While this episode was completely crazy, I have to say I enjoyed it a lot, and definitely more than most of the other episodes.
Brian Darcy James got to show that he could do more than be a weak husband, and we finally saw Karen fight back, and then in a very Karen way she has a random moment with Ivy.
I feel nothing for Cousin Debbie.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/26/10
I think I'm gonna hold off on this show till season 2 when the new showrunner comes in. It has SOO much potential with the actors, but the plots and scripts are terrible.
Stand-by Joined: 10/2/10
Well, it's official: Any shred of doubt is gone.
It's not the script. It's the kid. He just plain sucks.
I'm talking about Julia's son. Oy yoy yoy. THAT was some seriously BAD acting.
I agree with Jacob…it wasn't horrific. I kind of even liked Ivy and Karen sharing a moment (even though I don't think it'll last for long).
Updated On: 4/2/12 at 11:29 PM
I'm with jacobtsf. I really liked tonight's episode. I also enjoyed Ivy and Karen having a a moment. It was crazy...but I was entertained. Clearly, Ivy is fired from Heaven On Earth though.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I liked this week's a lot. It was just as enjoyable as the pilot. I laughed at Tom's exit from the benefit comments.
I have to say how surprised I am that the show has made me hate Karen one minute, Ivy the next, and then reverses those feelings.
Also, NBC posted an uninterrupted version of Butz's number and there are some funny jokes that were obscured during the broadcast.
"The Higher You Get..." as it were
Im wondering if Uma Thurman will be a big draw or not?
Updated On: 4/3/12 at 12:24 AM
OK, raise your hand if you ever had an intinate moment with an ex-lover in the rain outside of Westway Diner?
Uma Thurman is sticking around for the final 5 episodes of the season right? At least I think that's what I read...
I really enjoyed tonight's episode. I'm not even going to start analyzing why. Well......I will say that there was a certain atmosphere to it that drew me in.
The Bernie Gypsy billboard cracked me up. I get that they were covering up another advert but why not another show currently playing to give them the publicity?
I also love (per the wall in her office) that Eileen produced the Roundabout Pacific Overtures, hehe.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/21/10
5 Reasons why I liked tonight's episode
5. Brian D'Arcy James gave an excellent performance. Very committed.
4. Julia taking responsibility for her actions.
3. The Heaven on Earth perfomance was hilarious...even in bits.
2. Karen and Ivy's moment together. Fun and I like them more as friends than enemies. Cheers was the perfect song.
1. Ivy's haze on stage. She was hilarious (especially during her solo line when she cracked up at her own line)!! she needs more comedy. I loved her walking through the store with that costume on and those sunglasses lol classic moment.
In addition to the things mentioned already, I also love that Eileen finally told off Ellis and that someone finally put some brakes on his megalomania.
And hooray for Brian's character leaving the evil cheater and not trying to "win" her back after multiple cheating episodes.
I also do like the budding friendliness with Ivy and Karen. My favorite episode so far except for the "Let me be your star" scene in the pilot.
Stand-by Joined: 11/19/06
I am pretty positive that some early commercials for the pilot showed B-Roll of Times Square with LESTAT billboards. I don't think there is much concern regarding what is currently playing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/11
As someone who worked on the scene featuring the Gypse billboard, what they were covering was that HUGE smash 3 piece billboard that was up. Whats funny is they choose a fake for the bottom ad, but notice what they picked for the top ad, a Seminar billboard lol.
I see the foreshadowing...Ivy dies in a massive OD and becomes Karen's guardian angel. Together they sabotage Uma's chances at Marilyn... just think of the possibilities.
This show continues to entertain me.
I agree with a lot of the comments on here already. It was such a random episode but some actually kind of fun. Nice to see Brian D'Arcy James have more to do. All the Heaven on Earth stuff was brilliant. I had no idea Norbet was going to be in it so that was a welcome surprise and I thought he was, as usual, great and Megan was hilarious. How has nobody punched Ellis yet? Seriously, what a vile little man.
It's fairly obvious that this is the beginning of Karen and Ivy having to work together to get rid of the movie star, not sure about that that working plot wise, but it's better than having them constantly bitching at each other, or at least Ivy bitching at Karen I suppose.
Me, too, Addy, but you have to admit that this week's ep was not quite as "entertaining" as last week's.
Please, dear goddess, don't EVER cancel this show. EVER!
I just watched the full video of 'Higher You Get, Farther You Fall'.
Norbert Leo Butz is brilliant in it.
Ivy was "hilarious"? No, she was pathetic. And Butz always looks like he is trying WAY too hard and needs a shower.
I think they missed a great opportunity to show Karen floundering at the OJ shoot. Did she just breeze her way through that very complicated commercial? I wanted to see her fail and get fired, she is just too freaking perfect.
I enjoyed last night's episode a lot. I also cracked up whenever Ivy Lynn cracked herself up during the production number in Heaven on Earth.
The interaction between Ivy and Karen last night was a highlight, and one of the few moments where I truly liked Karen.