this Arden’s first original musical?"
Christopher Gattelli is directing/choreographing and it is his first time directing, so I think there’s a lot riding on that. You may be thinking of Queen of Versailles which Arden is directing in Boston this summer.
There’s no song list in the Playbill, but by my count there are 18 in the pit. And they have all the merch from the Araca website except the Gaze shirt.
BalconyClub said: "To quote BARNUM, there is a suckerborn every minute."
What on earth? What am I missing?
"Ticket prices are ranging $29 - $71.50. How is this a deal?"
The standard orchestra ticket is 102.50 during the week. The code makes them 75$
KJisgroovy said: ""Ticket prices are ranging $29 - $71.50. How is this a deal?"
The standard orchestra ticket is 102.50 during the week. The code makes them 75$"
Ahh, I see. Thank you for clarifying.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/3/15
At intermission now! So far loving it! Very tight show. I didn’t know I needed Megan Hilty singing a song for the gays dressed a Liza Minelli.
Quick intermission thoughts:
“I See Me” is in the show in a nice little plot twist.
They do the whole tip and push down the stairs gag, complete with full fall down the stairs into a broken body pose. But I couldn’t tell what tone they were going for. The camp of it all, or like theatrical magic serious, if that makes sense.
A few hiccups, but mostly very tight.
Cute nod to Meryl in the show.
The book is hilarious, some of the songs need work, a couple are not necessarily the “earworms”.
Williams seemed very nervous, but the audience loves her and is rooting for her.
They know exactly who this show is for.
The set for Van Horn’s mansion is the best set so far and some of the other sets like the mansion are good; very Sunset meets Legally Blonde with a very similar staircase, but a few sets are reminiscent of Pretty Woman with Hollywood palm trees.
The illusions need tightening, but they look good.
Updated On: 4/30/24 at 10:07 PM
Is there a Van Horn in this AND Witches of Eastwick??
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/20
Went on instagram and a few other people love it so far as well
I think first preview audiences are generally much more enthusiastic than the crowds that will attend the rest of the run. I don’t want to spoil the party with my detailed thoughts this soon, except to say I found it fairly dreadful. I’ll sort out my comments and jump back on tomorrow. I’ll go see it late in the run also to see what has changed.
Just got back from the first preview and I thought this was hilariously campy, beautifully sung, and designed. It's really impressive that they were able to pull this off; modernizing it enough for today's realities (botox, fillers) but still maintaining the 90's nostalgia. I think this is in really good shape for a first preview - I could see where they might make some trims but it did not run that long. Act 2 is not a strong as Act 1 -just as in the film, the end goes a little nuts, but delivers a satisfying/touching ending. Megan's first number is ICONIC! (it might get some people on their feet) Michelle Williams has a wonderful voice, but at times she seemed nervous/uncertain, seemed like she missed a few cues, and at times she seemed like she was performing in an entirely different show. I hope she gets better during the run.
I’ll start off by saying bravo to everyone for a successful literal first performance in front of an audience. For a show this weighed in camp, audience response, etc. it was tight for the most part.
The show has a lot of potential, mostly because of the source material and fans’ devotions to it. Plus, the three leads have incredible chemistry and are having a ball. That said, nearly every iconic moment and line we wait for is given to us, mostly to good effect.
The hardest part of it being translated to stage, for me, is how the beauty of the face, skin, etc. that the film weighs so heavily on is not as prevalent on a stage. Most of the “beautifying” includes more makeup, glamorous costume changes (several quick changes performed onstage), and more luscious wigs.
And then with the corpse effects and deformities once they’re in “en garde, bitch” mode, because they’re illusions, they’re mostly covered up to some degree by costumes and fabric. For example, the fall down the stairs and twisted neck bit is literally a switcheroo with an ensemble dancer in the same costume and wig as Megan (the same one Meryl wears in the film) and some sort of makeup on her neck that is partially covered up by the costume’s collar.
The book is strong; many quips and one liners and entendres and hilarity ensues, and most of the score worked for me. Big showbiz and musical numbers worked; some of the more intimate numbers weren’t as strong. All of the Megan/Meryl/Mad material was the best for me.
The ending felt rushed and there is a change with Ernest that’s different from the film, and there’s no final moment from the film of the ladies falling and collapsing after the funeral.
These are abridged thoughts, but again, it was night one… you can tell that alone was great for everyone involved and they’re gonna be making changes and adjustments for nearly a month. Wish I could see it again to track changes! Wishing them the best and that they really take time to work and make changes, especially if the rumors are true they’re trying to get into the Lunt by year’s end.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/19/08
Chorus Member Joined: 6/19/08
Will keep this short ..
Saw.tonigh's show...
Comedy, two leads, and sets really worked. When everyone was dressed n different colors, early on I thought I was seeing Boop! 2 for a sec. :)
Michelle Williams and the songs didn't work for me.
The audience sure was into it!
Oh and as someone said above, much of that beautiful twisty neck was covered up! That just wasn't right. I had the same thoughts. More gruesomeness.! :)
The first night audience ate up EVERYTHING I DO IS FOR THE GAYS when Madeline Ashton slays in the second number of Act One. If only the remainder of the show could match this energy!
Madeline goes through many costume changes in this manic, satisfying number, and she eventually turns into Judy Garland at the Palace who eventually turns into Dorothy Gale. Heck, they might as well throw a Toto into the scene.
