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SHUCKED On Broadway - Reviews Thread- Page 6

SHUCKED On Broadway - Reviews Thread

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#125SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/12/23 at 2:59pm

Matt Rogers said: "Why don’t you peoples allow New York, New York to open before you hand over the Best Musical award to Kimberly Akimbo?"


Yes, because we won't have the very same conversation when that starts up? This is what were talking about zbput now, in this moment. Sheesh.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Kad Profile Photo
#126SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/12/23 at 4:14pm

Matt Rogers said: "Why don’t you peoples allow New York, New York to open before you hand over the Best Musical award to Kimberly Akimbo?"

KA is universally acclaimed and fits the mold for the type of show the Tonys have been rewarding in the last decade. It’s not exactly a stretch to consider it the clear front runner right now, particularly as NY NY’s first impressions have been shaky and Stroman hasn’t had a hit musical in a very long time. Who knows, it could surprise. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#127SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/12/23 at 4:44pm

To me Some Like it Hot is forgettable...


ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Unless NYNY proves to be a massive artistic achievement, I think the race is still Kimberly vs. Some Like It Hot. The remaining 3-4 slots will go to Shucked, NYNY, Juliet, Bad Cinderella, or KPOP. (I think we can safely count out Almost Famous and Beautiful Noise.)

The only real question is if ROOM will position itself as a musical instead of a play. As of now, the Musical category is thinner than the Play category. Having not seen it, I cannot comment on how the music works within the show, but that could knock out a weaker candidate (looking at you, Juliet or Cinderella).


Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#128SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/13/23 at 6:48pm

Does anyone know what the current running time is? 

hak5 Profile Photo
#129SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/13/23 at 6:53pm

the online store is up, but they are 'out of stock' on the magnet already...... 

#130Running time
Posted: 3/13/23 at 7:48pm

On Saturday the 2:00 matinee was done at 4:23.  

uncageg Profile Photo
#131Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 12:31am

Saw it tonight, 3/13. Had a blast.

They are all just having a ball up there and it just rolls off of the stage through the theater. I's just a fun night of theater with a lot of laughs. And yes,the jokes come fast and furious. Some will make you gasp before you fall out laughing. And it is all in the presentation and they are nicely written into the script/book. Some just slide by while others are meant to stand out. There is a running thing with the character Peanut where he stops and gives his thoughts on something. During one scene where he, Kevin Cahoon, is doing it, he broke  Andrew Durand. I wondered after if they switch up some of these things he says because Durand seemed to be honestly laughing. 

The score is just beautiful and the song that Newell does in Act I just brought the house down. About 2 minutes of wild applause. And it was deserved because they sang the HELL out of it. Also the "Hee Haw" number was just loads of fun. It was right out of a movie musical where the men show off their manhood. I wish they included a song list in the Playbill. And my favorite joke had to be the virginity joke. I was on the floor. It like came out of nowhere.

I can see Cahoon getting a Supporting nomination. I can also see the score being nominated. Both Storytellers were a riot but Henson's delivery and timing are impeccable. 

I was sitting in the rear of the front mezz. and lost some of the lyrics during some of the songs. Otherwise the sound was fine.

I still think Akimbo is the front runner, for now,  but I will not be surprised if this show is also nominated for Best Musical. 

We had someone talking back to the actors in the audience. It was annoying until somewhere in the second act it something she said was funny. But it was still annoying. I got a magnet. (12 bucks!). I did not see a window card. They were handing out large pins as you walked in with the logo that said "I got Shucked On Broadway".  I would see it again. I know I would not laugh as hard a second time at the jokes but would just want to hear that music and watch this cast have a blast onstage again.

Just give the world Love.

#132Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 8:13am

We had someone talking back to the actors in the audience. It was annoying until somewhere in the second act it something she said was funny. But it was still annoying.

