Jumpin_J said: "She claims this was a "mistake", Honey, you posed with Russel Brand (Trump supporter and accused of sexual misconduct) and a MAGA hat. You're not that good of an actress to pull that off."
Talk about mis-information...
It wasn't a MAGA hat
Russel brand has been accused, not convicted of anything.
But, don't let facts get in the way of the lynch mob
Back to Sunset Blvd
Understudy Joined: 2/7/16
Intermission now. Tom is back on tonight! Some coughs from poor fellow, but he still sounds great. Sydney on as Betty. Good audience response so far.
Jonathan Cohen said: "Seb28 said: "Jonathan Cohen said: "I was watching the original Sunset Boulevard last night, and Gloria Swanson was giving one of the biggest, campiest performances I'd ever seen in a mainstream movie. Rather than being a bad actress, I think Nicole Scherzinger just understood the assignment.Desmond being ridiculous and larger than life was always part of the story."
I don't think this is a fair comparison. The text (lyrics) actually matched the characters in the film. Both Norma and Joe never broke the 4th wall. It really is not comparable."
In the film, Joe is a narrating corpse. I'd say he's very aware he's in a story.
In general, I think the references to the Pussycat Dolls and Lloyd Webber in the musical are very much in the spirit of the original film, which played offGloria Swanson's past. For example when Joe and Norma are watching an old Norma movie, it was a real silent film starringGloria Swanson that had been directedErich von Stroheim, the actor playing Max.
Or howCecil B. DeMille callsNorma "young fella", his nickname forSwanson from the actual silent films they made together."
I just want to say thank you for this. Not getting to see the production, I didn't understand why the references were there or what they mean, and when I ask other people who defend them to explain them, they go silent. Your take makes sense to me. Much appreciated.
Seb28 said: "Is there any news about the possible filming of this show? Someone on here said that Jamie Lloyd was interested in that.
Personally I think that Tom and Nicole deserve to be in a better, more sincereproduction of Sunset, either on stage or an actual feature film (if she can act it)."
The last rumor was that this cast might be heading to LA for a short run next summer. Not sure if that is to gauge more interest from Paramount/Hollywood.
I'd love to see a film production of the musical - especially with this cast, but a full blown movie version would be tricky. If they want to continue to go with the direction Jamie Lloyd is going here where it's semi-detached from the original I don't know how they film it (unless it's simply a filming of this production like Hamilton)
If they try to go back to the original film there's two issues - 1 - Not sure if the story of the silent film star looking to make a return with the advent of "talkies" would be relatable to audiences today and the major one, 2- Glenn Close...
It's curious that (i don't think) she's come to see this new production in London or NY. I expected she would be at Opening Night. I mean, I think she actually saw "Bad Cinderella". Kind of wonder if she is hoping this goes away and she can keep pushing for her to star in a film version
Making a movie of it--unless they went with a film version inspired by Lloyd or directed by him--would be a dire mistake in the same way filming A Little Night Music or Nine was. Best not to return such properties based on the work of screen geniuses to the screen unless one happens to be a screen genius oneself.
Updated On: 11/10/24 at 09:41 PM
That Glenn Close film has to be dead by now, regardless of what she says in the press. She'll be 78 in March. It's a terrible idea, and I'm sure ALW and the Paramount rightsholders realize that. Let it die. In some ways it imitates the show and Norma's persistence to play Salome.
The style of this production is so theatrical and wouldn't really work on screen, but I would like to see Jamie Lloyd direct films.
chernjam said: "The last rumor was that this cast might be heading to LA for a short run next summer. Not sure if that is to gauge more interest from Paramount/Hollywood."
That's interesting!
Although I do not like the concept of this revival at all, I do think there are lots of creative possibilities for filming this. This concept lends itself particularly well for that. It breaks the 4th wall all the time anyway. The show could be filmed in an original way, like an audience theatrical experience combined with shots from onstage (Joe's perspective when dancing with Norma for example) and maybe even from the wings, when actors go onstage, or even backstage, etc. They could combine this with actual filmic footage from outside of the show. For example the title song, it could be edited like a videoclip, Joe walking in the actual Paramount Studio's, taking a cab, etc, and edit it like a videoclip with him going to the theatre and then make a cinematic transition to the aisle of the auditorium, the camera moving towards the stage at ground level, as if the viewer enters the theatre between the audience, where he walks onstage and sings the last notes. More cinematic, a combination of film, videoclip and theatre. Instead of just filming the shtick backstage during the song and put it to film.
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
Seb28 said: "The Scorpion said: "I would strongly suggest reviewing what media you are consuming."
