Lansbury and Stritch may be technically older than Liza, but both of them are in much better shape. Liza is a wreck. I saw her in concert in Nashville last fall.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/21/06
"Unfortunately, the Marquis will make a 28 piece orchestra sound like 8. The sound in there is so dead."
Yup. I'm still thrilled by the news - and gobsmacked! But yeah, not fond of the Marquis...
Maybe they'll give Maxwell "Ah, But Underneath" this time around? It's so much better for a "mover" than L&J.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/30/08
Lansbury singing broadway baby would be special but I can just hear her singing I'm still here hauntingly like she sang boy with bugle
Something about Liza singing broadway baby, if on form, yells a scream for me.
Liza hasn't been on form for years. Anyone remember Victor/Victoria?? Anyone?
Back to the point: I don't think the role really requires a "star" in the first place.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/30/08
Not required I agree, couldn't harm sales tho...!
I prefer ah, but underneath to Jessie/Lucy
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/30/08
Not required I agree, couldn't harm sales tho...!
I prefer ah, but underneath to Jessie/Lucy
The God(s) of the Theater is(are) listening!!! I'm praying for a cast recording, as well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
Going this weekend to see it in DC, and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of great energy in the theatre. I'll probably end up seeing it again on Broadway this fall. I agree that the Marquis is a bit less than ideal as a theatre, but it would have room for the orchestra, so I think that makes it totally worth it.
I was actually saying how much of a chance there is for it to transfer soon a few hours ago. Weird.
And plus we all knew this. It was in the (the=Jan Maxwell's) bag.
I am beyond delighted.
Will any significant changes be made, other than casting?
Perhaps they'll re-think the red dress.
They should change the color of the dress and change the lyric to:
I should have worn red.
I wore red the last time.
If Bernadette also transfers with the production she might have another Tony next year.
Didn't Jan Maxwell get more solid reviews, though? I felt like most of Bernadette's were positive, but still mixed.
I think the only real problem that critics had with Bernadette is that she's just too damn beautiful/glamorous to play the dowdy housewife. The red dress doesn't help. But I was moved by her acting, and her singing is beautiful. Plus this production focuses more on Sally than Phyllis. Though I will not be shocked if Maxwell is a major Tony contender next June. She is excellent, but Phyllis has quite a few cuts in this version of the book.
Updated On: 6/15/11 at 08:58 PM
If Jan really is tied up with her Off-Broadway show it couldn't harm Bernadette's chances.
I don't love the Marquis either, but it is a medium sized house that has a lot of technological advantages and a really great location. BUT the really interesting thing is that 5 classic old Broadway Theaters (Morosco, Bijou,Helen Hayes and what was left of the Astor and the Gaiety) were sadly torn down to build the Marriott-Marquis. I doubt that I need to say how that thematically ties in to this show. Perhaps that will be the good luck charm that this worthy revival of FOLLIES needs.
It was a gesture of goodwill, or at least an attempt to calm the naysayers, that the Marquis theatre exists at all, right?
I'm here now, so I am so there!
Eh... I'm always glad to see Follies back on Broadway, I just wish this happened a few years ago with Casey Nicholaw at the helm. If Maxwell is in this they need to re-choreograph Lucy and Jessie, and they really need to re-conseptualize "Who's That Woman." While they're on it, it would be great if the waiters are cut from "I'm Still Here." Also, I really hope they add more of the book back in.
Casting wise I really think they should look for a stronger actor for Ben Stone. Personally I would love to see Brent Barrett, Howard McGillin, or even Brian Stokes Mitchell as Ben. Looking forward to seeing Bernadette in this role again. I had never been a huge fan of hers (always admired and respected her though), but she brought tears to my eyes many times during the first act. Linda Lavin was probably my second favorite actor in this production after Bernadette, so I'm a little disappointed there. In my wildest dream/fantasy I would love to see Barbara Harris come out of retirement to perform "Broadway Baby," but lord knows that is never gonna happen.
Congrats to Mr. Schaeffer and everyone involved!
There is no way Jan Maxwell will not transfer with the show.
(Wow. That sentence is even hard for ME to understand.)
So why is everyone excited that this is moving to the Marquis, I mean I love Follies and the Marquis but don't some people have the suspicious that the Marquis is bad luck? Since everyone flipped out on Wonderland...
If you read the thread you will see people are very excited about the fact this is transferring, but are ecstatic about it being in the Marquis. A Broadway house is a Broadway house though, and for a limited engagement this will be fine and will be able to accommodate this large production. Also what does Wonderland flopping there have anything to do with Follies playing there?
If this production is remembered next June, it will be Jan Maxwell, not Bernadette Peters, who is the major Tony contender. Peters is very good (though her "Bernadetteisms" make several appearances), but Maxwell is simply transcendent.
I would love to see Barbara Harris come out of retirement to perform "Broadway Baby," but lord knows that is never gonna happen.
Alice Playten is alive and well and she would be perfect.
I actually loved BEN!!!! I thought he was amazing! Brought the house down, and that VOICE!!!! But I had a big problem with Danny Burnstein, because he was like 20 years younger than everyone else.... not his best work either.... I would love love LOVE to see TOM WOPAT play Buddy! He's a sondheim expert, and he's got great chemistry and he's amazing.
Don't like the Marquit either though...... nothing ever lasts there. Everything dies a quick death. :/ Wish the show was opening later. Would love to see Liza sing broadway baby or something else like that... fab.