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Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread- Page 9

Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread

#200Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:23am

I actually thought Samonsky came off quite well - on television. I turned to the person I was watching it with and said "perhaps he's one of those who's just a screen actor."

The whole production came off a lot darker in tone last night. Some of those moments - Bloody Mary's stalking the stage, the trip to Marie Louise Island, the shattering Honey Bun reprise - were just extraordinary.

broadway_show_fan Profile Photo
#201Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:25am

Myron - I saw the performance at Bryant Park last month and the performer was Laura Osnes, not Kelli O'Hara. O'Hara only returned to the production in the last week and a half.

bwaylvsong - I agree with you about enjoying Andrew Samonsky's performance. I wouldn't say that I absolutely loved him but I sure don't think he was bad - and no worse than Matthew Morrison. What was so horrible about his acting? It's nothing to brag about, but I saw Morrison in the original cast (and in Piazza) and I don't think his acting was amazing either. I think Samonsky portrayed Cable well, in a perfectly viable way - initially cocky and arrogant, off-putting and unaffected. He's a young officer who comes swooping down on this island sure that an older Frenchman he has never met with teach him about the islands and take him there on this deadly mission. Cable doesn't even think that de Becque would say no to the mission and has a bit of a temper tantrum when his sure-fire plan is shut down. Samonsky's Cable changes as the show progresses to become a tender and loving man, frustrated by the war and conflicted with the societal/race issues around him. I think he was fantastic in the scenes at the Thanksgiving Follies - snide and sarcastic (ex: the line about Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cable entertaining at a housewarming party and no one came) and all the while acting as a man in ailing health. I thought he had decent depth to his performance and his voice is incomparably better than Morrison's.

I was at the taping last night, in loge row A of the mid-500s. I initially noticed at least 6 cameras in the orchestra: 1 each about 4th row on the inside aisle of the 100s and 500s; 1 about the 4th-5th row in the middle of the 200s; 2 center in the 300s about mid-house or perhaps a little closer to stage; 1 moving on a boom that was mounted on a platform in the 400s. Each camera took up a couple to a few seats except for the platform for the moving camera which covered the back of the 400s. About 5-10 minutes into the production, they had 2 men with another camera come into the house from the extreme house left down the outside aisle of the 100s and set up a camera at about the 4th-5th row, outside aisle (they weren't too discreet either). I can't say if they had another team in the extreme house right/outside aisle of the 500s because it would've been almost directly below me.

At the stage door, I saw Laurissa Romain (the girl who played Ngana) and her mom. She said that they had worked hard to try and make it happen for Matthew Morrison to come back to play Cable and had even scheduled his rehearsals and such, but that it didn't work out.

The audience last night was a great audience and it was nice to see that everyone was so enthused with so much energy. It's too bad that they have to close this production - it's so gorgeous and I'll miss it, but I can't wait to see what other great shows LCT will do soon.

#202Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:25am

See, I didn't see any anguish, or torn qualities, or much of anything beyond a phony macho swagger, constant posing, and leaden line readings in Samonsky's Keanu-esque "performance." He sang it prettily enough, and that's clearly what Sher & Co. wanted.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

sanda Profile Photo
#203Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:37am

I don't find Samonsky horrible. I just think he's not attractive. But I was not impressed by Morrison's Cable either. I guess I just don't care about this character.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#204Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:48am

Samonsky wasn't terrible, but he wasn't great -- I can see the arrogant/cocky/jackass take mostly because Anderson Davis pulled it off so well on the tour.

BUT. What was with Samonsky's weird "ngghhh" sounds during the scene where he and Nellie are talking about their mothers? Truly weird.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#205Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:54am

I just saw the show for the 2nd time earlier in the month. I HATED Samonsky, but thought he faired slightly better on film.

Billis is not gay. Nor does Danny play it that way.

Thank you for pointing out to Myron that Kelli wasn't at Bryant Park. I liked Osnes, but MUCH prefer O'Hara.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#206Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 11:59am

"Oh, and Loretta was ROBBED of a Tony.

I think that's a bit harsh. It was a VERY strong year in that category, and Benanti was a worhty winner. Olga Merediz would have also been very worthy winner for In The Heights. If I had a vote, I would probably have gone with Merediz."

I think Merediz was exceptional with a very one dimensional, sweet role. I thought Benanti was great in a big and showy part with a great character arch.
However Loretta did A LOT with a small part, bringing nuances I had never seen and a depth of emotion, heartbreak and longing to Bloody Mary. I think that deserved the award.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

#207Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 12:18pm

In enjoyed the broadcast, it was a beautiful preformance. I have seen the Liat, Li Jun Li, in the last U.S. "Miss Saigon" tour in the emsemble. It was nice to see her in a role where she stand out a little more. Overall, I thought she did a good job with her expressions, and everyone else in the cast was pretty good too, from what I saw.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#208Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 12:28pm

Danny Burnstein is one of my favorite actors on Broadway.