I wasn't going to react anymore on this, but be careful with this kind of statements. I am consuming media from all sides and also neutral platforms. The fact that the left media hides so much is very dangerous, as people will live beside reality. Everything I say is substantiated with facts. The islamic hunt on Jews and homosexuals in Europe is real. Yesterday Israel had to send 2 rescue planes to Amsterdam to save Israeli tourists from the warzone calledAmsterdam. Allowed by the mayor, gangs were kicking them in the heads, throwing them in the canals while bleeding, many hid in hotels all over the city and infiltrated islamic hotel- and casino receptionists and other employeesled them to their rooms. There were 1250 police officers, of which many Muslims, who made 0 arrests. Actually zero. I will leave it at this for now, but the fact that you are only aware of what left news tells you, can never be used as an argument.
Now, back to Sunset Blvd.
I'm British so I'm fully aware of what goes on here. You said laws were changed to accommodate Islamists here. Explain to me which laws since you said everything was corroborated by facts. You also said Britain was lost--again, explain.
Better yet, PLEASE come to this country and say this to the average person here. Because I could do with a good laugh.
Updated On: 11/10/24 at 07:57 AM
The Scorpion said: "Explain to me which laws since you said everything was corroborated by facts. You also said Britain was lost--again, explain."
I live half of my time in the UK too so I am very aware what is going on. I feel sorry for you that you are not aware of these facts. The list of demonstrable facts is endless but here is a tip of the iceberg.
Praying in the streets. Prohibited. Except for Muslims. Christians are actually being arrested for it. Slaughtering animals without anesthesia. Strictly forbidden by the constitution. Except for Muslims. Teaching in public buildings (mosques) and islamic primary schools that certain population groups must die (Jews and homosexuals). Try that against any other group, black people, ministers, and you will be prosecuted. But not Muslims. In the UK you will be prosecuted when you mention this. And this is happening in ALL UK cities. Do you have any idea what is going on in the cities that already have a Muslim majority? The city councils there? Muslim Imams in those councils expressing they want to lower the legal age for sex to 9 or even 6 and nobody dares to say anything about it. Islamic child grooming gangs that could attack for 20 years because the authorities were afraid to be called racist if they said something about it. Labour party members publicly calling for slitting throats and still walking free. To show you the double standards in the UK at the moment. Islamic gangs breaking the nose of female officers at an airport and still walking free. Child rapists actually not being prosecuted or released from prison because they didn't know it was an offense. The list is endless. Calculations show that there will be a majority in 2050 in most cities. The left may be neighing and clapping now, not realizing they are being used, but my heart goes out homosexuals, Jews, women, children and animals.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
Can we please get back on topic to the show???
Leading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
EDIT: Deleted this one because it mentioned pork.
Updated On: 11/10/24 at 10:22 AMLeading Actor Joined: 1/3/07
Seb28 said: "The Scorpion said: "Explain to me which laws since you said everything was corroborated by facts. You also said Britain was lost--again, explain."
Praying in the streets. Prohibited. Except for Muslims. Christians are actually being arrested for it. Slaughtering animals without anesthesia. Strictly forbidden by the constitution. Except for Muslims. Teaching in public buildings (mosques) and islamic primary schools that certain population groups must die (Jews and homosexuals). Try that against any other group, black people, ministers, and you will be prosecuted. But not Muslims. In the UK you will be prosecuted when you mention this. And this is happening in ALL UK cities. Do you have any idea what is going on in the cities that already have a Muslim majority? The city councils there? Muslim Imams in those councils expressing they want to lower the legal age for sex to 9 or even 6 and nobody dares to say anything about it. Islamic child grooming gangs that could attackfor 20 years because the authorities were afraid to be called racist if they said something about it. Labour party members publicly calling for slitting throats and still walking free. To show you the double standards in the UK at the moment. Islamic gangs breaking the nose of female officers at an airport and still walking free. Child rapists actually not being prosecuted or released from prison because they didn't know it was an offense. The list is endless. Calculations show that there will be a majority in 2050 in most cities. The left may be neighing and clapping now, not realizing they are being used, but my heart goes out homosexuals, Jews, women, children and animals."
Those are definitely 100% verifiable facts backed up by credible sources, so I guess you're right. I admit it's all true. We're lost and doomed and have become a Caliphate. I tried to explain as someone who lives here that this isn't true but that's because I was scared to tell the truth, but I'm using a VPN now so the authorities can't track what I say. Please never come here or you will be immediately arrested because you're not Muslim. Not only that, you wouldn't understand anything in England because England no longer speaks English; it's all Arabic now. Logging off now as it's enforced Mosque time, but if we pray correctly we'll be treated to a nice roast cat afterwards.
Updated On: 11/10/24 at 10:22 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
joevitus said: "Making a movie of it--unless they went with a film version inspired by Lloyd or directed by him--would be a dire mistake in the same way filming A Little Night Music or Nine was. Best not to return such properties based on the workof screen geniuses to the scene unless one happens to be a screen genius oneself."
I applaud this comment.
well with all this mishegaus, i am still keeping my ticket for Dec, as i really believe that the show will go on so i want to make sure i do my part...
yyys said: "Tom is out again todaySunday."