There were quite a few school groups last night at least in the back mezz where I was. Sometimes they are well behaved, sometimes they are not. But everyone was having a good time

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#133Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 10:26am

Alex Newell sounds like a typical Tony nomination lock, but…as featured actor or featured actress? Or will they decline consideration?

bdn223 Profile Photo
#134Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 10:37am

The Distinctive Baritone said: "Alex Newell sounds like a typical Tony nomination lock, but…as featured actor or featured actress? Or will they decline consideration?"

In a perfect world, they will submit for featured Actor and come Tony night, Alex and J Harrison, will walk up on that stage in all their fabulousness saying"We are Queer, we are Here, get used to it!" At this point I don't know, but if they submit for featured actor Alex is definitely the front runner.

uncageg Profile Photo
#135Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 12:20pm

The Distinctive Baritone said: "Alex Newell sounds like a typical Tony nomination lock, but…as featured actor or featured actress? Or will they decline consideration?"


From what I read, Alex identifies as a gay man so I would suspect as featured actor.


Just give the world Love.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#136Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 12:22pm

Pretty sure BROADWAY is used to queer individuals, this is about the Tony (and every other award show that separates due to gender) figuring it out.   No easy answer, as the many discussion here about it have shown.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#137Running time
Posted: 3/14/23 at 12:48pm

bdn223 said: "In a perfect world, they will submit for featured Actor and come Tony night, Alex and J Harrison, will walk up on that stage in all their fabulousness saying"We are Queer, we are Here, get used to it!" At this point I don't know, but if they submit for featured actor Alex is definitely the front runner." you REALLY think that the audience watching the Tonys needs to be told to "get used to" gays??  Talk about preaching to the choir!

#138SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/14/23 at 2:57pm

Also saw it last night and have to agree with pretty much everything uncageg said.  The whole show is a delight and a bundle of laughs, and while some songs slowed down the show a little, they were still entertaining enough and I'd say the majority of the songs incorporated the jokes well enough to feel fairly seamless.  In particular, I think the opening number and act 1 closer do exactly what you need them to do, and Hee Haw is definitely the highlight of the second act (the staging of that is just incredible), with some great vocal showcases for Andrew Durand and Alex Newell in the first act.

The story harkens back to the Golden Age while making it a bit more progressive, but it never felt like it was trying too hard to be "woke" to me (there's a joke about diverse pilgrims that made up their ancestors but it was played as more tongue in cheek rather than preachy).  I really have to commend them on making just about all the characters likeable or endearing in different ways, especially as they're basically all completely new characters (I don't know how much of the original Hee Haw material was retained, but I certainly wasn't familiar with that show beforehand).  The jokes are quite a wild mix, some of them so outlandish or out of pocket that I couldn't help but laugh (though some took a second for me to get), and I enjoyed how each character kind of had their own schtick--I just wish we had one more round of "I think"s from Peanut.

The love stories are a little tidy by the end and I wish Alex Newell had a second act song for Lulu that showed where she changed her mind about love, but it didn't bother me too much considering that this isn't exactly meant to be a deep character study of romance.  There were a couple of scenes that played as slightly clunky (like when the corn first starts dying), but I'm sure those can be smoothed out over the course of previews. 

My main issue was actually in the sound design, which was very naturalistic and let me hear everything pretty well, but the thing is that with so many jokes, there's a lot of laughter or applause from the audience that it would drown out the next line, and sometimes the orchestra overpowered the singer a bit as well, so I would've preferred if the mics were turned up just a smidge.

The audience was VERY enthusiastic and while I do think some of them were friends of the production, others really seemed to be genuinely enjoying it.  I don't think it would necessarily displace Kimberly Akimbo for Best Musical, but I do think it would be a solid second, and I liked quite a bit of the score as well (something that I didn't really feel during the first watch of Kimberly).  

#139SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/14/23 at 4:46pm

I was there last night, and second almost all of what uncageg said. I do take slight issue with:

“The score is just beautiful and the song that Newell does in Act I just brought the house down. About 2 minutes of wild applause. And it was deserved because they sang the HELL out of it.”

Much like the reports of Patti’s ovations for Ladies Who Lunch, the time is very exaggerated. Newell’s applause lasted maybe 40 seconds, which is still a lot of time! Seriously, set a timer and clap for 40 seconds. It’s a long time. 