The show starts out promising, with Viola Van Horn eyeing the audience in WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET, "witnessing our own decay" and sagging breasts. The Ensemble is decked out in teeny weeny black leotards that show a lot of youthful skin.
There is no song list in the Playbill. These are guessed titles.
I expect some scenes to be restaged more to the center. The main floor audience sitting in the even numbered seats miss the action atop the staircase. The same audience also miss the minister in the cemetery.
My hunch is that two of the players currently listed in the Ensemble will be upgraded to named roles: 1 - Stefan, who plays Madeline's assistant, and 2 - the actor who plays the doorman at Viola's mansion.
DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU about Act 2. Why did the writers cram 90 percent of the good lines into the show before intermission? At least we are treated to a great duet between Madeline and Helen.
Swing Joined: 7/28/22
Dear Broadway World message board readers. Please allow me to inject a note of sanity into the several favorable reactions to this travesty’s first preview. I was there tonight too. First off, this is NOT a Broadway musical. It’s a trashy Vegas comic act masquerading as theater. The show has no coherent script and no music except for one 11 o’clock number sung by the two leading ladies that is so ridiculously over the top that you listen in disbelief. The show also is mostly devoid of choreography even though that is supposedly Gattelli’s strength. What he has put in the show is movement that any grade schooler could have provided. Did I mention the bare-behind chorus boys that greet the audience at the top of the show? By the final curtain I was beyond exhausted from watching two women who I thought had some theater chops hyperventilate for well over two tedious hours trying to land all their punch lines. The show as directed (If you can call what Gattelli is doing direction) is a total camp catastrophe. The less said about Michelle Williams the better. She must need work desperately if she’s willing to sit around backstage for most of the show, only to appear a couple of times to sing dull bombastic stuff that stops the show — but not in a good way. Poor Christopher Sieber. What a waste of talent. Totally disconnected from reality, “Death Becomes Her” is nothing more than a garish and overlong cartoon strip. Go if you like. Laugh all you want. But the theater industry is getting another nail in its coffin with this dead-on-arrival monstrosity.
Featured Actor Joined: 12/3/15
Just got home from first preview. Here are my thoughts, I *think* I am able to do so without spoilers :)
What I loved:
- Megan Hilty: I have never seen her let loose like this. She is having a blast with this material and she sounds great! Her Madeline is definitely her own. Some of her line delivery had me in stitches! She looks fantastic, sounds fantastic! The quick changes in her first number alone. I hope she makes that song part of her live concerts, it should definitely be a staple much like “They Just Keep Moving The Line” has become one of her go-to’s that the audience always loves. Earlier I said Hilty dressed as Liza, I don’t know what I was thinking, the Garland references were there!
- Jen Simard: I am always just amazed at how she manages to make just about anything funny! That isn’t a dig on the material, she too is sinking her teeth into every moment she can. I loved the 11 o’clock number between the two leads.
- The costumes looked sooooo rich! When we go into Viola’s place, the ensemble are wearing skin tight, teeny tiny costumes.
- The set looked extravagant and filled the stage nicely. Theres some fun stage magic in some of the least expected places (Viola’s entrances for act 2, and Sieber’s number also in act II.) There is some clever work done with projections, but I never thought it was being used in service of a physical set, just enhancing it. Which is what I prefer, I’m not a huge fan of “over using” projection sets.
- The ensemble! They look great and are working hard!
What I didn’t love so much:
- some of the special effects were a bit of a let down. I think they’re leaning into the camp of it all, but I was expecting a little more. Maybe they’re still working on it! That’s all I’ll say to avoid spoilers!
- Michelle Williams: she just wasn’t bringing the same energy as the other three. She’s got some fun material! She opens the show and I was very into what she was bringing, but as the show went on she seemed unsure. She had a couple line flubs. But I would love to see her go big! This role was dying for a diva to take over.
- Some of the pacing and scenes seemed a bit off but I assumed that would be expected for a first preview!
All in all, I think there’s a great show here and the creators seem to know what they’re doing and fully capable of tightening this. Can’t wait to see what changes are made! Found some audio of tonight and can’t stop listening.
Swing Joined: 12/17/08
This was definitely a good time. I do think the overly enthusiastic audience helped bring energy to the room.
It was nice to finally see a show here with set pieces and larger than life costumes. We have had so many projections recently that it's nice to actually see a set.
The first act could definitely use a little trim. At 90 minutes, you could tell audiences were getting restless. The second act was under an hour and definitely didn't have the same energy as the first act. The show just comes to abrupt end (much like Tootsie did when premiering in the same theater). Hopefully they can find a way to incorporate the film's end.
Most of the moments from the film make it into the musical. Was surprised in the political climate of today they omitted "bald, overweight Republican in prison" line from the movie. It definitely would have gotten a good reaction in 2024.
As for the stage door, this was one of the most crowded Chicago stage doors I have been to. Chris walked down the line. Michelle actually walked the line and through the crowd and made sure every single person got her signature. She just asked for no photos to be taken (though she still looks gorgeous without makeup). She interacted with everyone who spoke to her. Megan and Jennifer left out of door I have never seen used at the Cadillac Palace and got into their car (with Michelle) immediately. Jennifer rolled down the window and waved. They were both on stage almost constantly so I can understand their fatigue.
Overall, it was a good time and I look forward to seeing how it improves throughout May. Lots of people taking notes in the back.