Eris0303 -- at least get his last name right. Its Burstein NOT Burnstein. Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread

He's one of your favorite actors on Broadway. YOU should know this.

matineeidol2013 Profile Photo
#209Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 12:56pm

What a glorious broadcast. The production really is flawless; Bart Sher seems he can do no wrong!

Count me in with the (small) lot who enjoyed Samonsky's performance as Cable. I thought his voice was lovely and acting was effective. I doubt Matt Morrison did much better.

I'll take the wind and soar.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#210Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 1:06pm

He's one of your favorite actors on Broadway. YOU should know this.

Tease me if you must Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread

I always add the "n" when writing it. I don't know why. I don't say it when I'm saying his name but my fingers want to put it in there lol

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

othell Profile Photo
#211Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 1:07pm

As I said in my original post, although Andrew Samonsky's acting choices were a bit jarring at first, they grew on me and I could definitely see the inner turmoil going on inside of his head in act two. He started out as an arrogant character, but in the end you felt for him and felt a lump in your throat on hearing of his death. I must say that watching the movie version had never affected me the way that watching this glorious stage production did last night. I cannot get it out of my head this morning, and that is what good theater does to you - it lingers with you forever.

#212Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 1:43pm

Did anyone record last night's performance?? I'd really love to get a copy.

#213Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 2:01pm

Burstein reminded me of a cross between Nathan Lane and young Don Rickles.

JohnBoy2 Profile Photo
#214Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 2:02pm

The Cable was way too old-looking and sounding (except when he was singing). Or, Emile was too young. Either way, it didn't work. I didn't like Cable, at all (except when he was singing). He had something going on with his "rs", which drove me nuts, and he had this really unnatural swagger that seemed ridiculous.
Updated On: 8/19/10 at 02:02 PM

#215Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 2:07pm

"What was with Samonsky's weird "ngghhh" sounds during the scene where he and Nellie are talking about their mothers? Truly weird."

Lizzie, yeah, I noticed that, it was strange. And the way he delivered the line about not telling his mother everything he does made it seem like a joke about not telling what he does on dates with girls tee hee giggle, where Morrison managed to make it seem rather grimmer, as if he wasn't sharing his darker wartime experiences.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#216Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 2:53pm

I could not stop thinking while watching the broadcast that Patrick Wilson would have made a lovely Cable.

#217Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 3:07pm

Sure if a gaping black hole is what you want in the role!

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#218Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 3:21pm

Loretta went from a wedding singer in Hawaii to a 2 year+ run in an acclaimed Broadway revival of SOUTH PACIFIC. I think she's fine, even without a Tony.

Plus, Benanti was revelatory. In another a year, perhaps. But again, I'm sure she's still quite thankful.

On the road...
#219Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 5:09pm

Who's bare bottom did we see last night?

wickedfan11 Profile Photo
#220Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 5:32pm

Does anyone have the broadcast saved on the computer? I recorded it on VHS and ended up with really poor quality.

supportivemom Profile Photo
#221Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 5:58pm

I thought it was a lovely production. I had never seen it staged. Agree with what most of what has been said. However, my daughter and I were a bit distracted with Loretta's lips and how they vibrated so much when she sang. Especially the lower lip. just sayin'

eileen6 Profile Photo
#222Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 6:19pm

I felt exactly the same way. I saw Samonsky twice at LC in this role his acting is very weak but it did not really matter because I simply loved the show as a whole and Paulo Szot he is outstanding. Samonsky was far better on the telecast and perhaps that might be for him, in front of a camera. Both times I saw the show at LC Laura Osnes was Nelly and I thought she gave a great performance and has a lot of potential.
Samonsky's voice was far stronger on TV and his acting a bit better but I got to say live not for me. Kelli O'Hara was very good and I am sorry I did not get to see her live but to me Szot would have chemistry with a chair. Real passionate actor.

#223Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/19/10 at 6:53pm

Please PM/e-mail me if anyone needs a copy of this fantastic production. I recorded it in HD on dvdr. I really enjoyed this !

#224Live from the Lincoln Center Discussion Thread
Posted: 8/20/10 at 7:21am

Sorry. You're right Kelli O'Hara was not at the Bryant Park show; it was Laura Osnes,my mistake. The show I thought was very good. Samonsky has a certain smirky arrogance about his performance of Joe Cable. I recall John Kerr's performance in the film version; he was not arrogant and more believable. Samonsky has a very nice voice. I didn't care for the girl who played Liat. I believe France Nyuen played her in the film version and was much better. Burstein was hilarious and Paulo Szot did a great job as did "Mary".
