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Is Hamilton worth it?

#1Is Hamilton worth it?
Posted: 2/1/19 at 6:40pm


Would you recommend seeing Hamilton?


Updated On: 2/1/19 at 06:40 PM

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#2Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 6:52pm

Don’t go then. They’ll be fine without you.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#3Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 6:59pm

Why?   Both you and the show will be fine either way.  Leave the tickets for someone that wants to see it.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#4Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:01pm

LesWickedly said: "Don’t go then. They’ll be fine without you."

Wow! That was rude. I am seriously asking for ppls opinions. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:02pm

You’ll be fine not seeing it. The show itself is fine, it’s not nearly this masterpiece people need to convince themselves it is.

#6Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:03pm

Jordan Catalano said: "You’ll be fine not seeing it. The show itself is fine, it’s not nearly this masterpiece people need to convince themselves it is."

Thank you for your honest answer!


BalconyClub Profile Photo
#7Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:16pm

It's a masterpiece. Do not miss it.

Skip23 Profile Photo
#8Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:18pm

I agree with Jordan.

I think the strength of the show is in the music. Buy the cd or stream. I’m not a fan of the constant movement and obvious lighting. And the plot basically falls apart in the second act.

And without the original cast, you could get a few clinkers when it comes to performances.

An iffy proposition at best.

Mike Costa Profile Photo
Mike Costa
#9Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:19pm

I enjoyed Hamilton even less than Jordan.

Like you, I see everything with the original cast and spent Full price for a Broadway ticket $55 (not a typo) and wished I had been in any other theater that night. The inane lyrics, with often sloppy rhymes repeated endlessly, (country/ hungry ) come at you relentlessly and for some unknown reason principals play multiple roles.

It was pretty to look at but there is a good chunk of theatre professionals who are not fans of this piece-let alone what the hype has done to every other ticket price on Broadway.

Updated On: 2/2/19 at 07:19 PM

After Eight
#10Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 7:31pm

Brdwybuff said:


"I honestly have no desire to see Hamilton.

IYHO please convince me why I should see it. It was just here touring in Buffalo and didn’t even think about going. 

I don’t understand the hype. Maybe your words can fully explain what I may be missing."


I'm not going to try to convince you to see it, as I couldn't stand it.

What I would advise you to do is not to let other people pressure you into seeing something you have no interest in seeing.

To thine own self be true.

#11Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 8:01pm

I don’t think were being rude- rather giving good advice. No one is forcing you to go through something you don’t like. Quite honestly I fail to see what your conflict is here: you don’t want to see the show, there’s plenty of other shows you could potentially see (so it isn’t your only option), and the folks at Hamilton certainly have no shortage of willing ticket buyers other than yourself. If you’ve seen enough of the show to decide against it, it’s well-worth questioning the decision to spend lots of money to see it,

Updated On: 2/1/19 at 08:01 PM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#12Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 8:02pm

Why should I waste my time trying to convince you when 1) You yourself have already made it clear you don't understand the hype and have no desire to see it, and 2) You don't know the difference between a soundtrack and a cast recording....?

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#13Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 8:07pm

It’s my favorite musical, but if you don’t feel compelled to go, you shouldn’t. There’s plenty enough out there about it now that you have a fair idea of what’d you be getting. Just go see something else that interests you.

#14Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 8:21pm

Miles2Go2 said: "It’s my favorite musical, but if you don’t feel compelled to go, you shouldn’t. There’s plenty enough out there about it now that you have a fair idea of what’d you be getting. Just go see something else that interests you."

Thanks! It is an expensive and hard ticket to get. I have a good list of what I can see instead!


#15Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 8:22pm

bwayphreak234 said: "Why should I waste my time trying to convince you when 1) You yourself have already made it clear you don't understand the hype and have no desire to see it, and 2) You don't know the difference between a soundtrack and a cast recording....?"

Did I say soundtrack? Silly me! It’s the cast recording of course!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#16Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 8:28pm

The whole soundtrack / cast recording argument is just silly, especially when iTunes classifies CR’s as soundtracks. So give people a break over something as stupid as that - you know what they mean.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#17Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 9:05pm

It depends on who you ask. People either revere it or are meh. I was in the "meh" camp. I saw the tour and thought it was fine. Glad I didn't pay big bucks. I think there was a zeitgeist moment with the original cast that was a real happening. Since then, not so much. 

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

uncageg Profile Photo
#18Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 9:16pm

Jordan Catalano said: "You’ll be fine not seeing it. The show itself is fine, it’s not nearly this masterpiece people need to convince themselves it is. "


I agree. 


Just give the world Love.

#19Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 9:23pm

I suppose original cast was the big deal. I enjoy the cast recording, but when I saw it on Broadway in June 2018 -- not having heard the recording at that time -- I barely understood a word because the enunciation on the part of almost all the actors was terrible. I felt like a fool for paying top dollar for orchestra seats.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#20Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 9:32pm

If you have the money and want to experience the show of the decade, go and form a valid opinion. It truly is one of the best things I’ve ever seen, but the cast can make or break it.

Dave13 Profile Photo
#21Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 9:37pm

I repeat the sentiments already said. If the original cast was still on stage, I would say it’s worth it. Sadly, it is hit and miss what you find on stage today. Oftentimes, you cannot understand what is being said onstage.

Is it overhyped? Absolutely. Is it the show of the decade? Absolutely.

My best advice is to buy the OBC recording. If it’s your cup of tea, then go to the show. If not, save your money and buy tickets to a show you will enjoy.

Not to be confused with Dave19.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#22Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 10:16pm

If it were exactly four years ago, yes.  It was a masterpiece and brilliant with the OBC.  

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#23Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 10:37pm

It is somewhat a "masterpiece". seen it off-bway and won the lottery (front row $10 tickets) early on with the original cast.

I would not pay the prices now but the present cast is pretty exciting and excellent!

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

HogansHero Profile Photo
#24Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/1/19 at 10:53pm


Your original post (as edited and re-edited) has a troll like quality. 

As others have said, see what you want and don't see what you don't want. When you ask someone if, or to convince you, you are being silly. People who love it love it; people who hate it hate it. Just like every other show. A lot of intelligent people who don't like it however would tell you to see it because, regardless of one's personal tastes and reactions, it is objectively one of the most notable musicals in history. Does that mean YOU must see it? Nope. Me? I think it is one of the most important musicals ever written and presented. I've seen it four times and would see it four more. But do what you don't. Just don't troll. It's not pretty.

#25Hamilton-Convince me.
Posted: 2/2/19 at 12:33am

I understand. When things are hyped so much, it is hard for them to live up to expectations and the skeptic in us wants to disbelieve. I sometimes get that way. But the only true way to know is to experience for yourself. Three hyped shows I avoided for years:

1) Rent—did nothing for me when I finally saw it 10 years in
2) The Producers—did nothing for me when I saw it with Jason Alexander and Martin Short
3) Book of Mormon—loved it when I finally broke down last year and went

In the end, I’m glad I went to all three so I could experience them and evaluate for myself.

I recommend waiting for the demand to fade a bit and ticket prices to level off. Or win the lottery. But try it to decide for yourself. To me, though, Hamilton lives up to the hype. It may not be perfect, but it is ground-breaking and I found there’s a lot more that works in it than needs to be improved.