#140SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/15/23 at 1:26am

I saw Shucked Tuesday night and wanted to like it more than I did. With the usual caveats that it’s the first week of previews and all, here were my qualms:

- Maizy, the lead character, and Gordy, the love interest/would-be villain, were mostly dull unless they were interacting with other people. I don’t blame Caroline Innerbichler and John Behlmann for that, as it feels more like a writing problem. Shucked is a silly musical comedy so that shouldn’t be fatal but it hurts the musical because they spend most of it as types instead of characters - even for a fable. I wasn’t expecting a deep character study but I was hoping for more.

- Andrew Durand is underused. There’s a short sequence in the second act when Durand - who plays Maizy’s estranged beau, Beau, gets to do some physical comedy as he goes over the top trying to get her attention. It’s hilarious and character-driven, and what the show feels like it’s missing. Instead, Durand spends much of the show stewing and singing ballads (I agree with the commenter who thought the second one is unnecessary) until he finally gets to have fun during a big guys’ song in the second act. This felt like a lost opportunity, which I noticed during a cleverly written scene with Maizy which gave Innerbichler more to do. As he proved in Head Over Heels, Durand can spin comic gold even with thin material. He should be given an opportunity to do more.

- Jokes in lieu of everything. There are some funny jokes in Robert Horn’s book and there are a lot of them. But I thought the book emphasized jokes sometimes to the story’s detriment. There’s a plot twist involving two key characters that Horn doesn’t even try to explain. Alex Newell gets the short shrift here, as she is the most interesting character in the show. It is perhaps telling that Newell and Durand get a second act duet even though their characters are singing to other people.

- The score lacks cohesion. There are some funny songs in Shucked, and Newell’s big Act One showcase, but much of the score is devoted to pretty but earnest country-pop ballads. The show is based on a ridiculous premise; too many of the songs don’t reflect that.

There are plenty of things to like - Newell is a powerhouse (and we needed more of that character too), Kevin Cahoon is hilarious as Peanut (and sells some of Horn’s more off-the-wall jokes). The narrators are very funny. My wife enjoyed the show more than I did. The Nederlander was full and the audience was enthusiastic. At its best, the musical displays a winning charm and silliness that almost overwhelms any ‘serious’ critique. Perhaps my gripe is that the mechanics of this musical comedy (topical jokes, too-earnest score) got in the way of the fable. It’s an old-fashioned show with a cast that is clearly having a lot of fun performing this show, and that covers a lot of flaws. And the ending, despite its jokes, does snap into place.

Updated On: 3/15/23 at 01:26 AM

#141SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/15/23 at 8:29am

I saw it last night and have to admit I’m puzzled by some of the raves I’m seeing.  It was a lot of fun with some great (and not-so-great) one-liners, but it didn’t add up to a great musical for me.

My first issue is the score, which to me was neither especially memorable nor funny.  The big exception was Alex Newell’s first act number, which might owe more to the performance than the writing. 

My other big issue was that the stakes felt so low that it was hard to care about the plot or characters.  I think this may actually be intentional, given the scene in the first act where it’s revealed to the audience that

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the mobster who is after Gordy has been whacked and the rocks he’s trying to steal are actually worthless

But I think it would really help maintain some tension and make for a funnier reveal if this was saved for the second act.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#142SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/15/23 at 11:54pm

Saw this tonight and had a good time. Let’s be real - it’s a STUPID show but stupid can be a lot of fun. The show is interesting in that its going to be a lot more entertaining with a full audience looking to laugh at the multitude of nonstop “corny” puns and jokes but when these first preview heavily discounted audiences end and the houses aren’t as full it could get very awkward.

Was anyone in the left rear mezz tonight? Was there a fight? I was right up front but there was commotion up there and sounded like some shouting and I couldnt tell what was going on. 

