I sent my sister and mother this weekend... texted me at intermission they were bored and didn't understand the plot, but wanted to stay for the title number at the end.
My sister tried googling the plot and said she ended up more confused?
Swing Joined: 11/13/22
Sutton Ross said: "Calling the two leads “not great singers” is laughably outrageous. I strongly disagree with calling them “charmless” (particularly Colton Ryan who I think is arguably one of the most charming male performers on Broadway right now), but that’s much more subjective…but “not great singers” is once again an exaggeration of you maybe not liking their performances, which is fine. Anyone can search up a video of both of them singing and see that they’re both strong singers.
They didn't see the show because it's literally the only reason why anyone would come to the conclusion that two incredible singers can't sing. It's laughable, delusional, and just a lie. And yes, Colton is one of the best right now in terms of charm and looks on Broadway. Yummy.
FYI: You don't get to have an in-depth opinion about a show you have not seen and complain about it over and over and over again. Illegal recordings don't count, thanks so much."
Yes! THANK YOU. I can see why his take on the role doesn’t resonate for everyone, but it’s incredibly refreshing to see someone taking risks, varying their performances, and LIVING in their role. Not everyone wants a generic, straightforward, same performance, hits every note the way it was written lead every week. He’s singing the hell out of the score and I can’t think of anyone else with enough sauce to perform the role the way he is.
It’s amazing how so many want to be theater snobs, but think you can properly critique a piece of work through a shoddily recorded bootleg—specifically the way the show was not meant to be intended.
Swing Joined: 11/13/22
Voter said: "I sent my sister and mother this weekend... texted me at intermission they were bored and didn't understand the plot, but wanted to stay for the title number at the end.
My sister tried googling the plot and said she ended up more confused?"
“A love letter to big city gusto! It has what Broadway lovers want– spectacular stagecraft, a winning score, and infectious optimism.” This opens in a new window. A group of New Yorkers come together to chase their dreams of music, money and love in the new Broadway musical as spectacular as the city itself.”
Respectfully, was this what came up?
NotASoundtrack said: "Voter said: "I sent my sister and mother this weekend... texted me at intermission they were bored and didn't understand the plot, but wanted to stay for the title number at the end.
My sister tried googling the plot and said she ended up more confused?"
“A love letter to big city gusto! It has what Broadway lovers want– spectacular stagecraft, a winning score, and infectious optimism.” This opens in a new window.A group of New Yorkers come together to chase their dreams of music, money and lovein the new Broadway musical as spectacular as the city itself.”
Respectfully, was this what came up?"
Do you work for the show, or know somebody on it? I ask because I haven't seen shills go this hard to defend a show in a long time. Let people have other opinions to you.
Swing Joined: 11/13/22
songanddanceman2 said: "NotASoundtrack said: "Voter said: "I sent my sister and mother this weekend... texted me at intermission they were bored and didn't understand the plot, but wanted to stay for the title number at the end.
My sister tried googling the plot and said she ended up more confused?"
“A love letter to big city gusto! It has what Broadway lovers want– spectacular stagecraft, a winning score, and infectious optimism.” This opens in a new window.A group of New Yorkers come together to chase their dreams of music, money and lovein the new Broadway musical as spectacular as the city itself.”
Respectfully, was this what came up?"
Do you work for the show, or know somebody on it? I ask because I haven't seen shills go this hard to defend a show in a long time. Let people have other opinions to you."
No, I don’t actually and you inferring that I am (classic) isn’t gonna stop me from sharing my own opinions/pointing out things that aren’t true. I’m just defending a show I think needs/deserves defending because I’ve never seen people pile on a show THIS hard based off of misinformation. And maybe I have, and I only recognize it because I’ve payed close attention to this particular show (as a fan, don’t worry).
It’s also not even just about THIS particular show, but people thinking they can fairly critique a show without seeing and/or running with misinformation just because they read it online and the person said “they know someone”. Disliking a show is one thing, but making up lies is another. (No pun intended)
TLDR: I had time today!
Much like Bad Cinderella, this is a high-profile (and struggling) show with some glaring problems that have not been solved, so I'm not surprised people are eager to discuss it.
Voter said: "I sent my sister and mother this weekend... texted me at intermission they were bored and didn't understand the plot, but wanted to stay for the title number at the end.
My sister tried googling the plot and said she ended up more confused?"
Honest to god, I don’t know how people cannot follow the plot of this show. If you can follow multiple plots on The Love Boat, you should be able to follow the multiple plots of New York, New York. The story is very simple, actually.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/10/22
Idk if the mods are deleting replies again but in response to Matt Rogers post - plots are easy to follow. But the problem is too many. They needed to eliminate one of them.
perfectpenguin said: "Idk if the mods are deleting replies again but in response to Matt Rogers post - plots are easy to follow. But the problem is too many. They needed to eliminate one of them."
They could have and should have eliminated that opera singer plot, but even with it included, it’s just a bunch of very simple overlapping stories. I’m no genius but I understood everything that was happening perfectly.
PS - why would the mods be deleting posts?
Featured Actor Joined: 7/10/22
Matt Rogers said: "perfectpenguin said: "Idk if the mods are deleting replies again but in response to Matt Rogers post - plots are easy to follow. But the problem is too many. They needed to eliminate one of them."
They could have and should have eliminated that opera singer plot, but even with it included, it’s just a bunch of very simple overlapping stories. I’m no genius but I understood everything that was happening perfectly.
PS - why would the mods be deleting posts?"
