ss, lame just does not begin to describe you.
No, you don't's a business and there's a process just like there is any other line of work. I'm probably much younger than you and I know that because of my training and honestly I can tell you haven't had enough training because of the way you talk. Also if you're that worried about salary maybe you should reconsider because its really about love.
I can't tell you if you're talented, I'm really just commenting on the way you come off, which is as a total jerk. Jerks are hard to work with, no ones wants someone hard to work with.
Why not just put something on youtube and shut us all up?
where is Simon Cowell when you need him...and he is REALLY needed here!
This is for you Kevin!
Please please PLEASE tell me you didn't take the time and effort to check up on this idiot...
"And, I don't need voice lessons or acting lession because I'm playing lead roles. Voice lessons are for people who need to learn how to sing...I all ready know how to do that."
Just because you play lead roles doesn't make you a good singer. And just because you're a good singer doesn't mean you play lead roles. I've been played leads for years and I still take voice because as you grow your voice grows and lessons guide it.
You speak as though there is a concrete finish to how you learn to act and sing but in reality it's always changing. There are goals you can set but you can never really "finish" learning about acting and singing. That's why I love them, you can always learn something new and it always changes.
Really seriously, post a link to a youtube video of one of your performances. Maybe (but just maybe) then someone will admit you're talented.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. It's still going on!!!
I find it kind of amazing an angry deer can type at all! Don't let these people discourage you. You just go on and prove your critics are totally wrong. Everybody who wants to be somebody goes straight to Broadway, just as Ashley Brown! If she can do it so can you!
You have to think positive to be positive. Andrea McArdle did it! So can you! Just counting the days until your graduation! Send them a DVD of your last performance, along with a cover interview, a head shot and you are good to go Graduation Time buddy!
"mominator why would you say I thought that I could post on this board to make connacts and get the ins and outs of Broadway, and you have to say such cruel things. Have I ever done anything to you?"
Your stupidity is mocking us...
Stupid Thread, this was my only entertainment!
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
dude, so what you have won 3 FRIGGIN AWARDS. My school as a yearly award deal (not just for drama, sorta like best athlete, best singer, best actor, best artist you know just general stuff) and I won best actor 5 times, best singer 6 times, and best dancer 5 times, and I know i have a LOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go till I get to even be in the chorus of an Off Broadway show, let alone a full time lead on Broadway, and i dont even know if that will happen.t doesnt matter how many awards you get. The casting directors arent gonna look at your resume (which btw isnt that impressive) and say "OOOH! He has 3 awards from school! HE is PERFECT to be on Broadway!" Get a reality check. My 8 year old nephew has had more leads then you. And even he isnt nearly as ego-pycho like you. And btw, you have GOT to be kidding me about how the producers will hear that you have seen Mary Poppins 200 times and automaticly hire you. My best friend said that to the director when he auditioned for Tevye in Fiddler and guess what HE DIDNT GET IT!!! HE DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH SINGING SUPPORT! The director doesnt care about how many times you have seen it. GAWD.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/3/07
Honestly, is this guy for real?
There's so many delusions going on in that tiny little head of your's, I really don't see a point in discussing them. I really want to hear this guy sing on youtube, because that would make this entire thread SOOO much more entertaining.
Get over yourself dude!
I still can't see the new posts. Sad.
it looks like this one is over
Swing Joined: 5/15/07
Broadway Star Joined: 7/9/05
"People who like Sondheim enjoy cruelty."
Boy howdy.
"I just got off the phone with the University"
How did you dial with your hooves?
I don't get it; I can't actually read this thread unless I hit "print thread," but if I plug in the number for the thread (94906, I can reply.
Is it possible to ban someone from a particular thread?
Um...ssfun...your avatar picture is not you. It's actually my friend here in Dallas, Texas and here is a link to his myspace:
And why are you posting fake pictures?
Thank you for the psychiatry lesson. We're all thrilled to accept your expertise - how many talents you have!
I already posted this, but now it seems to have disappeared. So, I'll post it again:
Um...ssfun...your avatar is not a picture of you. It's actually a picture of my friend here in Dallas, Texas. Here is a link to his myspace page:
Why are you pretending to be someone else via photo?
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
OT: how come it wont let me see page 9? it comes up saying "Back to page one" and wont let me see the newer posts. Somone PM me to tell me how to fix it :?
His anger is directed at Jason and Catiesus, the people that took his life partner away.
btw: how are you coping, Angrydeer?