“I See Me” is in the show in a nice little plot twist.
They do the whole tip and push down the stairs gag, complete with full fall down the stairs into a broken body pose. But I couldn’t tell what tone they were going for. The camp of it all, or like theatrical magic serious, if that makes sense.
A few hiccups, but mostly very tight.
Cute nod to Meryl in the show.
The book is hilarious, some of the songs need work, a couple are not necessarily the “earworms”.
Williams seemed very nervous, but the audience loves her and is rooting for her.
They know exactly who this show is for.
The set for Van Horn’s mansion is the best set so far and some of the other sets like the mansion are good; very Sunset meets Legally Blonde with a very similar staircase, but a few sets are reminiscent of Pretty Woman with Hollywood palm trees.
The illusions need tightening, but they look good.