#143SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/16/23 at 12:18am

Jordan Catalano said: "Saw this tonight and had a good time. Let’s be real - it’s a STUPID show but stupid can be a lot of fun. The show is interesting in that its going to be a lot more entertaining with a full audience looking to laugh at the multitude of nonstop “corny” puns and jokes but when these first preview heavily discounted audiences end and the houses aren’t as full it could get very awkward.

Was anyone in the left rear mezz tonight? Was there a fight? I was right up front but there was commotion up there and sounded like some shouting and I couldnt tell what was going on.

I was towards the front-right of center mezz but I heard this too. Definitely sounded like an argument with lots of shushing.

#144SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/16/23 at 12:50am

Have the members of this board completely lost their collective minds???  I was at the show Wednesday night.  What is going down at the Nederlander Theatre under the guise of “Shucked” is nothing less than an unmitigated disaster.  What’s worse it’s an insult to the heart and soul of country music with a score that is truly duller than dishwasher.  I live in Nashville, so I have some idea of what the best of country can be.

Robert Horn’s book has a few sharp lines, but not nearly enough to make up for the idiotic story he concocted to support his brand of humor.   It’s too dumb and — yes — corny to even summarize.

 Sadly,  this show is a harbinger of what most of Broadway is fast becoming — a catch-all for dreck that does nothing more than appeal to the lowest common denominator of audiences who are simply out to hoot and holler.   These people could care less  if they were in a Broadway theater or a 70,000-seat football arena.  They are there to party.  Period.  And unfortunately, savvy money-grubbing producers see this situation for what it is and are pandering to it in the worst possible way in order to make a buck.   

As for the talent on stage,  there is just one real standout Alex Newell.  She has comic timing and a voice to die for.  I kept thinking she would make a phenomenal Effie in “Dreamgirls” if anyone is up for a revival.  As for the rest, a couple have decent voices but zero stage presence.  What’s worse, they really have no clue how to sell what little humor there is in Horn’s script. Director Jack O’Brien seems to have been asleep at the wheel.

And were the producers of this corn fest really too cheap to pop for a decent orchestra?  What there was sounded god-awful, and Jason Howland’s orchestrations  do nothing to lift up Brandy Clark’s and Shane McAnally’s instantly forgettable score.  And to think these two musical bigwigs are considered hotshots in Nashville. 

Well, well, well, well, well well, one thing is certain.  They sure haven’t struck oil with this sorry excuse for a musical.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#145SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/16/23 at 12:57am

Have the members of this board completely lost their collective minds???

Nah, I think their opinion just differs from yours. You aren’t better or more sophisticated because you hated this musical. Just an FYI, Nashville.

#146SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/16/23 at 5:36pm

What's wrong with a fun night at the theater? Not everything has to be so serious. Not everything has to be a Hamilton, or Les Miserables, or anything. People can have those shows, and then others, who are smart too, can have this sort of show as an escape from the seriousness that seems to be the norm. There's more to the show than just gags to "hoot and holler" at. Get over yourselves and let people enjoy things! People want original shows, but there are always critics. I am NOT saying people are not letting people enjoy things. I'm just saying like...goodness. You don't have to have an opinion on every show. 


I also saw the show last night. I thought I heard some sort of commotion at some point but it went away pretty quickly. I was too engrossed in the show 

RippedMan Profile Photo
#147SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/16/23 at 11:49pm

It's not about what's fun or not, it's about what will people pay a premium ticket for? 

For example: Look at any awards show. It always leans towards heavy dramatic roles and not fun Comedy. Same here. It might be a fun time, but is anyone paying for that? It's still a business. That's why I asked when was the last time a musical comedy was a giant hit? 

Kad Profile Photo
#148SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/17/23 at 12:12am

People are paying a premium price for shows like Moulin Rouge, MJ, Six, The Lion King, Book of Mormon, & Juliet. All shows that are light entertainment. 

People pay to be entertained. What award shows reward is irrelevant here. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#149SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
Posted: 3/17/23 at 1:43am

I would hardly call The Lion King as light entertainment, or MJ for that matter. 

Updated On: 3/17/23 at 01:43 AM