I think he should have taken the whole weekend off. His belting voice was fine but it was in more of the speaking voice where he was harder to hear for me. He was also sweating profusely at times and really looked wiped out.
the audience seemed more into Thursday night than The B & T crowd of a Saturday night.
Swing Joined: 11/11/24
Long time lurker, first time poster. Go easy on me :)
I went into this show with an open mind having not read any reviews or heard any word of mouth about the production. I caught the 2016 revival, have seen plenty of footage from various productions online, and love the original movie. Here’s my takeaway (details below): the source material—the musical’s book and score, not the original Wilder film—isn’t great, and even with a fresh approach to sound, lighting, and set design, coupled with powerhouse vocals and a lush orchestra, it can’t completely overcome those flaws. But ultimately, that doesn’t matter because these elements came together in moments that were impactful and sometimes even thrilling, making for an entertaining night.
I can be a little cynical, and after seeing a number of Van Hove shows, I was ready to roll my eyes when I realized there would be video camera work. But I was pleasantly surprised. The angles and “shots” were intentional and cinematic which to me felt like a clever nod to the 1950 movie. They even gave more emotional weight to Artie and Betty, characters I’d never thought twice about in the past. The video doesn't always work—not because of the device itself, but because of certain choices for what shows up on camera. The ‘Entracte’ footage, with its Pussycat Dolls reference, a cardboard cutout of a certain someone, and show merch that felt like product placement, shattered the fourth wall in a way that clashed with the rest of the show’s tone.
Instead of opulent sets, this production relies on lighting and video screens. Did it uncover anything new or suggest that Jamie Lloyd had a POV he wanted to communicate? Not really. Is it somewhat gimmicky? Sure. But this show's productions have always been a little gimmicky, with flying house sets and cars and whatnot. For me, SB has always been about spectacle over substance; take away the big songs, and what’s left is a mostly forgettable score and a book that just doesn't compel the way the movie does. This production’s lighting and video work may not be a massive set, but they’re melodramatic in their own way and give extra umph to the orchestral moments and performances.
Nicole has a powerhouse voice, but she doesn’t rely solely on her impressive belting; there’s texture and nuance in her singing that sidesteps the polished and brassy and impressive but still cookie-cutter style that’s become common in newer shows (at least in my views). Her acting was solid and often moving, especially as the emotional stakes get raised, and I felt she executed the melodrama of it all quite well. That said, some of her choices in the first act—like twerking, vocal fry and other modern vocal inflections—felt out of place, given the period-specific style maintained by the other actors. I could be wrong, but I think is largely under Lloyd’s direction, and I can’t help but feel like he could have guided her to find humor in Norma without jarring us out of the story’s world.
The only place where I missed a traditional set was near the end. Without clear visual cues that Joe is sneaking off to see Betty at the studio, the final act felt muddled. I could follow, being familiar with the material, but my friends who were new to the show mentioned they weren’t entirely sure what was happening...
... and it didn’t really matter, because they landed the hell out of the plane. Not one person in the audience seemed to breath during the last scene, and the ovations that followed were well-earned. I think it's worth seeing :)
SeymourInBrooklyn said: "Long time lurker, first time poster. Go easy on me :)
... and it didn’t really matter, because they landed the hell out of the plane. Not one person in the audience seemed to breath during the last scene,and the ovations that followed were well-earned. I think it's worth seeing :)"
Thanks for this interesting review and perspective on the show - Completely agree that the live to screen videos added dimensions to the characters Betty and Artie and their relationship that previous productions were not able to.
But, I had forgotten about this last point that you stated. That was something I was blown away by when I saw this back in October. You could seriously hear a pin drop in that final scene, where the audience seemed like it was on the edge of its seat. It was such a mesmerizing performance and moment, which, compared to the original production and revival, was far more impactful and riveting.
Which also made the well deserved standing ovation at the end even more like this release that was amazing as well.
Can't wait to go back again and see it...
Stand-by Joined: 12/5/07
chernjam said: "Jumpin_J said: "She claims this was a "mistake", Honey, you posed with Russel Brand (Trump supporter and accused of sexual misconduct) and a MAGA hat. You're not that good of an actress to pull that off."
Talk about mis-information...
It wasn't a MAGA hat
Russel brand has been accused, not convicted of anything.
But, don't let facts get in the way of the lynch mob
Back to Sunset Blvd"
"Lynch mob". Nice touch of racism too. Well done.
So for the week Nicole Scherzinger was allegedly outed as a Trump supporter then outed by Page Six for wearing a Harris t-shirt, SUNSET BLVD. made $134,498 more week over week.
But the gross was only up 1.98%, indicating the general audience didn't care about the controversy one way or another.
Understudy Joined: 5/30/19
Has anyone seen the understudies? I’m going this weekend, so bummed that he’s out.