Sometimes the mods delete stuff they don’t like! But for this, looks like a glitchy website on my end. I would agree to eliminate the opera singer plot. I didn’t get anything from it. But right, I’m no genius either and followed without issue. My only real issue was the sound. I sat in the balcony and understood maybe 10% of conversation when they were talking to each other. The singing was clear though.
perfectpenguin said: "Matt Rogers said: "perfectpenguin said: "Idk if the mods are deleting replies again but in response to Matt Rogers post - plots are easy to follow. But the problem is too many. They needed to eliminate one of them."
They could have and should have eliminated that opera singer plot, but even with it included, it’s just a bunch of very simple overlapping stories. I’m no genius but I understood everything that was happening perfectly.
PS - why would the mods be deleting posts?"
Sometimes the mods delete stuff they don’t like! But for this, looks like a glitchy website on my end. I would agree to eliminate the opera singer plot. I didn’t get anything from it. But right, I’m no genius either and followed without issue. My only real issue was the sound. I sat in the balcony and understood maybe 10% of conversation when they were talking to each other. The singing was clear though. "
Oh, I was in front mezz and the sound was totally fine there during previews.
Sutton Ross said: "Calling the two leads “not great singers” is laughably outrageous. I strongly disagree with calling them “charmless” (particularly Colton Ryan who I think is arguably one of the most charming male performers on Broadway right now), but that’s much more subjective…but “not great singers” is once again an exaggeration of you maybe not liking their performances, which is fine. Anyone can search up a video of both of them singing and see that they’re both strong singers.
They didn't see the show because it's literally the only reason why anyone would come to the conclusion that two incredible singers can't sing. It's laughable, delusional, and just a lie. And yes, Colton is one of the best right now in terms of charm and looks on Broadway. Yummy.
FYI: You don't get to have an in-depth opinion about a show you have not seen and complain about it over and over and over again. Illegal recordings don't count, thanks so much."
My opinion people so get over it. That's all. We disliked both leads, our friends felt the same way and even my cousins recently in NYC saw it and said the guy's singing sounded like one of the muppets and the girl's voice was annoying and didn't like her singing styling-dialect. What's gonna be next for these 2, I doubt another musical right away.
This: Colton is one of the best right now in terms of charm and looks on Broadway. Yummy. LOL!!!! LOL!!! far from it but hey if that's what you like then good!
NotASoundtrack said: "Voter said: "I sent my sister and mother this weekend... texted me at intermission they were bored and didn't understand the plot, but wanted to stay for the title number at the end.
My sister tried googling the plot and said she ended up more confused?"
“A love letter to big city gusto! It has what Broadway lovers want– spectacular stagecraft, a winning score, and infectious optimism.” This opens in a new window.A group of New Yorkers come together to chase their dreams of music, money and lovein the new Broadway musical as spectacular as the city itself.”
Respectfully, was this what came up?"
"Respectfully", this is a thematic statement, not a plot synopsis. I was offered comps to this three times. I gave away every single one. The last pair, my mother and sister, hated it, just like the other two pairs I sent. They literally cannot give tickets away. I hope that helps!
FWIW - I had no problem following the multiple characters and plot lines when I saw the show in early previews... I just thought that there were too many of them. None of the characters were very well developed or fleshed out IMO. It was just a bunch of surface level vignettes... which maybe that's what they were going for. If so, great. I just didn't find it very effective or engaging. I've already said how I felt about the two leads (which seemed to really strike a nerve and put some folks here on the defensive...), so I won't beat a head horse there.
The whole affair kind of reminded me of Bullets Over Broadway (the other Stroman helmed big budget flop that played the St. James)... Although, admittedly, I had much more fun at Bullets than I did at NY NY.
bwayphreak234 said: "FWIW - I had no problem following the multiple characters and plot lines when I saw the show in early previews... I just thought that there were too many of them. None of the characters were very well developed or fleshed out IMO. It was just a bunch of surface level vignettes... which maybe that's what they were going for. If so, great. I just didn't find it very effective or engaging. I've already said how I felt about the two leads (which seemed to really strike a nerve and put some folks here on the defensive...), so I won't beat a head horse there.
The whole affair kind of reminded me of Bullets Over Broadway (the other Stroman helmed big budget flop that played the St. James)... Although, admittedly, I had much more fun at Bullets than I did at NY NY."
I enjoyed NY NY more than Bullets, but not a fan of either TBH. What did you think of the leads? I have no clue what you posted and I'd like to know.
He sounded silly on the Tonys. Not sure how that performance got past the director, producers, multiple previews…
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Rumors of its death seen to be premature. It's still open........
BETTY22 said: "Rumors of its death seen to be premature. It's still open........"
This is gonna become the new In Transit
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
I just want to be clear, regarding earlier comments in this thread that some people are unfairly dogpiling on this show, that I am not one of them. I went in with low expectations based on the buzz and hoped I'd be mildly entertained or even pleasantly surprised. I wasn't.
So many opportunities were missed. The cast is able and the two leads are good singers, but they're mismatched and given weak, muddled arcs. There's nothing unique about the piece and it plays to the audience so shamelessly with its "New Yaawk!!!!" moments that all I could do was roll my eyes. It literally opened with a prompt to get audiences cheering for nothing. Desperate.
I wish it was better, but it wasn't, and saying people are dogpiling for no reason isn't fair. There are reasons.
Just announced that it will close next weekend!
Wow! Very abrupt closing even though it was expected…
Featured Actor Joined: 7/10/22
BETTY22 said: "Rumors of its death seen to be premature. It's still open........"
Well then.
One week closing notice is rough. They must have had almost no advance sales.
I find it very hard to believe that smart producers like Friedman and Kirdahy would post any closing notice 1) after a show concludes that day (rather than before it starts), and 2) over the weekend, when press releases are near-nonexistent.
The timing of the press release suggests to me that they had a company meeting after the matinee today and hope to have the news of the closing featured in Monday's papers to hopefully spike attendance in the final week.