Broadway Flash said: "Stark Sands and John Gallagher Jr are big stars"
No they're not. They're moderately notable within the niche world of Broadway fans, but those people cannot sustain the run of a show, and they're certainly not driving the general ticket-buying public to pay full price.
I saw this in DC and there is much room for improvement concerning the book. I question the choice to produce this commercially as the show is essentially a four-hander that I can't see succeeding outside of the intimacy of a smaller house like the Booth or Circle in the Square. Trigger warnings, ahoy! This is a very emotionally intense and gruesome piece if one is not aware of its nautical inspiration. The show will receive the highest accolades concerning its leads which coupled with the music of the Avett Brothers may be enough to bring in a new and curious crowd but for how long who can say?
Stars, I’m sorry far from it, those two names will sell and weeks worth of tickets to those that know them. The rest of of the visitors have no idea
Is it weird tickets aren't on sale for this... or that we haven't received any more information?
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
KJisgroovy said: "Is it weird tickets aren't on sale for this... or that we haven't received any more information?"
Not really. No one is really buying tickets for theater months in advance like they used to. And this show stands to gain nothing from going on sale in the middle of awards season and wasting advertising dollars to support it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
Is there any sort of vague inkling of when this might open? Trying to figure out a fall trip, and my wife really wants to see this again (we saw it at Berkeley) so trying to plan the trip around it, but nothing other than "fall" is what I've seen
Chorus Member Joined: 6/14/21
Maybe October? Swept Away being open in November is probably a solid bet.
This likely means their first choice theater currently has a tenant that has not announced a they are playing the waiting game. But yes, there is no need to start selling now.
Hasn't the assumption been that this will take the James Earl Jones following HOR&R?
If it were going to the Longacre, it probably would have announced already.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/14/21
No, it’s not going to the Jones.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/14/21
Also their IG just posted 10/29 with coordinates.
Updated On: 6/17/24 at 05:54 PM
Mr.Liir said: "Also their IG just posted 10/29 with coordinates."
Well that settles it: The coordinates are for the Longacre.
REALLY hoping that's opening night and not the start of previews... will be there 10/25-28 and it's on my must-see list for sure.
"‘Swept Away’ sets start date and venue for Broadway premiere" by Broadway News' Andy Lefkowitz - "According to an Instagram story post on the show’s official account, the previously announced new musical, directed by Michael Mayer, will play the LongacreTheatre, with previews scheduled to begin on Oct.29. The numbers in the Instagram image are the longitude and latitude of the Longacre Theatre ..."
Dammit. Missing it by 2 days. Hope it lasts til I'm back in April!
Always hate to say this, but DOA.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
It's probably gonna do better than Lempicka since it will attract Avett Brothers fans, but guessing it will only last a year or so.
yyys said: "It's probably gonna do better than Lempicka since it will attract Avett Brothers fans, but guessing it will only last a year or so."
It will close before Christmas.
Shouldn’t this show be called, The Last Ship: Part 2???
Swept Away is going to be… swept away!
I know pre-sale is on Thursday (6/20). Am I to assume the 10/29 would be the beginning of previews? I called Telecharge today and they could not tell me. How long are previews on average? I'd like to see the opening, but not if it gets to close to Thanksgiving travel.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Opening night is November 19
Malatenj said: "I know pre-sale is on Thursday (6/20). Am I to assume the 10/29 would be the beginning of previews? I called Telecharge today and they could not tell me. How long are previews on average? I'd like to see the opening, but not if it gets to close to Thanksgiving travel."
Previews begin 10/29 and the show opens 11/19.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/18/13
Found this to be slow and boring at Area (and that was even at 90 minutes)
Hope it's improved, but I will need to hear positive word of mouth from folks who have seen both iterations before I decide to go back.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
Broadway Flash said: "Stark Sands and John Gallagher Jr are big stars, hopefully they will be a draw for people. I never heard of the Avett Brothers before. I imagine this will be sandwiched in between Michael Mayers two other projects this fall both at the Met; Jeanine Tesori’s Grounded and the highly anticipated new production of Verdi’s AIDA. Most likelya November opening at the Longacre."
I just saw this. I really like Sands and especially Gallagher, but they are not stars, by any stretch of the imagination. They will sell a handful of tickets, mostly to people on this board. Period.
Swing Joined: 6/20/24
Well, the Avett fans crashed the Swept Away website this morning going after pre-sale tickets, so there's that.
Right now, I've got tickets in early December. Might end up coming up earlier if I can make it work.
Loved the show, and unlike most jukebox musicals, it doesn't need to rely on the Avetts alone to sell seats, because it has an actual story and the music fits it rather than a lot of jukebox shows that force a story onto the songs just to have a concert and call it a Broadway show. Bonus: the songs are great! Something that has been sorely lacking in this year's season.